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Should prostitution be legal?

Should prostitution be legal?  

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If prostitution were legal and there were some controls and guidelines put into place, the public and the prostitutes would have some protection. As it is now, it's a very seedy, filthy business and it isn't going away.

Saw the movie. Quite the thriller. Liam Neeson is always great.

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If prostitution were legal and there were some controls and guidelines put into place, the public and the prostitutes would have some protection. As it is now, it's a very seedy, filthy business and it isn't going away.

Saw the movie. Quite the thriller. Liam Neeson is always great.

My theory on that is this: If there were no consequences for our wrong choices in life, we would all continue in a spiral downward. When prostitutes continue in their profession, even though no one likes it, they must deal with their own consequences, whether it be STD's, death, or brutality. They ALL know the risks involved in what they do. Just about anybody can hold a decent job. No excuses!

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Most people can get a job. Period. Not everyone, and most definitely in this economy not everyone can get a decent job.

Many prostitutes will tell you, it is fast money, paid then and there, no waiting for a payday----and they make enough to support themselves and possibly children, where a part time job at Taco Bell is not going to allow them to do that.

Did you ever see the Demi Moore movie Striptease I think it was called? Often times there is more to the story than what you see at face value. I would hazzard a guess that many a girl has paid for her college doing escort work--be it legal or not. And they are left with a lot less student loans-----as are WE the taxpayer left with less of a burden to pay their way.

If you want to drag movie issues in....one is as good as the other!

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And they can do that so long as they don't expect the tax payer to pay for their consequences that come along with their wrong doing. When it is expected that the rest of society has to bare the burden of their sin, then the laws should be that it is illegal. Prostitutes usually work under the table (not all) and they don't have an employer giving them health benefits.

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Just about anybody can hold a decent job. No excuses!

Not really true. I'm guessing you don't get out much. I'm a public health nurse and I deal with this particular population daily. I take care of at risk pregnant moms and babies. Many of these women come from abusive backgrounds, many have no higher than an 8th grade education. I see lots of drug addicts, mental illness, and people who just are victims of bad circumstances. They are people just the same. They do what they must to get food for their children and pay the bills. Don't judge people unless you've walked a mile in their shoes. I've read many of your posts and I feel sorry for people like you. You seem so overcome with hate.

I love my job! I get to help these women learn how to care for themselves and their babies and surprisingly, lots of times I learn about myself from them. I care about my clients. I'm not there to judge their lifestyle. I'm there to see that they are safe and their babies are safe.

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Not really true. I'm guessing you don't get out much. I'm a public health nurse and I deal with this particular population daily. I take care of at risk pregnant moms and babies. Many of these women come from abusive backgrounds, many have no higher than an 8th grade education. I see lots of drug addicts, mental illness, and people who just are victims of bad circumstances. They are people just the same. They do what they must to get food for their children and pay the bills. Don't judge people unless you've walked a mile in their shoes. I've read many of your posts and I feel sorry for people like you. You seem so overcome with hate.

I love my job! I get to help these women learn how to care for themselves and their babies and surprisingly, lots of times I learn about myself from them. I care about my clients. I'm not there to judge their lifestyle. I'm there to see that they are safe and their babies are safe.

You don't know me at all, so please don't feel sorry for me. I don't hate anyone, I just hate their bad choices. It's funny how whenever someone points out that the reason people get into the lifestyles or predicaments they're in is due to their own wrong doing, others like you, try to pin it on "hate". What's wrong with telling someone , like a prostitute for instance, that if she would put on a nice outfit and comb her hair and go to her local Walmart and apply, she has a chance at getting a job there? If she's drug addicted, she needs to go to a rehab and get help. If she refuses to go, then she reaps the consequences of that. How about if everyone stopped enabling people with these kinds of problems, then maybe they would just have to do something about it themselves.

I'm glad you love your job, but what does that have to do with anything I said?

I think it's wonderful that you help people out.

If women choose to have sex with someone other than the one she is married to, for whatever reason, like to make money, then the consequences go along with that. All I'm saying is that you reap what you sow. If you do the 'right' things in life, you can usually avoid things like aids, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. I had a tenant who would go to the local food bank every week, cause she had no money for food, but she had a 2 pack a day addiction to cigarettes. If I was running that food bank, I'd tell her she couldn't receive any food because if she would quit smoking, she would easily be able to afford her own groceries. It's not right to enable people, because when you do, you keep them bound to their sin. In order for them to DO something about their circumstance, they need to hit the bottom sometimes, so they can bounce back. It's called 'tough love'. It's not about 'hating' anyone.

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Patty just how is it you differentiate the prostitute bleeding the public to support her and her possible illnesses or pregnancy due to her profession, which you think is bad....from Octomom bleeding the system by having a litter of children through in vitro, and we are supposed to pay for them and smile while doing it?

How is one so right and the other so wrong?

By YOUR post above then, you feel that prostitution should be illegal, because they often rely on public health care to provide them with treatment that the tax payer supplies. So should it be illegal then for the cashier or the cook at the local McDonalds who ends up pregnant with no health care to have that child? Or Octomom, who we paid for all her children? Or one of your own children who needs public assistance at some point in their lives?

Or is the judgmental attitude just reserved for those who live their lives differently than you?

NurseMelly---I would bet that you leave those you treat feeling much better about themselves when they leave your care than when they come in. You see past WHAT they DO to WHO they ARE. Good for you.

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Not really true. I'm guessing you don't get out much. I'm a public health nurse and I deal with this particular population daily. I take care of at risk pregnant moms and babies. Many of these women come from abusive backgrounds, many have no higher than an 8th grade education. I see lots of drug addicts, mental illness, and people who just are victims of bad circumstances. They are people just the same. They do what they must to get food for their children and pay the bills. Don't judge people unless you've walked a mile in their shoes. I've read many of your posts and I feel sorry for people like you. You seem so overcome with hate.

I love my job! I get to help these women learn how to care for themselves and their babies and surprisingly, lots of times I learn about myself from them. I care about my clients. I'm not there to judge their lifestyle. I'm there to see that they are safe and their babies are safe.


I second the emotion of what Kat said, if God was smiling down on someone I'm sure it's you! PG has to worry about her own salvation:ohmy:

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Patty just how is it you differentiate the prostitute bleeding the public to support her and her possible illnesses or pregnancy due to her profession, which you think is bad....from Octomom bleeding the system by having a litter of children through in vitro, and we are supposed to pay for them and smile while doing it?

How is one so right and the other so wrong?

By YOUR post above then, you feel that prostitution should be illegal, because they often rely on public health care to provide them with treatment that the tax payer supplies. So should it be illegal then for the cashier or the cook at the local McDonalds who ends up pregnant with no health care to have that child? Or Octomom, who we paid for all her children? Or one of your own children who needs public assistance at some point in their lives?

Or is the judgmental attitude just reserved for those who live their lives differently than you?

NurseMelly---I would bet that you leave those you treat feeling much better about themselves when they leave your care than when they come in. You see past WHAT they DO to WHO they ARE. Good for you.

Nadia Sulemon made a mistake when she decided to have more children without a father or the means to support them. I have ALWAYS said that. NOW that its been made, there is nothing she can do about it, her kids need to be supported. A prostitute CONTINUES in her sin. She CONTINUES to have sex outside of marriage as a means to get money and if she stopped doing that and then was TRYING to better herself by working at an 'honorable' decent profession, she could then seek public assistance and no one should balk.

How is one so right and the other so wrong? Neither is right. But the difference is the "continuing' of the sin. Nadia made a stupid choice, but isn't choosing to repeat it and prostitutes have made a stupid choice and DO choose to repeat it.

Relying on public health care is just a 'consequence' of their sin for them and the rest of society. IF they did what was right and had a regular job and wasn't committing fornication with their bodies, they might not be needing public assistance. And if anyone is needing public assistance, but isn't sinning, but is just having a difficult time financially, no one is going to begrudge them help.(like the girl at McDonalds who gets pregnant for example)

I don't feel that prostitution should be illegal because they often rely on public assistance, as you say. I believe it should be illegal because it's a SIN. It is WRONG to have sex with anyone that isn't your spouse. Period. And then to do it to make money is even sicker IMO.

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my example above about my tenant smoking and "choosing" to buy cigarettes over food, and then going to the food bank for her food is a perfect example of this. If she quit smoking and then bought food with her money instead, and there still wasn't enough food to feed herself, no one would care if she went to the food bank to get some then. When you are doing what's 'right' in life, you deserve help and charity from others, when your not, you don't.

The bible and the 10 ommandments have been this Nations guidebook since the beginning, andlike Patrick Henry remarked "It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religions,but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." And George Washington said "It is impossible to govern rightly without God and the bible."

You need to have 'something' to go back on, because who's to determine what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' for the people. One person says "this is right for me." The other says "this is wrong". Let's use God's word to determine it. After all, he's the one who created us.

Edited by pattygreen

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Nadia Sulemon made a mistake when she decided to have more children without a father or the means to support them. I have ALWAYS said that. NOW that its been made, there is nothing she can do about it, her kids need to be supported. A prostitute CONTINUES in her sin. She CONTINUES to have sex outside of marriage as a means to get money and if she stopped doing that and then was TRYING to better herself by working at an 'honorable' decent profession, she could then seek public assistance and no one should balk.

How is one so right and the other so wrong? Neither is right. But the difference is the "continuing' of the sin. Nadia made a stupid choice, but isn't choosing to repeat it and prostitutes have made a stupid choice and DO choose to repeat it.

Relying on public health care is just a 'consequence' of their sin for them and the rest of society. IF they did what was right and had a regular job and wasn't committing fornication with their bodies, they might not be needing public assistance. And if anyone is needing public assistance, but isn't sinning, but is just having a difficult time financially, no one is going to begrudge them help.(like the girl at McDonalds who gets pregnant for example)

I don't feel that prostitution should be illegal because they often rely on public assistance, as you say. I believe it should be illegal because it's a SIN. It is WRONG to have sex with anyone that isn't your spouse. Period. And then to do it to make money is even sicker IMO.

Wrong. Nadia was receiving public assistance for the kids she had before the octuplets so following your line of thinking, we shouldn't give her a dime for the kids she continued to have. Oh, except because she claims to be a Christian, you're all for supporting her. Hypocrisy.

And where or where did a victim of domestic violence and abuse bring that situation on themselves? How does someone who is mentally ill cause that? People like that can't hold down a job at McDonalds. Despite what you probably think that actually takes functioning brain cognition. Many of these people are not in the right frame of mind to even make sure they shower everyday much less know how to fill out a job application. Your thought process is extremely flawed because you live in a glass house.

Yes, you do hate. Yes, I do feel sorry for you.

Thank you Kat and Nanook! I don't make a ton of money because I work in public health (made much more in the hospital) but I feel it's what I was meant to do. The rewards are much better than money :scared2:

Edited by NurseMelly

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battygreen: "If women choose to have sex with someone other than the one she is married to, for whatever reason, like to make money, then the consequences go along with that. All I'm saying is that you reap what you sow. If you do the 'right' things in life, you can usually avoid things like aids, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. I had a tenant who would go to the local food bank every week, cause she had no money for food, but she had a 2 pack a day addiction to cigarettes. If I was running that food bank, I'd tell her she couldn't receive any food because if she would quit smoking, she would easily be able to afford her own groceries. It's not right to enable people, because when you do, you keep them bound to their sin. In order for them to DO something about their circumstance, they need to hit the bottom sometimes, so they can bounce back. It's called 'tough love'. It's not about 'hating' anyone."

BJean: I have some friends who use your same logic. They believes that after every drug bust in the United States, the drugs that are confiscated should then be laced with poison and put back out on the street. Those darned drug users would then reap what they sow - death from drugs. They claim that would help everyone out. Puts the drug user out of his misery. Gets them off the dole since they're probably wandering up to food banks for sustinence. Helps the vice squad clear out the street riff raff. The police don't have to have as many officers dealing with the drug problem, etc., etc.

I think that's hateful and mean and clearly judgmental and intolerant. As several here have said, you can't know what the circumstances are for someone's prostitution, or drug use for that matter.

I believe that if these things that are wrecking people and our country, the victimless crimes, were leagl and dealt with in some kind of sane way, then the perpetrators would reap what they sow without any help from self-righteous, judgmental, intolerant boobs. If people get hooked on drugs or if they can't make a living any other way than prostitution, then so be it. Who are we to pass judgement on them here on earth by doing things like you did, refusing a woman food because she smokes?

If a person chooses behavior that is a sin or detrimental to their health, it is their choice. They have to suffer any consequences. It isn't up to you or my friends to pass judgment and inflict punishment.

Don't try to pass your behavior off as "tough love" because what you did was pass judgment, be intolerant of someone with different beliefs than you, and inflict punishment. Don't tell us that you don't consider yourself God. Or at least God's tool. Don't tell us that you don't hate. Your behavior and your words clearly expose what you are all about. We're just going by what you tell us. And what you tell us everyday on every thread on which you post, is that you are judgemental, consider yourself an instrument of God, and you believe that you are well-equipped to inflict punishment whenever you have the opportunity.

Tough love my booty.

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Thank God that there are people like Nursemelly, who really do care and are big enough and kind enough to help people who are down.

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