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Should prostitution be legal?

Should prostitution be legal?  

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Dear Was, No, I don't support laws that limit the amount of food we eat. I think this country makes too many laws as it is, and besides, we can't have laws that we can't enforce.

Edited by pattygreen

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For once the stomach is stretched, it can never go back to its original size and you will always be able to fit a football in there while all the while only allowing an egg to enter.

Where in the world did you get this info from? It is quite incorrect.

With that said, how do you propose that God help the prostitute?, for first I feel that they must realize that their lifestyle is sinful and then have a desire to get out of that profession. Then , God can intervene and help them also.

Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you just realize that your life was sinful, have a desire to get out of that lifestyle and then leave the rest up to your god? Noooooo, YOU depended on a man made device, didn't you trust your god to get you through this? That's what you expect of others.

If others along the way make it legal to indulge, and make them comfortable or safe while they sin, how will they ever realize it is wrong and then thus desire to get out of it?

Sin is a xtian concept. Aren't you suggesting that you have the right to inflict your religion on others when you vote according to religion? Not everyone agrees that it is a sin and not everyone agrees that what a religion feels is sinful is acceptable to force upon non xtians.

You know, at the rate xtianity is dropping and Wicca and atheism are climbing, it's not wise to push your religion on others. When we start legislating religion you need to remember that in a few years it won't be your religion that is being crammed down the collective American throats. Do you really want to set standards that religion rules? You might just get what you ask for but it won't be xtianity that is ruling your day to day life. A smarter person would look outside the box, speaking in general terms... of course.

Tough love is a hard concept for most people.

Who made you responsible for tough love and prostitution? How is this your business?

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Dear Was, No, I don't support laws that limit the amount of food we eat. I think this country makes too many laws as it is, and besides, we can't have laws that we can't enforce.

Okay, got'cha. We need laws we cannot enforce for sins you do not partake in but when it's a sin you enjoy, we don't need no stink'en laws.

Have the laws on the books stop prostitution?

Do you see the hypocrisy here? This is exactly what people are trying to explain to you but you can't see the god because heaven is in the way. (My own version of you can't see the forest for the trees...heh)

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If others along the way make it legal to indulge, and make them comfortable or safe while they sin, how will they ever realize it is wrong and then thus desire to get out of it?

I look at it this way: Though I would never say prostitution should be made legal, the fact is, were it not for eating being made safe for you, you would still be practicing the sin of gluttony.

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Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you just realize that your life was sinful, have a desire to get out of that lifestyle and then leave the rest up to your god? Noooooo, YOU depended on a man made device, didn't you trust your god to get you through this? That's what you expect of others.

SWOOSH!!! Nuttin' but net! :)

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It seems that even the term "fundie" is subjective as well. I have known people who are atheists or simply non-believers who consider me a fundie as well because I am very staunch in what I believe. I do not, however, cram it down anybody else's throat. To some, simply not swaying in your religious belief is enough to make one a fundie. I say, whatever. :)

Re the term fundamentalists/ism: I have been told that this term refers to those Christians who believe in the literal truth of the Bible. They do, for example, believe that the world was created exactly as is described in Genesis and that the flood really did cover the entire world, etc. And many of 'em have their bags packed for their immediate departure on the starship known as the Rapture. Many of them also seemed awfully focused on the sins of others and hellfire. These are the individuals whom I think of when I use the term fundamentalists.

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Re the term fundamentalists/ism: I have been told that this term refers to those Christians who believe in the literal truth of the Bible. They do, for example, believe that the world was created exactly as is described in Genesis and that the flood really did cover the entire world, etc. And many of 'em have their bags packed for their immediate departure on the starship known as the Rapture. Many of them also seemed awfully focused on the sins of others and hellfire. These are the individuals whom I think of when I use the term fundamentalists.

I thought I read somewhere that this is coming in 2012? It's okay - we've got a few years... :)


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Re the term fundamentalists/ism: I have been told that this term refers to those Christians who believe in the literal truth of the Bible. They do, for example, believe that the world was created exactly as is described in Genesis and that the flood really did cover the entire world, etc. And many of 'em have their bags packed for their immediate departure on the starship known as the Rapture. Many of them also seemed awfully focused on the sins of others and hellfire. These are the individuals whom I think of when I use the term fundamentalists.

Hehe, then I guess I'm close.

I believe the world was created in six days, but because it is said that a day is like a thousand years to God, it is completely likely that the world was created in six thousand years.

I believe the flood covered the world, though I believe it could have simply been the world as it was known at that time.

I absolutely believe in the rapture, as I do gifts of the Spirit, heaven and hell, and angels and demons.

And I am not about the sins of others or hellfire. I have enough of a job keeping track of my own issues and problems. Unlike Patty, I certainly don't have the time to focus on the issues and problems of others.

The difference with me is, I don't force what I believe on others. I realize that what I believe isn't even palateable to a lot of other Christians, much less non-Christians. I'm okay with that... I don't require others to believe as I do. But I have been called a fundie simply for what I believe. :)

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I thought I read somewhere that this is coming in 2012? It's okay - we've got a few years... :)


I think that was Nostrodamus' belief; but with the way things are going, he may not be too far off the mark! :wink2:

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Hehe, then I guess I'm close.

I believe the world was created in six days, but because it is said that a day is like a thousand years to God, it is completely likely that the world was created in six thousand years.

I believe the flood covered the world, though I believe it could have simply been the world as it was known at that time.

I absolutely believe in the rapture, as I do gifts of the Spirit, heaven and hell, and angels and demons.

And I am not about the sins of others or hellfire. I have enough of a job keeping track of my own issues and problems. Unlike Patty, I certainly don't have the time to focus on the issues and problems of others.

The difference with me is, I don't force what I believe on others. I realize that what I believe isn't even palateable to a lot of other Christians, much less non-Christians. I'm okay with that... I don't require others to believe as I do. But I have been called a fundie simply for what I believe. :)

If everybody followed your example Beth religion would be seen in a much more positive light. Unfortunately though, many people who have deep convictions about something (religion) insist they must convert everyone to their thought process. .

I have a Catholic friend who insists her religion is the only religion. All other religions and their followings are just misguided and floating around aimlessly, believing falsehoods. She is adamant that it is her job, and that of all Catholics, to convert people to Catholicism - one at a time.

I was raised Catholic and it was crammed down my throat by a parent. I wasn't offered the chance to learn and explore religious beliefs on my own and make my own choice. I resent that to this day because it robbed me of my ability to keep a free and open mind to the topic. Now, no matter how I approach the subject it has a negative light at the outset. If I didn't go to church or to a special church event - I was grounded for the day. Religion isn't about putting your time in. You don't punch your card at the church door to prove you were there. You don't get credit just for showing up. You have to develop that core belief within yourself. My only religious advise to parents and grandparents - don't make this mistake! Don't indoctrinate your children - just guide them through the process - and the let the decision be theirs!


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I am truly grateful for the lapband which has helped me to keep from over eating, thus sinning. The sin of gluttony is like any addiction. In order to overcome it, one must have super strong determination to be impecably conscious day in and day out of the food they put into their mouth. For once the stomach is stretched, it can never go back to its original size and you will always be able to fit a football in there while all the while only allowing an egg to enter. Thus never achieveing contentment or satisfaction, and always feeling hunger pains. This can be conscrued as "consequence' for our years of overeating. But I believe that God in his mercy gave man the wisdom to invent such a device as the lapband to help those who are in a lose, lose situation with the sin of gluttony. I knew that My sin of gluttony was wrong, and knew that I could not stop overeating on my own, for all of my attempts at wt. loss were futile. I believe that God led me to the information I obtained about lapband.

With that said, how do you propose that God help the prostitute?, for first I feel that they must realize that their lifestyle is sinful and then have a desire to get out of that profession. Then , God can intervene and help them also. If others along the way make it legal to indulge, and make them comfortable or safe while they sin, how will they ever realize it is wrong and then thus desire to get out of it? Tough love is a hard concept for most people. But even parents need to use it when dealing with their children who are doing wrong. Making any sin legal doesn't help anyone. Look at the abortion issue. Millions upon millions of babies lives are snuffed out every year, and the people say it's legal, so it must be ok to do it. Like I said before 'People desire to turn what's wrong into right and what's right into wrong simply because they want to do what they want to do and not even God can tell them differently.

With respect to your second paragraph, and your question "how do you propose that God help the prostitute?" I am entirely unable to answer this. I would be far exceeding my talents and my authority if I were even to attempt to answer such a question. A better question would be what ideas do I, as another human being, have that might serve to improve a social problem?

Prostitution may be a sin but it is also a social problem, as is gluttony. Folks who overeat fall sick with a huge variety of ailments and they die prematurely. Their weight issues will affect other people by placing a greater strain on the medical system - something which we all pay for through higher premiums and less availability of medical resources in the end - and on their families. It is difficult and painful for an individual's loved ones to watch him or her become chronically ailing or die prematurely due to gluttony. It is not nice for our kids and it is not nice for our mate.

What you call sins are in fact complex issues which often do torment us and are not so easily banished by simple belief, prayer and placing a name - that of Sin - on them. Your on-going argument with Gluttony is evidence of that. This is why these subjects merit discussion and sufficient certain tolerance to permit this discussion. One doesn't have to approve of either gluttony or prostitution to want to know more about how such sins or whatever you want to call 'em persist in flourishing amongst us.

And, by the way, I am pleased that the belt is working for you. I was a volume eater (glutton) and the belt was the perfect answer for me.

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Hehe, then I guess I'm close.

I believe the world was created in six days, but because it is said that a day is like a thousand years to God, it is completely likely that the world was created in six thousand years.

I believe the flood covered the world, though I believe it could have simply been the world as it was known at that time.

I absolutely believe in the rapture, as I do gifts of the Spirit, heaven and hell, and angels and demons.

And I am not about the sins of others or hellfire. I have enough of a job keeping track of my own issues and problems. Unlike Patty, I certainly don't have the time to focus on the issues and problems of others.

The difference with me is, I don't force what I believe on others. I realize that what I believe isn't even palateable to a lot of other Christians, much less non-Christians. I'm okay with that... I don't require others to believe as I do. But I have been called a fundie simply for what I believe. :)

Beth, with all the greatest respect, you put the fun back into fundamentalism. Thanks, eh. This much appreciated.

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Dear Was, the stomach is like a balloon. Very elasticized. My doctor told me this. He said that alot of people believe you can shrink your stomach back to its original size, but truth be told, you'll always be able to fit what you were once able to before dieting. Thus the reason for why it's just as difficult to maintain weight forever as it is to lose it. He said that this is the reason why he supports wls.

to answer your next question..., I did. I recognized that gluttony was a sin, I desired to be free from it and God helped me by informing me of the lapband. And God did get me through it.

You are right that sin is a christian concept. So, you don't believe as I do. So what. You have a right to believe any way you please. Just as I do. I guess to end that I'll just say this... In the end, we both shall see. God says that "Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all." This I believe and I will gladly bend my knee.

By the way, we all vote acording to religion(what we believe).Your 'religion' if you call it, is atheism. You vote (make your decisions) accordingly. You are very right when you say that one day it won't be christianity, but other religions ruling the day. We are already there. God predicted this very thing, a turning away from Him and his truths, in the bible. It only brings us one day closer to his return. I welcome it. (I do not like the idea that man is dissing God and going his own way, but without that happening, we wouldn't see his return soon, for that has to happen first as the bible predicts.)

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Dear Was, the stomach is like a balloon. Very elasticized. My doctor told me this. He said that alot of people believe you can shrink your stomach back to its original size, but truth be told, you'll always be able to fit what you were once able to before dieting. Thus the reason for why it's just as difficult to maintain weight forever as it is to lose it. He said that this is the reason why he supports wls.

Hmmm... don't agree with this at all... My doctor said the stomach is made of tissue and tissue has elasticity. So it can be stretched and then retracted. (Kinda like another elastic body part I'm rather fond of.... ) Anyway... Havn't you ever went on a diet and noticed your appetite shrank (when you were following the diet properly of course)... That's because your stomach was filling up faster - because it wasn't the same size as it once was.


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If everybody followed your example Beth religion would be seen in a much more positive light. Unfortunately though, many people who have deep convictions about something (religion) insist they must convert everyone to their thought process. .

I have a Catholic friend who insists her religion is the only religion. All other religions and their followings are just misguided and floating around aimlessly, believing falsehoods. She is adamant that it is her job, and that of all Catholics, to convert people to Catholicism - one at a time.

I was raised Catholic and it was crammed down my throat by a parent. I wasn't offered the chance to learn and explore religious beliefs on my own and make my own choice. I resent that to this day because it robbed me of my ability to keep a free and open mind to the topic. Now, no matter how I approach the subject it has a negative light at the outset. If I didn't go to church or to a special church event - I was grounded for the day. Religion isn't about putting your time in. You don't punch your card at the church door to prove you were there. You don't get credit just for showing up. You have to develop that core belief within yourself. My only religious advise to parents and grandparents - don't make this mistake! Don't indoctrinate your children - just guide them through the process - and the let the decision be theirs!


I think that's really a shame.

Because I have a problem with most denominations, I don't subscribe to one. I believe denominations have been created to make religion/God more palateable to certain groups of people. If/when I do go to church, I prefer non-denoms who just teach what is biblical rather than their spin on things.

I can pick out things I disagree with and I believe are not biblical in most denominations. I don't condemn them or anything as I believe that that is God's job. I simply find groups that believe as I do. Do I have it right? Maybe not. But all I can do is do the best I can based on what I believe in biblically.

One of my bosses at work is Catholic, and a topic came up that pertained to cry rooms at some churches (somebody said something we did at our work reminded them of the numbers that pop up in relation to cry rooms). She asked what we meant, and I explained to her what it is.

She said, "Well, in the REAL church, kids are with us all through the service." I said that they are not without instruction, just that it's done in children's Bible studies. But she said, "In the REAL church, they stay with us in service, and then they have catechism to learn the other stuff." My co-worker and I just stood there, mouths agape. Show me one three-year-old that understands a THING about what's going on in service and I'll eat my words. :huh2:

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