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Should prostitution be legal?

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I recall watching 20/20 or a show similar to that in which they actually measured the brainwaves of people who were "speaking in tongues" vs. how their normal brain waves function at any other time. Much to my surprise, a different part of the brain lit up when they were "speaking in tongues."

This can be interpreted in many ways but one thing is clear, when people are "moved by the spirit" they seem to ascend to a different level of awareness.

Interesting post. It would be wonderful to learn more about this.

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I agree, green. Christianity can be fun! I don't believe God wants us to simply endure this life, but he wants us to live it to its fullest, enjoy it and be happy. P.S. (I wear makeup, pants, and I can Dance! :biggrin:)

Yes, it is my understanding too from my reading of the Bible that God would want us to rejoice in His creation. I am always surprised when some folks have such a joyless take on the wealth of experiences available in this life. It really is pretty amazing, isn't it?

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I guess that's either a perversion of an attempt to enforce the Bible's teaching against vanity and/or to ensure women don't lure men into the sin of lust. Either way, it's an attempt to take away free will which to me sounds way more sinful.

Yes, I believe one reason for these rules was so women didn't lure men into the sin of lust. The part about women not wearing pants also comes from not wanting women to show their "shape". There is also a passage in the old testament that says something like " A woman should not adorn herself like a man." A lot of people took this to mean that pants were for men and therefore women weren't to wear them. (But this passage has something to do with lesbians during that time, which is a whole other thread, LOL). It has not really been that long ago that it became acceptable for a woman to wear pants. My Mother is 48 and when she was in school, girls had to wear dresses. She actually got sent home one day because she wore pants.

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When I was growing up, I had several friends who were Southern Baptists. Their particular church said women had to wear skirts that fell below the knees (ankle length being ideal) and dancing was banned. I don't know if this applies to all Southern Baptists.

Nah. I'm a southern baptist in a small Texas town smack in the middle of the bible belt, and people can pretty much wear anything they want (the idea is to be respectful of God......so maybe not anything....so far no assless chaps have showed up).

The old oft-quoted and laughed at rules of the southern baptist conventionlike the no dancing and no "mixed bathing" (lads and gals swimming in the same area at the same time) were supposed to help tamp down lustful thoughts. Yeah right....Anybody that was a teenager knows how effective that would be....but those things are kinda old-school southern baptist. My church has dance get togethers and swim parties for the youth (I have been trying for the last 10 years to pass myself off as a youth, but they always stop me at the door).

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I, too, belong to a pentecostal church. We don't have any of those rules though. I've been attending there for 22 years. They probably came up with that ruling because of a scripture in 1 peter chapter 3 which states, "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's eyes." Statements like these , to me, don't mean "You can't braid your hair or wear jewelry", but that what you wear or how you look, should not take presidence over your good heart. Do you agree?

Yes, I totally agree. The pentecostal church I visit from time to time no longer has these rules either. I wouldn't go if they did, lol. I believe part of the rules also came from a time when there were so called jezabels. They dressed this way, and they were not accepted.

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Oh my! I'm almost afraid to go there with you.:biggrin: Remember what we said prior about how there are some people in every religion where they are extremists? Well, sometimes those in the pentecostal faith get extreme and in doing so, get out of God's will. While I believe that speaking in tounges is a gift that God gives his children if they ask for it, and it can be used in your private prayer time with God, and also in the church to build up and edify others and to interpret prophecy, I do not agree with its abuse by some who confess christianity and roll around, bark, get slain in the spirit (as they call it) and speak in their tongue language out of an orderly fashion in their services. This kind of stuff does alot of disservice to christianity and is not from God.

You are exactly right. This is exactly what I meant in an ealier post about people putting on a show in church. I also believe that speaking in tonges is a gift from God, and anyone can have the gift if they want it. But I also believe it is to be used during private time and during church only when there is an interpreter. This is the main reason that I stopped attending church on a regular basis. I do not agree with it either.

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It has not really been that long ago that it became acceptable for a woman to wear pants. My Mother is 48 and when she was in school, girls had to wear dresses. She actually got sent home one day because she wore pants.

Wow! Where was your Mom raised? I am 48 as well---raised in a rural setting, and I remember wearing dresses to school exactly one day a year, and that was class picture day!!!

Now I know MY Mom did have to wear dresses, and they had special days where to girls could wear pants. She was raised in a small mountain community above Denver CO---so when the snow was waist deep, they were allowed pants!

My inlaws are Church of Christ members, and they do not dance, they do not have any accompaniment music in services---no organ or piano, let alone the worship BAND my church has!!! No make up, no women in any leadership roles whatsoever. In fact my FIL cannot be an elder (or whatever they call it, but the equivalent) because his children are not all practicing in the church and 2 of the 4 have been divorced. It reflects upon him....just a few of the MANY reasons I will not go to church with them. The preacher told me I was condemned to hell because I am divorced.....If God is going to send me to hell for divorcing a man who literally tried to kill me --- and was sentenced in a jury trial of just that----then he is not a God I want to worship! The God I believe in rejoiced in my getting out alive!


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Kat, The preacher told you you were going to hell because you were divorced?! He should be more careful with his words, for Jesus taught that those who preach or teach will be judged more strictly. No one but God alone knows who will or will not enter heaven. Only He knows the heart of each individual. This is just one more reason for why people who are seeking for a relationship with God need to read His word and find out for themselves what he has to say to them, and not rely on the teachings of others whether they be pastors, priests, popes or neighbor.

1Cor.1:20 says... Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

This tells me that God will continue to save people who believe in him dispite the teachings of those who are believed to be full of 'wisdom'.

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(the idea is to be respectful of God......so maybe not anything....so far no assless chaps have showed up).

I thought assless chaps where the only thing in your wordrobe...

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But this passage has something to do with lesbians during that time, which is a whole other thread, LOL.

Carrie, it sounds like you gave yourself an assignment... send me the link to the new thread. :tt2:

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It is legal and regulated in the Netherlands. There is a red light district in Amsterdam and the prostitutes are required to have frequent medical check-ups. Of course they pay taxes which means that the state is the official pimp in this country.

I am all for the legalisation of prostitution. Human nature being human nature, it will never disappear. Better to protect the sex workers from violent customers, coercive pimps, and to have 'em pay their taxes just like the rest of us do.

:iagree:I agree with this, but don't see why it will effect drug use.

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I did not say that I just fell in and believed the preacher in my inlaws church telling me I was condemned to hell for being divorced----just that I chose not to be preached at by this man. He is now at a different church, in Texas, spreading his hate and discontent, disguised as religion.

I personally have no problem understanding the ones who have been so disillusioned as to leave organized religion behind.

As to reading his word for myself. I have done that. However, I am the first to admit, many of the chapters are written in ways to either totally bore me with line after line after line of who beget who, or have been written in a way to go right over my head--so I acknowledge and admit, I do not know what some of it meant, or what it was trying to tell me---so yes I do listen to others and their take on it. Do I think their understanding to be right, and mine wrong-no. I do however find others interpretations something to think about, and consider. Not however to follow blindly.


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My mother grew up close to chattanooga, tn, not far from where I live now. This is a very religious part of the state.

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Wow! Where was your Mom raised? I am 48 as well---raised in a rural setting, and I remember wearing dresses to school exactly one day a year, and that was class picture day!!!

Now I know MY Mom did have to wear dresses, and they had special days where to girls could wear pants. She was raised in a small mountain community above Denver CO---so when the snow was waist deep, they were allowed pants!

My inlaws are Church of Christ members, and they do not dance, they do not have any accompaniment music in services---no organ or piano, let alone the worship BAND my church has!!! No make up, no women in any leadership roles whatsoever. In fact my FIL cannot be an elder (or whatever they call it, but the equivalent) because his children are not all practicing in the church and 2 of the 4 have been divorced. It reflects upon him....just a few of the MANY reasons I will not go to church with them. The preacher told me I was condemned to hell because I am divorced.....If God is going to send me to hell for divorcing a man who literally tried to kill me --- and was sentenced in a jury trial of just that----then he is not a God I want to worship! The God I believe in rejoiced in my getting out alive!


I think my religious experiences were twisted enough - I'm glad I wasn't exposed to the behavior you described! I find it hard to understand why people would tolerate such an elitist attitude.

Many people argue that religion was only created to manipulate and control people. I don't know if that's true or not and quite frankly - neither does anyone else here - I havn't seen anyone's signature mention that they roomed with Moses - and beyond that, we're only basing our beliefs on what people have written and what people have preached and we all know how accurate and mistake-proof people are.

Irregardless of whether or not religion was created to control people - there's no doubt that this is what it became.

I've always thought it was odd that God the almighty, everknowing, creator of heaven and earth, master of the divine plan, and all needed man to speak for him... And of course to that George Carlin would add, "but he's just not good with money... and he needs your help." And normally following that is Benny Hinn on TV tripping someone, knocking them to the floor, where they proceed to flop like a dying chicken.

Perhaps it's worth mentioning that George Carlin was also raised Catholic... Whoops... there I go again - I said I wasn't going Catholic bashing...


Edited by bambam31

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That was just so suprising to me Carrie!! I mean there are now and were when I was a kid religious schools where uniforms are/were required and the girls are only allowed pants on Friday (I guess because we all know religion relaxes on Friday in school too????LOL)--but I had no idea that public schools in my own day and age required all dresses of the girls-------I feel so much older knowing that!

I think I will start discussing the weather regularly and saying I reckon'......feels like it is time!!!

As for my inlaws church. They were both raised in the same church---both find it "normal". She is very (oh man I am struggling for words!) kind hearted, albeit less so as she ages, she is turning into one grouchy old woman!!! But anyway---she believes this whole heartedly, and only in the last 20-30 years has even entertained the idea that it may not be exactly that way and no other! Now keep in mind she is over 80. So it actually took her own kids having other beliefs and discussing them with her and their Dad for them to open their minds just a tad bit. They were born and raised in central Texas in itty bitty ranch communities, and most everyone they knew, besides family they knew through the church, so they were exposed to this day and night, and nothing else. I do not condemn them for their beliefs, I simply try to put myself in their position and understand the reasons they believe that way. One of the things that made her sit up and step back a little was my sister in laws divorce. It was beyond my MIL's comprehension that her beloved child was condemned to hell. She being a loving Mom would take that upon herself to save her child, and being told that couldn't happen---caused a serious breach in her faith. Then along come my DH and he too divorced--so she became a bit distant from things then.....but it took away her comfort zone as well. Then a few years ago, they got a new preacher, and he is all of 26 maybe---and she addressed him straight away about it. He told her he did not believe the translations were so literal, and give her several passages to read, about how similar situations we have now that result in divorce were dealt with in another manner. But not something that is viable in this day and age--anymore than her living hundreds of years and bearing a child now would be possible.

He in all of his young years seriously eased her heart.

Sadly the other minister, who preaches hell fire and damnation is still at it.......as many are just like him. Giving that particular church a bad name to some and religion as a whole a bad name to others.

Religion as well as most things in life are better approached with an open mind as well as an open heart.


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