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What would happen if Barack Obama were Assasinated?

Do you think there will Be anouther atempt on Barack Obamas Life?  

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  1. 1. Do you think there will Be anouther atempt on Barack Obamas Life?

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Beth, you did so well with your response to that whole wall of rhetoric -- I can't believe you had the energy to do that! Kudos.

And evidentally you believe that little old bushy haired lady who called Senator Obama an Arab. Or was that gadget? I get you two mixed up because you sound so much alike.

Senator Obama is not an Arab.

I do want to respond to this, because this is a misrepresentation of what I said on another thread. What I said was, "Obama isn't "African-American" in the sense of having descended from slaves brought over to the US (as we commonly "define" the term "African-American"). He is 1/2 white, and the other 1/2 is mostly Arab, not African, and the Arab part of his family were slave-owners and slave-traders. He doesn't have one relative that was a slave.

In the grand scheme of things, does it matter? No more than his "color" does, but I just find it hilarious that uninformed people cling to his being an "African-American" when he really descended from slave-traders, not slaves."

From this you paint me as someone who runs around willy-nilly calling Obama an Arab. The reality is that I correctly pointed out that he has Arab, slave-owning ancestry. There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. I can't help it if the truth is something that you don't like; that doesn't make it any less true. But don't twist what I've said in an effort to paint me as a bigot.

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...Who the hell are you to promote the kind of fringe (to use one of your words) lunacy we've seen in this campaign?
...That you see nothing wrong with that is pathetically absurd and incredibly stupid.

... Sadly that says a lot about your ability to reason.

BJean, Beth I know I'm not a mod but come on you two.

Take a breath.

As you both obviously find the extremist name calling and hate speach coming from both sides distastefull, don't allow yourselves to fall prey to it. Especially by directing it at each other instead of the specific party platform issue or if you must the candidates.

BOTH of you are better than this, and I have no interest in trying to pinpoint who started it.

I have immense respect for the two of you and have found interesting insights into various issues by reading your respective posts but when they include phrases like these it makes it near impossible for me to not be distracted from your intended messages by the unnecessary negativity.

PS - This post probably applies to nearly everyone of us including myself that have posted here at some point. You two just hit me at a time when I can't sleep and am feeling more free to vent.

I'll get off my little soapbox now and let the sparring continue. Just remember to keep the gloves on. :rolleyes2:

Edited by TheGh0st
duplicate word "yourselves"

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Excellent point Ghost! Thanks for the wake up call. You're absolutely right.

What I asked, gadget, is where you got that Arab information.

Senator Obama's father is from South Africa. Whether or not he was a slave decendant has nothing to do with whether Obama should be considered an African American. People who do not have South African roots, but who are black Americans are often called African Americans. It has to do with the color of their skin and the fact that they are American citizens. No one knows where someone, like Oprah or Tiger Woods for example, have genetic roots unless they reveal it or an outsider does some kind of in-depth geneology research on them. So I'm very interested in your source of the Arab information. It has nothing to do with whether I want to believe it or not.

I honestly don't think that African American is a good term to use for Americans who have been born in the USA or even those who are naturalized American citizens. I don't like the terms like Latinos or Ricans or any of the other things that tend to keep us separate when what we are is American. I have some pretty deep American Indian roots which I am very proud of, but I certainly don't believe that people should call me something that sets me apart from you or any other American citizen.

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I know this is RNR's. My problem is it is just hard to take coming from two well spoken posters like the both of you.

I'll be reading along one of your posts thinking I either agree with what is being written or am now having a better understanding of where the other side is coming from as the case may be. I'll be thinking how I want to post some comment thanking the poster for helping me better understand the opposition or for so eloquently writing how I feel myself on an issue.

But then BAM! the ugliness pops in and I'm left shaking my head either forgetting what insight I just gained or frustrated that a post that seemed to speak my views so well has just lost any possibility of being received by the other side.

Funny thing. I can the ugliness better when it comes from the opposition. It's when it comes from my own "camp" that it bugs me the most as I feel it reflects just as poorly on me as them. I think that is why I tend to listen more to media that leans towards my opposition.

Which oddly enough puts me in the position that no one can really claim that I'm just being blindly swayed by my party's rhetoric, because I so rarely hear any of it. Excepting ofcourse hear on LBT.

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You're very good at what you do. Instead of truly answering anything with real responses, you just blah, blah, blah the same gibberish that just doesn't make a bit of sense.

'Course it doesn't -- to you. I don't speak liberal. :rolleyes2:

Your tossing around the term socialism and accusing America as being a socialist country is a load of you-know-what.

Truth, yes, I know. It's a hard word for liberals, but it is what it is. That quackin' Mr. Thang out there is most certainly a duck.

Furthermore if there are no checks and balances, the capitalist system will run amok, just as it has here in the past 8 years. The fear of this happening was always there - and now it has been proven - we now know exactly what happens when greed takes over.

Yes, we get punished with socialism.

How can you not pay attention to what has come about and how can you keep ranting about any controls over huge corporations as being socialistic, or that having them pay a reasonable amount of taxes is socialism?

Because it IS. This is beyond "fairness." This is punishment for class warfare. When do we ever get LESS taxes?? I know, the leftist playbook doesn't have such a bird, but it's a truly novel idea. What about fiscal responsibility? What about not loading a bogus "rescue package" with more pork than you can shake a stick at? What about ALL people paying taxes and not just some?

You think you defined socialism, but you did not define this country or what it takes for this country to be the strongest nation in the world.

Yes, and that is when companies and PEOPLE are not ruled and taxed, cradle to grave, by the government. When companies are not nit-picked out of business. When wages are dictated by the necessity of the job and not by the government. When things are allowed to thrive via natural means and not by government interference and taxation at every turn. When people are forced to be responsible for themselves and don't have daddy gubment there to constantly clean up stupid messes. We don't have a great America any longer. Those days are gone.

Do you or Joe feel any responsibility for helping to pay for streets, schools, military, police, or any other of the services that make this country great? Obviously not.

And I DO pay for that. I also pay to house, teach, imprison, and feed illegals. I pay for illegitimate kids all over the place. I pay for life-long pensions for representatives who might only work one term -- and when they die, their spouses get it. I pay for weapons to be shipped over to hostile countries who then use them against us. I pay for a failing public school system where Johnny can't read, but he can put a condom on a banana by the first grade. Problem is, he can't put it where it should go, and then I pay later on for all his crotch fruit. I pay into a totally socialist program like SSI where the money is stolen by the government and used to pay for other things, and the pisser of it all is I'll never see a dime of it. Yet they won't let ME invest that same money as I see fit because Lord knows I'll do a better job of it! I pay for stupid programs that study how fast ketchup pours out of the bottle, the mating habits of the speckled bottle-nosed dwarf beetle, and a gazillion other useless, vapid programs. I pay towards huge sums that are then given to countries who hate us. I pay to rebuild countries that I'll never see, nor do I want to -- yet they have all the oil in the world (yeah, baby, that war for oil thing really worked out for us, didn't it? :laugh:). I pay for us to build rockets to go to the moon. Why?? I pay for people's failings left and right. Shall I go on?

You think this is a socialist country because we have to pay taxes. You think that because we have governmentally controlled programs to provide the basic things that people need to live in a country like ours, it is a socialist country. You do not have a clue what socialism or capitalism is. You have a loose definition of those terms that you've applied in inappropriate ways.

The hell I don't know what socialism or capitalism are. Sounds to me like you are the one who is confused. Socialism is the pooling of things, be it money or goods, which are then disbursed "fairly" to all. Now, we are not 100 percent socialist YET, but that is coming. The messiah himself wants to "spread the wealth." THAT IS SOCIALISM! For somebody who likes to show how intellligent she is, you seem to miss that completely somehow. When you start talking class envy and taking from the "rich" (all the while sounding angry as if they have no right to be rich) to give to others, THAT IS SOCIALISM.

Capitalism is the ability for somebody to go out and build a better mouse trap and not be hindered or impeded by another, whether it's an individual or a government entity. If somebody has built the best thing out there, instead of people treating him like a common criminal and screaming like banshees that he is monopolizing, BUILD A BETTER MOUSE TRAP and make something better than his!

Governmentally controlled programs are doing way more than giving out "BASIC" things that people need. And what is "need," anyway? I have seen TONS of people who cry "poor mouth" who are not truly in need. I can see a short-term hand up, but too many people just want their handouts via MY tax dollars through the government pimp. What good does that serve? It's like feeding a wild animal. Pretty soon they get too fat and lazy to go out and kill their own game, especially when you have fresh vittles sitting there waiting for them on the front porch. Where's the incentive to DO anything??

Government-controlled programs should be next to nothing. Forty percent of our people should NOT be on some form of program.

Move to Alaska. They want to be their own country and they do not want to pay taxes and they want to force the oil companies to pay individual citizens part of their profits. I'm not sure what you'd call that kind of life, probably some kind of rogue communism, but you can seat your first dictator, Ms. Sarah Palin, right away. She's perfect for that job.

Wow, the hatred for somebody who has done... what? We KNOW what is so evil about heil Hussein... what is it about Sarah? Sarah isn't crowing about wanting to spread the wealth or conquer the world. :hurray: One would think, as an otherwise intelligent woman, that you would be happy that a woman has made it this far, even if you disagree with her beliefs and/or policies. Her situation is ground-breakin as well, you know.

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Beth, you did so well with your response to that whole wall of rhetoric -- I can't believe you had the energy to do that! Kudos.

I almost missed this. Thanks!

From this you paint me as someone who runs around willy-nilly calling Obama an Arab. The reality is that I correctly pointed out that he has Arab, slave-owning ancestry. There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. I can't help it if the truth is something that you don't like; that doesn't make it any less true. But don't twist what I've said in an effort to paint me as a bigot.

I've come to realize that this "progressive" crowd is rather regressive. One could get whiplash beating their own head against the wall with this crowd! Thick as bricks. lol

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BJean, Beth I know I'm not a mod but come on you two.

Take a breath.

As you both obviously find the extremist name calling and hate speach coming from both sides distastefull, don't allow yourselves to fall prey to it. Especially by directing it at each other instead of the specific party platform issue or if you must the candidates.

BOTH of you are better than this, and I have no interest in trying to pinpoint who started it.

I have immense respect for the two of you and have found interesting insights into various issues by reading your respective posts but when they include phrases like these it makes it near impossible for me to not be distracted from your intended messages by the unnecessary negativity.

PS - This post probably applies to nearly everyone of us including myself that have posted here at some point. You two just hit me at a time when I can't sleep and am feeling more free to vent.

I'll get off my little soapbox now and let the sparring continue. Just remember to keep the gloves on. :rolleyes2:

Understood, and appreciated. However, part of what I said was taken out of context. I used her own words here, in black, with mine following in red:

It is pathetically absurd. And incredibly stupid. Yes, that you see nothing wrong with that is pathetically absurd and incredibly stupid.

I have worked very hard not to sling the name-calling like has been done towards myself for simply coming in here as an evil conservative and voicing my opinion. I see how the opposition is treated by some, and it's vulgar. I simply won't be bullied into backing down.

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What I asked, gadget, is where you got that Arab information.

I posted a link on the thread on which I originally made the statement. From that link, you will find the following interspersed:

Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. . . Research the Kenyan records for yourself. You will find that his father was officially classified as "Arab African" by the Kenyan government. . . But in America's current political climate, that truth is heresy; that truth is "an inconvenient truth." It is the political equivalent in our time to what Galileo's scientific pronouncements were in his time: it is true, but nobody wants to know the truth because the lie is so much more comforting. That is why detractors of this truth will do everything to denounce it, except submit to the discipline of actually researching it.

FYI, his first and middle names might be a clue as well. From Islam, - FAQs

The Senator's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:

  • Mabruk! = "Congratulations!"
  • Barakallah feek = "May God bless you"
  • Barakah = blessings from God (feminine version of the name)

Senator Obama's middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather's first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means "good" or "handsome one." It is common in Muslim cultures for children (both boys and girls) to have a middle name which directly connects them to their father or grandfather.

I honestly don't think that African American is a good term to use for Americans who have been born in the USA or even those who are naturalized American citizens.

I agree with you. My sister-in-law is black, from Trinidad. Trying to be politically correct, people call her "African American"; she finds that utterly silly.

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I don't use hyphen-American anything. They're black or white (if I need to describe one's ethnicity for some reason). I absolutely refuse to do the hyphen thing. Makes it real simple. :rolleyes2:

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In the grand scheme of things, does it matter? No more than his "color" does, but I just find it hilarious that uninformed people cling to his being an "African-American" when he really descended from slave-traders, not slaves." (quote from Gadgetlady)

He is an American of African (or half African if it pleases you) descent. What's your point?

Edited by Apple8<)

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From this you paint me as someone who runs around willy-nilly calling Obama an Arab. The reality is that I correctly pointed out that he has Arab, slave-owning ancestry. (Quote from Gadget)

Do we really want to start tracing slave owners in an attempt to diminish political fortitude or patriotism? Be careful we might have

"founding fathers" rising out of the grave with whips in hand. (God bless Sally Hemmings)

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Do we really want to start tracing slave owners in an attempt to diminish political fortitude or patriotism?

There you go again, taking things out of context. I said absolutely nothing about his political fortitude or patriotism (nor did I imply anything related to such). The context in which I presented the statements I made was that Barack Hussein Obama holds no commonality of genealogy with "African-Americans" as they are traditionally defined in the US: those of West Indies descent who were brought over to the US as slaves -- quite to the contrary, as his ancestors were slave traders and slave owners rather than slaves. I said what I meant and I meant what I said.

I then went on to say, "In the grand scheme of things, does it matter? No more than his "color" does, but I just find it hilarious that uninformed people cling to his being an "African-American" when he really descended from slave-traders, not slaves." To correctly understand this comment ("no more than his 'color' does"), you would have to go back to the original thread from which BJean pulled the incorrect assessment that I was calling Obama an Arab. My original comment was in response to someone else's question, "Does it really matter what color anyone is anymore." My response was, "No, it does not, or it should not."

It is you and BJean that incorrectly chose to read nefarious intent in my statements, BJean claiming that I was calling Obama "an Arab" (I wasn't; I correctly identified his Arab descent -- no more, no less), and you claiming that I was commenting on his political fortitude or patriotism.

He is an American of African (or half African if it pleases you) descent.

No he is not "half African". Again, Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. . . Research the Kenyan records for yourself. You will find that his father was officially classified as "Arab African" by the Kenyan government.

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Beth it is nice to see you admit that you do see things in this political thread as black and white. I thought it was obvious and it's good that you came out with it.

I don't hate her because she's beautiful. :cool2: As I said before, I don't hate her at all. I am incredulous every time she opens her mouth. And as a woman, I think she's set us back about 50 years.

Ok gadget now I get it. Your source is quite revealing! I hope everyone reading it understands the magnitude and gravity of what you have posted.

And by the way, does that mean that you call Senator Obama an African-Arab-American? Or is it Arab-African-American? For your purposes, I'm pretty sure you'll be happy to just keep it at Arab, pure and simple

Is this enlightenment as to Senator Obama's ethnic mix revealed so that it falls into the kind of segregation lines that were accepted as legal in the south (and probably still in a couple of places) that any person with a drop of African blood in him/her makes them a Negro according to law?

So as you have explained it by your post, anyone with a drop of Arab blood makes him/her an Arab. I see. And I also see the need to dissect the derivitive of his/her name to underscore the claim. Makes perfect sense.

Hmmm. For what purpose did the white folks make laws like that? And what is the purpose of someone pointing out that because Senator Obama's Kenya, South African, father is a decendant from someone who was Arab, that Senator Obama is Arab? What is the reasoning behind you or anyone calling Senator Obama an Arab?

Good grief, I thought you'd be thrilled enough just to be able to call him black, African-American, or fill in the blank. We sure appreciate you calling our attention to this worthwhile research. Makes me want to read everything you post because I am sure you only post valid and fair links and quotes. Deep thoughts. Gotta love 'em.

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And by the way, does that mean that you call Senator Obama an African-Arab-American? Or is it Arab-African-American? For your purposes, I'm pretty sure you'll be happy to just keep it at Arab, pure and simple

I'm posting this on two threads because it applies to two threads.

Well, as usual, I am astounded at the bigotry ascribed to me (or maybe I'm not). I did not try to make an argument that Obama's ancestry matters. I did not try to make an argument that no one should vote for him because of his familial background. I did not try to make an argument that he should be called "Arab" or "Arab-American" or "Arab-African-American" or anything else. I quite simply pointed out that he does not share commonality of heritage with the West Indies slave-descendants that traditionally are defined by the term "African-American".

If someone (correctly) pointed out that I had Italian heritage, I wouldn't start jumping up and down saying, "What are you calling me, A WHOP???? Are you saying I have loyalty to ROME rather than to the US? Are you saying I don't deserver to be here????" On the contrary, I'd say, "Yes, I do."

ALL I DID was correctly identify his heritage. It's the rest of you who are jumping to the conclusion that that fact is an issue in the election.

Your source is quite revealing! I hope everyone reading it understands the magnitude and gravity of what you have posted.

Actually, that wasn't my only "source". I had heard the information in several other places, but when you asked me to find a source and I randomly picked one from a web search. I didn't read the whole thing because his "opinion" of the matter doesn't interest me. I was simply posting a link that demonstrated the factual information.

So as you have explained it by your post, anyone with a drop of Arab blood makes him/her an Arab. I see. And I also see the need to dissect the derivitive of his/her name to underscore the claim. Makes perfect sense.

Didn't say that. You just refuse to look at the facts.

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Have you researched Senator McCain's ethnic background? What about Sarah Palin's and Joe Biden's? I'm sure if you've researched theirs, it will take you no time to come up with the sources and links.

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