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What would happen if Barack Obama were Assasinated?

Do you think there will Be anouther atempt on Barack Obamas Life?  

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  1. 1. Do you think there will Be anouther atempt on Barack Obamas Life?

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You consider Erica Jong a credible source of information? Have you read her books?

Not that I disagree. I just don't consider Erica Jong the smartest bulb on the porch.

If a backlash happens because Senator Obama loses, and if there is blood in the streets, it will be shed by the pro-Obama people, caused by their oppositions brutality, if history tells us anything.

That makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. If Obama loses and blood is shed, that means the losing party won't admit defeat without brutality and mayhem, something that party is known for. Look at who migrates towards that group.

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So Democrats are brutal and like mayhem? Really? You can't mean that.

As much as you meant, "If a backlash happens because Senator Obama loses, and if there is blood in the streets, it will be shed by the pro-Obama people, caused by their oppositions brutality, if history tells us anything."

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I did not say that. Bjean did.

Do you think Democrats are brutal and like mayhem?

I apologize, long day at work. It was BJean.

As much as she thinks what I copied above.

Okay, in all fairness, to some degree, yes I do. Not all, certainly, but I keep seeing the very same thing over and over. Many oh-so-tolerant libs beat the crap out of people they disagree with, cause riots, create havoc, attack the opposition... yes, I do believer there is a venom there that I haven't seen elsewhere.

Story after story that I have found is some Obama supporter attacking some McCain supporter somewhere. I have seen the video of McCain supporters walking peacefully down the streets of LA simply holding up McCain signs and for five minutes all you see is the spewing, spitting, hateful leftists screaming, cussing, and flipping the bird at people who are doing nothing but showing their support for the opposition.

I deal a lot with the public and hear the same things over and over. Hell, even last night at school the brainwashed youth were spouting hate-filled epithets about McCain and especially Palin. They can't simply disagree, they have to hate. AND called anybody who liked them "stupid." That is what I see being taught to leftists, yes.

Edited by BethFromVA

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Beth, I have to agree with you. Granted, there is disrespectful and hateful behavior by the right-wing, but it is much more prevalent, hateful, and accepted by the left-wing. I've not only heard about it, but I've been a victim of it.

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My mother comes home from work every single day telling about how all of the guys she works with are downtalking/trashtalking and just basically saying how Obama needs to be shot etc. It's not just the democrats saying horribly hateful and demeaning things about McCain...the republicans spit the same shit and hatred about Obama...both parties do it. Always have always will...and both do it just as much as the other. So I don't get why the republicans are like "Oh well he/she said this about Palin/McCain but no one says anything horrible about Obama...it's not fair wah wah"

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My mother comes home from work every single day telling about how all of the guys she works with are downtalking/trashtalking and just basically saying how Obama needs to be shot etc. It's not just the democrats saying horribly hateful and demeaning things about McCain...the republicans spit the same shit and hatred about Obama...both parties do it. Always have always will...and both do it just as much as the other. So I don't get why the republicans are like "Oh well he/she said this about Palin/McCain but no one says anything horrible about Obama...it's not fair wah wah"

You are right, there IS bad on both sides. Never inferred that there wasn't. I am as much against the talk your mom has heard as I am against the stuff I hear spewed from the left.

But what I've seen over the years is an increasing vileness and hatred coming from more and more from the left fringe that, to be honest, I can't separate them from the islamofascist terrorists out there. Both are dead set in bringing down and destroying those they disagree with.

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Oh for heaven's sakes. Read your history books. (In reference to my comments about the deaths of the people who promoted peace and who tried to make America's government represent all the people, not just the wealthiest or most right wing.)

As for hate... please enlighten me. Tell me exactly what Senator Obama has said that in any way compares to the insinuations and crack pot questions that mostly Palin has spewed from the podium. Not that McCain hasn't done it, he has too, although not quite as ugly and not quite as often. Now you're not allowed to use misstatements or misquotes or things that stretch the imagination because they're taken out of context that you've heard Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter or anyone on Fox News say. It's gotta be the verifiabe.

Tell me one thing that Senator Obama has said that incites the kind of hatred that your candidates have provoked. In fact, the kind of hatred that you obviously feel toward Senator Obama.

I don't know about California. I don't live there although my kids do and have not said one word about the kind of unhealthy scenes you're talking about.

Bless your hearts, in Texas most people wouldn't dare admit that they are for Senator Obama. Because here, we're the ones who are in the minority.

When I do happen upon someone who lets it slip that they're voting for Senator Obama, we do the terrorist fist knock. :rolleyes2:

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On trick or treat night I was passing out candy...and of course I have my handy Barack Obama and Biden signs in my yards...there were some parents who wern't too fond of my signs and I guess they didnt know I was outside and they said "My god I'm going to steal their sign..morons." I popped up on the steps and said oh really now...why is that and they said cause you're voting for a terrorist. Yuh...because his middle name is Husein and his first name is Obama and it's like Osama he's a terrorist. People are so damn pathetic lol.

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Oh for heaven's sakes. Read your history books. (In reference to my comments about the deaths of the people who promoted peace and who tried to make America's government represent all the people, not just the wealthiest or most right wing.)

As for hate... please enlighten me. Tell me exactly what Senator Obama has said that in any way compares to the insinuations and crack pot questions that mostly Palin has spewed from the podium. Not that McCain hasn't done it, he has too, although not quite as ugly and not quite as often. Now you're not allowed to use misstatements or misquotes or things that stretch the imagination because they're taken out of context that you've heard Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter or anyone on Fox News say. It's gotta be the verifiabe.

Tell me one thing that Senator Obama has said that incites the kind of hatred that your candidates have provoked. In fact, the kind of hatred that you obviously feel toward Senator Obama.

I don't know about California. I don't live there although my kids do and have not said one word about the kind of unhealthy scenes you're talking about.

Bless your hearts, in Texas most people wouldn't dare admit that they are for Senator Obama. Because here, we're the ones who are in the minority.

When I do happen upon someone who lets it slip that they're voting for Senator Obama, we do the terrorist fist knock. :rolleyes2:

If this is meant for me, I never said that either candidate is inciting hatred. It's the followers, especially the left-wing fringe, who are as intolerant and hate-filled as islamofascist terrorists. I really see no difference.

Just to clarify, I have purposely said left-wing fringe. If one is an average or moderate liberal, it does not apply. However, I still don't understand wanting MORE government and MORE taxes. That just boggles the mind.

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Did you make up that phrase "intolerant and hate-filled as Islamofascist terrorists"? Sounds like something you heard from your Republican heros.

Those are just the kind of angry words that we're going to have to put aside after this election. Beth, we have to live together on this planet, in this country, in our states, in our towns and in our neighborhoods.

I understand that politics can bring out the worst in people. I understand that people are passionate about their political beliefs and biases. We're all a product of our upbringing. And we're also in this election process a product of those spin masters and rehtoric spewing people that we hear every night and every day on our radios and TVs. But we're all Americans and we all want a strong country.

We've got to get past this crap. People can't continue to call good and patriotic Americans, socialists or terrorists without it eventually causing some kind of eruption. The Republicans have not been honest in that name-calling B.S. and this attitude that prevails, this attitude of bigotry and resentment, is just plain wrong.

In fact, I've read some things on these couple of political threads that are as backward and ignorant as anything I've read in years.

Honest to God Beth, you write well, you spell well but the venom that you spout off is totally unexpected from someone who otherwise seems intelligent.

I understand that you believe all the terrible lies that your party has put forth. And evidentally you believe that little old bushy haired lady who called Senator Obama an Arab. Or was that gadget? I get you two mixed up because you sound so much alike.

Senator Obama is not an Arab. He is an American. He is proud to be an American. He loves this country with all his heart and he has said how lucky he is to be an American. He wants this country to heal the wounds of racial bias in this country. Don't you? If not, why not?

Senator Obama has no plans for bigger government. (I feel like I'm speaking to Joe the Plumber.) He has no plans to increase your taxes. Unless you make mighty good chunk of change. And even then, he only wants you to pay a fair share of the tax burden - no more or less than during the Reagan years. Why are you so opposed to a roll back of the tax breaks that the wealthy have enjoyed for so long?

McCain wants you to think that the way it works is this: give the wealthy tax breaks, allow corporations to make obscene sums of money while we pay at the gas pumps, and allow the wall street hoods all the leeway in the world to do whatever they want. And if you do that, it will create jobs and those huge sums of money the people at the top make will eventually trickle down to the middle class. Then we'll all be rich. That's what he's been selling.

What part of Bush's policies are different from that? No part. And after 8 years of the exact things that McCain is proposing, our country is on the brink of financial disaster. The unemployment rate is creeping further and further up every day. Middle Americans are not benefitting from Exxon Mobile or other huge corporations making unbelievable profits in this past quarter. We just are not. That kind of financial plan for America does not work for anyone but the wealthy. It is unfair. It breaks the back of people like Joe the Plumber, but Joe is too damn dumb to get it. All he hears is Bush and McCain saying that Democrats want to "spread the wealth" and they interpret that for Joe by saying they want to take your hard-earned money and give it to welfare cheats. It is pathetically absurd. And incredibly stupid.

Who the hell are you to promote the kind of fringe (to use one of your words) lunacy we've seen in this campaign?

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Did you make up that phrase "intolerant and hate-filled as Islamofascist terrorists"? Sounds like something you heard from your Republican heros. Not even close.

Those are just the kind of angry words that we're going to have to put aside after this election. Beth, we have to live together on this planet, in this country, in our states, in our towns and in our neighborhoods. Do you say the same thing to the leftist people who use "angry words"? If I went over to the "WHY would anybody vote for McCain" thread, would I see just such a thing? Or do you march in lock step with all the other libs and/or allow them to use their hateful rhetoric without calling them out?

I understand that politics can bring out the worst in people. I understand that people are passionate about their political beliefs and biases. We're all a product of our upbringing. I'm sure that's true for some, but we never talked politics in my home. As a matter of fact, this is the first year I know who my mother is voting for, and I'm not sure who my dad is supporting. And we're also in this election process a product of those spin masters and rehtoric spewing people that we hear every night and every day on our radios and TVs. I can't hear any right-wing rhetoric on my television because it is all controlled and overrun by the left-wing media. But we're all Americans and we all want a strong country.

We've got to get past this crap. People can't continue to call good and patriotic Americans, socialists or terrorists without it eventually causing some kind of eruption. I wouldn't like the label either, but very FIRST definition of "socialism" is "a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole." I call it socialism and those who promote it as socialists because that's exactly what it is and what they are! "Spreading the wealth" is SOCIALISM! Taking over the private sector as the government is beginning to do is SOCIALISM. And my comment about terrorists refers to the way those on the far left (including many on this board) use bullying tactics to shut up the opposition. Terrorists hate our lifestyle, in opposition to their own, and seek to destroy us for our difference. I see the leftist fringe as doing the very same thing, showing the same hatred and vitriol. It is what it is. The Republicans have not been honest in that name-calling B.S. and this attitude that prevails, this attitude of bigotry and resentment, is just plain wrong. You DIDN'T just go there... For everybody I have talked to, this has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. You talk about the right, but this is RIGHT OUT OF THE LEFTIST-OBAMA PLAYBOOK! Anyone who opposes Obama is a RACIST, a BIGOT! No, we just despise everything the guy stands for! Wow...

In fact, I've read some things on these couple of political threads that are as backward and ignorant as anything I've read in years. As have I, but they are all people you would likely call your friends. I mean, one of them actually says her family is HAPPY to be paying taxes! Good grief!

Honest to God Beth, you write well, you spell well but the venom that you spout off is totally unexpected from someone who otherwise seems intelligent. Ditto. It amazes me that when the left uses venom, it's just fine, but when the right uses information that the left doesn't like, they call it venom and denounce the messenger. I have been much more respectful than what I have been shown here. I have even been contacted by some who believe as I do and have been run out of here because of some of the "oh-so-tolerant," venom-filled liberals on this board. I guess you expect somebody as intelligent and well-spoken as myself to *gasp* believe as YOU do. Sorry to disappoint you. We're not all the inbreds so many of you make us out to be.

I understand that you believe all the terrible lies that your party has put forth. No, I believe the horrible things your messiah has spoken and endorsed. And evidentally you believe that little old bushy haired lady who called Senator Obama an Arab. Or was that gadget? I get you two mixed up because you sound so much alike. it wasn't me, but I believe there are lies involved in who he is. His birth certificate has been in question for months, along with other records, and they are all under lock and key. Why is that? The "certificate of live birth" that was provided has been proven to be a fraud. A "certificate of live birth" is NOT identical to a birth certificate. I truly believe he is hiding things, and there is a huge cover-up involved in many facets of his identity.

Senator Obama is not an Arab. He is an American. He is proud to be an American. He loves this country with all his heart and he has said how lucky he is to be an American. You can believe that if you wish. He wants this country to heal the wounds of racial bias in this country. Don't you? If not, why not? This is NOT about race, his or anybody's!

Senator Obama has no plans for bigger government. Liberals ALWAYS have plans for bigger government. (I feel like I'm speaking to Joe the Plumber.) And I feel like I'm talking to my navel... He has no plans to increase your taxes. Bull. Unless you make mighty good chunk of change. And even then, he only wants you to pay a fair share of the tax burden - no more or less than during the Reagan years. So what's fair? Will those under X dollars finally pay THEIR fair share? I'm paying MORE than my fair share now, especially when many don't pay anything and we are forking over money to countries that hate us and we are supporting illegals -- including, we now see, his aunt. :rolleyes2: Why are you so opposed to a roll back of the tax breaks that the wealthy have enjoyed for so long? I don't like certain people being singled out at all. Why not single out the freeloaders? Why don't we not only quit forking our money over to them but make them happily pay their fair share like Nanook's family does?

McCain wants you to think that the way it works is this: give the wealthy tax breaks, allow corporations to make obscene sums of money while we pay at the gas pumps, and allow the wall street hoods all the leeway in the world to do whatever they want. Actually, corporations that make "obscene amounts of money" are simply practicing capitalism. You know, that thing that MADE this country so great?? Secondly, when you start taking away from the EMPLOYERS, the trickle-down is to create less jobs for the people it's supposed to help. And in case you haven't noticed, gas prices have dropped nearly $2 at the pumps (at least here they have), so that doesn't wash right now. As for the Wall Street hoods, those asswipes need to be in jail. Forever. Then take everything they ever owned. Make an example out of them so the next greedy bunch don't even think about it. And if you do that, it will create jobs and those huge sums of money the people at the top make will eventually trickle down to the middle class. Excuse me, but bullshit. It has been proven time and time and time and time again that you do not stimulate the economy by taxing people more. Then we'll all be rich. No we won't. Taking from some to give to others is and never has been the way for people to get "rich." That's what he's been selling. And apparently you bought it. I have this bridge...

What part of Bush's policies are different from that? No part. If I understand you to say that no part of Bush's policies are different from what Obama is selling, you see that isn't working. And after 8 years of the exact things that McCain is proposing, our country is on the brink of financial disaster. There are many reasons for that, part of which has to do with government interference. The unemployment rate is creeping further and further up every day. Hmmm, time to kick the illegals out, perchance?? Middle Americans are not benefitting from Exxon Mobile or other huge corporations making unbelievable profits in this past quarter. We just are not. That kind of financial plan for America does not work for anyone but the wealthy. It is unfair. WHAT is unfair? Capitalism?? If you can build a better mouse trap, go out and DO it!! That's the American way -- not whining how unfair everything is! It breaks the back of people like Joe the Plumber, but Joe is too damn dumb to get it. No, he gets it just fine, better than you do, it appears. He gets that Obama wants to take from some to give to others. That is called SOCIALISM. All he hears is Bush and McCain saying that Democrats want to "spread the wealth" and they interpret that for Joe by saying they want to take your hard-earned money and give it to welfare cheats. Are you for REAL?? Excuse me, but OBAMA said he wants to spread the wealth!!! Omg, you are taking Obama's OWN WORDS and blaming them on Bush and McCain??? I don't care WHO he wants to give it to! He may as WELL give it to welfare cheats -- the fact is if he takes from me to give to somebody else, he is spreading the wealth, which he has NO right to do! It is pathetically absurd. And incredibly stupid. Yes, that you see nothing wrong with that is pathetically absurd and incredibly stupid.

Who the hell are you to promote the kind of fringe (to use one of your words) lunacy we've seen in this campaign? Believe me, the left needs no help from me. Obama is as much on the lunatic fringe as they come... and you hail his praises. Sadly that says a lot about your ability to reason.

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You're very good at what you do. Instead of truly answering anything with real responses, you just blah, blah, blah the same gibberish that just doesn't make a bit of sense.

Your tossing around the term socialism and accusing America as being a socialist country is a load of you-know-what.

Furthermore if there are no checks and balances, the capitalist system will run amok, just as it has here in the past 8 years. The fear of this happening was always there - and now it has been proven - we now know exactly what happens when greed takes over. How can you not pay attention to what has come about and how can you keep ranting about any controls over huge corporations as being socialistic, or that having them pay a reasonable amount of taxes is socialism? You think you defined socialism, but you did not define this country or what it takes for this country to be the strongest nation in the world.

Do you or Joe feel any responsibility for helping to pay for streets, schools, military, police, or any other of the services that make this country great? Obviously not. You think this is a socialist country because we have to pay taxes. You think that because we have governmentally controlled programs to provide the basic things that people need to live in a country like ours, it is a socialist country. You do not have a clue what socialism or capitalism is. You have a loose definition of those terms that you've applied in inappropriate ways.

Move to Alaska. They want to be their own country and they do not want to pay taxes and they want to force the oil companies to pay individual citizens part of their profits. I'm not sure what you'd call that kind of life, probably some kind of rogue communism, but you can seat your first dictator, Ms. Sarah Palin, right away. She's perfect for that job.

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