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What would happen if Barack Obama were Assasinated?

Do you think there will Be anouther atempt on Barack Obamas Life?  

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  1. 1. Do you think there will Be anouther atempt on Barack Obamas Life?

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Oh please Bush took us on a slow boat? Does anyone remember we had a surplus before he got into the White House. Repulicans cannot put their 8 years of incompetence and say the Dems are worse. It is not going to work any more. You have lost the people.

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Clusk, you can try to point the finger at one group all you want, but that doesn't work anymore either.

BOTH groups suck. BOTH are power hungry now. BOTH have caused the financial troubles we are in.

You can blame the Bush years all you wish, but maybe you're unaware that the president alone cannot pass ANYthing. We have had a democratically-run congress for four years now. We had mostly dem control for about 40 years until about 15 years ago or so. What happened so great over those 40 years? Did the inner cities become better? NO, they got worse.

The dems were right there voting for the war. The dems were right there shoving this $700 billion sham down our throats. The dems were right there letting the Mexicans overrun us like ants at a picnic.

And we had a surplus??? We haven't had a surplus in over 100 years! The only way any one group can claim a surplus is to project IF this and IF that AND include our social security monies in that number, which is not even legal -- but the government steals from it all the time.

I am more of a Reagan conservative, but that animal doesn't exist anymore. The right has become what the left once was, and the hard-core left have moved SO far left they are socialists bordering on Marxists.

Again, if you simply want to sit from "your side" and point at "my side," then you will continue to not see the entire picture. Which is a shame, really. That's why we're IN this friggin' mess!

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We have not had a Democratic congress for 4 years. They were elected in 2006. It has been about 18 months.

The Dems shoved the 700 billion sham down our throats? Oh you mean the one the Bush Admin wrote and most Repubs supported.

I will agree that there are corupt individuals in both parties. I am not happy with all Dems. But to say the mess we are in after 8 years of Bush and 6 years of a Rep congress is shared equally by both parties is bull. That's why the Rep's are loosing. The people have lost confidence in the Rep party. Honestly I think Bush reunioned your party.

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Please listen and try to push your partisan ways aside.

The dems were right there WITH the republicans to push this sham bailout down our throats. They also voted FOR the war along with the republicans.

To CHOOSE to ignore that this problem we're in is EQUALLY SHARED by both sides is foolish and dishonest.

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Because you may have missed it, clusk, here is the roll call for the bailout:

The Senate bailout vote - Politico Staff - Politico.com

Only nine democrats voted no.

The Crypt: Senators who voted No - Politico.com

Democrats also voted for the Iraq War, enough to help it pass:


It is BOTH parties who are helping us sink like a rock. The government in all its wisdom created the housing debacle as well, making lending institutions lend to those who were not qualified. Those same institutions then got greedy and created insurmountable lending terms which ushered in hundreds of thousands of foreclosures. However, the government -- BOTH PARTIES -- forced the issue and created the problem.

I don't know why you have been convinced that one party is better than the other. One party wants to take your money. The other, the libs, just want to take it and spend it faster. :thumbup:

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To try and put the last eights years on both parties equally is dishonest. I did not say the Dems did not have a part in it I said the Reps are mostly responsible. They have had the White House for 8 years and the Congress for 6. What happened to the party of personal resposiblity? The Reps have taken NO responsibility for the last 8 years, NONE. The Reps are trying desperatly to have the country blame it on both parties. It is not working.

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It is foolish to blame both parties equally. The Reps have had the White House for 8 years and the Congress for 6 and it's is both parties blame equally? Really? Take your partisan glasses off. I never said the Dems had no part in it. What happened to the party of personal responsiblity? Even McCain is blaming Bush for gods sake.

chat with you later, I have to get back to my life.

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Democrats are tax and spend. They voted MORE for the bailout than the republicans did:

Democrats: 38 yea, 9 nay, 1 did not vote

Republicans: 35 yea, 15 nay

Independents: 1 yea, 1 nay

How you can deny that they are complicit in the horrors this country is facing just baffles the mind.

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I understand, reality is hard to swallow.

You claim they are not complicit, but I showed you how many voted for the bailout, which costs each taxpayer tens of thousands of dollars. Rather than letting the market correct itself and capitalism to direct what happens, the dems along with the republicans voted to saddle us with even MORE debt. What's worse, I have yet to hear that those responsible for this travesty are being brought before the courts or being required to repay their multi-million dollar bonuses. Has either side pushed for this or made it happen?

Unlike you, I blame BOTH sides. This didn't just happen in the last 8 years, as much as you seem convinced that it has. This has been going on for some time. It's a shame a woman of your age can't see this. I thought maybe you were 20-something, but then I saw that was not the issue.

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The reason so many from both parties voted for the bail out is because things are in such dire straits we had to take action. Have you taken a look at what other countries are doing? Are you angry with everybody in the entire world? Do you honestly think that this situation will right itself?

John McCain doesn't talk a lot about his real plans for us. He mostly puts his spin on Senator Obama's plans. When you dissect McCain's plans, he is all about keeping us where we are right now only he's want to give even more tax breaks to large corporations. McCain says that Obama's plan will not create jobs. That is exactly the opposite of what is true.

Jobs have not been created by making corporations wealthier - the money absolutely has not trickled down and more jobs were not created for Americans. Americans' jobs are being shipped overseas because of greedy corporations. And Obama doesn't want to impose more tax on corporations than is fair... he only wants to roll back the enormous tax breaks that Republicans have given them during this administation.

The housing market has gone paws up because lenders became more and more greedy and devised loans that they knew people couldn't afford, but were so enticing that people went for them. And btw in the past, people's salaries increased over the years and they could eventually make their house payments when the interest rate on their adjustable mortgages went up. Salaries aren't seeing those kinds of increases and people are being laid off. And people want to blame home buyers for the entire housing bust?

If the Congress had not done something to come to the rescue, you'll be screaming (as would McCain) that the Democrats weren't willing to try to fix the mess.

You said we don't have a good choice for president and that is the most important exception to your post that I have.

We have an excellent choice for President: Senator Obama! He is one of the most intelligent men we've had run for president in many, many years. He is capable of accomplishing a turn around on most of the terrible problems that the Republicans have given us. That is, if he has enough support in Congress to make it work.

Some presidents have been capable in the past, but were stymied by a Congress that fought them all the way. We need to throw out all the people in the White House and clean up the Congress and if that happens I think you'll be surprised at how good things can be again.

Edited by BJean

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The reason so many from both parties voted for the bail out is because things are in such dire straits we had to take action. Have you taken a look at what other countries are doing? Are you angry with everybody in the entire world? Do you honestly think that this situation will right itself?

John McCain doesn't talk a lot about his real plans for us. He mostly puts his spin on Senator Obama's plans. When you dissect McCain's plans, he is all about keeping us where we are right now only he's want to give even more tax breaks to large corporations. McCain says that Obama's plan will not create jobs. That is exactly the opposite of what is true.

Jobs have not been created by making corporations wealthier - the money absolutely has not trickled down and more jobs were not created for Americans. Americans' jobs are being shipped overseas because of greedy corporations. And Obama doesn't want to impose more tax on corporations than is fair... he only wants to roll back the enormous tax breaks that Republicans have given them during this administation.

The housing market has gone paws up because lenders became more and more greedy and devised loans that they knew people couldn't afford, but were so enticing that people went for them. And btw in the past, people's salaries increased over the years and they could eventually make their house payments when the interest rate on their adjustable mortgages went up. Salaries aren't seeing those kinds of increases and people are being laid off. And people want to blame home buyers for the entire housing bust?

If the Congress had not done something to come to the rescue, you'll be screaming (as would McCain) that the Democrats weren't willing to try to fix the mess.

You said we don't have a good choice for president and that is the most important exception to your post that I have.

We have an excellent choice for President: Senator Obama! He is one of the most intelligent men we've had run for president in many, many years. He is capable of accomplishing a turn around on most of the terrible problems that the Republicans have given us. That is, if he has enough support in Congress to make it work.

Some presidents have been capable in the past, but were stymied by a Congress that fought them all the way. We need to throw out all the people in the White House and clean up the Congress and if that happens I think you'll be surprised at how good things can be again.

Yes, I am angry. I'm angry that fools such as we have in office (from the president all the way down) are able to destroy our country in such short time. I'm angry that anything -- ANYTHING -- the government touches goes to crap, and now they own even MORE of the private sector. I'm angry that they punish good business people for being good at what they do and creating a better mouse trap and rewarding crooks and degenerates over and over and over again.

Am I mad as hell? You bet I am.

However, you see something great in a man who has served all of 143 DAYS in congress by the time he ran for office. He has done NOTHING except a little community organizing. Guess anybody who has run an HOA can qualify for president now. :thumbup:

He is THE most liberal, THE most socialist loon to come down the pike ever. His "spread the wealth" comment is just the beginning. He is all for taking what I make and giving it to some lowlife who chooses to sit on his ass and collect a welfare check while watching Jerry Springer and drinking his 40 ounce.

To me, if you CAN work but don't, you don't get a dime. If whichever of these morons gets into office raises even a DIME of my taxes while not addressing the BILLIONS spent on illegal immigrants in my country, they had better be ready for a mutiny. We are bleeding out and yet we still give billions to countries that hate us. Do away with these morons voting in their own pay raises. WE determine if or when they get one, based on them doing the will of the people. You know, those of us they are supposed to represent?? Term limits, toot sweet. Absolute power has proven to corrupt absolutely, and it starts in our elected offices.

I swear, even somebody like me with half a lick of sense could do a thousand times better than a hundred of those dolts put together in shaping up this economy.

Barack is no better than anybody else. You may see him as the second coming, but I have cashed in on my rose-colored glasses some time ago.

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The housing market has gone paws up because lenders became more and more greedy and devised loans that they knew people couldn't afford, but were so enticing that people went for them. And btw in the past, people's salaries increased over the years and they could eventually make their house payments when the interest rate on their adjustable mortgages went up. Salaries aren't seeing those kinds of increases and people are being laid off. And people want to blame home buyers for the entire housing bust?

If the Congress had not done something to come to the rescue, you'll be screaming (as would McCain) that the Democrats weren't willing to try to fix the mess.

You may pick and choose what you retain, but the greedy lenders is the secondary result to the government forcing a "fairness in lending" policy, requiring these lenders to find SOME way to lend to booger eatin' morons who had no business getting a loan. Once they saw the money that could be made -- AND greedy buyers who were not high risk realized they could get twice the home they could afford -- well then Sadie bar the door.

Again, too many of you seem to see this as a single group's, a single person's, a single party's problem. There is enough blame to go around. Please, open your eyes for your own sake because stuff like this just shows how little you pay attention to what's going on around you. :thumbup:

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Hey Beth I like your style too! Your logic on the other hand, not so much.

You're the one who is saying that both sides are bad. I think that there are bad people on both sides, just like there are bad government policies. But just because there are some bad government policies does not make all government policies bad.

I would not ever say that there aren't bad people who took advantage of the lending institutions' tricky loans, but I am also not blaming JUST the homeowners in this collapse of the housing market, as some people are.

All too often the Republicans have used the same logic you seem to be using to get them out of taking responsibility for the things that they actually did do that has hurt middle America. They also like to use the old welfare argument to make people think that paying taxes is wrong. In fact, Joe the Plumber has bought into that rehtoric to such an extent, that he has refused to pay his taxes. There's a whole movement out there of people who think it is righteous to not pay their taxes.

But poor Joe doesn't seem to get it that he wouldn't have a country like this if people didn't pay to get things done. He wouldn't have a public library, the military to shock and awe Iraq, the police to take care of killers and robbers and law breakers of all kinds, he wouldn't be able to depend on the fire department to save his home if it caught on fire.

The welfare you talk about (which we all hate) is a very, very small portion of the tax burden. And besides, there are things in place to keep people from just living on welfare all their lives - or have you done your homework? Yes I know there is corruption in the welfare system and that there are welfare cheats milking the system. But that doesn't account for the majority of people who get assistance when they are in dire straits.

I don't like the idea of paying for people to sit home and watch Jerry Springer on their widescreen TVs either. So I'm making my voice heard through letters to my Congressmen (and woman). Are you doing that? Because they actually do pay attention to what they hear from their constituents. They may not listen as closely to them as they do to the lobbyists, but trust me, they know that our votes control their job. Most of us have just been too lazy, sitting around not doing anything, or just bellyaching about what we think is wrong with the government.

I hope that this race has energized and informed people to such an extent that from now on we will all stop feeling like such victims of our government and politicians and start all being activists for a better America!

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