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Too Tight or Just Right

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Thank you for presenting this very important article! Everything you have said is so true and I have experienced it all. I have also experienced being too tight for sure and for me, the pain, reflux at night and inability to swallow even my own spit was a sure indication. I had to wait a week to be unfilled due to an emergency and although I lost 12lbs that week, I would never recommend it to anyone. Luckily, no damage was done to me or my band. It is really hard to have to be unfilled and give your band a rest and try to maintain weight loss. I made it through and am now slowly getting back restriction.

So, people,do mindfully eat slow and chew your food really well. And if you think you may be too full, get some taken out ASAP.

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Hi Barb,

I'm glad you made it through your experience. The band can be very frustrating at times but if you listen to your body you will learn what it needs and how it reacts.

Take your time getting back to your restriction level. Learn how to stop yourself on your own without the assistance of the band. This will make for a happier, healthier band journey.

Once you reach your proper restriction level you will be in control and not so dependent on your band.

Keep in mind this is a 75/25 ratio 75% is you and 25% is the band, once you can wrap your brain around that you should see results like no other.

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I have read each post and feel like I can identify with almost each one. I had my banding done last year in February... coming up on 1 year. I have lost 35 pounds. Man this is a slow process! The good news is I was a low BMI bander (due to losing a lot of weight before the band) and needed to lose only 60 pounds to get to my goal. Too bad I didn't band while I was at my heaviest... Oh well, at least I am not gaining it back like I have in the past!

My concerns have to do with acid reflux. I had a fill last June and all was fine. I went 3 months, lost about 10 pounds then in October nothing went down. I mean it was so hard to eat! I threw up with phlegm often and it was very sporadic when I could eat. So I get the one day I can eat one day I can't feeling. However, for the first two weeks of November I couldn't eat a thing without being in severe pain from acid reflux. I went in and begged them to tell me I was just too tight and that I had not slipped the band. My band was fine but was way too tight. How can I go from June thru September and be fine then my band gets tight in October and is unbearable in November??? I ask this because after they took some Fluid out of my band everything was fine. I was still only able to eat small amounts but didn't throw up. I felt really good. Now, I am back to severe acid reflux again! What in the heck? Can I get through it without taking more out of my band? Is it just irritated? Do I go back to liquids for a few days? I do not want to get an unfill again. :thumbup: Last night, (Valentine's Day) I was miserable. I could not even get down Soup. I was up all night burping up teaspoon amounts of my own spit/acid. I mean it was just down right unbearable.

Is there a medicine to help with this? Help!!


Grace 65

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I have . Is there a medicine to help with this? Help!!


Grace 65

I have been on protonix 2x day since my reflux problem and it has helped 100%. I started taking Pepcid complete and Prilosec OTC before I could go to the Dr for an unfill and prescription meds and they gave me some relief. So, maybe you want to run to the drug store now for OTC meds.

I wonder if we can unirritate ourselves without an unfill. Anyone know? My Dr had me on liquids until I saw him and it did not help that much. I have heard that the band can tighten on its own due to stress, hormones, etc. So it could be that you do need a slight unfill. Good Luck!

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The band can tighten on it's own due to stress or hormones?? Really??? Anyone else heard of this?? I have been under a lot of stress lately and I am seeing a doctor and trying to regulate my thyroid and hormones at the moment so I would love to know if this is a possibility!

Barb, Thanks for your reply. I guess that could explain why the fill was fine at first and then got tight. How does it get tighter on it's own... do you know?

Anyone else with this kind of experience???


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I wanted to put my 2 cents worth in on this topic because I have been there, and YES, hormones, stress and "inflammation" do affect the tightness (or not) of the band. I learned this a very hard way 6 months ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 6 months banded and very successful in my weight loss journey before the "derailment diagnosis" and subsequent surgeries and radiation. A few days after my second surgery my husband and I were having dinner -- very tender filet mignon, brocolli florettes and baked potatoes (potatoes were for him). After 2 bites of the filet and one of the brocolli I felt the pain start -- never had experienced a PB before that, but had read about it here. 20 minutes later the food came back up and I thought I'd feel better, but the pressure and pain never went away. I tried some hot tea about an hour later. Nope. I went to bed thinking I needed to rest, not think about it and start over in the morning. I brushed my teeth in the morning and swallowed a sip of Water and thought "uh oh, this may be worse than I thought" but decided to take my morning medication - a small capsule. It came right back up. I called the surgeon's office and learned he was in surgery but if I came into the clinic where he would be in the afternoon they could see me.

I did not have even a sip of Water in me for more than 20 hours by the time I was seen. I was dehydrated and not feeling very well. About 1 cc was removed from my band and I drank a cup of water which felt good, finally!

So the doctor told me that after my surgery I was experiencing an inflammatory response (normal after any kind of surgery) but it had also affected my stoma/band. Inflammation in the body anywhere (like in the joints, or an injured muscle) can affect another area where there is some "compromise" like with a LapBand.

Because of my cancer and upcoming radiation treatment he told me I needed to concentrate on nutrition and adding calories to help fight the disease, which I did. I maintained my weight during the next 4 months -- didn't lose anything, but didn't gain either. I got a .3cc fill after the 2nd month and another .5 the 3rd month and didn't experience any problems. However, the tightness and feeling of too much restriction started about 6 weeks ago, and about the same time I injured my back. My primary care physicion put me on an anti-inflammatary, temporarily, and the result was that I could also eat without PBs or pain, but I also gained a couple pounds!

I saw my surgeon this past week and he added 1cc and encouraged me to continue with the anti-inflammatory medication for a while longer and I think it's a cure! And I have lost the extra pounds I had gained!

So in answer to the question of whether or not there is anything you can take to relieve the yo-yo tightness/looseness, I think an anti-inflammatory is something to ask your doctor about. Aleve, Ibuprofin, and other OTC brands might be enough. I take the generic form of Voltaren which is working for me, but everyone is different.

Edited by dragonflyblue

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Wow! I am so glad I found you guys! I have been banded for about a year and a half. I have lost 100 pounds. I recently got a fill that put me up to 7.5cc/10cc and I have been miserable. I think I have lost 10 pounds in just the month since my fill! I have recently had to stop drinking coffee because it makes me miserable! I get very bloated and it is pretty painful. Has anyone else had this problem? It seems that my stomache has become SUPER sensitive. I can't eat citrus or anything remotley spicy! I have trouble drinking tea sometimes too. Is this normal?

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I'm new to this site, I really need some advice. I had the lap-band surgery 04/2008. Immediately I starting losing weight. Walking everyday probably had more to do with it. I drop from 217 to 191, wasn't much but a lot when you don't lose none. I have missed two of my doctors visit, and was pretty embarrassed to go and see him after the holidays, due to weight gain. Along the way, I have been having some bad outcomes with now I know (P-Bing). It has gotten so bad that I can't get anything down. I had this feeling prior to the New Year, but once again afraid to face my surgeon with the weight gained. By the way I currently weigh 200...:tt2:. Last night I began eating my dinner, but had to stop as usual to let my food go down without getting stuck. Soon I was in the bathroom seeing it in the toilet. The entire night afterward was miserable for me. I even had to turn on my side to keep safe from (PBing) in my sleep. I thought the feeling will be gone this morning, only to realize i was more miserable than last night. I believe the two chocolate covered caramel candies I had ate earlier could have played a part in my miseries today. I'm still currently unable to put any solid down, or free Fluid. I have managed to sip down a Low Carb Slim fast, as well as a sugar free Milk shake. This has me really worried. I have placed to emergency calls to my Surgeon Nurse, and i'm waiting her return call. I believe it this doesn't gets better, and she doesn't call me by noon tomorrow, I'm going to walk over to their office for an emergency. If you know what's going on, please lend me some advice. Thanks, gon2nj.

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oh, honey, I hope everything turned out ok? When this happens to me, I just go back to liquids for a day or two and everything works out.. Keep us updated! and don't be so hard on your self.. you did get back on track! Hang in there!

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Wow! I am so glad I found you guys! I have been banded for about a year and a half. I have lost 100 pounds. I recently got a fill that put me up to 7.5cc/10cc and I have been miserable. I think I have lost 10 pounds in just the month since my fill! I have recently had to stop drinking coffee because it makes me miserable! I get very bloated and it is pretty painful. Has anyone else had this problem? It seems that my stomache has become SUPER sensitive. I can't eat citrus or anything remotley spicy! I have trouble drinking tea sometimes too. Is this normal?

I have had this often.. My band is VERY FICKLE! One day, I can eat; the next day, I can barely drink coffee... I just take it one day at a time. You hang in there and don't give up.. Usually 2-3 weeks, it will losen up again.. just make sure you keep plenty of fluids down.. and call your doc if you can't! Good luck!

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My name is Tammie and I had my LapBand surgery on May 8th and just had a couple of questions as to what is "normal". For instance, is it normal to feel nausea EVERYDAY, ALL DAY since my surgery? I also seem to be getting this "hiccup" type effect that is causing me horrific pain from below my rib cage all the way up to my chest! I've called and asked my doctors nurse and she seems to think that I'm drinking/eating too fast but this is happening even with just a small sip of Water. If this is all normal then that's fine but I'm a bit of a worrier and am scared that maybe my doctor put on a band that was too small for me to begin with.

Any info would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank You

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I am almost 1 year out and still get hiccups from time to time. I don't know why--always after easting. Nausea--well, I guess your body is fighting that foreign implant and changes internally you put it through. That should settle down with time. Today is the 1st time in about a year that I have heartburn. But then I had a late night snack of pepperoni pizza before bed. Not really smart!

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Hi Tammie - congratulations. I hope you get the results you're looking for. I don't have the symptoms you describe and I had my band inserted a year ago. I get hiccups occasionally but if I eat too fast, blah, blah, blah - I'm sure you've heard it. I think your doctor's office should be seeing you to consider exactly what's going on for you.

Personally I have a sad story - as I said I've had my band just over a year - I've lost nothing! Either I get something stuck and get pain and/or throw up or I have no effect at all. I've tried this site many times to get input from people who are having success but all I get is advice on good food choices and exercising - yeah, I get that but what about the band? What exactly is the band supposed to be doing? What am I supposed to feel? How do I know it's doing what it should - I'd say it isn't since I haven't lost weight! Do I need a fill? Do I need a de-fill? I'd really like to hear from others.

Sorry to be such a downer Tammie - good luck.


Edited by HD Gloria
spelling errors

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Are you losing weight?

What does the band do? What happens that stops you from eating? How's it working?

I've been a year and lost nothing. So far $15,000 down the drain.

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I wanted to put my 2 cents worth in on this topic because I have been there, and YES, hormones, stress and "inflammation" do affect the tightness (or not) of the band. I learned this a very hard way 6 months ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 6 months banded and very successful in my weight loss journey before the "derailment diagnosis" and subsequent surgeries and radiation. A few days after my second surgery my husband and I were having dinner -- very tender filet mignon, brocolli florettes and baked potatoes (potatoes were for him). After 2 bites of the filet and one of the brocolli I felt the pain start -- never had experienced a PB before that, but had read about it here. 20 minutes later the food came back up and I thought I'd feel better, but the pressure and pain never went away. I tried some hot tea about an hour later. Nope. I went to bed thinking I needed to rest, not think about it and start over in the morning. I brushed my teeth in the morning and swallowed a sip of Water and thought "uh oh, this may be worse than I thought" but decided to take my morning medication - a small capsule. It came right back up. I called the surgeon's office and learned he was in surgery but if I came into the clinic where he would be in the afternoon they could see me.

I did not have even a sip of Water in me for more than 20 hours by the time I was seen. I was dehydrated and not feeling very well. About 1 cc was removed from my band and I drank a cup of water which felt good, finally!

So the doctor told me that after my surgery I was experiencing an inflammatory response (normal after any kind of surgery) but it had also affected my stoma/band. Inflammation in the body anywhere (like in the joints, or an injured muscle) can affect another area where there is some "compromise" like with a LapBand.

Because of my cancer and upcoming radiation treatment he told me I needed to concentrate on nutrition and adding calories to help fight the disease, which I did. I maintained my weight during the next 4 months -- didn't lose anything, but didn't gain either. I got a .3cc fill after the 2nd month and another .5 the 3rd month and didn't experience any problems. However, the tightness and feeling of too much restriction started about 6 weeks ago, and about the same time I injured my back. My primary care physicion put me on an anti-inflammatary, temporarily, and the result was that I could also eat without PBs or pain, but I also gained a couple pounds!

I saw my surgeon this past week and he added 1cc and encouraged me to continue with the anti-inflammatory medication for a while longer and I think it's a cure! And I have lost the extra pounds I had gained!

So in answer to the question of whether or not there is anything you can take to relieve the yo-yo tightness/looseness, I think an anti-inflammatory is something to ask your doctor about. Aleve, Ibuprofin, and other OTC brands might be enough. I take the generic form of Voltaren which is working for me, but everyone is different.

How are you losing weight? What's the band doing? How is it making you feel? I've been a year and lost nothing. Either I get something stuck and/or throw up or there's no effect at all. I"M VERY FRUSTRATED!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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