dietpeach 0 Posted October 16, 2008 I've been waiting since July for this surgery. I finally have a consultation appointment at the end of this month, but can you believe I gained at least 10 pounds in the last three weeks?? I'll be so embarrassed to go into the consultation and have the doctor see how much I gained since seeing the nutritionist... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeautyLocs 0 Posted October 16, 2008 Hi Dietpeach-- I, too, had an embarrassing experience today related to the 6-month medically-supervised program required by my insurance company. What I keep telling myself is that the long-range goal is to have my surgery. I've been overweight all my life and have endured humiliation throughout most of my life as a result. I can endure a few more moments for the sake of getting what I want. All that to say, so you gained a bit of weight. You've made incredible progress toward your goal of getting your weight under control for the rest of your life. Those 10 pounds are just a blip on the screen. Take good care! I wish you the best on your journey. Beautylocs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dietpeach 0 Posted October 16, 2008 Thanks BeautyLocs, you're right. I'm sure a year from now or five years from now it won't matter that I gained these 10 pounds. I hope to God I'll have lost way more than that by then. But for now it's so hard. besides the embarrassment, I am angry at myself because I now weigh more than I ever did in my life thanks to these 10 pounds. And I feel bad physically - my weight is really affecting my energy levels and how I feel, how much I can get around, etc. I'm young, but I feel old sometimes. I'm really praying that this surgery will be the tool I need to get my health back. It's so demoralizing to have tried and failed so many times, and realize I just can't do this on my own without surgery. I wish I could, but I'm finally honest enough to admit - I just can't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LisaFromCali 0 Posted October 16, 2008 Hey girl--I TOTALLY hear surgery is scheduled for next month, Nov. 15th, and I just KEEP gaining weight! I have to get weighed every week in my surgeon's office and I am a nervous wreck every time I have to go in, because I am always a little heavier! I really think the advice the nurse (she weighs me every week) gave me was probably not the best for me...she said, "Ok, so now that we are starting this process you should have your last steak, pizza, whatever it is that you like to get it out of your system." Since she said that I have been doing the old "this is my last pizza, donut, etc.," saying EVERY OTHER DAY! I think a better strategy for people who are basically addicted to bad carbs, such as myself, is to actually plan how to slowly stop eating bad carbs everyday, instead of absolutely none at all, immediately. That is too absolute for me. Once she said I COULDN'T eat those foods anymore, I wanted them more than ever in my life. I used to have pizza maybe once a month----all of a sudden I was craving it EVERYDAY. But anyway, I wanted to reply to your post, because this week was different for me---I started doing the Protein shake in the morning and dinner as meals and I have only cheated twice. I know that's not very good considering we are only three days into the week and I have already cheated twice, but it's a PERSONAL TRIUPH---I DIDN'T HAVE PIZZA!!! I cheated with some pickles, Doritos and a couple Peanut Butter Cookies. All in single serving sizes, but still not cool because I'm not supposed to be snacking on stuff with fat or sugar. So, hang in there sister! We can get through this for the big reward at the end of this difficult part...a healthier more energetic you! I'm thinking of starting a---I don't know what it is called---a group? thread? blog?---a place where all of us who are in the liquids only preop stage can support one another, because it is supposed to really suck from what I hear...and I don't doubt it, just having liquids for Breakfast and dinner is pretty tough for me. Good luck---keep trying---we are almost there!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
msnenequeenie14 0 Posted October 16, 2008 When I went to my consult with the nutritionist, she told me that it is more common than not for people to gain once they know they are for sure having the surgery, I was 229 when I started the whole lap band journey, and was 339 when I went to my last appointment before surgery...needless to say, the pre op diet will take care of that 4 you even if you only do it for a few days! just sit back and really think about why your gaining. For me, I was having a whole bunch of "last meals" I just wanted to eat everything I didn't think I would ever be able to eat again. Don't take it too hard, this won't be your last gain and loss in your lap band journey, keep your head up and keep moving forward!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites