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I Got My Surgery Date...Where Are The November Bandsters?

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Hi Ginny, I just wanted to touch on one thing you mention. You talk about food issues. I have to share my dinner experience tonight.

I was banded two weeks ago yesterday, which meant that today was my first day with something beyond full liquids. I was so happy to finally be at that point post-op, so I actually cheated and started last night.

Anyways, for Breakfast this morning I had Weight Control banana bread oatmeal. I was soooo enjoying it, but after like 4 bites, I was full. Oh well, I threw the rest away, but was sorta bummed I couldn't finish it.

Lunch time rolled around and I had some creamy tuna salad from the local grocery store, and I LOVE this stuff. Then, after 4 or 5 bites - BAM, I was full again. Talk about pissed!

For dinner, I brought home my leftover tuna salad from lunch, and I heated up some of the ricotta bake that I made last night. I sat down, and I was really really looking forward to eating. I mean, all day I'd wanted to eat food. But being full after a few bites just makes it not possible to keep eating, you know?

I took maybe 5-6 bites of each part of my meal, and I was full. In fact, I was a little more than full - I was uncomfortably stuffed. And I got so upset I started crying. I wanted to eat! I didn't want to eat a few bites and be done, I wanted to clean my plate!

After a few minutes I realized I was crying because I couldn't eat, and I got mad. Obviously, I got the band so I could lose weight, and losing weight means eating less. I'm so happy that I am on this journey, but it made me realize that I truly do have an addiction to food. Before, I always used to tell myself I just eat because I'm bored, and that I don't have a problem. But crying over not being able to eat a lot of food is definitely a sign that something is wrong in my head. But I'm ready to tackle the problem and face the issue and work through this. Eating less is going to do so much more for my life!

Anyways, I got sorta long-winded there but I just wanted to make sure you know - you aren't alone, we are all going through similar struggles, and we will all make it to the other side. :drool:

OMG....I am so afraid of that! I'm being banded on nov.28 and i am on the pre-op diet right now. i want to just stuff my face so bad right now,lol! i actually got full tonight from a Protein Shake and a few veggies! i couldnt believe it. i guess my stomach is shrinking from the pre-op diet. i keep thinking about how i won't be able to chow down certain foods and stuff my self, when all i want to do right now is down a BIG bag of chips! SAD eh! oh well, i guess thats why i'm having the surgery.:w00t:

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Well I did it! I was banded on the 17th. The surgery went great and the hospital stay was about as good as staying in the hospital overnight can be. I haven't had a lot of pain associated with the operation, I've only had to take the liquid hydrocodone they gave me twice all week (which is a good thing...narcotic pain killers make me loopy!) My problem has been with GAS! I feel like my abdomen is going to explode. I get gas when i eat and when I don't. I keep hoping it is from when the expanded my abdomen during surgery, but it has been 4 days of cramping and crying. I have tried walking, rocking, curling up in a ball (and crying for my mommy!), liquid gas drops, Gas-x strips (which did nothing for me, except give me minty fresh breath!) I hope in time it will resolve, no amount of weight loss is worth being in pain and miserable. Still, I know I made the right choice having the surgery.:drool:

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Well I did it! I was banded on the 17th. The surgery went great and the hospital stay was about as good as staying in the hospital overnight can be. I haven't had a lot of pain associated with the operation, I've only had to take the liquid hydrocodone they gave me twice all week (which is a good thing...narcotic pain killers make me loopy!) My problem has been with GAS! I feel like my abdomen is going to explode. I get gas when i eat and when I don't. I keep hoping it is from when the expanded my abdomen during surgery, but it has been 4 days of cramping and crying. I have tried walking, rocking, curling up in a ball (and crying for my mommy!), liquid gas drops, Gas-x strips (which did nothing for me, except give me minty fresh breath!) I hope in time it will resolve, no amount of weight loss is worth being in pain and miserable. Still, I know I made the right choice having the surgery.:cool2:

I had my surgery the day after you and I too am having LOTS of gas pains. I just keep trying to walk as much as I can and hope that it goes away naturally too. My pain is mostly in my chest and shoulders. It hurts so bad to breathe!!! :smile2: I was told it gets better so I keep hoping for the to happen! :cool2:

Good luck to you! Keep me posted!

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Did anyone use just Tylenol? I'm also scared of drinking too fast and nothing sounds good to "eat." Would love to hear what drugs others used right after and what "food" helped get rid of this yucky taste. Water is not doing it. Thanks for any input.

I had terrible reactions to the pain meds in the hospital. I went home with a anti-nasuea patch behind my ears, plus two additional Patches just in case. At home I had liquid Loritab. I would drink broth first then slowly drink the liquid Loritab.

Once the Loritab was gone (I did use it all), I started drinking liquid Tylenol. I have one or two doses of liquid Tylenol now, because I am really active in the community. I have a little pain now from doing a lot of errands. I am trying to get myself back into shape for my return to work on 11/24/08. I am a little sore, but it is manageable. :smile2:

I am now 225, started out at 251.

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Hi Everyone!

Well, I did it! I'm finally banded...was back home yesterday....feeling sore, lots of gas but its doable! I too am only using Tylenol for pain....its manageable so I don't want to use the strong stuff! Not really hungry for anything....really trying to drink my Water, but even that is going very slowly!

Glad to hear from everyone....sounds like we are all doing well, aside from the gas and soreness which is to be expected...its all a process and its going to take some time, but we will all get through this...hopefully the worst is behind us and now we can begin our new lives!

I do have a question....due to the surgery and all the fluids being pumped into us and the gas, has anyone gotten on the scale and GAINED weight? I got on this morning because I'm so swollen I knew I would be heavier....wanted to see how much...it says I gained 6 pounds! Anyone else experience this? I know its all Fluid and gas, but STILL!!!!!

Good luck to ALL of us! And to those whose surgeries are coming up, you will be JUST FINE!!! It really isn't that bad, at least it wasn't for me! Sending you lots of prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Hi all! Banded yesterday, all went very very well. I was banded and back home in a four hour time period and I feel really quite good. If this is the worst it gets, I have gotten off lucky. I have a little tightness in my chest from gas pain, but very little in my shoulder and it feels much better when I walk. I am taking small sips of Gatorade and homemade chicken broth. Joe is making me homemade oxtail Soup. which we will strain some for me and freeze the rest for when I progress to mushies. It smells wonderful! But its weird...I have NO desire right now to eat, so I am really savoring just the smell and the feeling of comfort and home. That's a first for me. Good smells always make me hungry, but not today!

I didn't realize how fearful I was of the surgery until now. Today is the first day I have gotten excited about having this done. I am down two pounds from when they weighed me at the surgery center yesterday, so no gain here. I hope I continue to feel this good. I have incision pain that requires the liquid Lortab, but its bearable. I got SUPER nauseated from the car ride home yesterday, but the doc called me in liquid Phenargan and that kept me from actually hurling. I have not needed it but for two doses yesterday. I am glad to have it on hand now in case I get a stomach bug any time during the winter/spring.

I am SO GLAD the surgery itself is over with and SO excited to embark on this new journey. I will be on mushies in a couple of weeks, full fluids tomorrow. And my first fill will be in four weeks!

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I'm glad to hear that you are doing well, Cappy. I'm sorry that the pain is bad for others. :cool2:

I'm a big baby when it comes to pain, so I selfishly hope it's not too bad for me. :cool2:

I'm supposed to stay at my fiance's house for several days after the surgery. He is really sick right now with a bad cold, maybe the flu. :smile2: So, I haven't been able to be around him. I hate to admit that I am a little irritated that he is sick. He gets sick a lot and then he stays sick for a long time. I think it's because he doesn't take care of himself. Sorry, I feel so mean and selfish saying that!

I would love to stay with him and his daughter because I love them and they are fun. (My daughter will be at her Dad's.) BUT, I also prefer to be at home where all my stuff is close by. Okay, I'm annoying even myself now with all this whining.

I hope that those of you that are dealing with pain feel instantly better when you read this next word........*POOF*

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I'm glad to hear that you are doing well, Cappy. I'm sorry that the pain is bad for others. :cool2:

I'm a big baby when it comes to pain, so I selfishly hope it's not too bad for me. :cool2:

I'm supposed to stay at my fiance's house for several days after the surgery. He is really sick right now with a bad cold, maybe the flu. :smile2: So, I haven't been able to be around him. I hate to admit that I am a little irritated that he is sick. He gets sick a lot and then he stays sick for a long time. I think it's because he doesn't take care of himself. Sorry, I feel so mean and selfish saying that!

I would love to stay with him and his daughter because I love them and they are fun. (My daughter will be at her Dad's.) BUT, I also prefer to be at home where all my stuff is close by. Okay, I'm annoying even myself now with all this whining.

I hope that those of you that are dealing with pain feel instantly better when you read this next word........*POOF*

Hey Ginny, this is just my opinion - you probably won't need someone waiting on you hand and foot in those first few days. I had my mom in the hotel with me for 48hrs after surgery before we got back on the plane to fly home (I had surgery out of town). In all honesty, I wish she hadn't been there. Sounds bad, but I really didn't need her, and she was fussing over me so much (Can I get you this? Can I get you that?) that I just wanted to scream!

But, she did buy me this really cute stuffed bear that she named Bandit...so I guess it wasn't a completely bad experience, haha.

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Joe is here taking care of me, but honestly, getting up and getting my own needs met gets me walking, which helps with the gas pain a LOT. I let him do some for me, but mostly am doing for myself. It helps get me moving.

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Hey! I guess I was right behind you in surgery! I had to be there at 8:30 and got back to the hotel around 1:30. I felt sooo crazy right after the surgery. Dr. Castro and John and the whole surgery center were great, weren't they?

I just have one question. My port incision is hugely swollen and bruised probably several inches outside of the dermabond. Dr. Castro told my husband I bled a lot and would probably bruise but this looks terrrible! Any bruising around your port site? I called and they said unless it has streaking it's not infected, but I wouldn't call it streaking...just lots of bruising and then one red "bumpy" looking area to the side and up. How is your port incision? Thanks for info. P.S. I was also surprised how high up they placed the port.

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See, my port is way down low, not far from my belly button, on my right side. Just above and to the right of it by 2-3 inches. And yes, very swollen, very bruised and SORE. Its the most painful part on me. In fact, the other four incisions I can't even feel. I have kept ice on it a lot of the day today, which has helped some. I love my Lortab though! Dr. Castro and the whole surgery center/team were fantastic. I got there right before you left it sounds like. We probably passed in the pre-post op room.

How are you feeling today? I am doing okay...this morning was definitely better than this evening. I have sipped broth in small amounts all day along with Gatorade but I am positive I didn't get the 48-64 oz they say we should in fluids. I think I have only peed once and that was not much.

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Hi Everyone!

Well, I did it! I'm finally banded...was back home yesterday....feeling sore, lots of gas but its doable! I too am only using Tylenol for pain....its manageable so I don't want to use the strong stuff! Not really hungry for anything....really trying to drink my Water, but even that is going very slowly!

Glad to hear from everyone....sounds like we are all doing well, aside from the gas and soreness which is to be expected...its all a process and its going to take some time, but we will all get through this...hopefully the worst is behind us and now we can begin our new lives!

I do have a question....due to the surgery and all the fluids being pumped into us and the gas, has anyone gotten on the scale and GAINED weight? I got on this morning because I'm so swollen I knew I would be heavier....wanted to see how much...it says I gained 6 pounds! Anyone else experience this? I know its all Fluid and gas, but STILL!!!!!

Good luck to ALL of us! And to those whose surgeries are coming up, you will be JUST FINE!!! It really isn't that bad, at least it wasn't for me! Sending

Yes! That happened to me too! I got on the scale when I got home and gained 5 lbs. Each day I would lose a little more. Now its day 4 post op and I am back to my start weight. I still have gas/and pains but I am getting better. Good luck to you!~

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See, my port is way down low, not far from my belly button, on my right side. Just above and to the right of it by 2-3 inches. And yes, very swollen, very bruised and SORE. Its the most painful part on me. In fact, the other four incisions I can't even feel. I have kept ice on it a lot of the day today, which has helped some. I love my Lortab though! Dr. Castro and the whole surgery center/team were fantastic. I got there right before you left it sounds like. We probably passed in the pre-post op room.

How are you feeling today? I am doing okay...this morning was definitely better than this evening. I have sipped broth in small amounts all day along with Gatorade but I am positive I didn't get the 48-64 oz they say we should in fluids. I think I have only peed once and that was not much.

I hope we can compare notes over the next couple of weeks. It helps to have someone to talk to who knows how you feel.

I will try the ice tonight. I guess I had just heard some people say that their port was low and was aggravated by pants and mine is above my belly button and of course my stomach is so swollen (just on that side) so it seems even higher. My other incisions are also tiny and seem to be healing just right.

Yes, food has been very hard. Not hungry but at the same time feeling a little sick at my stomach. However, I had to spend a whole day at airports flying back home to AL. (The price there was much more reasonable than here.) After not eating all day, I felt very nauseated when we finally got home and almost threw up but held it off (barely). That scared me to death!

I ate a popsicle when I got home and that was perfect. Couldn't get those at hotel. I just made potato Soup and pureed it in the blender to a liquid. That's pretty good but nothing seems to taste just right. Of course, it could be that I'm missing the cheese and bacon I usually top it with! :) But no there's no way I'm getting all my liquids in either.

The gas pains were very bad all day cramped up flying and at the airports but it's been much better since I got home. They sort of come in waves now.

I thought I had read that you were going at 8:00. Your time must have changed. They moved me up later from 9:00 to 8:30. Keep me informed on your progress/problems. :) Oh yeah, down 1.5 pds too from surgery day. Was worried I'd be up too. Very surprised I wasn't from all I've read.

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I gained 8 pounds in the hospital. My roommate gained 18! We were both bummed.

It went away quickley and now I'm donw 27 pounds since Oct 14th.

this has been worth it so far. I have to be careful to get all my Protein in, because I forget to eat. I'm just not hungry.

My DR prescribed Celebres for pain. I took it for two days, mostly for the shoulder pain from the gas. Didn't do much, unfortunately. I now have to be careful not to overdue it. I feel great and tend to foret I'm less than two weeks out.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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