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Almost through 1 Trimester, and my oddities.

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Only 1 week to go and I am officially into my 2nd trimester!

My mom seems disappointed in my reactions to things, I think I am just very guarded. Even though I have no bad indicators, I am terrified I will get excited and then I'll miscarry and regret getting attached. Hoping when I look pregnant I'll be more into it.

She bought baby moccasins for me and gave them to me today. They're cute, but I'm not.. giddy excited.. and I know she's wishing her daughter was more excited and giddy!! I hope I come around and stop being scared of getting attached.

Had no morning sickness thus far, but today (for the first time) I had a queasy moment. I was starving, DH and I went to Wendy's for lunch. I ordered the chili and a baked potato and was drooling waiting for it. He brought it over, and I took one small sip from his coke and it hit me instantly.. I wasn't going to puke, but I was queasy, and nothing looked appetizing. Watching him eat made my stomach turn. It went away in about an hour, but that's as close as I've come to sickness!

And sticky skin!! Weird spots too. It doesn't rub off on anything, and I only know it's sticky when I am pulling my finger away, it is just a weird sticky.

The tips of my ears, and the nape of my neck. It's like the remnants of a post it note or something, nothing actually sticks to it, but it feels tacky.

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You will feel better once the second trimester starts. I almost lost my first child, I was bedridden from week 5 until week 12. I lost one a year later. So, when I became pregnant with my son, my husband and I told no one, not even my mother, until I officially started my second trimester.

The excitement will come eventually, once you feel more calm and secure. By the middle of the third trimester you will just be waiting for it to be over. Good Luck, and I hope you don't have any more queasiness.

Oh, and the stickiness...you have me BAFFLED on that one!!!

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You have come a long way, now it gets interesting. There is nothing better than the first "flutters" of actually being able to feel the baby moving.

I have never heard of stickiness before, how interesting. I hope my first trimester will go as good as yours . . . a little stickiness and one time queasy just can't be beat, lol.

It is hard to believe the baby is real with your first in the early days. I think we all go through that. As soon as you start really seeing and feeling the physical changes it will make all the difference in the world. Keep us posted on how things are changing. :0)

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I was told I would not carry through my first trimester, so until that milestone hit I remained unattached. I went home "knowing" I would lose the pregnancy. I was just waiting for the miscarriage pain to start, which makes it hard to try and think about names or nursery decor. Even into my 2nd trimester I was guarded. Hell, I still am, and I'm due this month. It wasn't until my diagnostic US that I started to feel a little better about things. I'm a pessimist, so some part of me has to expect something to go awry.

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I guess that's how I am, I just don't believe this good thing will happen.

And wow, can't believe you're due already..seemed like only a month ago you said you were pregnant!

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im still extremely guarded.

i went in for an 'old lady' ultrasound today and i half expected them to not find something... even though yesterday i found the heartbeat without a problem - yes, i have a doppler - THAT's how paranoid i am...

im 21 weeks 3 days and every little cramp i get i instantly think miscarriage, not uterus stretching. im starting to feel little thumps and bumps in my belly. they started last Friday and it really is the most amazing feeling.

despite my fears, i am incredibly attached. if anything were to happen this late in the pregnancy, it would devastate me. but i try to not even think of it.

'faith' by George Michael keeps popping in my head... and its true ... you do have to have faith... cause if you constantly worry about it, that's stress... neither you nor the baby need that. :)

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im still extremely guarded.

i went in for an 'old lady' ultrasound today and i half expected them to not find something... even though yesterday i found the heartbeat without a problem - yes, i have a doppler - THAT's how paranoid i am...

im 21 weeks 3 days and every little cramp i get i instantly think miscarriage, not uterus stretching. im starting to feel little thumps and bumps in my belly. they started last Friday and it really is the most amazing feeling.

despite my fears, i am incredibly attached. if anything were to happen this late in the pregnancy, it would devastate me. but i try to not even think of it.

'faith' by George Michael keeps popping in my head... and its true ... you do have to have faith... cause if you constantly worry about it, that's stress... neither you nor the baby need that. :)


I want thumps!! They did the heartbeat this morning at my appt. it's at 160/m.

She took a while finding it, so I was nervous, then she found it and I made some comment and laughed--so she lost it. Then she had a hard time finding it again, and she was saying he's playing peekaboo (and I thought about your baby hiding its gender hehe). Then she found it again and it was nice and loud and steady..weee.

I would normally say at 3 months, I would have been happy and settled about the idea, what haunts me is one of my friends miscarrying into the 5th month last year. She took pics with it, it was a little baby and everything.. her cervix was uhm..forget the technical term, but her cervix wouldn't hold up. Then she was hysterical and blaming the docs for not getting to the ER in time and yadda yadda. I was there for her, and felt horrible.. but now that I'm pregnant, I think back on my friends miscarriages in the past 2 years, when it happened, why, what they went through. They were all so devastated, mentally unstabalized by it. So I feel if I don't get that attached, if it happens to me, I will survive.

I told my doc about that today at my exam, she said when I feel it moving I won't help but be attached. So.. I want thumping!! :w00t:

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I want thumps!! They did the heartbeat this morning at my appt. it's at 160/m.

She took a while finding it, so I was nervous, then she found it and I made some comment and laughed--so she lost it. Then she had a hard time finding it again, and she was saying he's playing peekaboo (and I thought about your baby hiding its gender hehe). Then she found it again and it was nice and loud and steady..weee.

I would normally say at 3 months, I would have been happy and settled about the idea, what haunts me is one of my friends miscarrying into the 5th month last year. She took pics with it, it was a little baby and everything.. her cervix was uhm..forget the technical term, but her cervix wouldn't hold up. Then she was hysterical and blaming the docs for not getting to the ER in time and yadda yadda. I was there for her, and felt horrible.. but now that I'm pregnant, I think back on my friends miscarriages in the past 2 years, when it happened, why, what they went through. They were all so devastated, mentally unstabalized by it. So I feel if I don't get that attached, if it happens to me, I will survive.

I told my doc about that today at my exam, she said when I feel it moving I won't help but be attached. So.. I want thumping!! :w00t:

my doc's office still has a hard time finding the HB sometimes... since i have a doppler, i know exactly where to look for it and it has finally moved up into my belly and not pretty much ON my pubic bone... its a tad right and below my belly button.

thumps - JUST started ... i was exactly 21 weeks when i first felt it. 'they' say your first child it will be pretty late and with my extra insulation and scarring from my TT, it was less obvious... but now that i know what to look for, it is very pronounced and DH even felt it last night... that was pretty cool!! :)

i cant believe you are almost entering your 2nd tri!!!

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She found the heartbeat under pannis (ugh) and into my pubs.. I think I'm deformed from deflation. I asked her where the baby is so I would know--been wondering.. She put my hand there, it's like.. definitely down in my pubic area. She said it'll move up, which is what you're probably talking about.

I did buy some stupid $35 thing, baby's first sounds.. it's not dopplar, it's just.. battery operated toy looking thing that at apparently 20 weeks (though when I bought it, it did not say how long you have to wait).. and reviews say it doesn't work, but.. whatever, it's $35 and I'm curious.

When are you going back to find out the sex?? I thought it was suppose to happen already...

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She found the heartbeat under pannis (ugh) and into my pubs.. I think I'm deformed from deflation. I asked her where the baby is so I would know--been wondering.. She put my hand there, it's like.. definitely down in my pubic area. She said it'll move up, which is what you're probably talking about.

I did buy some stupid $35 thing, baby's first sounds.. it's not dopplar, it's just.. battery operated toy looking thing that at apparently 20 weeks (though when I bought it, it did not say how long you have to wait).. and reviews say it doesn't work, but.. whatever, it's $35 and I'm curious.

When are you going back to find out the sex?? I thought it was suppose to happen already...

yeah, mine just moved up from pubic area to my tummy ... not sure if that's normal or what. without my tuck, they would have had to lift up my pannis too... :crying:

i bought my doppler off ebay - it was 100 something... it is like the one my OB has ... works pretty well.

we went today for another ultrasound, but they couldnt determine gender ... combination of my TT scarring and his (general term) shyness... we may just have to wait til delivery...

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LJM - it doesn't go away, at least not for me. I'm due in about 2 weeks and still expect something to go wrong. Now it's worries about problems in utero - cord wrapping around the neck, etc. and problems during delivery. One worry after another. I don't see how people do this more than once. :wink2:

My first heartbeats were down in the pubic area. Now the best place to get it is mid-abdomen, near my bellybutton. Thank goodness they're no longer rooting around my pube. Except for the weekly pelvic exams, of course.

The heart sounds thing - I bought one called "bebe monitor" or something like that. Can't get a heartbeat on it to this day. All I hear is the sound of my fingers (holding it) moving, digestion... no heartbeat. I have NSTs every week so I definitely know the sound, and I can't get anything even close. Waste of $.

I can recommend the 3d ultrasounds. We had one done a few weeks ago and it's so cool to see little fingers, facial features, etc.

Yeah, the pregnancy has gone quickly (especially when it's not yours, I've noticed). In some ways I'm ready for it to be over (early pergnancy was like not being pregnant at all, but the last few weeks are just downright uncomfortable/painful). But I think I will miss being pregnant. I hate the attention, actually, but I think I will miss feeling the movements as uncomfortable as they can be at times. I felt my first movement, and recognized it for what it was, 6/20. For a while now it's the huge visible movements that distory my entire abdomen. DH keeps telling me it's the most awesome creepy thing he's ever seen. In the last few weeks it has gotten pretty darn uncomfortable. The rib jabs literally take my breath away, there's some pubic nerve that keeps getting hit, and sleeping is a thing of the past because the baby is most active between 9pm and 3am, and there's no way I can sleep through the big movements.

BTW, according to my OB's stats (tracking the last 3 years which is ~5k births) most first-time mothers go 1 week over.

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great - more things to worry about... :wink2:

im already not sleeping well, cant wait til i feel him (general term - no clue of gender) REALLY kick... i'm feeling the flutters, but there's only been one where DH has been able to feel.

i cannot wait to actually SEE the movements!!

cant believe you are 2 weeks out... YAY!

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Seeing the movements was kinda surreal. I'd heard it happened, but always thought it would be super creepy. Ok so it still kind of is, but it's also neat. What's creepy is that even now, there are still all kinds of movements that I don't feel. Big movements, like bringing a hand up to a mouth and sucking on a thumb. I've seen it on US, but I don't feel it. That weird me out for some reason.

Imagine a half a grapefruit just under your skin that suddenly raises about 3" and slowly, or very quickly, drags over to your ribs. Or just pokes up and goes back down. That's most of what I see. My pannus is too in the way for any of the lower movements to be visible, but I can feel them. All I see are the movements around belly button or higher (which is a lot since I'm carrying high), and her bum is about 1" above my belly button.

Actually getting a lot of movement right now (go figure, it's almost midnight) and it looks like undulating... almost like waves going back and forth between, well, about where my band is and about 3" below my bellybutton. I've seriously considered grabbing the camera & recording this a few times. (Heck, I haven't even taken the obligatory "look how big my belly is" 9 month picture)

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LJM I'm a bit jealous. One constant thought I've had during the entire pregnancy was that I wish I'd had my pannus removed before I got pregnant. I know, skin stretches back out, yada... but I think it would have really changed the experience. Seeing & feeling more (if it's much below my belly button I can only feel it on the inside). And now that my abdomen has really pushed out with the uterus, my pannus is "suspended". Hard to explain. But imagine a flabby post-band pannus just hanging on the bottom of a rock hard baby belly. When I walk it makes little suction noises because it's swinging around & hitting me instead of just hanging there. I keep telling people it's my shoes making the noise...

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i honestly think if i wouldnt have had the TT, i wouldnt be preggers now... all that extra fat still stored in my gut was just wayyyyy too many hormones.

yes, i got the emails and PMs saying that "see, mistake having the TT when you had so much to lose", but i really consider myself so very lucky.... i KNEW i was going to need a revision... duhh, when you have a TT at 250-260 and lose more weight, you're goign to need somethign... now i just have added reason to get the TT (which now may not be as easy as it was before since i quit my job) :) one not so great thing about the TT though is that it is interfering with the ultrasound somewhat ... gender determination has been impossible so far... my first one, we could see him, but had legs crossed and would.not.move them.... ever since, no good shots... my Perinatologist said that there's a chance we wont see it... which sucks in terms of planning, but as long as they get all the needed shots for measuring, etc... im ok with that.

i just cannot imagine seeing the movements... cant fathom it...

good luck! keep us posted.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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