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Vancouver Area Bandsters

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Hi everyone !!

Just a couple of notes of interest that I wanted to pass along....

For those of you that attended the last North Vancouver meeting, you heard about Dr. Arsneau at St. Pauls Hospital doing fills for Vancouver Bandsters. I have just spoken to another lady that has seen him for a fill and he confirmed to her that he will take patients that were banded by any Dr. This means that if you are in the Vancouver area and are looking to have your surgery in Ontario or Mexico or the USA an finding a fill Dr was your big concern, it looks like he might be your guy !!! :thumbdown: I would probably call ahead just to confirm it for myself but I'm pretty cofident in telling you this news !!!

The sencond bit of news is that it looks like there will be another support group starting up for anyone that is interested. The lady starting it is named Geri and the first meeting will be Saturday, Oct. 11th at 11am at 3339 West 41st. It is open to all of those who are already banded as well as anyone looking into it, regardless of where or who your surgeon is. Her email is geri_webre@yahoo.ca for more info.

Quick add-on.....as usual our North Van support group will be on the 3rd Wednesday of Oct. (the 15th) at Lion's Gate Hosp. I'll post again closer to then to give you all a reminder !!!

All the best to everyone !!!


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I just saw a post in a Yahoo group forum that the Vancouver meeting that I mentioned above has been changed.

Because the date of the original meeting fell on Thanksgiving weekend she has moved it to the following Saturday which will be Oct. 18th.....same place, same time.

I won't be attending, so hopefully I'll see all you regulars, plus anyone else who would like to join us, at the Wednesday meeting on Oct. 15th.


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RE: Dr. Arsneau

What was the patient's impressions of him?

Still thinking it might be best to get my first fill done with the surgeon in Mexico. But if his/her impressions were good, then perhaps I can get my second fill done with him.

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Providing the port has not flipped, it is not a big issue to have a fill. Your choice of course but it is not difficult putting in the fill, the trick is to have the knowledge of how much to put in.

As for the new support group, I will not be attending but will stick with the Lion's Gate group.

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The first person I spoke to about Dr. Arseneau was at our last support meeting. It had only taken her a few days to get in to see him, he did a mini physical/check-up with her and then did her fill. She was very pleased with him and commented that he was very nice, listened to any of her concerns and offered sound advice.

I recieved an email a few days ago from another woman that attends our support group. She got his name etc at the last meeting and made her appt based on that. She didn't get into specifics about how long the appt took or exactly what happened during it but commented that she really liked him and he was great.

I personally will probably make an appt with him for my next fill, if only to meet him, talk to him and be able to form my own opinion to pass along.

I can completely understand your thoughts on going back to Mexico for your first fill and post-op appt with your surgeon, I would probably be thinking the same thing. But then I think that it might not be such a bad thing afterwards to see him, if for no other reason than so that he knows you and has you on file in case you have anything come up that you need immediate attention for.

All the best and let me know if you plan your trip to Mexico....not a bad place to be headed since it looks like our weather is taking a turn for the worse !!!!


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hi, i'm new here and i'm seriously considering doing the lapband. i'm about 300lbs and pretty much at the end of my rope. i don't know what else to do, and my health is getting worse. i've already vetoed gastric bypass... too risky.

after lurking here for a couple days, i've learned there's only 2 docs in the lower mainland doing the surgery: Dr. Woodhead and Dr. Leung. Are there any others? also, what do you guys think about them? this is such a big decision and i've never had an operation before...


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hi, i'm new here and i'm seriously considering doing the lapband. i'm about 300lbs and pretty much at the end of my rope. i don't know what else to do, and my health is getting worse. i've already vetoed gastric bypass... too risky.

after lurking here for a couple days, i've learned there's only 2 docs in the lower mainland doing the surgery: Dr. Woodhead and Dr. Leung. Are there any others? also, what do you guys think about them? this is such a big decision and i've never had an operation before...


Hi: I go to Dr. Woodhead for my fills and very much like him. He does not have a clinic so your after care becomes part of his practise. I know some patients who belong to our support group and they feel he is OK. As for Dr. Leung, his patients either like him or dislike him. He is an excellent surgeon. He makes personal comments that can be hurtful. So if you don't like to have demeaning statements made to you by a doctor, then don't go to him.

The most important thing you have to consider after picking the surgeon is the aftercare such as fills and defills. Dr. W. is young and Dr. Leung is close to retirement but I think he is training a doctor now. You should consider this aftercare will be required for the rest of your life.

I am sending a copy of what questions to ask doctors/clinics prepared by a lady on the web. I think they are excellent. Hope they help.

These are just a few of the questions that come to mind that are important in helping to make a decision in deciding which band surgeon and/or clinic to go with:

· Is there a fee for consultation?

· Are any of your staff at the clinic banded?

· What other staff are available to patients such as dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists?

o Is there a cost for their services?

· Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band potential patients to access?

· What percentage of your bariatric clinic is devoted to lap band patients?

· What is your medical education?

· What experience in term of years and number of procedures do you have in lap band surgeries?

· What experience do you have in performing revisions?

· If you are a revision, what tests will you need to have done ahead of time to be sure you can have a lap band?

· Do you have any statistics regarding your lap band practice and number of patients who have had slippages, band erosions or other complications?

· What type of warranty comes with your lap band surgery?

· What type of bands do they use and how do they determine the type and size?

· Is there a pre-op diet you need to follow?

o If so is there a cost involved? How much?

· If I don't follow the pre op diet perfectly am I still allowed to get the surgery?

· What tests and paperwork do I need to have done prior to being accepted for banding?

o Is there any charge? How much?

o What is the time span?

· Is the surgery performed in the clinic or at the hospital?

· In case of an emergency what is the procedure that is followed?

· How soon after surgery can I go home?

· What type of accreditation does your clinic have?

· How do your operating rooms compare to those in a hospital if surgery is performed at the clinic?

· Can you give me references from other patients I may talk to, especially those who are a revision from past weight loss surgery?

· How long am I required to be in town before my surgery?

· Is there a hotel that is recommended?

o If so, is there a preferred rate at this hotel?

o Is there a shuttle available from this hotel to clinic and back and how much does this cost?

· Are my family members allowed to remain in the waiting room while I am in surgery or are they asked to leave until I am in the recovery room?

· How long after I wake up can I go home?

· What special medications will I need to purchase before hand?

o Gas-x? liquid Calcium? chewable multi Vitamins? ....

· How long would you recommend I take off work after surgery?

· If I have a hernia do you fix this?

o Is there an extra cost associated?

· How long do I have to have a caregiver with me after surgery?

· Is there someone I can hire to be my caregiver if I come alone?

· Do you use latex?

· Is there a deposit I have to pay to hold my surgery?

o How much?

o Is it refundable if I change my mind?

· How must my final payment be made -- money order/visa/cheque?

o Does it have to be in before my surgery or do I bring it with me on my surgery day?

· If I have further questions may I contact you or your clinic with them?

Even more important is follow up care:

· What type of aftercare program does their clinic have?

· What is covered in the cost of your surgery in regards to aftercare?

· Is there an after hour phone number in case of an emergency or concern you encounter outside of normal business hours?

o Is he/she available on call to answer or return your call?

o Who responds to calls?

· Do you have support groups available locally and in my area?

· Is there a fee for any aftercare services?

· How soon after surgery is your first fill usually?

· What hours am I able to come in for fills and days?

· How often between fills are you eligible for your next one?

· How are the fills performed and are they with or without fluoroscopy?

· Do you have to pay for your fills or are they covered in your surgery fee?

o If they are not covered what is the fee?

· If you live far away from the band clinic, do they have anyone local or closer to your home who is trained by the clinic to do your fills?

o If so do you pay a fee to them and if so how much?

· In case of complications post op, if you had a slippage or worse case scenario band erosion is any further surgery to remove the band covered or would you have to pay?

· In case of a defective port or leak is the surgery to replace it covered in the lap band surgery cost?

· In case of a defective lap band is it replaced at no cost to you the patient?

· If you needed a new band for any reason such as the above or band leak, etc., is it replaced free of charge to you?

o If not what type of cost would you be responsible for?

· At the clinic does the surgeon do your follow up fills or fill nurses?

o If nurses, what training do they have and can you meet them before committing to this surgery?

· What criteria do they base your needing a fill or defill?

· How long does it take when calling to book a fill does it take to get an appointment?

· How much time is the fill nurse allotted to spend with you answering any questions or concerns also?

· Are any of your staff at the clinic banded?

· What other staff are available to help patients, i.e., dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists?

o Is there a cost for their services?

· Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band patients to access?

Then the obvious question is would I do it again. Yes, In a minute. The band has saved my life. Doddie

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Hi Babe :tt2:

Welcome to the forum and congrats on making a decision to take back control of your life. I know all too well how difficult it can be to admit defeat and look into surgery as an alternative to a lifetime of yo-yo dieting....been there, done that !!!:)

As far as I know, you are correct in the fact that there are 2 surgeons in Vancouver. Like Doddie said, Dr. Woodhead is younger and newer to this surgery, however his training in the field is excellent and I have spoken to lots of his patients who think he is wonderful. I get the impression that Dr. Leung is very cut and dry and seriously lacking in bedside manner but an excellent surgeon. He has been doing it for years and if you're looking for someone that won't coddle you and will give it to you straight, that's him.

There are other alternatives to being banded in Vancouver.... Doddie herself went to Toronto and I personally went to Washington state. We have a fellow in our North Van support group who recently had his surgery done in Mexico and is very happy with how his surgery went. The single most important thing with having a lapband (apart from the surgery itself, of course) is the aftercare regarding fills. When Doddie had her surgery almost 2 years ago, there were next to no options for her and she actually flew back to Toronto for her fill. I travel down to Bellingham for mine. However, there is now a Dr. working out of St. Pauls hospital that will do fills regardless of where you had your surgery, so this opens up more options for people when choosing surgeons. Keep in mind of course, Dr. Arseneau charges for fill visits.....whereas most surgeons provide free fills, some for life, others for the first year.

I'm not sure where in Vancouver you live, but you are certainly welcome to join us at our support group next week in North Vancouver. It will be on Wednesday, Oct. 15th at Lions Gate hospital, conference room A at 7pm. We have people joining us that range from looking into banding (like you) to a couple of years post-op (like Doddie and myself). It is a casual atmosphere and we generally have lots of laughs. Alternatively, there is a new group starting (see the first post in this thread for location and time). I do not personally know the lady organizing it or how many people that might be attending, but you might want to look into it.

All the best to you and if you have any questions feel free to post again here or email me at canadagirl33@hotmail.com


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thanks patricia. i'm rather nervous about this whole thing. maybe i will come to your group and check things out.

i never realized there were so many of us bigger people in vancouver. i always feel like i'm the only obese person for miles around. everyone in this city seems so fit to me.

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Much better said than mine Canadagirl. I sure hope together we have answered the questions to help her make a decision suitable for herself.

I wasn't expecting to make the next few months meetings because the eye specialist told me I was legally blind for night driving but thank goodness there was a cancellation and I was moved up. Now can see find so hope to be there this month.

I hope our little group continues to grow but am concerned about the new group taking most of our members. Sure hope not.

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thanks patricia. i'm rather nervous about this whole thing. maybe i will come to your group and check things out.

i never realized there were so many of us bigger people in vancouver. i always feel like i'm the only obese person for miles around. everyone in this city seems so fit to me.

:) Babe there are lots of us around. If you join the BCWLS website you will find not only gastric bypass people in BC but also bandsters (as we call our selves). There is also a good website called Canadianlapbanders.com that is run by the TLBC clinic nurse but everyone is welcome to use it. You can find and receive many answer if you post there.

Hope to see you at the meeting. Bring your questions, you will get a lot of viewpoints.

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I chose Dr. W after hearing about both people's reputations. I met with him on July 31 and really felt comfortable with him. My surgery date is Nov 5. I can't wait to get this done. I want a local dr. who can follow me after my surgery. I don't want a RN doing my fills, or drive to the US. I need someone who has a good bedside manner and Dr. W. has a good rep.

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Yes, there are times when you need the surgeon to review what is happening to you. Not everyone requires this, but I had to fly back to Toronto because my port flipped. They were unable to fill or defill through my port. Dr. Yau operated and corrected the port. There are other occasions as well such as band erosion (which is rare). If you have the money to fly/drive back to your surgeon no problem, but the currant financial mess may affect your financial standing. Then what do you do? A questiom to ask, if saving a few thousand going south is for you. I am not saying it isn't, just encouraging research into whether the saving is a prudent saving.

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Hi Everyone,

I've just started researching lapband surgery, trying to find out if this is the right direction for me. I've had great success with low carb diets... but notice the use of the plural "diets"... I've been successful at least 3 times, getting about mid-way to my end goal weight, only to fall off the wagon and regain the weight I've lost. This last time I even gained an extra 10 pounds. :wub: Yep... typical story. :)

I'm going to try and join banders at the North Van Support Group next Wednesday... I hope that's okay. I'd definitely like to hear about the challenges banders face... ask a few questions... stuff like that.

I was definitely happy to hear that a group like this existed!!

There's something to be said for surfing the net when I'm supposed to be working :wub:

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