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Vancouver Area Bandsters

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I went for my first fill today, I chose not to have one right away b/c I felt restriction with the band alone. Then over Xmas I felt hungrier and ate more, realizing its time for a fill. After several attempts, we realized my port has flipped. It was not such a great experience getting poked for a half hour or so multiple times but I realize flipped ports are common. I am having revision surgery on Feb 11, in 2 weeks, no extra cost.

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Here are some questions that may help you in your research. I copied them from another post in the canadianlapbanders.com by Donna

These are just a few of the questions that come to mind that are important in helping to make a decision in deciding which band surgeon and/or clinic to go with:

· Is there a fee for consultation?

· Are any of your staff at the clinic banded?

· What other staff are available to patients such as dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists?

o Is there a cost for their services?

· Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band potential patients to access?

· What percentage of your bariatric clinic is devoted to lap band patients?

· What is your medical education?

· What experience in term of years and number of procedures do you have in lap band surgeries?

· What experience do you have in performing revisions?

· If you are a revision, what tests will you need to have done ahead of time to be sure you can have a lap band?

· Do you have any statistics regarding your lap band practice and number of patients who have had slippages, band erosions or other complications?

· What type of warranty comes with your lap band surgery?

· What type of bands do they use and how do they determine the type and size?

· Is there a pre-op diet you need to follow?

o If so is there a cost involved? How much?

· If I don't follow the pre op diet perfectly am I still allowed to get the surgery?

· What tests and paperwork do I need to have done prior to being accepted for banding?

o Is there any charge? How much?

o What is the time span?

· Is the surgery performed in the clinic or at the hospital?

· In case of an emergency what is the procedure that is followed?

· How soon after surgery can I go home?

· What type of accreditation does your clinic have?

· How do your operating rooms compare to those in a hospital if surgery is performed at the clinic?

· Can you give me references from other patients I may talk to, especially those who are a revision from past weight loss surgery?

· How long am I required to be in town before my surgery?

· Is there a hotel that is recommended?

o If so, is there a preferred rate at this hotel?

o Is there a shuttle available from this hotel to clinic and back and how much does this cost?

· Are my family members allowed to remain in the waiting room while I am in surgery or are they asked to leave until I am in the recovery room?

· How long after I wake up can I go home?

· What special medications will I need to purchase before hand?

o Gas-x? liquid Calcium? chewable Multi Vitamins? ....

· How long would you recommend I take off work after surgery?

· If I have a hernia do you fix this?

o Is there an extra cost associated?

· How long do I have to have a caregiver with me after surgery?

· Is there someone I can hire to be my caregiver if I come alone?

· Do you use latex?

· Is there a deposit I have to pay to hold my surgery?

o How much?

o Is it refundable if I change my mind?

· How must my final payment be made -- money order/visa/cheque?

o Does it have to be in before my surgery or do I bring it with me on my surgery day?

· If I have further questions may I contact you or your clinic with them?

Even more important is follow up care:

· What type of aftercare program does their clinic have?

· What is covered in the cost of your surgery in regards to aftercare?

· Is there an after hour phone number in case of an emergency or concern you encounter outside of normal business hours?

o Is he/she available on call to answer or return your call?

o Who responds to calls?

· Do you have support groups available locally and in my area?

· Is there a fee for any aftercare services?

· How soon after surgery is your first fill usually?

· What hours am I able to come in for fills and days?

· How often between fills are you eligible for your next one?

· How are the fills performed and are they with or without fluoroscopy?

· Do you have to pay for your fills or are they covered in your surgery fee?

o If they are not covered what is the fee?

· If you live far away from the band clinic, do they have anyone local or closer to your home who is trained by the clinic to do your fills?

o If so do you pay a fee to them and if so how much?

· In case of complications post op, if you had a slippage or worse case scenario band erosion is any further surgery to remove the band covered or would you have to pay?

· In case of a defective port or leak is the surgery to replace it covered in the lap band surgery cost?

· In case of a defective lap band is it replaced at no cost to you the patient?

· If you needed a new band for any reason such as the above or band leak, etc., is it replaced free of charge to you?

o If not what type of cost would you be responsible for?

· At the clinic does the surgeon do your follow up fills or fill nurses?

o If nurses, what training do they have and can you meet them before committing to this surgery?

· What criteria do they base your needing a fill or defill?

· How long does it take when calling to book a fill does it take to get an appointment?

· How much time is the fill nurse allotted to spend with you answering any questions or concerns also?

· Are any of your staff at the clinic banded?

· What other staff are available to help patients, i.e., dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists?

o Is there a cost for their services?

· Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band patients to access?

Hope they help

My endocrinologist has

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Thanks Babe, I appreciate the information. Lions Gate Hospital is a long way to go, are there no support groups on this side of the Bridge?

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Hi dc ....welcome to the group :redface:

I don't know personally of any support groups in the New West area.

I started the North Vancouver group, with the help of 2 awesome ladies that were in need of support as well, and I can tell you personally how difficult it is to get these meetings up and off the ground. I personally drive down every month from Pemberton (2 hours north of Vancouver) just to be at the meeting....its a long drive but doing it once a month is well worth it for all the support I get and the wonderful people I have met.

You never know, now that you've posted maybe someone in your area will be interested in meeting up for a coffee or something. Another idea might be for a few of you ladies to carpool in from out your way...I know there are a couple that come in from the Surrey are to the meetings.

All the best !!!


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I totally agree with Canadagirl. Last month was the first time I came to the meeting at Lions Gate and it was totally worth while to get there. I live in Coquitlam so really, it is only a 35 minute drive, not bad at all. There are so many people there with all different experiences, it is really great to hear all this. Instead of starting up support groups all over, I think it is great to have this one in North Vancouver which is well attended.

Looking forward to the one on February 18th already.



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Hi Everyone. Sorry I won't be at the February meeting as I will be away on vacation. I sure hope there is a great turnout for our guest speaker. Take care everyone.

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i'm flying out in a week for my surgery, and i think the nerves are really setting in. i'm not nervous about the surgery itself or even the recovery, i'm more concerned with the lifestyle adjustment. i hope i can do this (it's funny how a week ago i was certain i'd be able to do it, but now i'm freaking out). i think maybe i'm just grieving or something. i know i'll be able to eat most things just in lesser amounts, but a part of me feels like i'm saying goodbye permanently to foods i love. maybe it's just pre-op blues...

thanks for listening

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i'm flying out in a week for my surgery, and i think the nerves are really setting in. i'm not nervous about the surgery itself or even the recovery, i'm more concerned with the lifestyle adjustment. i hope i can do this (it's funny how a week ago i was certain i'd be able to do it, but now i'm freaking out). i think maybe i'm just grieving or something. i know I'll be able to eat most things just in lesser amounts, but a part of me feels like i'm saying goodbye permanently to foods i love. maybe it's just pre-op blues...

thanks for listening

Well, I am here to encourage you. I am close to 3 years out now, sitting at goal, I feel beautiful, I feel vital again.

Every once in awhile I think I would just love to chow down on a hamburger and fries. Somedays, I am frustrated that I can't. I can have bite at most.

BUT then I go to my closet to get dressed. Slip into my size 10 jeans and all those moments, where I think I 'missed' something quickly slip away.

I now truly understand the old addage.

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

I am also happy to report, that I no longer have to think about what diet to try next. It pains me to hear my friends talk about joining Jenny Craig or Nutrasystem, those seem to have the best commercials on tv at the moment. I have a friend who just spend 800.00 on LA Weight Loss, only to gain it all back. If she wants to try again, she has to pay the 800.00 again. Yo yo dieting is a painful experience, also very dangerous to your health.

You go girl, you get your band and join us. It is NOT easy. It is STILL a struggle for some of us to stay eating healthful foods. It is STILL necessary to exercise. It is STILL a struggle, but this time you will win. And this time it will stay off.

That is the most amazing thing to me 3 years out. Hey, it is staying off! I don't have to worry, that in 6 months I will be right back where I started, only fatter and more depressed that once again I failed.

I am exctatic that my lifelong struggle with that fat that covered my body is OVER. and Dr Leung, he is one of my life's heros.

He helped me change my life.

He helped me get skinny.

Good luck with your surgery and follow all your surgeons directions and look forward to your life as a thin person.



Edited by Angel Eyes

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Hi Paula,

wow, I am amazed at your weight loss and being at goal. I was banded in Nov 07. Dr. Leung was my surgeon also but I am still struggling and needless to say I am not at goal, still have 60 pounds to go which seems endless. However, I agree with you about

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels, that's for sure.

Even though I am not there, the only thing I have ever wanted in life is to be thin as I don't know anything about that.

And to Babe:

Don't worry, it will be a lot better and just don't think about what you cannot eat, as many people can eat everything, but on the other hand, we all get used to not eating things which are bad for us. We are still human though.

I can't wait to see you at the meeting once you are banded. Good luck down in Mexico.



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Hi Paula,

wow, I am amazed at your weight loss and being at goal. I was banded in Nov 07. Dr. Leung was my surgeon also but I am still struggling and needless to say I am not at goal, still have 60 pounds to go which seems endless. However, I agree with you about

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels, that's for sure.

Even though I am not there, the only thing I have ever wanted in life is to be thin as I don't know anything about that.


Thanks for the encouragement Gerdi.

I really had to work hard to get the last pounds off. I'd lose, then plateau, lose then plateau. Every time I stopped losing, I'd either up my exercise, change something that I was eating, go for a fill or all of the above.

I have to emphasize that exercise is every bit as important as eating properly. I hated it, but always felt better afterward. I felt comfortable at a women's only gym. Made it my goal to get there every couple of days.

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I have come to the conclusion that exercise is not for weight loss at all. I am in the gym every working day which is 5 times a week (1 hour at lunch time) and I do believe it is very good to stay healthy but it is not for losing weight - at least not for me and I do cardio and weights.Of course if you watch the show "The Biggest Loser" when you exercise 8 hours a day, then it might be a difference.

I have plateaued many times, tried to change things, but there is that hold and the weight does not go down at all. Maybe not eating at all would do the trick ha, ha. It is very frustrating when the scale does not move. My body has become over sensitive, one piece of chocolate for example, and it shows up on the scale - it's awful.

Oh well, that's the way it is.



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I had my port revision done today. It went well and I am not sore at all. I have lost 17 lbs to date since nov 5/08. Still have issues with throwing up, but was told that's normal at the last meeting which made me feel reassured. I had my fill done as well, he added 4.5 to my 10 band. This is my first so I will take it easy with food teh first few days with clear, then puree, then soft foods. Are fills hard to get use to?

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Hi mom2two,

I don't find fills hard to get used to. I had 4 fills so far and am at the max, I have a 10 band and have 12 cc. Even after the fills I could eat regular food, just chew more and slower. I used to throw up more, but now it's only once a week or even once every two weeks and I know exactly what I did wrong, as I was eating too fast. But I don't have a problem with that. Just knowing that I am at the highest fill is a bit scary as sometimes I am still hungry (or maybe it's not hunger) but I do crave sweets. And those sweets go down really well. Anyhow, I have stopped now and not have any which is darn hard, especially with Valentines around the corner.



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hi friends, i'm flying to mexico tomorrow afternoon and should be banded at some point on monday. i'm so excited!!! i'll try to update you guys as soon as i feel up using a computer. thanks you all so much for your support these past few months. i couldn't have made it this far without you!

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I think I need an unfill. I had my first fill ever on wed and he added 4.5 during my port revision when I was asleep. I cannot keep anything down hardly even liquids. Will it subside in a few days or should I will call his office tomorrow and get the fill taken out.

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