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Jammin January '07 Bandsters

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I need to get on the scale more regularly...like in the old days. I think it keeps me more honest. I'm going to behave myself this week. Lots of self-talk to keep me in line. I don't want to be where I'm at...but I have to say...I ran into a lady I hadn't seen in a few years. She didn't recognize me..except it was in my building. I ID's here first and then she figured out who I was. I think we sometimes forget where were started and how far we have come!!

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Sula - one thing I now do is weigh myself EVERYDAY. People say you shouldn't do it, but it keeps me honest. The HCG program requires you to weigh yourself everyday and if every you go over the 2 lbs of your last dosage weight, you have to immediately do a correction day. So far I'm staying around the same, I haven't gone over or under the 2 lbs since I started the maintenance phase.

I'm going back to my band doctor to get a slight unfill. I love the restriction I have, its perfect. However, I am having too much acid reflux at night, I have Barrets Esophagus and having acid reflux is dangerous especially if you have Barrets Esophagus, so I called and they will take just a little out today and see if that helps. I think 1/10th of a cc should do the trick.

I will be leaving on my cruise next month and I'm so excited to be at a size 6 now. I still would like to lose another 10 lbs, but I'm happy if I don't too. I'm pretty happy with my weight now. I still need to do some toning and maybe some nip & tuck - Tummy Tuck and my arms fixed, and maybe a lower body lift.....but who knows. It all takes money and lots of it and not sure I can do it all.

Well, I hope everyone is doing good. I've had a busy summer so far. My daughter and son were involved in a bad car accident, so that was scarey, they are both okay, but going thru physical therapy and still having some back issues and neck pain. My daugthers car was totaled, so we've been sharing cars until we found her a new one. Found her a good deal last night on a car and will pick it up today. So that will make my life a little easier.

My son is working full-time in the ER while he is attending medical school, so the wreck was not good since he is on his feet all day long. The pain in his back really gets to him, I bought him a new pair of shoes that were $160 last night, hoping they will ease some of his pain.

We also go a new addition to our family. She is the cutest thing ever and I absolutely love her! She is 8 week old Maltese. My pointer is not too fond of her, but we're hoping he grows to love her as much as we already do. She is so good too, no accidents in the house as of yet, she lets us know when she wants to go potty, and she just loves to snuggle up to us.

Today is my first day back to work after a week off, and I'm having major withdrawals from leaving her today. I feel like a new mother that has to leave her newborn baby for the first time. lol. I think I might have to make the 30 mile drive back home today at lunch just to see her. :) Her name is Pearl.


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What an adorable pup.

I'm not too sure about weighing in every day...that might be too frustrating, but certainly back on my weekly schedule. I have done it for over three years with rare exception. So, I need to get back on track.

I wonder where some of my motivation is. I think about the HGC...to get me the final bit, but it just seems extreme. And if you're doing 500 calories a day anyway...wouldn't you lose, anyway? Does the HGC control appetite? That is what i"m reading. And what is maintenance. I know...you gave me all the links to that stuff and I need to get to reading. It is certainly tempting.

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What an adorable pup.

I know, I love her so much! She is so sweet!

I'm not too sure about weighing in every day...that might be too frustrating, but certainly back on my weekly schedule. I have done it for over three years with rare exception. So, I need to get back on track.

It can be frustrating to weigh everyday, but is is also kinda fun to see the scale go down EVERY DAY! There were a few occasions that I stalled, like for 4 days, but I knew that was to be expected. Sometimes I even would go up a few ounces but I always knew when the scale went up, that I would be losing the next day. My body will always gain a few before I drop a bunch - its always been that way. weird I know.

I wonder where some of my motivation is.

I sometimes feel the same way. I can do so great for so long then all of a sudden I lose all my mojo and just don't care. Not sure why that is.

I think about the HGC...to get me the final bit, but it just seems extreme. And if you're doing 500 calories a day anyway...wouldn't you lose, anyway? Does the HGC control appetite? That is what i"m reading. And what is maintenance. I know...you gave me all the links to that stuff and I need to get to reading. It is certainly tempting

I thought the same thing, it took me over a year to go ahead and try it after I learned about it. But first let me explain a few things, you really are not living off 500 calories, your body is tapping into your abnormal fat and it is actually supplying you with an additional 2000 to 4000 calories. The study or the discovery that was done on HCG in the 50's was that when a pregnant woman starves herself, your body goes into a protection mode for the fetus. This is what happened to the pregnant women in Africa, they were malnurished, they were hungry, they were pregnant, however when the babies were born, they were at a healthy weight and no malnurished was discovered in them. Thus, this began the study of why that is?

So, what the Dr. S found out is our body produces HCG when we are pregnant, if you do not eat properly, the HCG taps into the stored fat/abnormal fat which carries nutrients in it and feeds the fetus so it is healthy. Makes sense to me since God created us that way. Anyhow, if your not pregnant but taking HCG, your body "thinks" you are and when you are eating low cal, it taps into the stored fat.

Now, the about 500 calories, you are right, anyone will lose on a 500 calorie diet. The difference is they could not do it long term, you would be weak, you would lose muscle not fat. With HCG this has not happend and I've done it for over 100 days! There is no way in hell I could do just a 500 calorie diet for that long. I would be starving, with HCG, no hunger! I had a little in the beginning but it was a manageble hunger.

The biggest problem I had was at about the 15th day, I noticed I just could not stomach another piece of grilled chicken or fish, then I discovered a cookbook for HCG and that made a world of difference, I started making food that tasted really good and discovering a whole different way to eat my chicken and fish, lol.

I was not sold on HCG before I started it, I really wasn't, very skeptical. But after tyring it and realizing that there really isn't hunger with it, and for the first time my thighs are shrinking where all other diets, they never would. I'm sold!

When your not losing weight, the scale isn't budging, I was still shrinking. Thats why the manuscript is called "Pounds and Inches", you don't just lose pounds but you lose tons of inches. Its crazy.

The con to HCG is it is very strict, if you go over the calories, then your body is thinking your getting enough, so the HCG will not tap into the stored fat, and actually will store the extra calories for future starvation, so you will gain. There is no cheating on it, so a little cheat can cost you. Thats the con. I have cheated a few times, but for the most part I stayed pretty true to the plan and this morning I weighed in at 147.4.

Maintance is when you end the HCG, you do 3 weeks of basically Atkins style. The rule is you can eat anything you want except no sugar, and no starches. So no breads, no pies, no Pasta etc. You do this for three weeks while your body stabalizes - this is when you are reseting the hypothalamus (it controls your thyroid, your body set point). After the three weeks - you move into the next phase for 3 week, this is when you SLOWLY introduce carbs/sugars back into your diet. You see how much your body can tolerate before it gains. You will know how many fruits you can have a day, how many breads ect. Then after you do this for three weeks, you can either 1) do another round of HCG if you have more to lose, or 2) continue maintaining for the rest of your life.

The rulse of the maintenance phase is you have to weigh everyday - first thing in the morning after going to restroom and naked, if ever you go over 2 lbs of your last dosage weight you must do a correction day that same day. For example, my last dosage weight was 147, if I ever get to 149.1, I must do a correction day. Dr. S. describes one where you go all day, no food just Water or tea, then that evening you have a huge steak and either a small tomatoe or apple. This will correct the gain and you should drop back down within the 2 lb range. I bought a book that gives numerous correction days, like eating eggs all day long, or alternation between eggs and nuts. Anyhow, I've had to do one correction day and it worked. I've been holding steady at my last dosage weight and I am eating more than I ever have. Its weird that my body is letting me stay this way, in the past I've gained weight so easily, but now i'm having a hard time gaining. I love it.

That is one thing that appealed to me was being able to reset my body set point, the scale always goes crazy on me and I have never been steady at my weight.

But anyhow, sorry to ramble on and on and on, I just think so many people have a misconception of the 500 cal diet.

But again, it is not for everyone, some people just are not in a position to eat the strict list of foods you can have. When your traveling etc it makes it hard. Eating out is difficult because you don't know how they are preparing your food.

I order my RX HCG from alldaychemist.com. They are out of India and all the reviews I have read is they are the most honest and reliable and cheapest, I've been very impressed with them and I can say that the HCG I've received from them has worked.

Some people chose not to do the perscription HCG and chose to use a homeopthic brand. I've also tried that and it works. Its really no HCG in it, but its been mimmicked like the real hcg and somehow works off the vibration of your body, not sure how the whole homeopathic stuff works, but I can say It worked for me. The best place for that is healingpowerwithin.net. Its the cheapest, they are honest and not there to rip you off. A lot of the internet places are charging $160 for a 40 day supply.

I buy RX HCG for about $30 plus shipping, the homeopathic cost me about $55 plus shipping - the pro to the homeopathic is you get it within 3 or 4 days. I started with homeopathic until my RX came in, then I switched to the RX. You can do that right in the middle of a round, its not a problem.

Well, I hope I explained it better for you, if not, feel free to ask more questions. I'm by no means an expert, and I've learned most of my information from a yahoo group called HCGDiet, also from youtube videos, tons of them out there with hundreds of success stories. Momaclock is one of the youtube people I watch and she has taught me a lot!

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sunshine- do you use the injectable or the under the tongue HCG? You have me looking into it. I have a question about the alldaychemist.com website, I have looked at the HCG there and don't know how it comes when I look at the pictures (injectable or oral). I also was wondering should I order more then 1 when I order, and does it take a while to get it?

your new addition is adorable!!

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sunshine- do you use the injectable or the under the tongue HCG? You have me looking into it. I have a question about the alldaychemist.com website, I have looked at the HCG there and don't know how it comes when I look at the pictures (injectable or oral). I also was wondering should I order more then 1 when I order, and does it take a while to get it?

your new addition is adorable!!

I've done all three - I wanted to try each and every way to see which way I liked. I was very leary of the injections, but now I think I might like them the best because you do it once a day and your done. I did not think I could give myself a shot, and I was afraid it would hurt. I promise you, if you get the right needles, you do not feel a thing. Boy scouts honor!

As far as the HCG, they will all say injectible use, however, its the way you "mix" it that makes it sublinqual or injectible. When I did mine, I bought the 5000iu's and mixed with 2cc of colodiul silver and 13 mils of vit b-12. You take .5 cc's 2 x's a day. I did for the sublinqual dosage.

However, I now would recommend the 2000 ius. The easiest way to explain it is look at the 2000 ius as the number of pills in a bottle, so 5000 ius will give you more dosage than 2000ius. However because the HCG loses potency after about 2 to 3 weeks, I think its better to mix more often and then you don't have to worry about it losing potency, hence that is why I would recommend 2000iu's.

When you get the HCG, you have to mix it - either for injections or to take orally. You will mix each different. If you are doing injections, you won't have to buy as much because you do 1x's per day, sublinqual you do 2x per day so you use twice as much, but you don't have to buy the injection needles, so the cost is about the same.

I mixed 2000ius for injection with 4cc of bac Water. You must get bac water for injections and nothing else. I got my bac water from bodyinfluence.com - they have the best prices and quick at shipping. I actually bought the "pre-mixed" hucog that had 1cc mixed in it, so I withdrew the 1cc of mixture, added 3 cc of bac water into a seperate sealed vial (I bought my injection needles and sealed vials from researchsupply.net as they have the best prices), I injected .30 cc a day giving me a dosage of 150ius. Dr. S said 125ius works for most, or up to 200ius. I have heard from many that 200ius is too much and it actually will make you too hungry, so I decided to try somewhere in the middle and 150 ius worked for me, probably 125 would have worked too.

I bought my mixing needles from ebay. They were cheap. You can also buy hcg kits for sublingual use - comes with everything you need to mix sublingually, momaclock has some on ebay that are reasonably priced. But you really don't need a kit. If you decide to do it, PM privately your address and I will mail you a mixing needle, I have tons of them that are still wrapped sterile. These are just for mixing, not injections.

So the first thing is to decide which way you would like to dose, injections or sublinqually? Its up to you which way because they work the same as far as weightloss. It just depends whats easiest for you.

Let me know if you have questions, I will be happy to answer what I can. Again, I'm by no means an expert, but I feel very confident in the program and happy to share with anyone that is interested.

My mom has started it and for the first time in years she has had to lower her insulin level, her blood sugar is finally becoming "normal". The manuscript says diabetics can be corrected in as short as a week, and this is happening with my mom. She is so excited that she might be able to get off her diabetes medication.

It sounds very confusing and trust me, I was totally confused when I first started and I just continued to dig and dig for information and watched a ton of youtube videos, read tons of blogs, and joined a yahoo group called HCGdiet that gave me the best information and there are a lot of women who have maintained for years on the HCG diet and still are on the blog just to help people out.

So it depends on what you are wanting to do, or what will be easiest for you, sublinqual or injections. I have found they work the same, even the homeopathic brand works and many take that too, I bought my homeopathic brand from healingpowerwithin.net.

I hope I didn't confuse you more :thumbup:

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I've done all three - I wanted to try each and every way to see which way I liked. I was very leary of the injections, but now I think I might like them the best because you do it once a day and your done. I did not think I could give myself a shot, and I was afraid it would hurt. I promise you, if you get the right needles, you do not feel a thing. Boy scouts honor!

As far as the HCG, they will all say injectible use, however, its the way you "mix" it that makes it sublinqual or injectible. When I did mine, I bought the 5000iu's and mixed with 2cc of colodiul silver and 13 mils of vit b-12. You take .5 cc's 2 x's a day. I did for the sublinqual dosage.

However, I now would recommend the 2000 ius. The easiest way to explain it is look at the 2000 ius as the number of pills in a bottle, so 5000 ius will give you more dosage than 2000ius. However because the HCG loses potency after about 2 to 3 weeks, I think its better to mix more often and then you don't have to worry about it losing potency, hence that is why I would recommend 2000iu's.

When you get the HCG, you have to mix it - either for injections or to take orally. You will mix each different. If you are doing injections, you won't have to buy as much because you do 1x's per day, sublinqual you do 2x per day so you use twice as much, but you don't have to buy the injection needles, so the cost is about the same.

I mixed 2000ius for injection with 4cc of bac Water. You must get bac water for injections and nothing else. I got my bac water from bodyinfluence.com - they have the best prices and quick at shipping. I actually bought the "pre-mixed" hucog that had 1cc mixed in it, so I withdrew the 1cc of mixture, added 3 cc of bac water into a seperate sealed vial (I bought my injection needles and sealed vials from researchsupply.net as they have the best prices), I injected .30 cc a day giving me a dosage of 150ius. Dr. S said 125ius works for most, or up to 200ius. I have heard from many that 200ius is too much and it actually will make you too hungry, so I decided to try somewhere in the middle and 150 ius worked for me, probably 125 would have worked too.

I bought my mixing needles from ebay. They were cheap. You can also buy hcg kits for sublingual use - comes with everything you need to mix sublingually, momaclock has some on ebay that are reasonably priced. But you really don't need a kit. If you decide to do it, PM privately your address and I will mail you a mixing needle, I have tons of them that are still wrapped sterile. These are just for mixing, not injections.

So the first thing is to decide which way you would like to dose, injections or sublinqually? Its up to you which way because they work the same as far as weightloss. It just depends whats easiest for you.

Let me know if you have questions, I will be happy to answer what I can. Again, I'm by no means an expert, but I feel very confident in the program and happy to share with anyone that is interested.

My mom has started it and for the first time in years she has had to lower her insulin level, her blood sugar is finally becoming "normal". The manuscript says diabetics can be corrected in as short as a week, and this is happening with my mom. She is so excited that she might be able to get off her diabetes medication.

It sounds very confusing and trust me, I was totally confused when I first started and I just continued to dig and dig for information and watched a ton of youtube videos, read tons of blogs, and joined a yahoo group called HCGdiet that gave me the best information and there are a lot of women who have maintained for years on the HCG diet and still are on the blog just to help people out.

So it depends on what you are wanting to do, or what will be easiest for you, sublinqual or injections. I have found they work the same, even the homeopathic brand works and many take that too, I bought my homeopathic brand from healingpowerwithin.net.

I hope I didn't confuse you more :thumbup:

Nope now I can say I'm really super confused. So you actually have to purchase a bunch of other stuff, not just the HCG.

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Well, not a bunch......But you do need a mixing needle. and if you are going to inject, you will need a supply of injection needles. Some states sale them in the pharmacy without a perscription, I'm told Walmart does for $6 for a 30 day supply, but I think my state requires a perscription, that is why I actually ordered online. I'm told you can actually get a mixing needle at a pet supply store, but I havent verified that.

You might have to spend an additional $15 on the extra stuff to mix with the HCG.

You see, the HCG you buy is 2000ius and is mixed for one injection (women use it as a fertility drug) so thats how it is mixed. You cannot take that much so you have to dilute it, either for orally or injections.

Have you watched any of the youtube videos? Momaclock has some good ones that explains it.

I added my cost up and I spent about $1 a day.

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What's everyone up to? Any exciting summer activities?

Things have been going great there. I feel like I'm finally making some real progress -- losing about 10lbs a month the last three months or so. I think now that I know I'm done having kids, my head is finally ready to get in the game. I also rejoined my gym this week, so I can get back to working out too.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hello everyone, just checking in. Things are going good, Juno, good for you for getting back to the gym! And 10 lbs per month is great!!!!!!!!!!!

I have slacked in the exercise area, but I know I need to get back. I was planning on going last night, but I got a kidney infection and just didn't feel well, been on antibiotics now for a couple of days and it is starting to feel better, so maybe I can head over to the gym after work :smile2:.

I have 25 days until I leave for my cruise, so I really need to focus on my exercise..........

I hope everyone is doing good and enjoying the summer!

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Hey everyone...here I am gaining weight still. I had a fill a couple of weeks ago, but I'm still gaining. Went and got weighted and measured today and I told them that I have been experiencing pain, bloating, gas...things that I don't find normal..oh let's not forget about being able to eat a hippo. So now I have to be on a liquid diet till I see the doctor that's the 8th of July. They think I might have slipped my band when the physician's assistant overfilled my band. All I know is the pain is like being punched in the stomach or like you have pulled a muscle. They told me that everyone experiences different things when their bands slip. So anyway when I see the doctor after the liquid diet, they said he will do a upper GI xray...oh yippie!!

So even though I didn't really do anything wrong I feel like such a failure, and like this is all my fault somehow. Sorry for the pitty party just feel bumped out and ready to cry...thanks for everyone's shoulder. I will let everyone know how things turn out. I think the worst part of this is that they will have to do a bypass if my band slipped, well that's what I was told.

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Confused - do you still have your gall bladder? The reason I ask is when I had my gall bladder problems (I didn't know it was gall bladder) I felt like a punch in the stomach, it felt like I had fallen from a high place at times and fell onto my stomach and it would take my breath away at times. Just a thought for you to consider if they find its not your band.

I hope everything turns out for the best for you. The brite side is, at least you will find out exactly what is causing the pain, right? Keep us informed on how it turns out.

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Confused - do you still have your gall bladder? The reason I ask is when I had my gall bladder problems (I didn't know it was gall bladder) I felt like a punch in the stomach, it felt like I had fallen from a high place at times and fell onto my stomach and it would take my breath away at times. Just a thought for you to consider if they find its not your band.

I hope everything turns out for the best for you. The brite side is, at least you will find out exactly what is causing the pain, right? Keep us informed on how it turns out.

No gallbladder or spleen had both removed at different times of my life. Thanks for the thought though. So did they have to do something for your gallbladder?

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well it's day 3 of a 13 day liquid diet, all is good but can I just say...Man I'm Hungry!!! I sit and think about all the things that I would like to eat. Since doing this though some of the pain I have been experiencing in my stomach is gone, I wish for the day that I feel like I once did before all this.

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Well I made it though the liquid diet, and the upper GI. The good news is there isn't anything wrong with my band or my stomach...I'm fine. So let me share with everyone what was wrong with me...in a minute. Has anyone been told that they should drink there Protein and take there Vitamins because if not your hair will fall out? Well I stopped drinking my protein and taking my vitamins..my hair didn't fall out, but this is where my problem comes in...I was starving...really. I don't eat enough to just stop taking my Protein Shakes and all the pain and nausea was because I had protein deficiency. I seen myself gaining weight because I wasn't eating enough and completely cut out more food...I let the "fat" person that still lives in my head drive. It's easy to do when you have let that person drive for so long before. All is better now have started drinking my protein and taking my vitamins again and all the problems went away as soon as I did.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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