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WHY are people voting for McCain?

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Do you believe that your sister chooses to be gay? Or do you think she was born gay and only sins if she acts on it?

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She tells me she decided to be gay when she met her girlfriend and fell in love with her. ( After all, she was married to a man for many years and loved him.) Her son on the other hand says he was born gay. Either way, you only sin if you act on it.

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Can we say kettle....meet black.

Really? Was this directed @ me? I'm a little confused...

That's not an apology. She states that being gay is a choice. How is that an apology?

She apologized that her post offended people. She believes being gay is a choice. Re-read her post. Even if you don't agree that homosexuality is a choice (I don't either, BTW), there's a big difference in disagreeing with that idea and "You are an enemy to your family"

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I am not gay but if I was and my sister thought I choose it I would be crushed. If I had a child that was gay and his aunt thought he was choosing it I would not take my child around that aunt. Why, so the kid could grow up feeling racked with guilt because of how he was born. How can you not say telling a family member the way they were born is bad! I live in Cali and will happily vote not on prop 8.

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First of all there's are many religions out there in the world and also within the Christian faith there are those that take the bible literally to those that are still spiritual but take a more adult view of the interpretations of the bible. We are not all bible thumpers or atheists. There are many religions where "sin" is not even a concept. So to assume everyone is a sinner or a not a sinner is making too many assumptions. The same with the concept of "hell".

Also there is a wide range of people and their sexualities. There are gay men who fall in love with men, there are lesbians who fall in love with women. There are bisexuals who are attracted to men and women and there are pansexuals whose attraction lies more to the inner person and therefore can fall in love with either a man or a woman. There are probably more that my unscientific mine cannot come up with at the moment but it's a world full of diversity and if we were all the same it would be boring.

I'd even go as far, no shock from most of you who read my posts to say that fat people can be welcome into that wonderful world of diversity. If we were all the same size 2 that also would be boring.

One of my best friends from HS is a gay man and I adore him and when I was in HS I asked questions because I really didn't know much about homosexuality, probably didn't know much period! I've matured a lot since then and educated myself because in my heart are a wide variety of people who I accept as they are and were made as I was taught in my 12 years of Catholic schooling in the image of God. So if that is true than these are not life choices but creations of God. I think the one thing I learned from those years as I'm not considered a "Catholic" anymore was that you treat people as you expect to be treated and just because I am different from you doesn't mean that either of us are wrong or abominations in anyway. I do not take the bible literally and never have and find it very difficult to understand people in the 21st century doing so. I cannot hate you but have a difficult time grasping it, Nancy.:tongue:

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Whether being gay is a choice, or genetic or a combination of both...what does it matter? We are all different and we all have to come together here on earth. Gay, straight, green, blue, black white or polka dotted...what in the world does it matter? Aren't our differences what makes this world a beautiful place?

You know what is kind of sad to me? My really really dear friend (and old roommate) whom I have known for almost 20 years (John Doe) shared something with a common friend of ours. My friend "John Doe" who is a strict Catholic, Republican, traditional and conservative has been struggling with being gay. He has never acted upon it, he feels sad that he feels this way and is scared to share with his friends and family. He feels trapped and like people are going to judge that he is wrong for feeling the way that he does. When I heard this news, I was so incredibly sad that he has been hiding in shame and holding back from the person that he truly is. It is so sad to me having known him for so many years and he has not even had the courage to tell me. I am so worried that he may never be able to come out and remain trapped for the rest of his life. As a friend of his, I want to encourage him to be himself. I wish more than anything that he will somehow find it ok to come out and be who he is. More importantly, I hope that people are not going to be so cruel to him. I can't even imagine what he must be going through inside. He has now moved to Spain and we are in contact via emails and I am really hoping that he is far enough away from home that he feels comfortable opening up some. I just want my friend to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I wonder how he is going to vote this year...I have no clue.

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I never told my nephew that the way he was born was bad. Wow, you put alot of words in my mouth.

And, It's not what I think, it's what GOD thinks. I only go along with Him, He makes the rules. He's God. He can do that. If He says that having sex with the same sex is wrong, Then it is! To me, there is no debate, because I believe in Him. To you, there is a debate because you either don't have a belief in God, or if you do, you choose to pick and choose His laws to follow. ( Whatever is right in YOUR eyes you will adhere to.) We will all answer to Him one day for the deeds done in the flesh.

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Really? Was this directed @ me? I'm a little confused...

No silly head. But now I can't remember who it was for...HAHA too many posts since then

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omg...this was posted by a friend of mine on a different board who is sick of hearing about Yes on 8 (I did not write this...I just thought that it was funny):

Date: Nov 3, 2008 3:49 PM Subject: If you don't like gay marriage... Body: blame the straight people...

they're the ones that keep having gay babies!


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That is sad, most of my gay friends from HS came out once they graduated and started college and as far as I know nothing too traumatic has happened and they all went to an all male catholic HS. My best friend did go away to another state before he came out so maybe for some it's much easier. These days though I don't see kids as having as many problems coming out of the closet but I suppose it's all in the circumstances and of course these are only the ones I know personally I'm sure there is still a problem for a teen to come out especially after I've read some of the stuff right here! Nancy.

Even an open minded person like myself had a difficult time when my daughter told me she was pansexual, I always say the wrong thing but I think that's just being a mom, I will always continue to say the wrong thing I'm sure, lol!

Edited by Nanook

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I am a very libral gun packing dem. To say that just because you are a liberal or dem and belive that guns are evil is rediculous but I HAVE A BRAIN and do not vote on ONE issue. Last time I checked and as much as I can I have watched and read lots on both campaigns there has not been any mention of gun control....it is just not a topic that has been address....of course saying that just because you vote to the left your for gun control is like saying just because you vote to the right you are definately anti-abortion. Well I should say they try to say they are pro life but remember the Clinton scandal when all the PUB's were being exposed for the abortions they bought for their girlfriends? Bottom line is that to vote on one even two issues is CRAZY....you vote for who you think will represent your values....as for gun control the 2nd amendment is not going away anytime soon just like the 1st it is here to stay! GO OBAMA GO!!!!

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That is sad, most of my gay friends from HS came out once they graduated and started college and as far as I know nothing too traumatic has happened and they all went to an all male catholic HS. My best friend did go away to another state before he came out so maybe for some it's much easier. These days though I don't see kids as having as many problems coming out of the closet but I suppose it's all in the circumstances and of course these are only the ones I know personally I'm sure there is still a problem for a teen to come out especially after I've read some of the stuff right here! Nancy.

Even an open minded person like myself had a difficult time when my daughter told me she was pansexual, I always say the wrong thing but I think that's just being a mom, I will always continue to say the wrong thing I'm sure, lol!

What's pansexual? How does that differ from Bisexuality?

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Lets go Obama lets go! -clapclap- :tongue:

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'The people we vote for have the power to make or execute laws'

This is so true, and that is one of the many reasons why i'm choosing McCain/Palin. At least we might get someone in there who will consider praying to God for guidance over each day. We will get someone who considers killing the unborn a tragedy and someone who feels that the marriage vows should be for a man and a woman only. Having decent morals is where a persons character begins. Without a moral and upright character, you have decietfulness and greed. Palin herself carried a child with a disability; she knew about it and delivered her baby anyway. That to me is a woman of character. May God bless her.

Obama seems to me to be a man who will do or say anything to further his career in politics. He is not trustworthy. Anyone who doesn't have a care in the world about a defenseless baby in the womb could care less about anyones life. When you don't consider Gods ways when making your decisions in life, you will fail. I have found that God's advice given to man in the bible is the answer to every dilema. Do you want to know if it's ok to smoke? Read what God has to say. "Don't harm your body in any way." Do you want to know if homosexuality should be allowed? Read what God has to say. "No, it is an abomination." Do you want to know if You should hang around with people who party? He says "Do not be unequally yoked with them." Do you want to know if abortion should be the mother's choice? God says that if you kill an unbirn baby, YOU are to be killed.(there it is, the death penalty)It is murder.

He has the answers. It's just amazing how many people will say that they believe in God, yet because they want to do what they want to do in life, decide to pick and choose what they will obey out of the bible. If God's words are true, and He is true, then his answers to these dilemas and debates should settle it.

I'm not saying McCain is going to be obedient to God when making all of his decisions as the president, but I only have those 2 to choose from, and He seems the lesser of the 2 evils.

It's people like you I fear the most in this world.

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This was a new term for me too, so I found the definition on wiki:

Pansexuality, anthrosexuality (anthro- literally meaning human, human sexual), or omnisexuality[1] is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Thus, pansexuality includes potential attraction to people who do not fit into the gender binary of male/female. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.[2]

The word pansexual is derived from the Greek prefix pan-, meaning "all". "All" is specifically in reference to human genders. In its simplest form, pansexuality denotes the potential of sexual attraction to all genders. It is intended to negate the idea of two genders (as expressed by bi-).

Because pan- refers only to human genders, and not to sexual practices or people in general, pansexuality does not signify automatic attraction to all people. Similarly, it also does not signify acceptance of all sexual behaviors, such as paraphilias (for example, incest, bestiality, or necrophilia) or fetishes. As with more common sexual identities such as homosexuality and heterosexuality, pansexuality refers to the role of gender in sexual attraction, and not to the role of sexual acts and behaviors.

The adjective pansexual may also be applied to organizations or events. In this context, the term usually indicates an openness to the involvement of people of all genders and sexual orientations in said organization/event, and not to the pansexual sexual identity.



[edit] Pansexuality versus bisexuality

Bisexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by attraction to both men and women. Unlike pansexuality, it does not specifically include people who fall outside the gender binary.

However, many people who identify as bisexual are actually attracted to people who fall outside the gender binary. These people, who could be described as pansexual, have a variety of reasons for identifying as bisexual, including widespread unfamiliarity with the term "pansexual" as well as its negative connotations for some people.

[edit] Controversies

In the widespread sociological community, pansexuality is used as a synonym for bisexuality; due to the lack of physical or neurological proof for genders outside the gender binary.

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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