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Any June 2008 Bandsters?

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Katy I fixed my uuum...back door problems with pear juice and fibre sure.

The fibre sure adds bulk and softens while the pear juice makes the bowel work and squeeze it out.

The fibresure is much like benefibre in the fact that you just put a teaspoon morning and afternoon in your juice, tea or Water. It has no side effects on me other than making me go to the loo where as benefibre gave me no action but a lot of griping wind and bloating.

There is an excellent product called kapaipuku. IT is a mixture of seeds etc and that stuff will really get you going. It will regulate your bowl back to where it should be and it is quite tasty in a nutty, trail mix way. If you go to the website and ask they will send you a sample pack to try.

Kapai Puku

If you dont like the sound of that then flax seed both ground and unground is also excellent for moving what usually wont budge and a Tablespoon added to yogurt etc or Cereal a day also helps.

All of these things will take about 3 days to work through you but after that you will go with no pain or misery at least every second day.

Nothing else not even Lactulose worked for me prior to the pear and fibresure appart from the flax and the seed Cereal.< /p>

Now with the pear juice and the fibre sure daily I go normally every day.

Edited by pigglet

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Katy I fixed my uuum...back door problems with pear juice and fibre sure.

The fibre sure adds bulk and softens while the pear juice makes the bowel work and squeeze it out.

The fibresure is much like benefibre in the fact that you just put a teaspoon morning and afternoon in your juice, tea or Water. It has no side effects on me other than making me go to the loo where as benefibre gave me no action but a lot of griping wind and bloating.

There is an excellent product called kapaipuku. IT is a mixture of seeds etc and that stuff will really get you going. It will regulate your bowl back to where it should be and it is quite tasty in a nutty, trail mix way. If you go to the website and ask they will send you a sample pack to try.

Kapai Puku

If you dont like the sound of that then flax seed both ground and unground is also excellent for moving what usually wont budge and a Tablespoon added to yogurt etc or cereal a day also helps.

All of these things will take about 3 days to work through you but after that you will go with no pain or misery at least every second day.

Nothing else not even Lactulose worked for me prior to the pear and fibresure appart from the flax and the seed cereal.

Now with the pear juice and the fibre sure daily I go normally every day.

Hi Pigglet,

Which one would you recommend to start with? Haven't been for just over a week and even then not good. What a lovely discussion eh!!

Tried another jar of baby food for lunch today, not as bad as the others thank goodness. Kept it down until I had a coffee an hour later, then up it all came. I'm willing to try anything at the moment because the GPs advice about Coloxal with Senna hasn't worked. Are these things available from the Health food Shops?

Many thanks,

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Hmmm lemme see... well the fibresure is availeable at coles,woolworths etc, in the same spot as the metamucil and pear juice is in a tin in the same sections as they sell the shelved juices at all the supermarkets.

Now as I said the kapaipuku seed stuff can be obtained off their website... or a sample which would be better for you to start ( to make sure it goes down) by requesting it ...it should arrive in about 5 days.

I would prob start right now with a stool softener like coloxyl tabs...or movicol (sachets of powder you mix into Water and drink) both availeable from the chemist so that you can soften the hard bulk you already have sitting in there so it will move out easily.

At the same time I would begin the regime of the pear juice and the fibresure

Dont panic that it doesnt work straight away....you have some compaction there and this is very natural action so it isnt as violent as say the sienna etc on the gut...it also wont slow anything down with prolonged use so you can continue it every day.

I actually found that the kapaipuku really helped. It actually tones the bowel walls so they work better,it kind of conditions it so that when I stopped using it and continued with the fibresure and pear that I was doing at the same time it kept the ball rolling.

To make a similar concoction to the kapaipuku you can mix together in a plastic container the following and have 2Tablespoons for morning and afternoon.. this is what I did till I got my sample and it worked a treat. Make sure you have the Seed mix and the pear juice ( mix the fibresure into the pear juice) first thing in the morning on an empty belly. After 3 days of eating the seed mix I went 3 times a day for about 4 days...it cleaned me right out. I felt so much better. Then it slowed down to the once a day...Dont worry about difficulty in passing the offending bussiness the fibresure keeps it soft.

Here is the ingredients of the seed mix, just buy them from the supermarket and the health food store...get small packs or you will end up with a bucket full.

whole flax seed

sesame seeds

poppy seeds

buckweat (raw)

almonds (slivered or chopped)

sunflower seeds

currants or dried apricots (chopped)

Mix all together and have 2 Tablespoons in either yogurt or soaked in pear juice over night or pour over milk and have cold or nuke it to make a nutty porridge.

I hope this helps.. I know it sounds like a fiddle to start with but after a week you will be able to just have the juice with the fibresure everyday.

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another home remedy that works really well is half a green pear and a whole kiwi fruit skin and all blended together with a wand blender and eaten on an empty belly...it will be the consistency of pureed fruit and is quite tasty ...but you must blend well and the skin etc must be on the pear and the kiwi fruit...you can cut the seeds out of the pear.

Everyone I have told to do this with has had it work for them but it is best kept for a clean out and not used everyday because you seem to acclimatise to it after a week.

You could use it now for a few days to see if it helps.

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Hi Wade,

What is the blue book? I wasn't given nausea tablets. Wasn't given anything to take home with me at all. Taking Panamex now though.

Hoping to get some sleep tonight as last night was horrible.

Best wishes.

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Hi Katydid

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you are - not good. So sorry to hear of your ongoing problems. Glad you are seeing the GP - sounds like you need professional help.

If there is anything physical I can do for you - shopping, cooking, cleaning please let me know. Otherwise, I'll just send you good wishes and wait to hear from you.


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Hi Katydid

Sorry, I thought everyone was given a copy of The Blue Book. Must only be Steve Watson's patients. It is a book on lap banding written by a Melbourne surgeon and is very helpful. As I said, it tells you to go right back to the beginning and start with fluids if you are sick.

I was given anti-nausea tablets and anti-reflux tablets and panadol liquid and strong pain medication (which I didn't need) on leaving hospital. Had to pay over $100 for them mind you but the dr obviously felt they were needed.

Let us know how you go.


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Hi Katydid

Sorry, I thought everyone was given a copy of The Blue Book. Must only be Steve Watson's patients. It is a book on lap banding written by a Melbourne surgeon and is very helpful. As I said, it tells you to go right back to the beginning and start with fluids if you are sick.

I was given anti-nausea tablets and anti-reflux tablets and panadol liquid and strong pain medication (which I didn't need) on leaving hospital. Had to pay over $100 for them mind you but the dr obviously felt they were needed.

Let us know how you go.


Hi Wade,

Nope, given nothing at all on leaving hospital.

Saw a GP today, said "Hernia" the dreaded word. I have scans done tomorrow morning. Damn, damn, damn :Dancing_biggrin:

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Hi Katydid

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how you are - not good. So sorry to hear of your ongoing problems. Glad you are seeing the GP - sounds like you need professional help.

If there is anything physical I can do for you - shopping, cooking, cleaning please let me know. Otherwise, I'll just send you good wishes and wait to hear from you.


Ahhhhh, You're so lovely Wade, but I'll be fine thank you. The good vibes I can do with all the time.:Dancing_biggrin:

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Hmmm lemme see... well the fibresure is availeable at coles,woolworths etc, in the same spot as the metamucil and pear juice is in a tin in the same sections as they sell the shelved juices at all the supermarkets.

Now as I said the kapaipuku seed stuff can be obtained off their website... or a sample which would be better for you to start ( to make sure it goes down) by requesting it ...it should arrive in about 5 days.

I would prob start right now with a stool softener like coloxyl tabs...or movicol (sachets of powder you mix into Water and drink) both availeable from the chemist so that you can soften the hard bulk you already have sitting in there so it will move out easily.

At the same time I would begin the regime of the pear juice and the fibresure

Dont panic that it doesnt work straight away....you have some compaction there and this is very natural action so it isnt as violent as say the sienna etc on the gut...it also wont slow anything down with prolonged use so you can continue it every day.

I actually found that the kapaipuku really helped. It actually tones the bowel walls so they work better,it kind of conditions it so that when I stopped using it and continued with the fibresure and pear that I was doing at the same time it kept the ball rolling.

To make a similar concoction to the kapaipuku you can mix together in a plastic container the following and have 2Tablespoons for morning and afternoon.. this is what I did till I got my sample and it worked a treat. Make sure you have the Seed mix and the pear juice ( mix the fibresure into the pear juice) first thing in the morning on an empty belly. After 3 days of eating the seed mix I went 3 times a day for about 4 days...it cleaned me right out. I felt so much better. Then it slowed down to the once a day...Dont worry about difficulty in passing the offending bussiness the fibresure keeps it soft.

Here is the ingredients of the seed mix, just buy them from the supermarket and the health food store...get small packs or you will end up with a bucket full.

whole flax seed

sesame seeds

poppy seeds

buckweat (raw)

almonds (slivered or chopped)

sunflower seeds

currants or dried apricots (chopped)

Mix all together and have 2 Tablespoons in either yogurt or soaked in pear juice over night or pour over milk and have cold or nuke it to make a nutty porridge.

I hope this helps.. I know it sounds like a fiddle to start with but after a week you will be able to just have the juice with the fibresure everyday.

Hi Pigglet,

I'll add these to my shopping list and give them a go. It's all healthy stuff, so why not. :crying:

Finally had success. :party:

The GP recommended Mylanta 3 times per day, plus anti nausea tablets but I really don't get nausea so I might give them a miss.

Gotta go. :Dancing_biggrin:

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Oh Katie a hernia... so what can they do for that?

I am glad the mylanta works, there is nothing worse than reflux...no wait there is....constipation is way worse. You have my deepest sympathies for having the dreaded combo.

Oh and glad there was movement at the station finally... bet you felt better.

Wade I didnt get anything given to me when I left the hospital either. I was given the blue book to keep on my very first visit of enquiry to my doc though.

I had read up pretty well on the few days aftermath of the op so was prepared with night strength mersyndol (bloody good stuff!!!) and a host of other post band op survival kit things.

So how are you feeling now Wade?

Katie...hugs for you.

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Oh Katie a hernia... so what can they do for that?

I am glad the mylanta works, there is nothing worse than reflux...no wait there is....constipation is way worse. You have my deepest sympathies for having the dreaded combo.

Oh and glad there was movement at the station finally... bet you felt better.

Wade I didnt get anything given to me when I left the hospital either. I was given the blue book to keep on my very first visit of enquiry to my doc though.

I had read up pretty well on the few days aftermath of the op so was prepared with night strength mersyndol (bloody good stuff!!!) and a host of other post band op survival kit things.

So how are you feeling now Wade?

Katie...hugs for you.

Hi Pigglet,

I go for the confirmation scan at 9.15am this morning about the hernia but this is the 5th one and the doctor is certain anyway. I'll have to be opened up "again". Not looking forward to that!! I think it may have been forced through because of all the horrenous vomiting. Oh, by the way, the Mylanda didn't help at all last night, was up 6 times last night before my stomach was finally empty and could go to sleep. Don't know where it all comes from.

Hope you are doing well.

Hey Wade,

How are you feeling?

Best wishes to all.:grouphug:

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A hernia? That sucks! Hope you start feeling better soon.

Hi emmaf106,

Yes it does!!! It has now been confirmed, however I had to go back to the GP and get a referral for a Cat Scan for Friday morning as the radiologist wants a more intensive look at what's happening in there.

The intestine is coming out from the bottom of the scar (1cm from my belly button) inside that is, in the abdominal wall and pushing up to the right side of my midriff area. Horrible thought. The stomach muscles have had it too. Just what I wanted to hear..............NOT!! :grouphug:

I see the surgeon next week. At least I'll have all the scans ready for him.

Best wishes.

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