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Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

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Well I met with my surgeon two years prior to surgery and for a few times. I met with the people in his clinic many times before my surgery and still did not feel prepared for the aftermath that ensued. I've had many surgeries in my lifetime and I suppose I was not as well prepared for those either as I only met with that particular surgeon and only met one or two times prior to that surgery but I seem to be doing well anyway.

I've had second opinions before prior to a surgery but did not get one with my lap band, probably should have but being as he was the only one in my area that did that surgery I didn't. Do most people get second opinions on WLS? I don't know. Maybe we should. I speak from my own experience and possibly if I had more information prior to my surgery and had listened to someone like "myself" I wouldn't have gone through it. I did not come to LBT until after I was researching on line problems with the lap band and found this forum. I then did my research here to see if there were others like me having issues. Maybe there are a lot or maybe there aren't a lot that are still here or maybe there aren't a lot at this current time.

Good luck to all of you who are doing well as that is what I had expected myself. To those of you who are having problems I hope you're able to get them resolved and find support here also, Nancy.:tt2:

I will totally agree with you on this, Nanook. I've found that many surgeons provide horrible aftercare instructions. Like any other field, I'm sure there are some docs doing bariatric surgery just for the money that don't give two flips about their patients. Likewise, I agree that the lapband won't work for 100% of the people (for whatever reason). Nothing in life has a 100% success rate, except death. The reason, IMO, that people came down harshly on this poster was the tone of the post. You can't barge in somewhere and spew crap like that....that's why I made a semi-humorous point by point refutation of the OP's claims.

Again, for the people that are really having trouble with their band, I'm sorry. There is a place here for support for those people. It's the folks (like the OP) that deliberately stir up trouble that get me going.

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I have to agree with all of the above...I've had my share of ups and downs, and I've done my share of throwing up, but it's not like that if I pay attention to what I'm doing.

Ice cream goes down easier. So does chocolate. (the cheetos kind of threw me off) But so does applesauce, and mashed potatoes with cheddar mixed in for Protein, and chili, and lots of other things. What do you mean you can eat in restaurants now? You couldn't before? There is the ala carte or kids menu, and you doggie bag it.

And your hair loss, how long did you lose hair for? I lost hair between the 3rd and 9th month, which is common. It all grew back, and I am great now.

Everybody out there - TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!!!! Discuss your fears. And any good doctor will make sure you can handle this on an emotional level. Good luck all.

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I didn't have the band (was going to, but changed my mind to RNY) but felt compelled to write on this thread.

First off, I'd like to say sorry that you had so much trouble. I couldn't imagine living like that for three years, with or w/o surgery.

I'd also like to say that even though you had that experience doesn't mean that's how everyone's will be. When I was researching Lasik eye surgery I found a forum that scared the CRAP out of me. They tried to talk me out of it telling me how bad it was. I decided to get it regardless. I'm almost 3 years out and doing excellent. Unfortunately not everything works on everyone.

With that being said, you are entitled to your opinion and your story. It's always good to hear the good and the bad. I hate hearing how people gain weight after RNY, but I always read the negative posts. I want to know what I may deal with in the future and decide now how I may remedy that.

So, good luck to you!

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I still wonder BabyNicole,

if I had stuck with my original plan two years+ ago, and gotten the RNY where I'd be today or if I'd still have those issues.

I had to postpone the first surgery due to my dad's illness and death and some other things that compounded it and at the time it just wasn't the right time. So I had much more time to think about it went up and down the scale again and at a high scale point after my dad's death that's when I decided to go and have the lap band as my surgeon's group was now offering it. They weren't when I first met with them the two years prior.

Oh well guess I'll never know but you seem to be doing very well since your surgery and my daughter is doing well also now that she's had her stricture problem taken care of. Take care Nancy.:lovechoc:

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I have to agree with all of the above...I've had my share of ups and downs, and I've done my share of throwing up, but it's not like that if I pay attention to what I'm doing.

Ice cream goes down easier. So does chocolate. (the cheetos kind of threw me off) But so does applesauce, and mashed potatoes with cheddar mixed in for Protein, and chili, and lots of other things. What do you mean you can eat in restaurants now? You couldn't before? There is the ala carte or kids menu, and you doggie bag it.

And your hair loss, how long did you lose hair for? I lost hair between the 3rd and 9th month, which is common. It all grew back, and I am great now.

Everybody out there - TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!!!! Discuss your fears. And any good doctor will make sure you can handle this on an emotional level. Good luck all.

I think that there are a lot of people that have issues with sticking to a "diet". When you limit the amount of food you eat your body will want to make up for lack of food in some way. It could be a deficiency of some kind and even if you assume it is only "head hunger" it might be a little more complicated than that.

I wish there was a magical formula for people prior to getting the lap band to make sure they will be successful but as far as I know now there is not. I chose the lap band over the RNY like a lot of people do because of fear even though in the back of my head I knew I probably would have been more successful. Now, that's me, not everyone has this issue but they can't be discounted either.

After months of researching "why" I seemed to be the only one screwing up on the band I realized I wasn't the only one, just the only one still here, lol. But there is something to it. I mean everyone gets the band because they had issues with dieting in their past but with some it solves that problem and others it does not. Somehow there has to be a better screening method prior to lap banding and I believe it's the responsibility of the doctors/surgeons to come up with something as they are the ones making the money off of us as they continue to do the surgeries. They have the means to do this type of research. Nancy:smile:

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I am sorry that your experience is not as joyful as some others, HOWEVER don't speak for EVERYONE. This is a place for people that are willing to share there experiences good and bad but not nasty!!!

maybe you misread her post....if you go back and read, everyone of her statements begins with the word "I"....how is that speaking for EVERYONE? No offense, just really curious?

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I have been looking forward to all the changes (positive one's) I have herd so many discuss, not realizing there are (negative as well) I for one love ice cream, and choc. is my strength and I do still have those things in small amounts. I have never herd of the Hair loss, or the other things I am now hearing about? Is this common for all bandsters? Why are we not also told about these things? I am on a high protien diet so to speak, I use a protien powder that a friend has been using for years and I eat exactally what I am suppose to per doctors orders, well... then I have choc. and ice cream once in awhile...I agree the doctor should also tell us of the negative side of the band use. I for one have had two friends before me do this surgery and still today has not had any of the things I have read here but I know that doesn't mean they don't exist, I am sorry for you experiancing such, but I also know that we are to follow the correct eating procedures with the band. I have a facilitator that helps answer all my questions and I chose a fill doctor that is a naturapath doctor who is an expert on natural healing and is great with Vitamins, minerals, and such but before that she was chemotherapist. She reccomended I take "Seroyal" Genestra Brands-Multi Cal Mag liquid Supplement. I only take on-two tablespoons, two times a day with meals. It is full of all the vitamins and minerals that you really need and it has an Almond taste. When mixed with an ounce of OJ it's really great. I sure hope I don't loose any of my hair, but if I do I will surley call my doctor right away and ask why this is happening since I am doing everything they told me to do and that I was never told about those things...It just may be someting later on they have to add to the list of possibilities that could happen? If not for me but for all those new bandsters who have to hear it after the fact. Thank you for sharing... I am going to talk to my doctor personally to see why, if this is such an issue we are not being told by them before we choose to have the surgery? and I will also talk to the facilitator as well. Have a great day, I hope all is going much better for you? Please let me know as I am new and would love to have info from others so I know what to watch for or expect?

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Could you give some more details about the oxygen being cut off? What does that mean? My friend had bypass and she's having problems like that, but I've never heard of it from the band. Who was your doctor?

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I love my band, but I also wasn't told about the Hair loss. I was in fact told the opposite, that it only falls out if you have gastric bypass. Well, 4 months later, my hair is now very thin. Even if I would have know about it, I still would have gotten the band. But if they would have told me about it, at least I would know to expect it and not be so devastated when it started thinning.

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I am seeing that a few are going thru the Hair loss thing, I guess if it happens to me I will just have it shaved and walk around backwards? LOL seriousley...I would look good bald and thin. :bolt: All is well. Thanks.

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I love my band, but I also wasn't told about the hair loss. I was in fact told the opposite, that it only falls out if you have gastric bypass. Well, 4 months later, my hair is now very thin. Even if I would have know about it, I still would have gotten the band. But if they would have told me about it, at least I would know to expect it and not be so devastated when it started thinning.

Hair loss doesn't discriminate. :thumbup: It's due to rapid weight loss and could happen w/o surgery (happened to my aunt).

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Hair loss could be from not getting enough Protein or you need more Biotin in your diet. My doctor said Vitamins and supplements are extremely important post-op.

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You said it! This Post was also your first under this name on the FORUM. If you have another name you posted under previously looking for help, I appologize.

I agree... here is where I have a problem.... There are people here who join this forum way before getting banded. We all use this forum for support. Where were you when you were going through all this? Why do you just 'join' just to post the same thread on every forum? This is what discredits you and force people to see you as a 'troll'.

Sorry the band didn't work for you. But you can't just 'join' a forum and post something nasty and expect everyone to take you seriously.

If you were posting under a different name before, you should have continued using the name to post these threads.

If you just want to post 'hate threads' join Metal Sludge!:teeth_smile:

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I agree... here is where I have a problem.... There are people here who join this forum way before getting banded. We all use this forum for support. Where were you when you were going through all this? Why do you just 'join' just to post the same thread on every forum? This is what discredits you and force people to see you as a 'troll'.

Sorry the band didn't work for you. But you can't just 'join' a forum and post something nasty and expect everyone to take you seriously.

If you were posting under a different name before, you should have continued using the name to post these threads.

If you just want to post 'hate threads' join Metal Sludge!:teeth_smile:

I guess I disagree. I think everything should be posted, the good and bad. When you have spent a bloody fortune getting surgery and then you barf non stop you get resentful. I want to see the opinions of absolutely everyone. To expect someone to not post because they didn't post during their problem stage isn't really fair, the person may not have known this forum existed then. We don't know.

There are lots of different personality types posting on boards and this one is no exception. On another board someone posted asking if people had it to do over again would they get a band. I responded that no, I probably would not get a band if I knew then what I know now. She asked which procedure I would get and why. My response was limited to the long term risks and complications with the band, sleeve, and bypass. I did not diss the band, I didn't not make negative claims, none of that. I merely listed the long term complications of all three major procedures.

Another poster (a newbie) chimed in and told me I shouldn't be negative about the band on the band board. If newbies are coming for information ... she flat out told me that I should only post the positives of banding. If I wanted to write the negatives I should go to any forum but the band forum.

WTH? How does this make sense? How is anyone to make an informed decision if they only hear one side of the story? I didn't write anything negative about the band, I wrote the long term risks and complications for bands, sleeves, and bypass. That is negative about the band?

I want people sharing their stories, successes, failures, frustrations, anger, whatever they have... I want to hear their stories. Isn't that the only fair way to give newbies information so they can base their own decision? I didn't know about LBT when I was first banded, I only knew about OH. Two years ago OH was MUCH different from now and anyone having band problems was all but chased away after being told it was their own fault for not following some magic set of rules. Turns out there are issues with the band that are not the patient's fault. But for some it's like a religion and they go out and recruit for their surgery type the way hard core fundies recruit for their religion. That's not right. I don't care which procedure someone has as long as they are informed, healthy, and it's working. Makes no difference to me if it is a band, sleeve, bypass, gastric ball, MGB, DS, or the others.

If I had heard some of the negatives about the band I might not have opted for that procedure, I'm not sure. No single surgery type is a one size fits all, a band is best for some, a sleeve for others. Newbies need all the info so they can make the right choice for them.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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