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Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

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I guess you would know? I was banded 8/4/08. But I really don't see why that would make any difference. Since I did 3 years of research before I got the band. I had a very long and informative pre-op with the surgeon which gave me all the information that I needed and then some... including what diet to follow when I started regular foods. He even gave me a lot of information on the different types of bands. Guess what?... When I do something wrong to cause myself discomfort I either refer to the information that was given to me or I CALL THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE... WOW! Modern technology that TELEPHONE comes in handy.:)

But trust me if I ever have the discomfort or misery that Lap said she experienced I will get into that invention call the AUTOMOBILE and get my butt to the doctor ASAP. I hope that clears it up for you. I still say no way would I sit by in misery or discomfort and not do anything. Peace.

What in the world makes you think I did anything differently? Are you under the impression I never mentioned problems to my doctor? What is wrong with you? Why do you find the least likely scenario and assume that is exactly what others did? Some band problems cannot be fixed without removing the band.

I live driving distance from my surgeon. I was there all the time, he did everything, tried everything, just like US doctors do. Bands are being removed left and right by doctors from all over the world. There are hospitals that won't do banding anymore because of the high failure rate. Are you suggesting that none of those people obtained follow up care? Are you serious?

Doctors can't work magic, just using that trippy modern technology of a freak'en telephone or car doesn't magically fix things.

I don't really care how long you researched, that does not ensure you will do well, not do well, keep your band, or not keep your band. You are a newbie, you aren't even through the learning curve of the band yet. So don't you dare presume to know everything there is about banding as well as how everyone else handles their band issues.

My doctor did the same as yours, the post op diet, the nutrition eval, f/u appts, etc. So your sarcasm and silly assumptions that I just sat on my butt whining about band problems are totally ridiculous. Instead of making the most bizarre of assumptions, if you don't know something perhaps you should ask.

Perhaps next time try responding to what I wrote vs. creating this scenario that never happened and being sarcastic because you want to believe that is how history played out.

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What in the world makes you think I did anything differently? Are you under the impression I never mentioned problems to my doctor? What is wrong with you? Why do you find the least likely scenario and assume that is exactly what others did? Some band problems cannot be fixed without removing the band.

I live driving distance from my surgeon. I was there all the time, he did everything, tried everything, just like US doctors do. Bands are being removed left and right by doctors from all over the world. There are hospitals that won't do banding anymore because of the high failure rate. Are you suggesting that none of those people obtained follow up care? Are you serious?

Doctors can't work magic, just using that trippy modern technology of a freak'en telephone or car doesn't magically fix things.

I don't really care how long you researched, that does not ensure you will do well, not do well, keep your band, or not keep your band. You are a newbie, you aren't even through the learning curve of the band yet. So don't you dare presume to know everything there is about banding as well as how everyone else handles their band issues.

My doctor did the same as yours, the post op diet, the nutrition eval, f/u appts, etc. So your sarcasm and silly assumptions that I just sat on my butt whining about band problems are totally ridiculous. Instead of making the most bizarre of assumptions, if you don't know something perhaps you should ask.

Perhaps next time try responding to what I wrote vs. creating this scenario that never happened and being sarcastic because you want to believe that is how history played out.

Now how did my comment become a personal crusade against you. Why don't you PAY ATTENTION and see that in my post I'm referring to LAPBANDFREE...But if the shoe fits than you know what to do... I simply made a comment back to you after you made a comment on one of my post. I didn't single you out. But if you want to take it there then take it there...whatever rocks your boat. I STILL SAY I DON'T AGREE WITH THE POST THAT LAPBANDFREE MADE AND I WAS DIRECTING MY POST TO HER! OPEN YOUR EYES AND READ AND STOP GETTING SO DEFENSIVE. Your experience was different from hers I haven't made a comment about you...YET. I haven't made any nasty comments about you. I thought this was a post where you can post your opinion. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! PEACE :)

Edited by Melolo

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He is a her. Wasa is female through and through. She just has a sucky writing style.


Ruh-roh, sorry! Trust me, under some of my gender-neutral nics, I get the same thing. :)

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Can I get an AMEN! Why is it categorize as deceit. Why are some of you saying that these people deceived you. I think some of you deceived yourselves. I didn't go into this thinking that this band was a magical tool that would make me stop eating and find food disgusting. WOW! It almost sounds like these evil happy people with their Lap Band conspired against you and made you get this evil object inserted into your body. The evil happy people also made you eat junk food, forget your doctor's number or address so that if you had any problems you couldn't seek help, and made you forget to take Vitamins or supplements for healthy body, hair, and skin. WOW! I too wish that I could live in a world where I can blame everybody but myself.

Ok! So next your going to blame the evil happy people for making you fat so that you had to get the Lap Band.:)

Excuse me, are you talking to me?? I take Vitamins EVERYDAY. I have never missed a day since being banded. And my hair is still falling out. Just about everyone I have talked to that has had the band all say the same thing. It doesn't matter how many vitamins you take, it still happens. I never said anyone was evil or deceitful. All I said was the doctor's office doesn't tell the bad things that can happen. They only state the good. I also never said that all I eat is junk food. What I was saying is that people thinking about the band need to know that they can still eat a lot of junk because it goes through easy. I think everyone thinking about this needs to know that it takes a total lifestyle change. A lot of people aren't told that up front and think the band is going to do all the work. I don't know why you are being so sarcastic. Are you even banded yet? I haven't had any major problems, thank God, but a lot of people have problems through no fault of their own, and picking up a phone or getting in an automobile doesn't solve their problems.

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Excuse me, are you talking to me?? I take Vitamins EVERYDAY. I have never missed a day since being banded. And my hair is still falling out. Just about everyone I have talked to that has had the band all say the same thing. It doesn't matter how many Vitamins you take, it still happens. I never said anyone was evil or deceitful. All I said was the doctor's office doesn't tell the bad things that can happen. They only state the good. I also never said that all I eat is junk food. What I was saying is that people thinking about the band need to know that they can still eat a lot of junk because it goes through easy. I think everyone thinking about this needs to know that it takes a total lifestyle change. A lot of people aren't told that up front and think the band is going to do all the work. I don't know why you are being so sarcastic. Are you even banded yet? I haven't had any major problems, thank God, but a lot of people have problems through no fault of their own, and picking up a phone or getting in an automobile doesn't solve their problems.

WOW! Are you all serious! Is this for real! I guess I have a personal crusade against you too... I can see why some of you are having problems. Where did I write anything about you? But like I told the other person if the shoe fits then you know what you can do with it... How does not agreeing with anyone becomes sarcastic? And if you read my other post you will see that not only have I stated my band date once but twice. PEOPLE PLEASE READ! I'm sorry that people don't ask their doctor's to discuss the pros and cons of any surgery. And I still say that everyone that has the Lap Band doesn't discuss just the good side they discuss the negatives as well but when they discuss the negative they also state what they've done wrong. If the problem is out of their hands beleive me they do pick up the PHONE or GO TO THE DOCTOR IN A AUTOMOBILE. If it can't be magically solved by a doctor then who do you go to? How did LAPBANDFREE finally get relief? Did she go to a doctor? PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK! WAKEUP! FREE YOUR MIND AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW!

Edited by Melolo

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Excuse me, are you talking to me?? I take Vitamins EVERYDAY. I have never missed a day since being banded. And my hair is still falling out. Just about everyone I have talked to that has had the band all say the same thing. It doesn't matter how many vitamins you take, it still happens. I never said anyone was evil or deceitful. All I said was the doctor's office doesn't tell the bad things that can happen. They only state the good. I also never said that all I eat is junk food. What I was saying is that people thinking about the band need to know that they can still eat a lot of junk because it goes through easy. I think everyone thinking about this needs to know that it takes a total lifestyle change. A lot of people aren't told that up front and think the band is going to do all the work. I don't know why you are being so sarcastic. Are you even banded yet? I haven't had any major problems, thank God, but a lot of people have problems through no fault of their own, and picking up a phone or getting in an automobile doesn't solve their problems.

Oh Yeah! By the way... Have you asked your DOCTOR if there's any extra supplements that you can take to comeback the Hair loss such as...BIOTIN, Vitamin B-12, FLAXSEED, VITAMIN E, ZINC, A DIFFERENT Multivitamin, AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON AND ON.

Edited by Melolo

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Apparently YOU didn't read my posts, because as I stated I did ask the doctor and the nutritionist before surgery if this was going to cause Hair loss. They told me no. But just about everyone on here has had it happen. And YES I am taking supplements for the hair loss, but IT IS NOT WORKING. I wasn't talking about other people who have had the surgery not stating the negatives, I was talking about the DOCTORS not stating the negatives and the side affects. AND I DID ASK. They glamourize it. You are newly banded and you have a lot to learn. In the beginning it is all great, but just wait until YOUR hair starts falling out, and then let's here what you have to say then.

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Apparently YOU didn't read my posts, because as I stated I did ask the doctor and the nutritionist before surgery if this was going to cause Hair loss. They told me no. But just about everyone on here has had it happen. And YES I am taking supplements for the hair loss, but IT IS NOT WORKING. I wasn't talking about other people who have had the surgery not stating the negatives, I was talking about the DOCTORS not stating the negatives and the side affects. AND I DID ASK. They glamourize it. You are newly banded and you have a lot to learn. In the beginning it is all great, but just wait until YOUR hair starts falling out, and then let's here what you have to say then.

WOW! Again when are you going to stop whining and take responsibilty for educating yourself. For your info I was told about the hair loss and a week after I did lose some hair. But guess what I did! I went and did a hair treatment and I've added some extra supplements to my diet. I didn't blame my doctor or anyone else. I didn't whine when it happen. I simply got off my butt and found a solution to stop my hair from shedding. EDUCATION IS A BEAUTIFUL THING! Do you have the option to change your doctor? Is it against the law in your state to seek a second, third, or fourth doctor's opinion. HECK! Are you that limited.

You mean to tell me that there was no information on the web, in the library, or seminars where you could be fully informed about the Lap Band. May I ask you how did you find out about the Lap Band? And I think you meant to say is I have a lot to experience because going into this I made it a point to learn all I could about the pros and cons regarding The Lap Band. Peace :)

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Melolo, you are sounding a bit condescending. What is being explained here are these people's experiences. Not all things work for all people. Please don't disrespect them because their experiences were not completely favorable. :)

I respect them for sharing their experiences as much as I respect the ones who sing LapBand's praises.

Edited by BethFromVA

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No, there are no other doctors in my area that do the surgery. I am glad the supplements worked for you.

I'm sorry that you didn't have other doctors in your area. If your hair hasn't stopped shedding I hope you'll find a solution. I don't mean to come off like I don't sympathize with any of you. If some of you go back and read some of my post from the start...you'll find that I do feel sorry for those that have had problems. I just have a opinion about those that blame others especially in situations that they didn't take a more agressive approach in trying to solve their problems. And we can all learn from each others experiences. Peace :)

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Menolo, you are sounding a bit condescending. What is being explained here are these people's experiences. Not all things work for all people. Please don't disrespect them because their experiences were not completely favorable. :)

I respect them for sharing their experiences as much as I respect the ones

who sing LapBand's praises.

Ok! So you also need to go back and read my posting. At first I directed my post to LAPBANDFREE. I have not said that people can't voice there opinions about what they've experienced. But I'm going to post my opinion about what they've said just like you've posted your opinion about me. DON'T CALL ME DISRESPECTFUL. I beleive WASABUBBLEBUTT got that ball going and when you bark at me I'm going to bark back. So please don't go there. Peace:sleep:

Edited by Melolo

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I don't want to sound like I hate the Lap Band, because I don't. In fact, I love it! I haven't had any major problems other than the hairloss. I haven't lost a lot of weight, but what I have lost, I know I couldn't have lost it without the band. I can just really sympathize with those that have had problems, because I agree that people with problems are ran off and blamed when in fact it usually isn't their fault they are having problems. I can also sympathize because I agree that doctors and other healthcare providers don't always tell the truth about what can go wrong.

Melolo, may I ask what type of hair treatment you had?

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Guest Leslie2Lose

I'm one for accountability. I've fallen off the band-wagon and had to get back on myself. I know when I do wrong (no I don't want to admit it). I learn and move on. I'm judging no one and hope no one judges me for my past actions. No one person is the same.

Some people lose their hair, some people don't. Some people lose weight consistantly and have no problems, others don't (I fall into the latter). I know my band didn't come with a "Dr. Spok - Do this and you'll lose 100 pounds in six months." Being banded is not textbook - what is good for one person man not be for another. A lot of it is learn as you go. We can educate ourselves 80% from our doctors/reading and trying to learn from others - 20% simply you have to do for yourself. Those percentages are just my opinion.

I take Vitamins (have from day one), I also have gotten in my Protein on most days and have tried to do everything my doctors have told me to do. Most days I follow the guidelines he laid out for me - I eat right, exercise; I'm a good bandster. There are others that I'm not - I am after all human. Saying that I lost my hair for four months post op. Taking more vitamins would have done nothing to help me - it was my body's reaction to complete diet change and major surgery - i.e. trama. I know others that have not had Hair loss. Like I said before we are all different.

Please let's not try to judge one another - we should be here to support one another and find answers to questions we may have. We need to respect each other's opinions and not make this I'm wrong and your right.

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Ok! So you also need to go back and read my posting. At first I directed my post to LAPBANDFREE. I have not said that people can't voice there opinions about what they've experienced. But I'm going to post my opinion about what they've said just like you've posted your opinion about me. DON'T CALL ME DISRESPECTFUL. I beleive WASABUBBLEBUTT got that ball going and when you bark at me I'm going to bark back. So please don't go there. Peace:sleep:

So apparently only you can post opinions? My opinion is you come off as very disrespectful.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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