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Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

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Sorry for the confusion.

I'm just saying that for some, the problems experienced are more due to the banded (the person) than it is the band. Certainly not all, I don't want to infer that. I just know that many still have the issues they had going in, and though the physicality of one's body can be altered, it doesn't change what got them there in the first place unless they are also working on that as well.

So for some, I believe the bad issues experienced with the band (or their WLS of choice) is more about the person and not the procedure.

I don't have the courage you do to do the sleeve (did I remember that right?). For me personally, to permanently alter my body is too scary a venture.

Okay, that is a response I can deal with and agree! I totally, 100% agree with you. I thought you were suggesting that band problems were the fault of the banded. Keep in mind, some of us had no barfing, sliming, PBing, and foaming issues going in. The band really did cause it ALL.

I was terrified of altering my body. I was terrified that removing the greater portion of my stomach would cause my problems to be permanent and forever. I finally decided to take the plunge. The problems were not likely to get worse so what did I have to lose? I wasn't willing to be overweight again. That's just as bad as underweight, and it is!

I didn't want permanent in the beginning and to be honest, I did not believe the band would work. I really believed I would fail that, too. When I failed I could just have the band removed and realize that I tried. I was floored when it worked. Then it started working too well and I was very sick. It was a matter of:

Remove the band and become MO again,

Keep the band and die,

Revise to a sleeve and hope for the best.

It isn't until goal that you value permanent. After you hit goal you never want fat again. You'd give your right arm for permanent, but before goal reversible is appealing. It's just a stage that many of us go through.

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Sounds like it's potentially an issue with the banded, not the band. :angry:

I can't believe you can post that after reading what she just wrote. I know you want to be successful we all did in the beginning trust me! But it's better to be open to all the facts about banding than to have blinders on. Trust me these things can happen to all of us. Good luck to you Nancy.:smile:

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I can't believe you can post that after reading what she just wrote. I know you want to be successful we all did in the beginning trust me! But it's better to be open to all the facts about banding than to have blinders on. Trust me these things can happen to all of us. Good luck to you Nancy.:angry:

Her explanation of that post was also something that could be taken a number of ways. I choose to take it in the manner with the most common sense and honesty.

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Thanks for understanding, WAS. Nanook, I hope my explanation helped you understand further. Unfortunately forums are not the best for getting one's point across. What sounded good in my head apparently didn't translate well in the written word. :angry:

We all know all things don't work for all people. I feel badly for those who did everything right and for whatever reason, their bodies did not react well. However, I have also read many posts where people "cheated" and didn't do what they wee supposed to and then wondered why it didn't work. I was referring moreso to them, not to y'all and your issues, I promise. I was not being flip toward you.

WAS, I'm curious: What have you learned about the long-term effects of the sleeve? I ask because I once knew a guy with GBP surgery, and when I met him, he was still very morbidly obese (made ME look skinny). He HAD gone from about 600 pounds to what I would estimate was mid- to high-400s, but he either wasn't losing or was actually gaining during the couple years I knew him.

He not only bragged about cheating the process by eating whole gallons of ice cream (because it would go through), but I can guarantee you he could eat plenty at a sitting when we would go out for a meal. Buffets were at least two trips to the food troughs.

I guess what I'm saying is, since the stomach is an elastic muscle/organ, how does one get something like GPB or the sleeve and not eventually stretch it out? This is more curiosity than anything. Being overweight myself, I would never wish failure for anybody and, in fact, pray continued success (healthy success) for you.

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Beth, I don't want to come across as someone attacking you so sorry if it seemed that way. When you have issues with the band and have to have it removed it's not an easy thing. At this point mine was removed yesterday so I'm still going through the aftershocks which also include pain and frustration and some sadness although I'm glad it's out.

I wish you well, not even sure if you are banded yet or if you're just starting to go through the stages of it but just be as informed as you can be and make sure it's what you really want to do. We're only given one body so we need to take care of it. Best regards and good luck Nancy.:crying:

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Thanks for understanding, WAS. Nanook, I hope my explanation helped you understand further. Unfortunately forums are not the best for getting one's point across. What sounded good in my head apparently didn't translate well in the written word. :crying:

We all know all things don't work for all people. I feel badly for those who did everything right and for whatever reason, their bodies did not react well. However, I have also read many posts where people "cheated" and didn't do what they wee supposed to and then wondered why it didn't work. I was referring moreso to them, not to y'all and your issues, I promise. I was not being flip toward you.

WAS, I'm curious: What have you learned about the long-term effects of the sleeve? I ask because I once knew a guy with GBP surgery, and when I met him, he was still very morbidly obese (made ME look skinny). He HAD gone from about 600 pounds to what I would estimate was mid- to high-400s, but he either wasn't losing or was actually gaining during the couple years I knew him.

He not only bragged about cheating the process by eating whole gallons of ice cream (because it would go through), but I can guarantee you he could eat plenty at a sitting when we would go out for a meal. Buffets were at least two trips to the food troughs.

I guess what I'm saying is, since the stomach is an elastic muscle/organ, how does one get something like GPB or the sleeve and not eventually stretch it out? This is more curiosity than anything. Being overweight myself, I would never wish failure for anybody and, in fact, pray continued success (healthy success) for you.

It's a good question.

When someone has bypass they use the more elastic portion of the stomach (Fundus) and with a sleeve they save the more muscular portion of the stomach. Ours really does not stretch.

A lot of people think this is a new procedure, it really isn't. Partial gastrectomies have been done for 100 years or more for ulcers, stomach cancer, etc. So long term effects are known, which portions of the stomach stretch over time are known. This really is a fantastic procedure.

But just like a band or bypass, you can eat around your procedure type. You can eat around any WLS type. I can sit and eat soft foods all day long but about 3oz of a solid Protein and I cannot eat another bite.

I really believe that bypass is almost setting many up for failure. Their stomach and stoma stretch in a few years and they have no restriction. Then after 2-5 years they quit malabsorbing at the same rate so they are left with diet/exercise. Bypass would have never worked for me. I would have depended on malabsorption while putting off a lifestyle change and when I quit malabsorbing at the same rate I'd be in a mad rush to change my lifestyle. I would have failed big time with that procedure.

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I didn't feel attacked by you, Nanook. I just wanted to be sure I didn't sound flip. And I understand... I'm sure you're experiencing a lot right now as you did when you had it put in. I hope the best for you, and I'm sorry it didn't work out.

I am taking ALL info in on this. I am not banded... actually just heard about it less than a week ago. I have been to a seminar, and I have a meeting with a doctor on Tuesday. Believe me when I say I wholly agree with you about this being the only body we have. Surgery for this problem of mine scared (scares?) the bejesus outta me. This one scares me less than what WASA is doing, but I believe he is doing what is right for him -- as you have done and will do for you. Y'all are so much further along in this fight than I am. I have simply given up, I guess, and see a potential final hope... :crying:

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I'm glad you're not feeling attacked. I'm not sure what your weight situation is but prior to getting my surgery they put me through a ringer of tests and I found out a lot of issues I had no idea about before. Things like my thyroid was under active, I had sleep apnea, just things that also contribute to weight issues. I'm also on antidepressants and anxiety meds which also make it difficult to lose weight. So I found that with my personal situation if I had issues now losing weight with self control etc... the band really wasn't going to help me with that and I didn't find that out until after I was banded.

A lot of people do really well with the band and it helps them with Portion Control etc... but my problem was with eating the junk food that went right through the band and I had no idea all that would! I was lucky enough to have insurance that covered most of my banding and unbanding but not everyone is in that same situation. I also was afraid to do something more drastic like RNY but in a way the band can be drastic too especially if you have complications or find it's just too difficult to live with. So it's up to you to weigh all the positives along with the negatives and I know it's not easy. The surgery is the easiest part in my opinion and the work before and after is the hardest. Good luck to you Nancy.:crying:

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Hi, I am glad you are doing well. I feel for you. If you have a bad experience there is nothing that can change it. I hope you continue to have a healthy and happy life.


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You are right about the junk food, it does go straight through. I can also eat anything crunchy with no problem. People who are thinking about being banded need to really know that, because it does take a total lifestyle change. I have found that I can eat a huge order of nachos from taco bell with no problem. I have had to learn to say no to all of that kind of food. I agree that people aren't told about all the problems up front. I wasn't told about the Hair loss. In fact, I was told the opposite, that it wouldn't fall out. But it is, majorly. I have long hair and I am going to have to get it cut because it has gotten so thin. The doctor's and everyone else at the seminar and nutrition classes made it all sound so easy and so great. While I am glad I got the band and I wouldn't want it removed, I think it is wrong for people not to be told the truth up front. There are a lot of things I wasn't told. It was glamourized by everyone I talked to before I got it.

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I didn't feel attacked by you, Nanook. I just wanted to be sure I didn't sound flip. And I understand... I'm sure you're experiencing a lot right now as you did when you had it put in. I hope the best for you, and I'm sorry it didn't work out.

I am taking ALL info in on this. I am not banded... actually just heard about it less than a week ago. I have been to a seminar, and I have a meeting with a doctor on Tuesday. Believe me when I say I wholly agree with you about this being the only body we have. Surgery for this problem of mine scared (scares?) the bejesus outta me. This one scares me less than what WASA is doing, but I believe he is doing what is right for him -- as you have done and will do for you. Y'all are so much further along in this fight than I am. I have simply given up, I guess, and see a potential final hope... :crying:

He is a her. Wasa is female through and through. She just has a sucky writing style.


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And a prime example of what I refer to.

I knew the potential problems, what I did not know is that Inamed hasn't updated their stats in years. I did not know that they are doing research and studies annually but the opt not to post them. They still have stats from several years ago. Let me ask you a question. Why so you suppose they haven't updated their stats in years regardless of the current stats they have? Why do YOU suppose they still have stats from a small study group years ago instead of current large studies?

When I was banded the revision rate was not sky high. The board I was posting on was the largest lap band board of the time. EVERYONE without exception was happy. What I didn't realize is that people with problems were chased away exactly like DSers on OH with problems are chased away today.

There is currently a lawsuit against OH for this very behavior. Inamed is a major advertiser for OH. Anyone with problems during the worst of the worst in OH history was chased away. OH is being sued for having employees pose as patients and chase away anyone that said anything negative about the band or anyone else that was a major advertiser. The lawsuit was one of OH's own lawyers. He died in the middle of all this mess, if his family can continue the lawsuit... I don't know.

I was researching two years ago. It's just been in the last year that revisions for band to anything else has skyrocketed.

Information on banding is at an all time high... today. Two years ago it was much different. Each year the information doubles, triples.

I'm totally cool with accepting consequences for the band. I knew when I was banded there was not a lot of information out. A friend was trying to talk me out of the band and I kept telling her, there isn't a huge amount of information but there is enough. I'm satisfied that the data that is out shows that the complications that do happen are not typically life threatening. If it didn't work I'd remove the band. I thought it was my last shot at weight loss, a sleeve turns out to be my last shot at weight maintenance. Point being I most certainly DO accept consequences for band problems, I have little choice even if I wasn't willing.

There are two types of failed banded people. People that are unwilling/unable to change their eating habits (I don't want to diet, I don't want to change my eating habits, I don't want to move my ass, I want to sit on the couch and I want the band to absorb the ice cream I continue to eat) and people that have true band problems. I lost 100% of my excess weight before the problems were bad by keeping calories at 600 daily and 1-2 hours of hard cardio daily. Don't you DARE suggest who is blowing smoke up the butt of another. I lost over 100% of my excess weight after the problems were bad. I looked like a crack whore, not pretty. But that is what the band can potentially do. Usually band problems result in no/little weight loss. For a small minority of us band problems border on dangerous. That is something you will have to accept or not, it does not change facts regardless of what you choose to believe.

You know what? I have come to believe that the band will not be "forever" in most people. Look at the revision boards on OH. Two years ago it was rare for anyone to get a revision from band to something else. Today they make up the 2nd largest group of people getting revisions yet there are probably 5 RNYers to every banded person walking around the US today. There are a ton of mesh banded people posting, they were getting banded in the 80s and 90s. There are many, yet adjustable band folks make up the 2nd largest number of revisions on the biggest revision board on the internet. Annually the number of bands at least doubles. It was one heck of a lot less when I was banded. Insurance rarely covered banding two years ago, most of us were going to Mexico to get a band because it was $20K for a band just two years ago. If you don't like that, tough. Go see for yourself. Tell all the banded folks getting revisions that they aren't following the rules or some other such nonsense. I double dawg dare you! I'll get popcorn and sit back and watch that one.

Newbies are infamous for scoffing at those with problems. When were you banded? Just curious.

Yes, you are correct. Ignorance is bliss. It is bliss indeed, isn't it?

I guess you would know? I was banded 8/4/08. But I really don't see why that would make any difference. Since I did 3 years of research before I got the band. I had a very long and informative pre-op with the surgeon which gave me all the information that I needed and then some... including what diet to follow when I started regular foods. He even gave me a lot of information on the different types of bands. Guess what?... When I do something wrong to cause myself discomfort I either refer to the information that was given to me or I CALL THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE... WOW! Modern technology that TELEPHONE comes in handy.:)

But trust me if I ever have the discomfort or misery that Lap said she experienced I will get into that invention call the AUTOMOBILE and get my butt to the doctor ASAP. I hope that clears it up for you. I still say no way would I sit by in misery or discomfort and not do anything. Peace.

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Maybe they just didn't experience what you did.

Can I get an AMEN! Why is it categorize as deceit. Why are some of you saying that these people deceived you. I think some of you deceived yourselves. I didn't go into this thinking that this band was a magical tool that would make me stop eating and find food disgusting. WOW! It almost sounds like these evil happy people with their Lap Band conspired against you and made you get this evil object inserted into your body. The evil happy people also made you eat junk food, forget your doctor's number or address so that if you had any problems you couldn't seek help, and made you forget to take Vitamins or supplements for healthy body, hair, and skin. WOW! I too wish that I could live in a world where I can blame everybody but myself.

Ok! So next your going to blame the evil happy people for making you fat so that you had to get the Lap Band.:)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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