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NJ September 2008 Chat

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Thanks Sherry, I would have still been posting on August, LOL.

Hope your summer goes out with a splash. I turned on the pool heater Saturday and it's like 92 degrees. It feels like a spa, what a waste of gas, we were only in it about a half an hour Saturday, no one used it yesterday, I'm hoping the grand sons will come over for a little while this afternoon. I'll probably through some dogs on the grill, nothing special. The crab pots have some huge crabs, so I'll pull those up in a bit, throw some ice on them, put them in shock and clean them before I steam them. Seems so cruel, but it makes the crabs so much easier to eat and more enjoyable.

There are so many new ppl on here now, welcome to all of you, but it makes it almost impossible for me to do personals, too many to keep straight,old age is a B.

Hugs and have a safe day.

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lol there are alot of new folks and same here.....not much time to float around and remember everyone so posting is going to have to be more general.

Pat....clean crabs? How do you clean them before you cook em? Can you put something in the Water to make them spit the dirt out hahaha. I'm clueless on crabs. I haven't eaten those in YEARS! I live in New England known for the seafood and yet.....I don't like lobster at all and crabs I haven't had in years. Don't like the texture of clams or quahogs (sp?) unless the clams are clam strips or fried. Can't always eat the clams even fried because they are too chewy lol. I do enjoy haddock, flounder, fluke and other white meat fish but, I'm getting tired of those and that too sometimes sits funny in my tummy. Hmmm ya know what...lately lots of things sit funny in my tummy you'd think I'd be skinny! NOT! I can't lose an ounce lately so frustrating and I'm scared of whats going on in there :smile: One day at a time though. Oooo a warm pool sounds so nice right now. I can't heat mine as it's an above ground and we don't have a heating system on it. DH wanted to get a solar one but, man that's alot on the pocketbook. Things are tough right now around here....TIGHT! We'll get through it though :frown:

So what's going on with everyone this holiday weekend? I'm actually getting ready to start some work. We're closing the books tomorrow and i got hit with a HUGE project that needs to be completed before then UGH.

Did a MDA charity run on the motorcycle yesterday. I rode on DH's bike.....I enjoy it more so I can wave at the kiddies when we go by haha. There were over 1000 bikes and it was an awesome day to ride. Man I got some sun on my arms. DH said I should of worn a haulter top hahah Oh yea that's me for sure PAAAALEASE! This cleavage stays hidden...I see too much of that from the women and to me they aren't ladies they way some of them dress! Gross! I don't mind showing a bit but, man oh man. (Pat and Betty you know what I mean!!!)

Well I need to start the laundry and get to started on this project. Taco salad for dinner tonight...quick and easy and hopefully a walk on the beach tonight to end the weekend.

Love yas!

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Hey everyone, Happy Labor Day! Thanks for starting the new thread Sherry. Pat, dogs on the grill and a warm pool sound like a perfect holiday. The weather here is beautiful today.

I have been wildly busy getting my classroom ready for the darlings. I know I've been mia since I've been working late every night and went to the mountains this weekend. Everything is going well, it is just hectic like most of our lives. :smile: The kids start school tomorrow so I have to put on my serious face for the week until they realize I don't play. lol

I haven 't seen Diane post lately. I hope she is well.

Betty, I'm so glad your recuperation is going well. Will you post a pic of the girls for us!!? LOL

Kat, I hope you are through with that nasty virus. Maybe you're just sore from the vomiting. I sure hope your band didn't slip. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Well, ladies, have a great day. I'll let you know how the first days of school go. I hope I can sleep tonight. I still get excited before the first day of school!


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Thank you Sherry for starting September.

Thank you for the welcomes that I have received I hope everyone had a happy and healthy labor day weekend :thumbup: I was at the gym most of the weekend including today and it was packed.

Andrea you're right I am very close to Westampton. I am calling the surgeon's office in the morning to confirm they have received the sleep doctor's letter and go from there. It's funny they laughed at me when I told them in June that I expected to have this surgery by the end of 2008. They told me no it will be much sooner than that we'll see.

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Boo !

Hi Ladies :tt2:

Just popping in to say hello. Can you believe its September :( where oh where did the summer go and why does it take so long to get here and its gone with a blink of an eye..... phoooie~

Nothing much is new here.... the Puppies are getting big. I can't remember if I posted pictures of them. My Emma (the mom) had 3. Two boys and a girl, one is black, one is brown, and one is white... go figure... but boy are they adorable.

I'm getting a new boss... mine got promoted to VP of our department so he'll be working out of PA instead of NJ :thumbup: but then the old saying goes the devil you don't know is worse then the devil you do know... I just hope we get some one nice.. with manners LOL.

I still have not gotten a fill.... I keep coming up with excuses. My excuse this month is, we are going to Disney on Oct 31st so why would I want a fill NOW??? shame on me.... *SHRUG* I should make an appt for the week after I'm back now, before I make another excuse. I can eat so much its like I don't have a band... goofball me.

Anyway..... I need to get back in here more because I miss you all.

Have a great day chickies... love and miss you.


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HI everyone--like the others I am not even going to attempt yet to keep everyone straight----I am getting old....give me some time!!!

Well our rally was WET!!!! It rained hard! But we made the best of it, and the company was good, so we had fun. I know exactly about showing too much flesh Sherry!!! Oh my, there is always something at the rallies that makes my eyebrows go up!!!

So I spent all weekend, with stomach issues continuing. Sometimes I would eat and it would stay down for a little while, other times it was like swallowing onto a trampoline, up it come! Then yesterday----I tossed the first half of my Breakfast, and to be honest I lied to Rick about it, so he would not worry, so I had to eat some to keep up appearances----and it stayed down! After the ride home it was feeling kind of queasy---I sipped some 7-Up and all was fine. I ate about 1/3 of a burger last night, about 3 fries, and another 7-Up. It stayed down with no issue at all! No discomfort---nothing! Then about 1:30 this morning, I had to hit the bathroom, and run back and forth all night long! Sorry I know that is a little TMI----but I am wondering if the virus is slowly working its way through or what???

I have drank today without issue, and snacked as well and all remains comfortably down.

Rick said he sees a correlation between my PS swelling and my inability to keep things down. The muscle that swells so badly still does sit directly on top of my band.....

So I am going to play it by ear (er stomach) and see how the week goes. I do not want to travel 6 hours to my Dr. cause my swelling to increase due to travel--get the swallow and find nothing passing and lose my band! When eventually this swelling will quit! I am going to be very abservant and see how it goes. I will be honest with myself and you guys and not let things get too bad---my DH will not let that happen!!! He is an old mother hen when it comes to health anyway!!!

Betty hope you are healing up!!! I think about you!!

I had never heard of taking the sips from a spoon! I was told the clear caffeine free drinks like 7-Up or Sprite will absorb through the stomach lining, without requiring digestion, faster than even Water. So I always put it over ice, which dilutes the carbonation....and it was like a miracle cure!

Well I have to run to the store before I can complete supper----so better get a move on!

Thanks for the well wishes, and it is good to see so many new faces!!! Give us a chance and we will get it together and remember who is who!!! LOL


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Hi everyone!

I am back from seeing my hubby in El Paso TX. It was so good to be with him, I haven't seen him in 2 months! And now another 10 is starting!

So my surgery is this Tuesday the 9th! I am so excited, but so nervous! I really can't wait though.

Sherry - thank you for doing the MDA run. My family has MD, my Dad passed from it, and I have the gene and not sure if the symptoms I have are from that or my weight. but thanks, every bit helps!

Everyone else, glad you are doing ok, welcome all the new ladies!

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Michaele good luck next week.... it'll be over before you know it. Glad you got to see your DH :party:

Here's a picture of the pups, they are 2 weeks old and 2 have their eyes open just today.



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Sherry, the grand-kids did not show, except for the 2yr old, we stopped by his dad's house and picked him up in the boat, hmmm, why did I have a feeling this was going to be an all nighter? Could it be the bag of goodies his dad had with him at the pier. He and I got in the pool for about 45 minutes, it was heaven, but then Zac got bored with Nana, imagine that!, LOL.

I went and got the almost 5 year old yesterday, I had to take the Corvette to get inspected, well didn't have to, wanted to, it was a beautiful afternoon. He thought that was so cool riding in his booster seat with the top down, of course, I was a nervous wreck that somebody would run into me with him in the car. Then we came to my house and he got in the pool with Pop, which is now a cool pool, compared to Monday. I'll probably have it covered next week, when it's done it's done.

Not much going on here, I've just been lazzzzzzzzzzy, embarrassingly so!

Eileenie, I still find it quite odd the color of those puppies, LMAO. Maybe you should have named the mama dog "Run Around Sue".

Donna, glad you're excited about school, I was always excited too, when it was time for my kids to go back, LOL.

Diane, we need to meet half way for liquids, Donna, are you interested?

Oh yeah, Donna are you ready for a fill soon, we love to Celebrate fills.

Kat, you are one busy woman! I think it's great your hubby is so involved. My hubby is involved too, only with things he likes, fishing, golfing, jetskiing, yard work, yes, he loves his yard. I'll have to attach a picture later, it is beautiful, especially from the Water. I'm trying to learn to be more like him and think more of me. He did take me fishing Monday and we had a great time, we caught 6 keepers, the weather was perfect, warmish, but a great breeze.

Betty, I hope all the drains are working, can't wait to see your new puppies, Eileenie showed us hers :party:.

Welcome to all, hope you're doing well and the new surgery goes well.

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Sherry, "cleaning crabs", that's what the ice is for, I spread them out in a cooler, then dump ice on them. It puts them into shock and then when you're SURE they're shocked enough, you can pull the backs off and clean the yuck out and the gills, then rinse and put in the pot. I love this new way of picking crabs.

OK ladies, gonna run, I haven't been to the office since last Friday, and that was only to open my mail, and I'd been at the beach the 4 days before that, so like I said, I've been very lazzzzzzzzy!

Hugs to all!

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Hello Y'all,

I think I am finally getting to the other side of healing. I am still quite swollen up but it has only been a week since the second surgery so I need to be good. It has not been easy as I got company 2 days after surgery and guess who they expect to do everything? the are here till the 13th so I will be crazy by then.l

I got a release to go back to work on Monday, so I won't even get a day alone to enjoy the time off. That does not make me very happy. they are nice folks don't get me wrong, but it was really bad timing.

I read all the posts, but like everyone else I can't address everyone right now but hope to learn all the names soon.

No pics of my puppies, they are not for adoption. I will say they might be a tad bit smaller than I wanted, but I won't know for 6 weeks or so till most of the swelling goes down. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, and I was planning on wearing the dress I wore in Mexico to the wedding but if I do I definately have to wear a padded bra, you should see the difference!

Well going to get off here and entertain my company some more.

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Hey gal pals,

What a busy day! Went fishing with hubby from 9-3 today, didn't catch diddly, but we had a great time. After we got home, we had to batten down the hatches, waiting for Hanna (sp). Had to pull the boats out of their "hangers", ie, boat lifts, and tie them off, otherwise, the tide would push them through the boat house. Then we had to move the jet-ski's so they wouldn't float off their lifts, like one of them did during Ernesto, thank goodness a neighbor brought her home, LOL.

Then we had to go to my son's house, because he left this am for the Redskins vs Giants game in NY, and secure our other boat, which he has been using, while his is in the shop. At least his boat will be safe.

Then we came home and got in the pool, it was wonderful, by then, I was burning up, I don't do well with heat.

It's supposed to start raining tomorrow, then Saturday, and storms on Sunday. Not sure what the other storms are going to do.

Well, that's what I did with my day, but I took time to check in, hint, hint, where are you ladies?

Betty, you had some big big girls, they probably just seem small now, compared to what you had. I'm sure you'll be pleased, especially, once you can start wearing those sexy bras, or better yet, go without one. Had to laugh, we were out in the middle of the bay today, not another boat around for miles, well, lets just say the girls got sun exposure, LOL.

Nighty Night

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Hello Everyone!

I had a good day. I hope everyone did too. I kept telling my DH I have to go and buy my coach sunglasses (knowing he did not buy my bday gift) this weekend using my bank account. So I waited patiently for him to get the hint and finally he's taking me tomorrow to buy them with his account not mine :tt2: We save money on our own separate from the house and spend it on luxuries only.

I hope Hanna dies down and everyone just gets rain. I know someone who is more concerned about Ike than Hanna it's a monster of a storm right now and they are not sure just yet when and where it will go. For those of you in the path of Hanna please stay safe.

I have a CPAP study happening on Saturday and then I will get this machine oh joy. I cannot believe that they are going to make me wait until I use it for two weeks and call the sleep doctor to do an over the phone survey. Once that's done hopefully she will clear me so my surgeon's office can finally give me a date and submit my file to the insurance company. Oh well I guess it could be worse.

Have a good day tomorrow :smile2:

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Hi Girls

Betty boop, did you have Betty boob surgery? I'm sorry I missed it :mellow: how are you feeling sweetie ???? Any type of surgery like that scares the crap out of me *gentle hugs*

Pat... when are you going to sign that pink slip and make me owner of your corvette? :tongue2: my favorite car is a 1959 white/red corvette or is it a 1956... can't remember.. CRAFT disease remember lol. I don't know whats the deal with the tri color pups... but I bet she had a good time, maybe I should name her good time sally. lol

I'm at work today.... as usual lol. Hanna is supposed to hit us tomorrow, any where from 3 - 7" depending on which radio/tv news you listen to. either way I'll be indoors scrapbooking / cleaning / playing with the puppies.

Anyone hear from Cindy or Beanie? I miss those gals.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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