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Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

Are We Ready For A Woman VP?  

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got it - wrapping up cause i got me a little race in the morning.

her folksy way wouldn't cut in my fortune 500 world when i was working in high tech sales. no matter what part of the country / world you are from - you adapt to your audience. if i'm to look at her record of being just alaska, well that's just sad....because she as VP will have to engage with more than just the "avg joe six pack" & she is not even CLOSE to being capable of that endeavor.

she was cheeky & smarmy, and I wanted to root for her. her as a woman - her values and mine are polar opposites.

nite all~

Good Luck in your Race LuLu !!!! WTG

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I do think she comes off as unprofessional - to me a business woman doesn't wink and say oh gosh darn - like a little kid.. But that's my opinion and I don't think it's out of line as it's my opinion and since we are in the USA - I am entitled to it.. I find her very irrating to listen to.

The out of line thing I was referring to was the discussion of Putin and his underwear. Also, the already-debunked rumor that she claimed to know foreign policy because you can see Russia from Alaska.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. You were asking about mine. I have spent a lot of time in my life traveling, and I don't judge people by their manner of speaking. My guess is that while she didn't appeal to you because you didn't think she was "business" enough, she appealed to a lot of people precisely because of that.

Do you really think that the majority of the pple in the world are voting cuz of the politics - I bet you that alot of pple vote just cuz they like one person better than the other - I know it's been said that JFK was elected cuz women thought he was handsome. It might not be right - but we are going to have ton's of pple voting for Barack cuz he's black - for Palin cuz she's a women - for McCain cuz he's a POW.. And I know that alot of males aren't going to vote for McCain cuz of her.

A lot of people do vote because they like one person better than the other (which astonishes me), but if you look at the YouTube video I posted above, I think you'll find that your response didn't come close to that of Luntz' particular focus group (a group of undecided voters). That's not to say all people reacted the same way, but your not liking her style doesn't translate to the majority of people not liking her style.

But I really did think that her style would bug you as I didn't think you would like the winks and gosh darns - and I don't think Biden came off as slick.. But I again - I think you wear your parties glasses so you see them in a diff light - Just like I wear my parties glasses and see your party differently than you do

I don't think Biden came off as slick either. And I'm not gauging her performance positively because I like her politics; I think her approach was refreshing.

How to we know that Universal health care is going be be a flop

Virtually every country that has it is moving away from it in increments. We're moving towards it.

and I don't think in theroy socilized med is a really bad thing

Philosophically speaking, why should I be forced to pay for another person's medical care? And why don't we then believe the government should also pay for our auto and home insurance? Bureaucracy is terribly inefficient. It scares the wits out of me to have the federal government in control of our health care.

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Gadgetlady I like your style. It is great to hear someone who does their research before putting the info or opinion out there. As for the polls, you can make polls say whatever you want them to say just choose the people you poll. It is incredible to hear people say that Sarah Palin is ignorant and moronic. You may not like her style or her views but there is a much more intelligent way to state yours. Lashing out is not the way to unite America it only tears it farther apart. How can you hate anyone that wants to, in her or his own way, make the United States a better place whether you agree with their philosophy or not.

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No one will ever fully know a candidate and what he or she is capable of doing or not doing(Nixon anyone? Clinton and his sex scandal? W. Bush?), record or no record! I think its important for people to do their research, learn about the candidates and get inform! I am an Independent only because they are things I do not like about the Republican or the Democratic party. I am proud to be a non-partisan and I take pride knowing that I do my research before I vote.

Off topic a bit. My mother is a Republican and she has taught me all I need to know about taxes lol and of course from my education, I have a degree in Poli-Sci. Any who, I have recently noticed that I become upset when some of my undocumented clients are having 3 to 4 kids, living in poverty and not wanting birth control due to religious views. We all know unprotected sex leads to STDs and so on and so forth. We also know that Latinas are getting infected with HIV at a very fast rate. In NY, Medicaid covers these women during their entire pregnancy and then for 6 additional month postpartum because the state believes that the children are U.S citizen and the mother should have insurance in order to give birth to a healthy U.S citizen. Do you think the state should provide them with health insurance or birth control? My mom says birth control because she shouldn't have to pay taxes to cover undocumented people. Well I am not sure what to think. I am stuck in the middle.

Edited by LoveIslovely

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It is unfortunate that we have a population of uneducated, poverty level people, not only Hispanics, but of every race who are having children they cannot care for properly. We have systems in place such as WIC that provide "food vouchers" and health care. We have illegal immigrants that use our hospital emergency rooms as their personal care physicians because they cannot legally turn anyone awaywho wants health care. It is time we as American's stop footing the bill for people that expect it and do nothing to actually support the US besides "take" and take advantage. It is one thing to be compassionate and idealistic it is another to be a realist and keep what you earn, yes, I said earn!

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McCain's healthcare plan really disturbs me as it is really more of the same (in relation to who will have access). I believe healthcare should be a basic human right in this country. Regardless of an individual's ability to pay they all deserve high quality healthcare. The idea that taxing someone's premiums to give them a tax credit later months later is crazy. In all reality I just don't see that it will really open a window to healthcare for the individual who doesn't have coverage. Who really believes the person who is on hard times will take a tax credit and go out and buy insurance when they need the money to pay rent, buy food, fix their car, new coats for their kids, etc? I think the only people buying this as a good idea for fixing our healthcare problem are people sitting happy with insurance already. At least Obama's plan gives everyone access and not some silly you can use your tax return to go buy coverage.

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It is incredible to hear people say that Sarah Palin is ignorant and moronic. You may not like her style or her views but there is a much more intelligent way to state yours.

Amen. Calling someone names only makes it clear you have no substantive argument to the issue at hand.

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Off topic a bit. My mother is a Republican and she has taught me all I need to know about taxes lol and of course from my education, I have a degree in Poli-Sci. Any who, I have recently noticed that I become upset when some of my undocumented clients are having 3 to 4 kids, living in poverty and not wanting birth control due to religious views. We all know unprotected sex leads to STDs and so on and so forth. We also know that Latinas are getting infected with HIV at a very fast rate. In NY, Medicaid covers these women during their entire pregnancy and then for 6 additional month postpartum because the state believes that the children are U.S citizen and the mother should have insurance in order to give birth to a healthy U.S citizen. Do you think the state should provide them with health insurance or birth control? My mom says birth control because she shouldn't have to pay taxes to cover undocumented people. Well I am not sure what to think. I am stuck in the middle.

Want a further conundrum? A friend of mine just told me someone (I don't know who) has introduced the idea of breaking the cycle of poverty among families by paying the women $1000 to get their tubes tied. She was livid about it. I'll bet there's a gamut of opinions on it on this board!

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Oh yes, I saw this on CNN, Republican Mayor Labruzzo (I think thats how you spell it lol) brought up the idea and many were upset and some were for it. Personally, if your living in poverty one should really think about having children, it creates more poverty. I think providing families with some form of education(like a certification to become a Medical Assistant), will allow them to find jobs that will provide them with a decent income and lessens their dependency on state funds/social programs.

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The out of line thing I was referring to was the discussion of Putin and his underwear. Also, the already-debunked rumor that she claimed to know foreign policy because you can see Russia from Alaska..

How is it debunked - she has stated that she has experience national security due to Alaska being next to Russia

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. You were asking about mine. I have spent a lot of time in my life traveling, and I don't judge people by their manner of speaking. My guess is that while she didn't appeal to you because you didn't think she was "business" enough, she appealed to a lot of people precisely because of that..

Well to me the Representative of our country should be business like and not folksy in the way she was - she did get serious at time but the folksy part didn't appeal to me. ..

A lot of people do vote because they like one person better than the other (which astonishes me), but if you look at the YouTube video I posted above, I think you'll find that your response didn't come close to that of Luntz' particular focus group (a group of undecided voters). That's not to say all people reacted the same way, but your not liking her style doesn't translate to the majority of people not liking her style..

Very true - I never said the majority didn't like her - I can say that the majority pple in my office didn't care for her either and a client who is Mr. Republican - That's my focus group

Virtually every country that has it is moving away from it in increments. We're moving toward it.

Philosophically speaking, why should I be forced to pay for another person's medical care? And why don't we then believe the government should also pay for our auto and home insurance? Bureaucracy is terribly inefficient. It scares the wits out of me to have the federal government in control of our health care.

We are already paying for all the pple who go to the emergency room - medical etc - this is one of the reason health insurance is so much

I feel that if you have a family of 4 who's bring home $35,000- just their basic living expense is going to eat up all their earning - their employer doesn't provide insurance - what are they to do.. These are the pple I am talking about - I am an Idealist - My Xdh is a grown man with no child had a heart attack no insurance and no $$$ for the meds that he needed - he gets a whole $900 a month to live on from his railroad retirement/disability and too young to get the medical coverage. These are the pple who I am talking about - the whole illegal immigrants issue is never ever going to get fixed unless we live in a police state..

I think we should have some form of affordable health care. How I sure and the hell don't know - but it's what I want to see - the lady who lost her job and gets breast cancer - what about her.. Medical bills are one of the biggest reason for bankruptcy.. A serious illness can cost you $500,000 heck a 2 day stay in the hospital for my lap band - the hospital billed my insurance $64,000 - ya my insurance only paid $3500 due to their contract - but wtf did the other 29k go... Makes no sense to my average little brain...

I am an average person - who doesn't have the time to go reach ever tidbit of info out there - I listen to the news - read a little in the paper, listen to the debate - discuss with my friends - this is what I think most American's do

I am far from being knowledgeable enough to get in a full on debate on all these topic's - and I really don't care enough about spending all my time reaching - as stated before - whatever you read or hear is skewed as to that person's opinion..

I care enough to vote for the person whom I think will do the best job. But do I really think that my one little vote is really going to do anything - nope - my vote is going to cancel your vote - but it's my right as an American

Do I have all the answers to fix all our problems nope. In fact it's overwhelming to me to even try to solve them - the only thing I have a bit of control over is my household - I live within my budget. I am lucky enough not to be one of the 5 pple let go in my office due to the economy.

What about those pple who lost their jobs - insurance and sure and the hell can't afford the corba payments on unemployment - then become uninsurable cuz they have had a lapse in coverage -

They can take some of my tax dollars to help these pple - just like I give to the homeless shelter and my church - I feel for pple who are less fortunate than me thru no fault of their own - I have compassion -

As I have said before hand up not hand out..

And for every little website - utube in favor of your candidate - I can find one in fave of mine if I was so inclined to - but I don't think it's worth the effort - cuz - it's never going to change your mind -and just cuz it's there in cyberspace doesn't mean it's true

- I really don't know where you can get the real truth - unless you are going spend all your time & energy on reaching their voting records - every speech they every said - and that's way too much work for me - I have a life beside politics and all those pple in Washington are going to do what they want to - regardless of what I want or think..

It's a crap shoot - but we have not done well under Bush - look at where we are = I have lost $$$ in this market - won't be able to retire when I wanted - I wonder about the pple who are retired and have lost their $$

and all the executives who profited when we loss our $$ -

That wooden arrow makers get a credit in this bail out - I understand we had to do something - but all these little add ons make no sense to me

Well - this has turned into a book - and gotten way off subject in a way -

and my brain is tired - I don't have the energy or knowledge to debate all this with you - I just don't like Palin nor McCain nor their platform - I will get a tax break under Barack (maybe if he can keep his word again a crap shoot) I don't make anywhere near $250,000

Peace Out...

Green - tell us about your health care system.... Is it that bad are you moving away from it...

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Thanks for that link, Jack. Obama's ties to shady organizations are well documented. They've just not been well publicized, due to the obvious bias of the MSM.

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Kathleen Parker, discussed earlier in this thread for her opposition to Palin, appears to be warming to her. Kathleen Parker :: Townhall.com :: Sarah Palin's Bridge to Somewhere

Here's the byline:

The Palin who performed so miserably in one-on-one media interviews was nowhere to be seen during Thursday night's debate with Joe Biden. Instead, the affable, tough, determined pit-bull-hockey mom presented to the GOP convention was back with a jaw-jutting, happy-warrior vengeance.

Edited by gadgetlady

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McCain's healthcare plan really disturbs me as it is really more of the same (in relation to who will have access). I believe healthcare should be a basic human right in this country. Regardless of an individual's ability to pay they all deserve high quality healthcare. The idea that taxing someone's premiums to give them a tax credit later months later is crazy. In all reality I just don't see that it will really open a window to healthcare for the individual who doesn't have coverage. Who really believes the person who is on hard times will take a tax credit and go out and buy insurance when they need the money to pay rent, buy food, fix their car, new coats for their kids, etc? I think the only people buying this as a good idea for fixing our healthcare problem are people sitting happy with insurance already. At least Obama's plan gives everyone access and not some silly you can use your tax return to go buy coverage.

The ck isn't going to you - it's going directly to an insurance company was my understanding from last nights debate

It's going to hurt me - I have insurance thru my employer - but he is going to get taxes on the premium that he pays for me - more $$$ out of his pocket - we have already laid 5 pple off in my office due to the economy. Well if he has to pay a tax on my benefit - it's going to get cut period and I will end up with a lesser coverage polcy for more $$$ and I will have to make up the diff.. $12000 policy I get 5000 from McCain - where's the other 7000 suppost to come from..

There are alot of pple who don't understand hard times cuz it doesn't affect them - they don't understand pple getting laid off their jobs - and then who can't find another one - not everyone in a homeless shelter is there cuz they are hobos - acholicis or druggies - some are their because they have lost their jobs, apts - cars due to the economy -

These are the pple who need and deserve our help... And if someone want off drugs and wants to go to rehab - they should have the opportunity - but their is no place for these pple ya 1 yr waiting period- they are throwaways to most - but you know what their addiction is no diff than ours - it's just that food is legal - we needed help we had insurance that paid for it - or we were self payers - but again - food is legal and doesn't affect going to work (well for most)

Poor pple are fat cuz all they can afford is high carb foods = not fruit and veggie - heck 4 packs of top ramin for $1 - hell you can't get 1 lb of meat for that amount of $$$ - but pple look at those overweight pple in the food lines and say ya right they need more food..

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How is it debunked - she has stated that she has experience national security due to Alaska being next to Russia

Here's what I posted earlier about that at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f7/we-ready-woman-vp-74363/index12.html#post1017169:

One GOOD thing that will happen with the debate is that it won't be edited (in contrast to the recent interviews).

Everyone laughs at the media's representation of Palin's answer on foreign policy, the representation of which is that she understands it because Russia can be seen from Alaska. Ha ha. What a silly answer. Isn't she stupid. Mock, mock, mock. But how many of you know the REAL question and answer? The FULL question and answer?

Here it is (parts in bold are the parts edited out of the broadcast):

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

GIBSON: What insight does that give you into what they’re doing in Georgia?

PALIN: Well, I’m giving you that perspective of how small our world is and how important it is that we work with our allies to keep good relation with all of these countries, especially Russia. We will not repeat a Cold War. We must have good relationship with our allies, pressuring, also, helping us to remind Russia that it’s in their benefit, also, a mutually beneficial relationship for us all to be getting along.

Big difference when you read the whole thing. Her response is that we must always remember that our world is ever growing smaller and we must take this into consideration in any foreign policy matter. It's a thoughtful and reasonable answer when you read the part that was edited out.

The same thing happened with her answer on NATO and war with Russia. When you have edit control, it's amazing what ends up on the cutting room floor -- and how bad you can make someone look.

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