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Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

Are We Ready For A Woman VP?  

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Did anyone see the Palin interview with Katie Curic. Palin was pitiful. All she did was repeat taking points over and over again. She might be a nice lady but she is out of her league. I cannot wait for the VP debate.

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I missed the Couric interveiw. I was at sea and only have been able to catch a little Fox and MSNBC for the past 2.5 weeks.

They gave Hillary Clinton hell for being so strident. I think Palin deserves to be called on the fact that she's so shrill. I don't agree that she's a nice lady. I think that she is a very effective politician for the constituency she represents. And she scares the hell out of me. But her shrill tone represents her politics quite well as far as I'm concerned. As did Hillary's strident tone.

I remember that McCain has a long history of being called on his strident attitude and his quick temper. And being called on it publically hasn't accomplished anything but cause him to soften his tone and hide his temper. He still chose Sarah Palin and that's what counts, isn't it?

Hey I apologize if I'm off on some tangent. I should be home taking a nap. But who can sleep with this crazy political race going on? I just don't understand why the extreme right wing feels that it is necessary for our government to represent only them. It reminds me of the Muslim mindset in some ways. Like I said, I'm scared.

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I felt sorry for Palin during the interview with Katie- she is definetely Not Ready for Prime Time. She is out of her league.

The very conservative National Review has several editors/columnists asking her to withdraw from the race.

I feel sorry for her - she had no idea what she was getting into and it shows. I could NEVER vote for her. She is way too inexperienced to be VP never mind Pres.

McCain made a huge mistake and has showed extremely poor judgement as he has been accused of in the past.


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I am with both of you. I have recently read many conservative columinist that once supported her asking her to step aside. She is way over her head. Between picking Palin and trying to get out of the debate I think the McCain campaign is imploding (if were lucky). I look forward to watching the debate tonight but more so the VP debate. We have a right to know who we are electing.

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Btw, I don't have a problem with Palin believing in creationism and God. I just disagree that hers, or any religion should be taught in our public schools.

Can you tell me how teaching Christianity in our public schools is different from Muslims teaching their religion in their schools? Oh yes, I know that the Muslim religion is different from Christianity, but endoctrinating young children with a belief system that is chosen by our government is not what I believe most Americans want or expect their elected leaders to accomplish while in office.

That is not the only extremely right wing, narrow-minded objective that Palin has in her arsenal of political goals and there are quite a few more that I disagree with. In fact, I am against everything she stands for.

If I ever could have voted for John McCain (as I thought I might have in the past), having Sarah Palin in line for the presidency is a deal breaker in every way.

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Can those of you who claimed that conservative columnists are asking her to step aside please cite references or links? I'd be interested to see this.

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Btw, I don't have a problem with Palin believing in creationism and God. I just disagree that hers, or any religion should be taught in our public schools.

Can you tell me how teaching Christianity in our public schools is different from Muslims teaching their religion in their schools? Oh yes, I know that the Muslim religion is different from Christianity, but endoctrinating young children with a belief system that is chosen by our government is not what I believe most Americans want or expect their elected leaders to accomplish while in office.

That is not the only extremely right wing, narrow-minded objective that Palin has in her arsenal of political goals and there are quite a few more that I disagree with. In fact, I am against everything she stands for.

If I ever could have voted for John McCain (as I thought I might have in the past), having Sarah Palin in line for the presidency is a deal breaker in every way.

1. It doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, and it doesn't make either one of us "radicals". The Bible is an extremely important book. Fortunately in this country you have the right to believe in what you want. But things are changing. Christians are the ones that are being discriminated against (sound familiar?) Every other religion can be taught or expressed in public schools (except maybe wiccan?), but Christianity is frowned upon.

2. No matter what you believe, "God" was very important to our founding fathers

3. I don't know this for a fact...just an observation. I would say Obama believes in Creationism (hence his involvement with Wright).

4. I don't believe that porn or soft porn or sexually explicit books should be available to my children at school. Fine, if you want to show your kids a Playboy at home, I guess that is your right. Check out Snopes, the Palin thing is false.

5. I have a right to bear arms. My house is very well protected. :thumbup:

6. Drilling for oil does not mean destroying the surrounding environment and wildlife. My family owns numerous oil wells...trust me on this one (my mom owns a botanical garden an arboretum).

7. Obama has no business leading a military that he has no respect for. (jwrn quickly places the target on her back).

I guess my views are pretty similar to Palin's.

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What, what, what? Christianity is discriminated against in the U.S.? Are you kidding? Most of us are Christians. They do not teach other religions in our public schools. If you think they do, I'd be interested in seeing evidence of that.

Uh yeah, I'd guess from your posts that you and Palin share similar beliefs. I certainly have no problem with that. But I don't want either one of you leading this country and insisting that the rest of us live by your religious belief system.

Palin did go to the librarian and ask her what the steps were to have books removed from the public library. Her motives are possibly what are debatable, but she did request the information and it does smack of censorship. If you can't control your children's reading material, that shouldn't cause everyone else in America to only read children's books or Bibles. That's just convoluted thinking to say that books that you find objectionable should be banned from public libraries. You should ban objectionable books from your home. But you should have the freedom to read books that come from all over the world and that present varied interpretations and representations so that you can learn. If you are only permitted to read the Bible, how can you understand other religions? How can you understand your religious enemies? If you have principles and morals and strong religious beliefs, books that you find objectionable cannot harm you. They can make you stronger and more informed and worldly and intelligent. Do you really not understand this?

I believe that we should all own guns. I believe that we should be issued guns at age 18 and be made to take proficiency tests and have regular target practice. We should be able to carry concealed weapons. Hopefully the smartest and best will take down the dumbest and worst in society and then many of our problems will be solved. Actually I say that somewhat facitiously, but I earnestly believe that if we all knew we were all armed, it might stop some of the bad people taking advantage of the weaker people. Guns are real euqalizers, aren't they? Except in the case of gun toters vs. animals.

Oil drilling does pollute. I don't care how many oil wells your daddy owns. I grew up in a state whose largest commodity was oil. Everybody had one someplace on their property, if they were lucky. Oil wells are polluters - ever seen a slag pond? Ever seen an oil slick? To say that they are perfectly safe these days and that they don't pollute is naive. And none of us is ignorant to the fact that Alaskan residents want oil drilling in Alaska because it stands to make them rich. Just like many homeowners want gas companies to drill on their land even when they don't own the mineral rights. They stand to make easy money on the surface rights. Greed can cause lots of actions that aren't beneficial to our health and wellbeing. To further support the unbelievably rich oil companies by allowing them the kind of drilling they want, is completely stupid. But of course if you own oil companies or oil wells or have any investment in keeping us oil dependent, then I get your point.

And by the way, I'd like someone to tell us where they heard the rumor that there are conservatives who want Palin to drop out of the race too. That sounds like the kind of stuff that Republicans usually put out to undermine Demos. Well since it's a tactic that is proven to work for Republicans, why shouldn't the Democrats do it? At this point, I think they're pretty frustrated that they're reaping some of what they sow. And that's a good thing.

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Bjean - you go girl!!!

Two conservatives that have asked Palin to step down that once supported her:

Kathryn Lopez - National Review

Kathleey Parker - Conservative Columnist

I expect more after the Oct 2nd VP debate

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P.S. I don't know if Senator Obama believes in Creationism. I understand that he is a Christian and reads the Bible. But I do know that he doesn't expect each and every American to believe as he does and practice the same religion that he does. I believe that he knows that Americans have the right to choose their own religion and that it does not threaten him in any way for people to practice religions that are different from his own. I hope that he recognizes the importance of the separation of Church and State. I wish that more people understood the importance of the separation of Church and State and stopped thinking that people who have different beliefs are bad and going to hell and I also wish that people understood that putting "In God We Trust" on our money doesn't have any affect whatsoever on how we live our lives in this country and it doesn't reflect whether we are good people or bad people.

Furthermore I do not believe that our military does not respect Senator Obama. That's one of the Republican player tactics that just doesn't sit well with me. I know many more members of the military who support Senator Obama than who share the views of George Bush and John McCain. Sure, war gives them a chance to make more money and go higher up the ladder, but the ones I know are not stupid. They know how depleted our resources are and how beaten down our military is. They know how bad this war has been and how wrong we were to have waged this war. To say that our military is stupid and doesn't repsect Senator Obama is pretty nasty indeed.

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clusk - Good Job!!! Thanks, I will know where to look now.

I hope you're right about the V.P. debate and the effect it will have.

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Oil drilling does pollute. I don't care how many oil wells your daddy owns. I grew up in a state whose largest commodity was oil. Everybody had one someplace on their property, if they were lucky. Oil wells are polluters - ever seen a slag pond? Ever seen an oil slick? To say that they are perfectly safe these days and that they don't pollute is naive. And none of us is ignorant to the fact that Alaskan residents want oil drilling in Alaska because it stands to make them rich. Just like many homeowners want gas companies to drill on their land even when they don't own the mineral rights. They stand to make easy money on the surface rights. Greed can cause lots of actions that aren't beneficial to our health and wellbeing. To further support the unbelievably rich oil companies by allowing them the kind of drilling they want, is completely stupid. But of course if you own oil companies or oil wells or have any investment in keeping us oil dependent, then I get your point.


Yes, I have seen a slag pond. I have also seen McDonald's fast food wrappers on the side of the road, but you don't see anyone picketing them for adding to pollution or for killing innocent cows and chickens (or what ever those little nuggets are made out of).

No offense but you are taking one bit and stretching it to fit your "view" of Republicans. Nowhere have I EVER seen where a Republican said that everyone should believe in God and everyone should be one Religion. I have not seen anywhere where there was a certain book Palin wanted out of the library.

It is like saying that since Michelle Obama said this was the first time she was proud to be an American, then "everyone should have been ashamed to be Americans". Or since Obama is for late term abortion, then everyone should get an abortion. Or since Biden didn't know his history (aka Roosevelt and his TV broadcast) he should not be in public office. It is just taking one piece and twisting it to your liking.

Military...well, I don't know a military person that is FOR Obama (ok, maybe one). Funny, Iraq is now a stable country with a population that is grateful for our Military. You just don't see that on the news.

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Two conservatives that have asked Palin to step down that once supported her:

Kathryn Lopez - National Review

Can you provide a link? I'm reading Kathryn Lopez' writings and I'll I'm seeing is praise for Palin. See http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MjFjZmFmYTZhNjk1MjRkN2E2MmUzYjk0ZDEwY2YzZDM= and http://www.thekansan.com/opinions/x1603412385/LOPEZ-The-rush-is-on-for-Sarah-Palin-GOP.

Perhaps you're referring to this article: Free Sarah Palin! by Kathryn Jean Lopez on National Review Online= which is titled "Free Sarah Palin!" -- this refers not to her stepping down, but to her stepping up :bolt:. Conservatives are asking her to speak MORE, not step down from the nomination.

On the flip side, it was Joe Biden himself who suggested that Hillary would have been a better veep choice for Obama than he. Hmmmmm.

Edited by gadgetlady

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My quote: 7. Obama has no business leading a military that he has no respect for. (jwrn quickly places the target on her back).

I guess my views are pretty similar to Palin's.

The reply: To say that our military is stupid and doesn't repsect Senator Obama is pretty nasty indeed.

As I was saying earlier, taking one piece and twisting it to fit your view of Republicans.

Just sign me: Proud daughter of a Vietnam vet (my "daddy" is deceased and owns no oil wells), Proud wife of a 28 year, silver star, Army special ops combat Pilot, Proud mother of an Army special ops soldier (son), and Proud mother of an Army National guard 2nd Lt (daughter med ops).

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"Palin was in New York City Thursday.(CNN) - Prominent conservative columinist Kathleen Parker, an early supporter of Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin, said Friday recent interviews have shown the Alaska governor is "out of her league" and should leave the GOP presidential ticket for the good of the party. The criticism in Parker's Friday column is...........................

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