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Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

Are We Ready For A Woman VP?  

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  1. 1. Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

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When you read the book of Relevelations and you study Bible history, you learn what countries and regions are being spoken of. That is how you learn that the US is not mentioned anywhere.

As for saying that a democrat would be in office in the End Time, I did not say that. I said it "who", meaning it would depend on the person in office as to what our future holds. A democrat could get the US blown off the map or disabled and a world power as easily as a republican.

Once again, two fighting words: politics and religion.

I'm out of this one.

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You crack me up!

Why doesn't anyone remember how well the country was doing when Clinton was president? It has been a long 8 yrs with no promises kept!

Can't bear another 4.

:lol:OH NO-I didn't mean to start something here!

Pple seem to ignore that when Clinton came into office our bank account was in the red from bush sr - when he l(clinton) left office we were in the black - both bushes - seem to like the color red better than black... cuz we are right back in the red again..

And it's your interpretation as to what the book of revelations means - again it was written by man - don't get me wrong I believe in God - it's just like politics - it's your interpretation.. To each their own.

As for having to serve in the military in order to be President - That's BS

What does taking order have to do with the price of tea in china - shooting a gun - most of our military are grunts - they aren't officers so would that be the next requirement only officers could be president -

As to being Lapband - we talk alot about life in general -

I really don't think here or in person that these discussions are going to change anyone opiionon on who they want to vote for -

Do any of you think that you are going to be able to convience someone of the other party to vote your way... I don't - I know that no way am I going to convience Gadgelady to vote Democrat - Just like she isn't going to get me to vot for McCain

This really all started out about do you think we are ready for a women (no name just a female) vp and you know what I think that we all can agree on that one YES....

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Ladies---Look at our history almost every President we have ever had in this country has had military service bein a military wife and a daughter of a military father I FEEL that's the way it SHOULD be. My OPINION!!!! All the troubles that stared out plagueing George W. was the crap that Clinton left behind:thumbdown:. Take a look a why we are in the RED both the Bushes took us through wars and they cost $$$$$. We are a super power and other countries that cannot take care of themselves deserve our help since there are so many other coward countries out there ie France that stand by and do nothing. But like I said just MY OPINION.

Oh and by the way, George W sreved in the National Guard---what can be said for Obama. Nothing..............who better to serve and stand up for country than a former POW.

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I really don't think here or in person that these discussions are going to change anyone opiionon on who they want to vote for -

Do any of you think that you are going to be able to convience someone of the other party to vote your way... I don't - I know that no way am I going to convience Gadgelady to vote Democrat - Just like she isn't going to get me to vot for McCain

You are correct that I would never vote Democrat, and I know there are many who would never vote Republican. But, generally speaking, elections are decided by the 10% that do flip-flop back and forth between parties. Roughly 45% can always be trusted to vote Democrat. Roughly 45% can always be trusted to vote Republican. Elections are won and lost over the remaining 10%.

Surprising as it may be to you and me, who are entrenched in our ideologies for solid reasons, there actually are people who change their minds. For heaven's sake, look at Lieberman! He wasn't just an average Democrat -- he ran on the Democrat ticket! I don't get it and I won't ever get it, but it's a political reality.

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You are correct that I would never vote Democrat, and I know there are many who would never vote Republican. But, generally speaking, elections are decided by the 10% that do flip-flop back and forth between parties. Roughly 45% can always be trusted to vote Democrat. Roughly 45% can always be trusted to vote Republican. Elections are won and lost over the remaining 10%.

Surprising as it may be to you and me, who are entrenched in our ideologies for solid reasons, there actually are people who change their minds. For heaven's sake, look at Lieberman! He wasn't just an average Democrat -- he ran on the Democrat ticket! I don't get it and I won't ever get it, but it's a political reality.

I agree - in watching Lieberman last night and he has switched - well really and independant - but for McCain - Wasn't there a guy at the DNC who was Republican and switch..

That's interesting that it's the 10% flip flops that win the race.. And I can say in the past that I have been the flip flop I have voted Republican it's not just the party thing for me..

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That's interesting that it's the 10% flip flops that win the race.. And I can say in the past that I have been the flip flop I have voted Republican it's not just the party thing for me..

It's not just a party thing for me, either. I am not loyal to the Republican ticket per se (I used to be registered Libertarian but left because the party isn't pro-life), and I don't always vote for Republicans. The reason I say I would never vote Democrat is because I can't think of one single thing in their platform that I agree with. I wouldn't even vote for someone like Lieberman because of his pro-abortion stand. Pretty much if someone were a Democrat and conservative enough for me, he'd likely be on the road to switching his party affiliation (like Zell Miller).

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I am republican, but I'd never blindly vote republican just because of the party name. But I do have to say, when I listen to Obama's speeches vs. McCain's speeches.. I do disagree with McCain more than I have in previous republican presidential candidates, but Obama's speeches actually scare me! I am so opposed to his views, and that is not because he is democratic.. but because it's not how I feel.

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Ladies---Look at our history almost every President we have ever had in this country has had military service bein a military wife and a daughter of a military father I FEEL that's the way it SHOULD be. My OPINION!!!! All the troubles that stared out plagueing George W. was the crap that Clinton left behind:thumbdown:. Take a look a why we are in the RED both the Bushes took us through wars and they cost $$$$$. We are a super power and other countries that cannot take care of themselves deserve our help since there are so many other coward countries out there ie France that stand by and do nothing. But like I said just MY OPINION.

Oh and by the way, George W sreved in the National Guard---what can be said for Obama. Nothing..............who better to serve and stand up for country than a former POW.

It seems that anyone can have an opinion. I find it amusing that Clinton is being blamed for having left this country in good financial shape and the two Bushes praised for having financially emptied out its coffers. Mini-Bush has engaged in a war over phoney claims that there were WMD in Iraq, a war which has the United States pumping out trillions of dollars that your grandchildren will be left on the financial hook for.

The NATO countries including Canada and sissy France are fighting in Afghanistan, a war which was considered to be a legitimate issue.

The invasion of Iraq was mini-Bush's trip. An international research team based in Iraq since immediately after the first Gulf War and headed up by the Dane, Hans Blix, told Congress that there were no signs of WMD in Iraq. Bush and company chose to invade against the agreement of other countries and won a great deal of bad will on the global stage as a result.

As to whether one needs to have folk in the military in order to have an opinion on American issues, it strikes me that everyone, no matter how much or how little knowledge they will bother to accrue on a topic, will have an opinion nevertheless. But basing the value of your opinion on the fact that you have relatives in the military seems to me to be entirely specious. (Oh, but my father was in the British Intelligence during the Second World War. Now I am wondering if that counts for anything. Ha ha.)

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The republicans and their supporters, in my opinion, have lost their minds. What are you thinking? Get it together. We are not living in fairy tale times. First of all, she has no experience of the world except for the little world she has been living in. McCain is too old and as soon as his mind starts going do you really think she has what it takes to deal with leaders of the world? She has only governed a very, very, very small percentage of this country. Obama has more people working on his campaign than the total amount of the population of people she has governed. Just because she a woman and with her views, oh my, she will diminish the human/women’s (not to mention animal) rights that we worked so hard to attain. I agree a woman can be president, but this woman is not the one and I will be doing everything in my power to make sure she and McCain are not the ones in power. I will be making sure everyone I know votes and I will be as outspoken as I can be against the republican machine that has us in this huge mess that we are in now. Another four years of this craziness is not going to work anymore. I know the American public is sick and tired of their jobs being outsourced, their homes being foreclosed on, not being able to get adequate health care, immigration reform, not to mention getting out of a war that is costing us billions. If McCain has his way, we will be there for many years to come and the cost will be in the trillions (oh which does not include the cost of the lives of our young soldiers). If your head is one of the ones that is buried in the sand, well I'm here to tell you—YES, we are in a recession. People are getting laid off left and right. I don't understand what kind of people would support a continuation of what we have seen for the last eight years. Wake the hell up! Sorry, but it has to be said.

Just my views.

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The republicans and their supporters, in my opinion, have lost their minds. What are you thinking? Get it together. We are not living in fairy tale times. First of all, she has no experience of the world except for the little world she has been living in. McCain is too old and as soon as his mind starts going do you really think she has what it takes to deal with leaders of the world? She has only governed a very, very, very small percentage of this country. Obama has more people working on his campaign than the total amount of the population of people she has governed. Just because she a woman and with her views, oh my, she will diminish the human/women’s (not to mention animal) rights that we worked so hard to attain. I agree a woman can be president, but this woman is not the one and I will be doing everything in my power to make sure she and McCain are not the ones in power. I will be making sure everyone I know votes and I will be as outspoken as I can be against the republican machine that has us in this huge mess that we are in now. Another four years of this craziness is not going to work anymore. I know the American public is sick and tired of their jobs being outsourced, their homes being foreclosed on, not being able to get adequate health care, immigration reform, not to mention getting out of a war that is costing us billions. If McCain has his way, we will be there for many years to come and the cost will be in the trillions (oh which does not include the cost of the lives of our young soldiers). If your head is one of the ones that is buried in the sand, well I'm here to tell you—YES, we are in a recession. People are getting laid off left and right. I don't understand what kind of people would support a continuation of what we have seen for the last eight years. Wake the hell up! Sorry, but it has to be said.

Just my views.

I agree with you to a degree - but how is it the government fault that pple are losing their house - that's not the governments fault - that the mortgage brokers and their creative mortgaging - making it possible for pple to buy houses that they couldn't afford. Our government will not let the major banks fail - and I agree we are in a resseccion

I am voting for Obama - but he to doesn't have alot of experience either - yes ihmo more than Palin - and he will have Biden to help (that's why he was chosen imo)

I agree we need universal health care - how they are going to pay for it I don't know - but I do agree that if you are sick and can't afford it - you should have access to medical services - How is someone with a $10 hr job going to afford health care when their employer doesn't provide - Heck I have it - but now my deductible is $1880 vs $250 last yr.

I believe in giving pple a hand but not a hand out.. I believe in the freedom of choice - but I don't think that we can blame all the problems we have on the government (dem or rep).. Some of it is our own doing - litigious society - pple looking for hand outs and not the hand up..

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Universal healthcare is a beautiful theory. In actuality, it would leave our current healthcare system in flaming ruins. The words "Pearl Harbor" come to mind.

IndioGirl, your insurance premiums have likely gone up because the cost of providing that benefit has increased for your company (thus the influx of stuff like companies making employees quit smoking, lose weight, quit drinking, etc. It's the only way they can afford to provide insurance). Now think of what will happen if the government mandates that all business owners must provide (even limited) insurance bennies (Obama already wants to raise taxes for businesses).....costs for the goods / services those business supply will go through the roof.

Also, If you don't have any personal experience, go and visit any VA (veteran, not Virginia...lol) hospital. Those places are a trainwreck compaired to a hospital in the private sector.

Having rambled on and on about this, I agree that in an ideal world, everybody should have insurance....but we're not ready to tackle that quite yet. IMO, a good first step would be to close the loophole so that everybody with a steady job would be able to get some sort of government subsidity for insurance.

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Some of the views of the people in this country just kill me. How can anyone vote for a person for President and to be our commander in chief without any military experience. Obama is inexperienced in foreign politics and in other ways with our millitary. And on top of that people need to stop and realize that the pres. doesn't make many decisions without the backing or ok'ing of congress. So if a conservative wanted to ban abortion he couldn't do it alone without it being voted on first.

All you Obama supporters need to look alittle closer at all the experience McCain has in his history as a senator and a veteren. That kind of experience cannot be beat. And another thing look at the history of democratic pres. they make alot of promises but cannot follow through because of the money needed to do them. Obama and his "good" intentions, health care for everyone---NOT A Chance---this country is too far gone for that. Presidents weather Dem. or Rep. can never follow through on all their promises because it takes the backing of congress for them to happen. So think about experience it helps alot.

DivaMom, are you saying we have enough money to spend billions/trillions on a war, but we can't find money to take care of our own issues here? I'm just trying to make sure I understand your comment.

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Oh and as far as McCain's experience, isn't that the same experience that has gotten us in the total mess we are in now? The man voted with Bush 90% of the time. Even when you say the government is not at fault for the mortgage crisis, sure it is. Banks were giving unscrupulous loans to people who were originally able to afford them then rates changed and all of a suggen it was out of reach. Jobs were being outsourced, people were laid off. There are so many reasons people were unable to sustain their mortgages. Oh, but the government is quick to bail out the big corporations and fund tax breaks for the oil companies and companies that ship jobs overseas which hurts our ecomony. All of this issues have a ripple affect and you can't let the government off the hook. The government is here to govern all people not just the select few. That means everyone, not juse religious pro lifers, war mongers or just rich people. Everyone. We all pay taxes. We all should be represented by our government.

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The republicans and their supporters, in my opinion, have lost their minds. What are you thinking? Get it together. We are not living in fairy tale times. First of all, she has no experience of the world except for the little world she has been living in. McCain is too old and as soon as his mind starts going do you really think she has what it takes to deal with leaders of the world? She has only governed a very, very, very small percentage of this country. Obama has more people working on his campaign than the total amount of the population of people she has governed. Just because she a woman and with her views, oh my, she will diminish the human/women’s (not to mention animal) rights that we worked so hard to attain. I agree a woman can be president, but this woman is not the one and I will be doing everything in my power to make sure she and McCain are not the ones in power. I will be making sure everyone I know votes and I will be as outspoken as I can be against the republican machine that has us in this huge mess that we are in now. Another four years of this craziness is not going to work anymore. I know the American public is sick and tired of their jobs being outsourced, their homes being foreclosed on, not being able to get adequate health care, immigration reform, not to mention getting out of a war that is costing us billions. If McCain has his way, we will be there for many years to come and the cost will be in the trillions (oh which does not include the cost of the lives of our young soldiers). If your head is one of the ones that is buried in the sand, well I'm here to tell you—YES, we are in a recession. People are getting laid off left and right. I don't understand what kind of people would support a continuation of what we have seen for the last eight years. Wake the hell up! Sorry, but it has to be said.

Just my views.

I've been enjoying reading this debate the past few days until this post. Can't the debate remain on the issues and not insulting one another? Can't one can be passionate about their stand without saying the other side has lost their minds and has their heads in the sand? Let's stick to the issues and the debate.

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