bandster_1007 1 Posted October 16, 2008 i had my hysterectomy on 9/22. i had to stay in the hospital for 5 days. i developed a severe hemotamo. i lost 1/2 of my bodies blood and had to receive 2 days after surgery. i've been on pain medicine since August and just now went off of it this week. it was very very very rough. the physical withdrawals were horrible, but i knew it was time. there is only so long you can go with taking those things. anyways, now that i'm finally coming out of the detox from the pain medicine i can say that i feel better. of course i still hurt right now, but i think that is because when you have been on pain medicine you are hypersensitive. not only do i feel better, but guess what!!!!!!???? i'm losing weight. i've dropped 5 lbs this week and i'm unfilled. i'm not very hungry and haven't been having cravings, that could be from the detoxing though. other news...well...the doctor wasn't sure what he was going to find during my hysterectomy. he was amazed when he got in there. he said the my ovary had completely adhesed itself to my colon and underneath my uterus was tons of endometriosis. i was shocked at this because i had just had a laporoscopic surgery in june. turns out that they can't see under there during a lapor. and it doesn't show up on ultrasound or anything. anyways...the ovary had adhesed since june and he was surprised that i wasn't in more pain than i was. i mainly felt it in my back. i'm not supposed to be having sex yet...and i'm not. i know that i asked you guys about how that was affected. well, let me say this..i'm on the hormone shot..pure estrogen every 3 weeks. i'm finding myself very easily turned kind of cracks me up. before i never had that happen. now i will find myself physically aroused very easily. so, i can't wait until my time period is up. i can't imagine actually doing anything right now though because my pelvis is still quite tender......i don't really know how people break that rule. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aubrie 6 Posted October 20, 2008 I started having bad periods at 40. I thought it was just my age, but by age 43 I was miserable. I was passing clots the size of large plums regularly. I was anemic. My cervix was hemorhaging for no apparent reason during sex. My DH was mortified. He felt like he was hurting me. I started getting the ovarian cysts and then my uterus starting growing in size. I had cameras put up there and nothing showed up. I had pelvic sonograms. Nothing but the cysts showed up. I was on hormone therapy and my uterus continued to grow. My OB/GYN was puzzled. Then I started with unusual pap smears of my cervix. It was time to go...... When the doctor scheduled my hysterechtomy, my uterus was the size of a 5 month pregnancy. It was huge. After surgery, the doc discovered that I had several tumors growing inbetween the wall of my unterus. NO WONDER I was in such pain. He said it was fortunate that he did the surgery when he did, because I was not to far off from having it rupture on it's own. I would have bled to death before I could have gotten to a hospital. I still have my ovaries, and don't do hormone replacement. The ovarian cysts have stopped since I've lost all the weight. My hormone levels seem almost normal. I was told that fat stores the hormones and causes imbalances. I'm delighted that I had a hysterechtomy. Not having to worry about a period every month is like heaven, and to be able to have sex, without pain and hemhoragging, ANY TIME I WANT is wonderful. My sex life is WAY better after, and I don't miss any of my female parts. They did have to take my cervix, and my vagina is a little shorter than it used to be, but it hasn't caused any problems. My husband loves being spontaneous now. Yeah, I need a little Astroglide now and then, but big whoopty doo. It's the best thing in the world! (besides lap band surgery) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandster_1007 1 Posted October 22, 2008 i have a confession...i have never ever broken the rules before, but i had 4 weeks. so, i watched the pavlik vs hopkins fight (i'm a boxing fan)..and my husband has a great body..for some reason though, i haven't had that feeling of "omg he's so hot" in years. well...i just got really turned my husband and i didn't say no...the hormones got the best of me. let me just say that it was aaammmmmmaaaaaazzzzzziiiiinnnnnngggggg. i needed no lubricant and actually had an orgasm...actually 3 in about 5 minutes. i know that is a lot of information, but i never ever ever have's always been too painful. there was no pain at all and it was wonderful. i haven't done it anymore though because i had a bloody discharge the next day...don't want to risk causing any problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rrod0991 0 Posted November 7, 2008 I had a complete hysterectomy at 34 and it was the best day of my life. I was out of work for 6 weeks but could have gone back sooner. I am no longer in pain daily and sex is no longer painful. The problem is that because my husband is no longer bumping into anything in there he feels inadequate. He feels he is no longer good enough for me and my sex life has gone away. We still have a very loving marriage but no longer have sex. Maybe once every 4 months. but for me cuddling is sometimes enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandster_1007 1 Posted November 10, 2008 my husband says he can't feel a diff. but lately i have not been able to orgasm..not even by myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rodriguezequal 3 Posted November 16, 2008 When I had my son I was 20 and we both almost died...they were going to take my uterus and ovaries out when they took out my son, but thankfully they didn't...I am so sorry that you have to go through this and I wish there was more help that I could offer you, but I did not have it done. My mother has and she said that besides not being able to have anymore kids that she was glad she did it...Good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Livingwell 0 Posted December 7, 2008 I've had everything out for 5 years. I had the ovarian cysts bursting every month, on top of everything else. Stage 4 endo, IR PCOS, and on only had 1-2 days a month without a period. I can't say I regret is, 'cause I didn't have much choice. The endo was attached to 7 organs, and digging into my bowel. I am glad to be mostly pain free, and definately period free. However, it is life altering. I do not have kids. Not that I had an all consuming need to have them, but know knowing I can't..... I strongly suggest checking out: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bandster_1007 1 Posted December 8, 2008 thanks i will check that out. i still have pain and have had the hematoma since surgery. each time i decide to have sex it drains . ..i thought it was gone, but i decided to have sex last week and i bled all over the place. it is disturbing. i will go to hystersisters soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lshelley21 0 Posted December 8, 2008 i wish you the best of luck...but i always ask my husband if i can have a histerectomy because my periods are OH SO painful. It makes me hate being "female" I do not wish i was a guy...i do wish i did not have to go through the monthly occurance (it always seems to ocme when i have nothing for it....grrrr) I wish you the best of luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites