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Good restriction - or not? Help me to know...

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I am wondering if I can get some feedback from experienced bandsters about the feelings of being at an optimal fill level - or the old proverbial "sweet spot".

I had surgery on April 29th and I went for my 4th fill last Wednesday. I now have 8.4cc in a 9cc Realize band. The nurse who did the fill said he thinks I'll be at good restriction now, and I don't have to go back for 2 months. Of course, if I feel like I need to, I'll be back in a month instead! I just really am not sure.

I know I have some restriction. If I make myself eat small amounts, I will be okay (not too hungry) until time to eat again. However, either I have not experienced, or I still haven't learned to recognize, any sign that says "stop eating now, you are satisfied" or "your pouch is full" or "DO NOT SWALLOW ANOTHER BITE" like some people say they get. I still don't have any issues with any certain foods going down, but I have been chewing really well. There have been a couple of times that I experienced pain in my chest for just a minute or so after swallowing something. I'm guessing it was too big a bite or I ate too fast without chewing properly. This is the first and only physical sign I have had that proves to me I'm even banded. I guess maybe it just takes some time to recognize the feelings and signals to stop eating.

I'm a little afraid that they tried to tell me I would be at a good level of restriction just because I'm getting so close to having my band full. And maybe I am - who knows? If I only eat a little, I am ok (not hungry) for quite a while - plenty long enough to eat 5 times a day like they say. But if I am supposed to feel satisfied or a new kind of "full" at 1/2-3/4 cup of food, it hasn't happened yet.

I'm looking for some help from all of you to know what signals to be looking for to know if my restriction is good, or if maybe I'm close but just not quite there? I have never had a PB or slimed or anything. I am grateful for that and would be happy to never have to experience either one. However, I feel like there have been times that I have eaten too fast or too big a bites (not intentionally) and if I were at the right level, I would be getting these obvious reminders to do better. Am I wrong?

One of my concerns is that I don't want to wait 2 months to go back if I know I still need another little tweak. And if I need to go back at the 1 month mark, I probably need to call them NOW to get on the schedule!

I have to add - I have done extremely well with my weight loss and I'm very happy with my progress. I am not complaining in that department at all. However, it's been because I have followed all the band rules and eaten small portions and healthy choices - for the most part, no one is perfect - and not necessarily because I've gotten any help from the band until very recently maybe. I'm just ready for the band to do the job I got it to do!

Thanks for your help!


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I can't give you an answer because you have been banded longer than me. Mine was on July 1 08. I am interested in your answers also. I have only had 2 fills, and the last one today. I am sure someone can help you.

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Lisa -

Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss! I don't have an answer, but I wanted to subscribe to this thread so that I could read the responses. I only have 2 cc in a 10 cc band, but I can relate exactly with what you're saying as I'm experiencing the same thing and looking forward the the out-pouring of wisdom from our bandster buddies!

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i would love to know the answer also i just got my 1st fill 4-cc's last week but its almost like i have nothing i can eat way more then a cup of food and i dont get sick or pb or anything im beginning to wonder if i have the band at all i dont want to get sick but i would like to feel full after a couple of bites right know i dont and i feel hungry about 2 hours after i eat im really depressed because i have not been losing much weight i do make the right food choices but when will i start feeling full after a few bites i would like to b able to lose more weight then i am any advice?

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Actually, you sound like the poster child for a very good band patient. Your surgeon must be proud. The fact you're losing weight, is a good indicator that the band IS doing it's job. The fact that you are doing everything right, despite very small set-backs, and you're not PB'ing, sliming (ew), means that you are doing everything right! Just because you're chewing your food well the way you're suppose to and not having all the problems others have experienced doesn't mean you are not experiencing restriction. You have what I call FILL-power. You're getting your fills, but using will power at the same time. You're working with your band and you are losig. Don't worry! You're doing a great job, in my opinion!! I hope this helped.

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Actually, you sound like the poster child for a very good band patient. Your surgeon must be proud. The fact you're losing weight, is a good indicator that the band IS doing it's job. The fact that you are doing everything right, despite very small set-backs, and you're not PB'ing, sliming (ew), means that you are doing everything right! Just because you're chewing your food well the way you're suppose to and not having all the problems others have experienced doesn't mean you are not experiencing restriction. You have what I call FILL-power. You're getting your fills, but using will power at the same time. You're working with your band and you are losig. Don't worry! You're doing a great job, in my opinion!! I hope this helped.


Thank you so much for the compliments. I truly appreciate them. I have worked hard and I'm proud of myself for getting where I am at this point.

I guess my fear comes into play for 2 reasons:

1 - I've been able to lose weight in the past. My problem is in keeping it off, or maintaining my "new way of eating". Granted, I've lost more so far than I've been able to lose on a diet ever, but the fear is still there - what if I get to the point of falling off the wagon like I have in the past and I really do not have true restriction to help me?

2 - my band is nearing full capacity. I still have 50# to go. Will I max out my band and not be able to maintain restriction as I try to reach and maintain my goal?

This is why I'm so concerned about if I really AM feeling good restriction. I'm afraid if this is not it, I might lose the willpower I currently have and be left with nothing to help me. I guess I think if what I'm feeling now IS good restriction, then maybe I CAN keep the momentum I currently have and actually make it to my goal. Does that even make sense?


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I totally understand. The same things run through my mind. But, we won't give up, we will not go back. We will continue on the journey until we meet goal. We will continue to work at breaking bad habits and forming new better habits. They say it only takes 21 days to form a habit. That's an encouraging thought! Hang in there!!!

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You are doing better than you think - we are looking for miracles (should be after all we have gone through with the band) but it happens in small doses. My friend has a 10cc and she was reluctant to push the doctor for more fills when she still felt no restriction - finally - she has perfect restriction at 9.5 cc's - that is just her! Maybe that is you too...

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Ok I feel like I should be able to help on this because I have been banded for over two years but..... I did not work my band until this last year. I was not having any restriction and I did not go back to the doctor, I thought why pay this money I think these people are crazy, I can eat what I want and I have no restrciton. So I tried to loose weight on my own again for the 55th time. Anyway I decided to go and get a fill and talk with the doc about May of 07, they did a fill and I started to feel some restriction, not a lot but some so I thought ok I can do this, I did lost some weight but I did not know I still was not being restriced, I got a fill in Feb of this year and wow it was probably to tight. I could sip a cup of coffee in the morn, a can of v8 for lunch and some mashed potatos or Soup for supper, and then some ice cream for dessert. I was adding butter and cheese to stuff to try and make it go down and get me some calories, I could not even eat a banana. Finally yesterday I went back to doc and she took out .5 I am now at 2.5 fill. I do not know what that means but I know I can eat now. So I think she took to much out. I want to be able to eat but not much. So I guess this means I have to work at it some, but it is much healther than me not being able to eat at all. When you are so tight that you can only get liquids down most of the day you choose foods you should not have. You also do not have fun going out with family and friends to eat or weddings or vacations. You can not eat. You do not always have Soups or mashed potatoes to choose from. You sometimes throw up before you get to the bathroom, this is too tight when this happens. Hope this helps

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Hi lisa, i totally understand the not feeling good restriction. I have been banded for alittle over 11 months now with 11 fills (1 a month)with no weight loss ( atleast you have that) i have a 4cc band and now filled to 4 cc and i am not sure if i am too tight or good reastriction . The whole band thing has not been a positive thing for me so far. Unfortuneately the day i got banded (9-13-07) my husband mom and dad all visited me. Two hours later my husband comes back to the hospital to tell me that my father dropped dead of a massive heart attack and was down in the er at the same hospital i was at.i think my father has something to do with the whole negative band experience.(he never wanted me to get bariatric surgery).since 9-13-07 my life has been completely changed. I always follow the band rules which were very hard the first few weeks post-op because every time i turned around another food tray was being delivered because of my dad.i did get through that part even though i was staaaaaarving. I did lose 18lbs. From sept-dec.since then nothing. By the time feb. Came my doc was questioning a leak. Apparently it is a slow because i would go back 2days after a fill and it wouldnt show up .then 2 weeks after a fill and still no leak but by the time a month came around i would be down 1cc. I have kept a food journal, had an ugi and have taken alot of x-rays of my abdomen (i am an x-ray tech) just to make sure i still have a band. I could eat anything maybe i had 2 stuck experiences,a few sliming but never a full or satisfied feeling with only 1/2-1 cup of food. Until now. Which brings me back to presernt. Again i have a 4cc band filled to 4cc at first it was very tight where i could only eat a few bites of well chewed food then i would have to stop not because of feeling full but the food would back up in my throat. A few weeks have gone by and the leak is noticeable because my restriction is easing up and i can eat more i still dont feel full or satisfied but need to stop because of the food in my throat. I am having surgery in 2 days to replace my port. This could be step 1 of a 2 step process. Since the leak is slow they will inject methyline blue in the band to see where the leak is,if not spotted then the port is still replaced get a fil in a month go back the following month to see if the band is not leaking if so then he will assume it is the band and then that weill need to be replaced (the whole band surgery again). Unfortuneately after this long story i am unable to help you but if you find answers to our problem i would love know .. Good luck keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy

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Nancy my heart breaks for you. With the death of your dad I think that you have more stress on you than you could handle at the time. Please know that you are in my prayers. I have had my band for over two years and I did not have all positive stuff either. I have lost my brother and sister and a good friend in the last year. All were fairly young. I think losing them takes a lot of strength away from taking care of ourselves but when we do take care of ourself we have more strength to give to others. So that is what I have chosen to do, and in the long run I have helped my other family members more. You have to take care of yourself and know that none of your decisions had any part of what happened to your dad, know that God is not punishing you, you will learn from your experience and then you will be helping the rest of us. Yesterday I had 3 cc in my band and could not eat or drink much until late evenings and then if I tried to eat any meats I would throw up. I could not eat fruit either only soft foods, now with .5 taken out I can eat almost anything, I have had the band for over 2 years, I am still learning, I did not go back and get fills like I should have before, in the last year I am working it, I still have lots of weight to go about 60 pounds, (if I can) anyway I want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you, good luck and please let us know what happens with you and your band. God Bless

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Thanks to all who have answered so far. It's great to have people like all of you to turn to. I appreciate your words of wisdom.

Nancy and Illinois - my heart also breaks for both of you. I know it's so hard to deal with loss like that at a time that you are already weak and stressed. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I hope you are both able to be strong and learn great lessons through all this. And again, I appreciate you sharing that wisdom with those of us who need it.

Best of luck with your band, and please do keep us posted.


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Thanks so much. New on my front I told you I had my band let out from 3cc to 2.5cc well last night for dinner I had 3 slices of toast, 2 eggs and 4 slices of lean bacon, some Tomato and lettuce. I could not believe it all went down. I did chew well. I have been craving toast and overeasy eggs. I could not even eat eggs before. So, I think that it is to lose now. Maybe 2.7 or 2.8 is what I need but for now I am going to let it stay for awhile. It felt great being able to eat and not throwing it all up. I want to eat salad, I want to eat an apple, I want to eat a banana, this is food I should be able to eat a little of and I want the Vitamins that go along with good food but I do not want to gain any weight back or overeat. Yesterday I also walked for well over an hour, after work I went on a 45 minute bike ride. This I could not do 120 pounds ago. I still have 60 to 70 pounds I would like to lose but lots of it is skin and it will not go away. So for now my band is lose I hope I am not lose with my eating. Have a great day

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