micountryfarm 0 Posted August 20, 2008 Hi Everyone, I went in last Thursday for a fill and after 7 bent (extra long) needles, pokes and stabbing, dr.said I would have to have a fill under fluoro. I am going in 2 days. I am a little nervous. My first fill he did in less than 2 minutes, no pain or bruises. Hopefully he will be able to zoom right in and give me a nice fill. (And no bruises) However, this will be a new experience. I know it is a real time x-ray and I will have to drink some barium. I have had a week to ponder why he couldn't find my port. Could it be flipped? Did it move? Any of you have a fluoro fill? What was it like? Where oh where did my little port go? :confused2: Stacey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rcruz 0 Posted August 20, 2008 I think you will appreciate the Fluro they will see and possibly only poke you once this time. I of course had the numbing stuff so for it it was painless!!!! Good luck! I bent one needle :thumbup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micountryfarm 0 Posted August 20, 2008 I am going to ask for the numbing stuff. I don't think I could go thru another needle bending, bruising session, geez. Thanks, Stacey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TanasGirl 0 Posted August 21, 2008 Hi I had to do the same thing. First fill I had took one minute...the second time my port was tilted and she didnt want to take the chance on poking the tube and creating a leak. Anyhow, the fluro was simple...took 5 seconds to do. Good thing was, it left a tiny mark where she inserted the needle, so right after I looked at it so i could remember for my next app. My next app my port was tilted still but i pointed out the little mark and she tried there and got it in. The fluro is no big deal, i just didnt want to have to go to hospital every time for a fill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GmaDebi 0 Posted August 21, 2008 My doctor ALWAYS does my fills under fluoro. He can see what he's doing that way and it's only ever taken one poke. I'm constantly amazed that I can't even feel it, and that's with no numbing medication. The last time I was there he gave me three fills in a row because he could see that the contrast I drank each time was going through the band with no restriction. I think the fluoro is really handy, but my doctors office is in the same building as the hospital, so it isn't any inconvience at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flirtyangel 1 Posted August 21, 2008 Hello I totally know how you are feeling. My first fill they had a somewhat hard time finding port but they found it. Iwent in two weeks later and two doctors couldnt do it. Tuesday I went in because they had an ultra sound coming in that day. It still took them an hour at poking me to get the fill. The doctor wasnt listening to the ultra soundist. If tthey had (two doctors mind you) it would have taken 5 minutes. My port is deep and it moves so that added to the trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bamagal 1 Posted August 21, 2008 My port was tilted too at first fill,so now my doc says I have to do them all under flouro,the first time took three stabs and man did it hurt.But just went for second fill and he hit it the first time was painless nothing to numb it either.He let me see the screen when he filled me closed completely ,then as he took some out so I had a proper fill .I was so happy the second time was so easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micountryfarm 0 Posted August 22, 2008 Hey All, Had my fluoro fill today. What a difference! It took longer to check in. I got to see it on the monitor, which was cool. Doc did take notes as to where he got in and I made a mental note as well. The only thing now is I am VERY nauseated. My stomach is definetly not a happy camper. Hopefully this will abide by morning. sugar free popsicles are all I have had today. Thanks for everyone's advice! :cursing: Stacey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherO 7 Posted August 22, 2008 Flouro is actually easier than the standard fill in that you can see everything. There is nothing to be nervous or scared about. The barium is not too terrible and it is cool to see it work its way through your system. I would be more worried about more pokes with a needle through the traditional fill when it is not going according to plan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites