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Is anyone NOT exercising???

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I think all of us have gotten a life time worth of blunt advice about our weight. It just stings now because it's the same sort of tone the 'well if you just had some self-control you wouldn't be so fat' sort of advice I am sure we've all gotten. Even if we need it!!

Nahhh... I think there is a difference here. We couldn't lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle previously but today that is different. We've had WLS so we really have few excuses if the surgery type is up and running such as restriction in a band.

Motivation isn't a physiological disorder such as what I believe the eating issues are. When you have the tool available to you for weight loss and you still don't want to do your part... the band isn't going to fix that and sometimes people need to face reality. We've all been there and we all have to work through it. We all have to do things we don't like and don't want to on a daily basis, we survive it. We can survive a few minutes of exercise daily.

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I did just work out. I am lucky i have an elliptical. DH played outside with the wee man while I worked out for 30 minutes. Wee man is eating a little later than normal but we all survived.

5:30 am is going to be a while before it can happen regularly. And i can't leave the full burden of just home toddler wrangling to my husband each night. I also can't do my old habit of a 30 minutes turning into an hour and a half and end up hurting myself, particularly when it comes to weights. I need to a picture of my back MRI on my Ipod to remind me I am not superwoman!! But I can try this a few evenings and at the weekend I can sneak off during naptime.

Am before you ask why I have time to type this, I am supervising toddler feeding :cool2:

My sensitivity is because I have found myself with situations that people have told me are only because I am weak or a sissy. I have a sort of friend who says people shouldn't take pain killers unless they're in end stage cancer and chronic pain is an ailment of sissies. So does my dad and he says sleep apnea isn't a real condition. And of course the world is full of fat people who are that way because they're lazy when in reality it is lifestyle AND physiology. Why do they say this? They've never had chronic pain, are naturally thin, and don't have sleep apnea. They can't even spell empathy.

That is why I got my knickers in a twist over the sleep apnea thing. Honestly it is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. WAAAAAAAAY harder than weight problems or arthritis in my back or anything else have ever had wrong with me. You ladies are just trying to help and not be horrible like people I've met before.

So for those posted who are farther on the journey and have good sage advice - can we try this again? I am Jenni and I accept your advice and guidance OK!!

Original poster let's take this opportunity to kick ass and take names at this weight loss and exercise thing OK?!:):thumbup::mellow:

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great job greythope!! you are right, you dont want to overdo it! as the weight comes off, it does get easier and you want to find things that challenge you even more!

good luck! :)

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Good for you greythorpe.

Start small. Do what you can and just commit to a routine of it, even if its just 15 minutes a day.

One thing about being exhuasted and exercising, as has been pointed out to me, I dont even know what REAL exhaustion is, but I've certainly been feet dragging, sit on the couch and I will be asleep, I havent had time to eat or pee all damn day and my feet are pounding from being on themand I cant even remember driving home weary when I've gotten in at 7pm at night. I've known the feeling of knowing I have to at least do half an hour on the treadmill and feeling simply unable to face it.

I just start. I promise myself I can stop after 15 minutes. You know what, I never ever do. The endorphins kick in as the heart rate rises and I always, without fail, feel better when I've finished. The fog of exhustion lifts, I always feel more energised.

I've also been pregnant 3 times and that first trimester tiredness would rival anything sleep apnoea can cause, I'll guarantee it. Insane tiredness, fall asleep in public places, in danger of falling asleep at the traffic lights tired, and I walked through that for an hour three or four times a week in my third pregnancy because I was 104kg and the thought of gettign to like 130 frightened the living daylights out of me. I was very very very motivated to not gain weight in that pregnancy. It didnt quite have the same effect then, but it was doable. And it probably wasnt quite so energising because you only get that endorphin rush when you do crazy stuff like get your heart rate up into the 160's, which obviously is not a good idea when you're up the duff. Plus everytime I bent over I threw up.

But for sure, absolutely, for many people, that level of exercise cannot possibly come until some weight has gone. And initially it will fall off without exercise if that's how it has to be. But surely, people could at least start putting the routines in place, setting aside the time etc. Paving the way for real fitness further down the track?

This topic always gets tetchy, but honestly you have no idea how annoying it is when people intimate that yes, that's OK for you but you dont face the challenges I do. Its very insulting.

Edited by Jachut

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Good for you Jenni, for getting on the elliptical. I have one of those at home too and I love having it. I can go on it any time and even if it's for a few minutes, it's better than nothing and will slowly become a habit I hope! Plus it's a form of exercise that doesn't kill my bad knee since there's no impact. I like to do it to the TV or something though as otherwise I watch the minutes on the counsol and 10 min seems like an eternity, much less 30!

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I am sincerely thrilled for you! This is a fantastic thing you are doing and the pay off is so fantastic! Like we hear so much around here, you get your life back! Sometimes in ways you didn't even remember giving up.

You can do this! You DID it! You can keep doing it. Congrats to you!!!!!!!

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Wow!!! It seems like the you don't know me comment hits hard. All of the people who have posted to exercise KNOW that is what has got them to goal and is KEEPING them at goal. I was you are one time also. I had severe sleep apnea. I was self pay for this surgery and I was bound and determined that if I paid $13,500 for something I was going to get the most out of it. I started walking around the hospital a few hours after surgery and have not quit moving since. I made up my mind I was gonna do it. I walked around my back yard for a week. Then over to the park. Then soon I was walking a few miles, then 5 miles. Then I tried running. That did not work for me, so I bought a bike. I have myself bought, 5 bikes since July of 07. That is not including the 7 others for my family. I found out that biking is MY thing. I started out with a el cheapo Kmart bike. Moved up to a sport comfort bike. Went to a road bike. Then a mountain bike. Upgraded to my current road bike.

This is the trick to exercise. Something that you love to do. You have to find it. I knew after being able to walk 5 miles, I was bored. Running didn't interest me, but when I got on a bike, I felt like I was accomplishing something.

I do know what it feels like to fall asleep during the day, trying to stay awake while driving. It is not a fun thing. Just don't think that everyone who exercises has never experienced what you have. We just KNOW what it is going to take to do this and to keep the weight off.

There are plenty of people who lose weight without exercising at all, but they lose their muscle as they lose the weight. Muscle is what keeps our metabolism up so we can burn more fat all the time. There is lunchtime at work, walk during it. There is time to find to exercise. Like WASA says, if you have time to be on a message board, you have time to exercise. We are not being rude in the least bit, but we are motivated to help others who may not know or understand the importance of exercise.

Where I was banded, I had a team that helped me through. I had a dietitian, exercise physiologist, RN, and the doctor. I got it right away that the exercise was important or the physiologist would not be spending 15-30 minutes with me every time I went for a fill or check up.

I, for one, would rather weigh 200 with all the muscle I have and all the energy I have, than 150, with no muscle and no energy.

Its a choice and its not what most people want to hear, but its the truth. No one said you have to be a marathon runner. Maybe running is not for you. But, you do need to move your body. That will help with your energy, help you sleep better and soon you will be off your C-pap, then what excuse will you have???? Just start, even if it is a ten minute walk. Put your son in a stroller, and go!!! Good luck to you!!!

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I am so happy that you did it grey!!!! That is the way to take the bull by the horns. You know what you need to do. You know your not superwoman. But, you don't have to get to that point again. You know what pain is and now you can stop and say, whoa, I need to slow down a bit. That is what is nice about having exercise experience like you have had...you now KNOW when to cool down to not get hurt!!! You rock, girl!!!

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Jachut, thanks, and thanks to my love of biking!!! Its not something I feel like I HAVE to do....I WANT to do it...I ride about 130 miles a week now....granted I started out at under 5 miles a night!!!!!

I always enjoy seeing your posts!!! You look super good in your bikini!!!

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Ok, so I've sat back for a couple of days and just watched this thread and have seen just how nasty people can be. I've really contained myself for the last few days but enough is enough....I will not stay silent any longer!!! I'm actually really disappointed after reading some of the posts on here because I've gotten such great feedback from people on here in the past. This is a support forum, not one to condescend and belittle each other!!!!

Some of you act as if you've never been overweight, as if you've exercised your whole lives and have never had a problem with your weight to begin with!!! If you didn't, you wouldn't have gotten this surgery in the first place so you have no right to judge me or anyone else on here for that matter!!!!!!!!!!! This is the last place I would expect ANYONE to be judgemental but I guess after having that kind of weight loss, it should only be expected.

Jachut, you come to this thread, bikini and all and sit here and patronize myself and greythope??? You had that exhausted feeling during your first tri-mester???? Awww, poor baby...TRY FEELING THAT FEELING EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE AND THEN COME TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like Greythope, this ILLNESS was the last straw for me as well. I was in such a severe depression because of this that I had to do something drastic....having this surgery. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON??????????????? Maybe it was because of your great eating habits or dedication to exercise????? Yeah, I highly doubt it.

I was active my whole life, but once this sleep apnea kicked in it completely drained me. I even went to the extent of having surgery for a deviated septum back in September to correct the issue (which by the way did not work!!!!!) So say what you want...judge me, patronize me...but don't think I'm gonna sit here and take it.

And congratulations on your amazing weight loss....maybe you could try using some positive encouragement to actually HELP people like me and Greythope...not the kind that makes people feel like shit. However, despite it all....I still believe your heart is in the right place...you just obviously haven't expressed yourself in the best way.

For the other poster that said there's always lunch time to get outside...thanks for the advice. I've been getting out and taking a 10-15 minute walk whenever I've been able to. The summer in Boston this year has been pretty damn crappy and we've had torrential rains almost every day for the past 2 months!!!!!!!!!! (Not much of a summer if you ask any Bostonian) That 10-15 minute walk is great when I get to take it, but I was talking about some serious exercise...the 1 hour, sweat running down your forehead kind. So if that short walk is considered exercise, then I guess I should say that I have been exercising!!!!


Greythope, congrats on starting your exercise...sooo proud of you babe!!! I can only hope that with a little more weight loss I'll start feeling better and eventually have enough energy to get more active!!! I know that day will come and I'm looking forward to it. For now, I'll keep doing my part with my band...eating right, slowly, and chewing like there's no tomorrow!!! I think I've been doing a great job so far and if I hadn't been, wouldn't have lost the first 30 lbs in 2 months!!!

That being said, I sincerely hope that no one has taken offense...as much as I did anyway. I will continue to take what I can from the positive posts on this site and I hope that I can give some positive feedback to others as well. Take care and good luck to all....

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Ok, so I've sat back for a couple of days and just watched this thread and have seen just how nasty people can be. I've really contained myself for the last few days but enough is enough....I will not stay silent any longer!!! I'm actually really disappointed after reading some of the posts on here because I've gotten such great feedback from people on here in the past. This is a support forum, not one to condescend and belittle each other!!!!

Some of you act as if you've never been overweight, as if you've exercised your whole lives and have never had a problem with your weight to begin with!!! If you didn't, you wouldn't have gotten this surgery in the first place so you have no right to judge me or anyone else on here for that matter!!!!!!!!!!! This is the last place I would expect ANYONE to be judgemental but I guess after having that kind of weight loss, it should only be expected.

Jachut, you come to this thread, bikini and all and sit here and patronize myself and greythope??? You had that exhausted feeling during your first tri-mester???? Awww, poor baby...TRY FEELING THAT FEELING EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE AND THEN COME TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like Greythope, this ILLNESS was the last straw for me as well. I was in such a severe depression because of this that I had to do something drastic....having this surgery. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON??????????????? Maybe it was because of your great eating habits or dedication to exercise????? Yeah, I highly doubt it.

I was active my whole life, but once this sleep apnea kicked in it completely drained me. I even went to the extent of having surgery for a deviated septum back in September to correct the issue (which by the way did not work!!!!!) So say what you want...judge me, patronize me...but don't think I'm gonna sit here and take it.

And congratulations on your amazing weight loss....maybe you could try using some positive encouragement to actually HELP people like me and Greythope...not the kind that makes people feel like shit. However, despite it all....I still believe your heart is in the right place...you just obviously haven't expressed yourself in the best way.

For the other poster that said there's always lunch time to get outside...thanks for the advice. I've been getting out and taking a 10-15 minute walk whenever I've been able to. The summer in Boston this year has been pretty damn crappy and we've had torrential rains almost every day for the past 2 months!!!!!!!!!! (Not much of a summer if you ask any Bostonian) That 10-15 minute walk is great when I get to take it, but I was talking about some serious exercise...the 1 hour, sweat running down your forehead kind. So if that short walk is considered exercise, then I guess I should say that I have been exercising!!!!


Greythope, congrats on starting your exercise...sooo proud of you babe!!! I can only hope that with a little more weight loss I'll start feeling better and eventually have enough energy to get more active!!! I know that day will come and I'm looking forward to it. For now, I'll keep doing my part with my band...eating right, slowly, and chewing like there's no tomorrow!!! I think I've been doing a great job so far and if I hadn't been, wouldn't have lost the first 30 lbs in 2 months!!!

That being said, I sincerely hope that no one has taken offense...as much as I did anyway. I will continue to take what I can from the positive posts on this site and I hope that I can give some positive feedback to others as well. Take care and good luck to all....

I don't think you are going to get a positive reaction from those of us that decided to fight and win the battle of fat. We HAVE been where you are. We ALL have had our own issues to deal with. To make it sound like yours is more severe and you have it harder is not wise considering you don't know the struggles of others here. We can all sit here and piss and whine over who has it worse or we can get out there and get it done.

Your opening post:

Hi all...I was just curious to know if everyone is really exercising. I have severe sleep apnea (which is one of the major reasons I got this surgery to begin with) and I'm sooooo sleepy and groggy all the time. It's hard to find the energy to do anything at all after work...much less exercise. I barely stay awake at work and while driving...so getting out there and exercising seems soooo unattainable to me right now.

Are there ppl out there that had the band and didn't exercise and still lost weight? I'm curious to know...

I really do want to exercise but with the lack of energy it's so hard...and even harder to get motivated. Any encouraging words would help! I've lost about 20 lbs since June 5th surgery and I've been teetering between a couple of lbs for the last 3 weeks now. I'm just frustrated and afraid I'm gonna fail the band. Had my first fill on July 17th and lost 6 lbs in 4 days and then completely stopped losing.

Thanks for listening....

You flat out explain that you are not losing well for the last few weeks, you have a hard time with motivation. You have sleep apnea that won't resolve without weight loss and weight loss isn't happening without exercise. Hello????? So what do YOU think the answer is?

You don't have to do an hour of hard cardio with sweat pouring off your face to make a difference. Many studies show that 20 minutes three times daily of hard cardio is more beneficial than 1 full hour at a time.

I didn't have motivation either and I had my own struggles just as you have yours. I did it anyway because I wanted weight loss bad enough to do it without motivation. You just get out there and do it. I still hate exercise with a passion, never did learn to like it. I'd rather go to the dentist for a root canal than to run a few miles but I wanted weight loss enough to do it.

When you reach that same point you'll do it too with or without motivation. Probably half the people posting here have sleep apnea yet they want weight loss enough to get out there and get it done.

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With all due respect mekadig , Jachut said nothing wrong. As a matter of fact, even though you Jachut's situations may be different, her advice was the correct one.

My situation (like I stated earlier) was like yours. And I can tell you that you will not get better until you exercise. sleep Apnea is not the entire problem of sleepiness throughout the day. Thats why CPAP doesn't help. Losing weight doesn;t help.

sleep APnea makes you tired but not the extreme tiredness you are feeling. We both developed the habit of using as little energy as possible and your body, for a lack of a better term, goes into hibernation mode.

The only way to get out of that mode is to exercise. If you start burning energy rather then just trying not to consume alot your body will change.

I am a prime example. I lossed 30% of my excess body weight so I got another sleep study done. I still have sleep apnea. They couldn't even lower my CPAP pressure yet.

However since, exercising I find it hard to go to bed earl so now I am getting about 6-7 hours a night of sleep instead of my usual 8-9 hours.

yet I have no problems anymore staying awake at work.

Me and Jachut are not trying to throw our success in people's faces. But its disheartening to hear people talk about exercise not being a major concern. When the fact is exercise should be just as much if not more of a concern then what you put in your mouth.

I understand people hate to hear these things even when they are losing weight. I blew up at a couple of people these last few weeks becuase they have all these "suggestions" on how to improve my weight loss while they sit on the couch eating cheeto's.

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You know...you're really stuck on making this about a lack of motivation, but if you read closely I wrote that it's because of my lack of ENERGY that I have no motivation to exercise. Don't twist my words! And if I had that energy, believe me I'd be exercising alot more!!!!

I'm not pissing and whining...I very simply posted a question and look at all the nasty responses I've gotten!!!! But have you thought for a moment that maybe my case IS a bit more severe than others? Believe me, I'm not downplaying anyone's struggles...and I sure as hell don't appreciate it when others disregard mine!!!!!!!!!! You said it very well because that's exactly how these other posters and yourself have made ME feel!!!!!!!!!

You know what...I really don't need this crap. Thanks for your advice anyway.

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Mekadig here is info re sleep disorders as they related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Job Accommodation Network

This should help you and your job. From what you have said, your Apnea is VERY bad.

The daytime walks are great.

My only bit of assvice to you is to USE THE CPAP! Even if you have to duct-tape that thing to your head every night, you'll eventually be able to sleep with it. In fact I can't sleep without it.

And just so everyone knows, sleep Apnea is not just a disease of the overweight. I think maybe 50% of sufferers aren't. It just one of those things that happen.

I used to burst into tears fighting sleep at work and the slap ritual as I drove my kid to daycare was rotten. It increased my chronic pain and made me no fun to be around. But you can fight it and it will help your mood to exercise. And help keep your body asleep (if you use the CPAP). I was so depressed I wanted to die and all I wanted to do was sleep all the time.

Even before the exercise you have got to sort out the CPAP thing. Apnea shortens your life just like excess weight does with the same sorts of diseases associated with it. Try different masks, talk to your doctor. Maybe if he gives you something to relax you can sleep with it and eventually get used to it. Or even some benadryl to help you go to sleep.

Guys I can see why Mekadig felt the need to come on here and rage. I was pretty tempted myself since this is a sore subject with me. Don't be too hard on her. We all want the same thing out of this all - to be healthy, happier, and live longer. You can give lots of advice but at the end of the day people have to make the changes on their own terms.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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