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August marchies!

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Get some rest Jeni!

Don't over do it. Good to see you're up and about though.

Almost done with school for a summer. I get a week off. We are going to Disney on Saturday. I'm so excited, I think even more than my six year old. I've never been!

Have a good week everyone!

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Get some rest Jeni!

Don't over do it. Good to see you're up and about though.

Almost done with school for a summer. I get a week off. We are going to Disney on Saturday. I'm so excited, I think even more than my six year old. I've never been!

Have a good week everyone!

lol ... ill get plenty of nice vacation time next week.. I leave aug 14 to vegas and i dont come back till the 19th....

Almost done with summmer classes.. i start fall classes in sept. I got lik 40 more credits to go before before i can start my nursing classes...

So ive decided to go full time otherwise im going to be at school till 30 to get my RN.. I better get plenty of rest because starting sept i will be workin full time and going to school fulltime.. ill definately be burnt out by winter break... But it will pay off in the end..

And disney, IM SO JEALOUS!!! lol... disneyworld or land???

Ive only been to disney world and i absolutely loved it at 20yrs old... i acted like i was 5yrs which made it o much fun... Have a fabulous time!!:)

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Hi Everyone,

So it seems that most have you lost about 100 lbs, and everyone seems to be maintaining or losing. You guys, do you now how incredibly awesome you all are!!!! You guys should be soooooo proud. It is such an inspiration to follow your journey.

So I have gained 31 lb's out of a 64 pound overall weight loss.So almost half of my weight loss is back on since losing my band. Bear with me, while I have a pity party for a moment, but hopefully it will be an inspiration to ya all. Well, my sleep apnea is in full swing again, feel like crap, I can't cross my legs again, I am busting out of my clothes and I got rid of everything so I have no clothes to fall back on. I am snoring, I am out of breath again. I have love handles, and a double chin that had mostly gone away. My wedding ring is tight again. My feet are aching from caring the fat around. Do you guys remember when you lost just enough of the weight to feel like you were lighter and kinda almost floating compared to how it had been at your highest weight. Well, that feeling is long gone, I miss that the most.

I have to stress this so much...be good to your band, keep fills at a good amount, do not get into vomiting or Pbing episodes. You guys do not want to lose your bands. I have never ever been able to diet, to keep any weight off. The band is the only thing that has worked. I should have respected it more.

So here is my update, my paperwork was submitted to be rebanded it was denied because I needed a BMI of 40 and mine was 39.6. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! Anyway nurse says maybe you want to eat a little to get it over the 40, I am like nurse consider it done. So now I am waiting. I actually think it IS going to happen. I will get the new brand on the market. It is a complete innertube, and it is much more harder to slip.

You guys think I should join the group that will be banded for the first time when I am rebanded or will I come off as a know it all, or do you think they will appreciate the advice because I had already gone through it?

Please pray for me you guys, else you will be seeing on CNN about a severely obese woman that is walking around in the snow with no clothes(yeah none of my fall/winter clothes fit) on in upper Michigan!!!! LOL


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Disney World in FL.

Full time school and work may not be fun, but you're a smart cookie, you'll do very well.


First of all thanks for keeping it real for us. Sometimes it takes hearing one say, "appreciate what you have" particularly from someone who has had it and lost it. It's a good message.

As for your question of which group should you belong to. Well certainly hook up with the newbies but only if you promise never to leave us. Once a Marchie always a Marchie. I think the more you share your experiences the better the entire community will be. So if you have it in you to keep a foot in both places, please do.

And yeah, I'm writing like it's a foregone conclusion that you're going to be banded. You know you will!


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Thanks Julie

I will never leave my Marchies!! Yes, I am staying positive, always.

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First of all, i have a new non-scale victory to share with everyone because i literally can't stop smiling from ear to ear:biggrin:. I wen shopping today for last min. things for my vegas trip. And me and my friend were at JCPenny's, i was looking for some bottoms to wear and she pulled a pair of capris' off the rack and said hey Jen these would look nice.. And i looked at her like she was nuts:glare: because they looked like they would be small; and when i looked at the size (15) i thought she was even more crazy. She said they will fit and to got try them.. So i figured prove her wrong.. But instead proved myself wrong!!! THEY FIT!!!:tt2: I was shocked, not only did they fit but they look great!!! (i got the problem now of getting my mind to majorly catch up with the body change, because i got myself still in size 20 mind set...)

Juli, thank you some much for your words of encouragment, I really need that as i register for classes. You always know the right thing to say!!!:thumbup: And still completly jealous about the disney world trip!!! LoL

Janine, i wish you all the very best of luck on getting re-banded.. I know you will get it!!! I was so happy to see your going to do it again.. And dont be discouraged by the weight gain because it is gonna come back off .. I believe in you, You are a strong person and from previous posts of yours that i have read you always are so optimistic and determined. So i nave complete faith that you will get the band and be even more successful this time around!!!:cool2: As far as what group to be in, I would love for you to stay with the Marchies because you bring a lot of input into our group and you fit in perfectly.. And like juli said, ONCE A MARCHIE, ALWAY A MARCHIE!!!:lol: We will continue to help each other out!!

Lastly, I am going for my Adjustment on monday (yay!!):w00t:. And i wanted to do something for my surgeon to show him how grateful i am for all that he has done for me.. I got him a thank you card but want to do something more... Any suggestions???? I was thinking maybe a good bottle of wine, or since im polish a nice bottle of vodka??? But i dont want to come off as being weird.. HELP!!!:thumbup: I feel and have a need to give something to someone who has done so much for me DO you think that this is a good idea?!?!?!

Sorry all for the long post i had a lot to say, and at least i warned you!!:tt2: At least I made sure to keep it fun and colorful !!!:biggrin2: I know im a Dork!!

Edited by Jeni 85

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crickets chirping......

Hello?!?!?! Where is everyone???

More crickets chirping....

I guess everyone is busy with thier lives.. but here is another update for the big dork!!! LOL.

I got my fill today 6cc's (i was 9cc's before being unfilled) My surgeon and i decided to wait to fill it up the rest of the way till after vegas.. He said if i wanted more he was more than willing... Lol

Im not even close to the sweet spot but at least i got some sense of fullness now.. (NO MORE BOTTOMLESS PIT) and maybe even a slight bit of restriction!!!

I am so beyond proud of myself right now.. i went 2 wks being unfilled and lost!!! 1.5lbs!!! I didn't gain!!!! YAY!!!

The best part is that because of the 1.5lbs.. it put me at a bmi of 29.85... Which means im no longer OBESE!!!! I'm just simply overweight!!!:wink2:

Oh and im finally back to normal after surgery!! My surgeon gave me the ok to travel and told me to have fun!!

Oh and i already solved the dilemma of the thank you gift .. i gave him a bottle of good polish vodka and a card.. it made him smile!!! YAY!!

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Congrats on doing so good while unfilled. You make use pround. When do you leave for Vegas. Have fun while your there.


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Congrats on doing so good while unfilled. You make use pround. When do you leave for Vegas. Have fun while your there.


thanks carol!!!!:unsure:

I leave for vegas aug 14... so on thurseday.. and i promise to have a blast!!!:D

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OK, I've got a question for y'all. Do any of you have trouble with fish?? Tonight I had red snapper for dinner and AGAIN....major PB. It's insane. It's gotta be the fish, because I've had the other items I had with dinner totally separate from the fish before and no PB. So, anyone else have this particular prob. I don't seem to have this with other forms of fish, just the snapper...dang it!

Advice please...:biggrin:


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the fish i have had while banded i dont have problems with... but then again i didnt try eating the red snapper...

maybe its just one of tose things you cant handle.. the band sometimes can be stbborn and have a mind of its own.. if it says no.. then dont do it.. just like me and pork, steak, Pasta, and bread.. all big no no's

OK, I've got a question for y'all. Do any of you have trouble with fish?? Tonight I had red snapper for dinner and AGAIN....major PB. It's insane. It's gotta be the fish, because I've had the other items I had with dinner totally separate from the fish before and no PB. So, anyone else have this particular prob. I don't seem to have this with other forms of fish, just the snapper...dang it!

Advice please...:biggrin:


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Just stopping in to say Hi. I have been feeling quite low lately. Wondered what was missing and then I realised that I had not checked in with my Marchies in a while and I missed you all. I never have to much to add but I like to keep up. You are all doing so well. I wondered how you stay so possitive? I have had a good lost but I am not even close to my goal. I have a hard time seeing all this lose skin everywhere. Anyone else have issues with this or just me???? I don't look too bad with clothes on but with out ...........its really starting to bring me down. I still have so much to lose but can't seem to get moving. Help???? Sorry for being such a downer but I felt if anyone would really understand it would be you guys. Thanks for listening.

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Annette, Don't know about red snapper, but I can't seem to eat tuna. Go figure is not that tough, but everytime I seem to pb on it.

Rosi, don't feel alone. I have not lost near as much as you have and I really get down at times. Then sometimes I so glad that I have lost even 30lbs and kept it off that I get on a real high for me. Yes the lose skin, the flabby arms and the my legs drive me crazy. I won't wear anything that won't cover them up. I guess I need to work out more, but yes its drives me crazy.

Just remember everyone we are not alone in this journey, just log on someone will listen.


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Just stopping in to say Hi. I have been feeling quite low lately. Wondered what was missing and then I realised that I had not checked in with my Marchies in a while and I missed you all. I never have to much to add but I like to keep up. You are all doing so well. I wondered how you stay so possitive? I have had a good lost but I am not even close to my goal. I have a hard time seeing all this lose skin everywhere. Anyone else have issues with this or just me???? I don't look too bad with clothes on but with out ...........its really starting to bring me down. I still have so much to lose but can't seem to get moving. Help???? Sorry for being such a downer but I felt if anyone would really understand it would be you guys. Thanks for listening.


I can share with you what I've learned about the skin...mind you I've lost 130ish since being banded but I'm closer I'm over -160 from my highest weight. My point is my skin is LOOSE, it's baggy, it moves independantly from my skeleton, muscles, etc.

So what to do? How can a girl frame that in a positive way???

Well it's success. I'm actually losing weight, I'm moving toward my goal. It is par for the weight loss course. Expecting tight skin on a once fat body without plastic surgery is just silly.

So look at as success. You are on your way to that beautiful body, but more importantly, you are healthier with the weight off and how you look is secondary.

Hope that helps.


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Hi Everyone, just finished reading up on past posts. I'd like to thank all for their words of my lose. Thought of him in the way to Flordia. He would of loved it. Especially if we had to drive there. He loves long distance driving. I had a ball and enjoyed the visit w/ my brother and his wife.

Juli, we were in Flordia at about the same time. We went to Disney World/Magic Kingdom and the Kennedy Space Center. Had I

logged on at that time we might of been able to meet. I would of liked that. Meeting an onliine buddy.

SlikChik10, I have not had any issues w/ fish, per say, but if you are eating foods that has spicy and hot with seasonings on it, that may of caused the problems you've had. Those spices irrate the esphogaus and may also cause you to PB. I learned that the HARD WAY,VERY HARD WAY. Any bit of spicy seasoning now triggers a PB to happen. So pay close attention to how it's seasoned.

Janine-please stay here too. I would relish any past and current info from anyone who has gone through what you have. And good luck in your new band. Some things are better the second time around. Hope it's for you too. Now you can side track all the wrong things and ways of what not to do w/ the band. Good Luck.

Rosi - I too feel as you did when I don't logon and always feel I'm missing out on good tips and help. But, when I get back to logging I feel great and fully inspired by those that have lost more weight and found out new things about themselves and share openingly.

Jeni - hope you're enjoying your self and your new found health. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But you can share w/ us. We won't tell. LOL

Congrats to all those that finished their school year and summer school. I envy you for going to school. I'm still threatening to do so. And those for passing your exams.

Well, I'll stop for now for I feel so blessed for being able to talk and share experiences with you. I'll be increasing my exercise routine this year. I think exercising is helping to keep our skin from sagging and hanging more that it would if we were not. So, that's my incentative to exercise more.

Good nite all. God Bless.

Edited by Whitepants

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