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Lap Band v's Gastric bypass

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Hello everyone,

My name is Tracy from Australia and I am a newbie here. I am booked into have my band done next week. I am in two minds as to which procedure to have? Has anyone had the gastric bypass?

Does the band stop you from craving for food?

Look forward to hearing your replies.


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No one here will have had the bypass (I don't think) since this is a board for bandsters. All of us have made the decision that bypass is not for us. I know I never considered it seriously at all--for me it was banding or nothing.

A properly adjusted band does indeed damper your appetite and slow down cravings in a BIG way. That doesn't happen overnight, and it may take a couple of fills until your band is adjusted correctly for you. But I think that's a GOOD thing--it gives you time to mentally adjust to eating much smaller meals, and there's nothing you can't eat if you want it. You just eat LESS of everything, and that's how you lose weight.

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A lot of the band surgeons offer a seminar to discuss the pros and cons of the Band vs. Bypass. Dr. Barry Fisher in Vegas offers them about once a month, so you might try calling your surgeon to see if he knows about a local seminar. If you can't find a seminar, you should be able to find an indepth list of pros & cons on the internet somewhere.

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When I was trying to determine which surgery was best for me, I did a lot of reading, a lot of thinking, and a lot of praying. I put together this list of reasons for my decision. I am now a bit more than a year post-op, and absolutely KNOW that I made the right decision!!!


RNY vs. the Band

These thoughts are the results of my own research and discussions with people, and are in no way a "medical" opinion.

1) The lap band is MUCH less invasive than the RNY and has a significantly lower complication rate.

2) The data appear to show that RNY & Lap band patients have very similar results at 5 years out. Lap band patients do tend to lose more slowly. That was a cosideration. Of COURSE I want to melt, but the long term outcomes are similar enough for me to opt for the less invasive procedure.

3) If the lap band is not a good treatment for me, I can convert to an RNY down the road. However, the RNY is irreversible, a one-time deal.

4) My husband is now supportive of WLS, since I have chosen to request the lap band. He was not, at all, in favor of the idea of an RNY.

5) The lap band is adjustable and can be filled (or emptied) to meet my specific needs.

6) The lap band requires more frequent contact with the team for post-op monitoring and adjustments. This, for me, is a plus. I look forward to on-going contact with the team to monitor progress andto "customize" my lap band device. (Hmmm.... I wonder if they come in designer colors? haha!)

7) Dumping is not an issue.

8) Recuperative time is relatively brief (Barring complications).

9) I have the discipline to stick to a plan over the long haul (I'vebeen living low carb for more than 7 years). Discipline is what I understand to be the key to overcoming the lack of a malapsorptivefeature.

So, there are the major things that swayed my request for a lapband. I'm happy to continue this discussion if anything I've said strikes a nerve or sparks a question! Blessings to you all!

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Not a good place to research bypass surgeries....HOWEVER, my second choice has always been the DS (actually, the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.) I many STILL go that route. The band works for about 80% of the band patients. I'm in a category...partially because I'm insane, but also because I'm older...that may put me in the 20%. When my band is tight enough that the weight loss is "happening" at a reasonable rate, I have reflux. When we loosen the band, I stand still. I'm not happy with either, so I'm still considering the DS.

It's a bypass surgery, but quite different from the RnY and my insurance covers either...and not LapBand. Research them ALL before you decide. Good luck.

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Guest j. lynn

Hello everyone,

My name is Tracy from Australia and I am a newbie here. I am booked into have my band done next week. I am in two minds as to which procedure to have? Has anyone had the gastric bypass?Tracy

I, personally, think you should have decided on the band before you booked the procedure -- kind of scary to second guess this when your surgery is just over a week away. BUT...

There is another website I frequent where someone just asked this question....you might like their responses. However, most people on that board that didn't have the band are pretty ill-informed about it.




My cravings are pretty much gone. Sure, every once in a while, I crave something specific: mexican food or itialian or something, but I don't crave food in general. I don't have the feeling that I need to eat, eat, eat. That comes with good restriction as I don't feel hungry.

Here are the reasons that I went with lapband: (note: this is posted from my blogspot where I journal these things)

There are a few different types of weight loss surgery. They each work a bit differently and the results are different. One of the most popular ones is called RNY, where they cut your stomach to make a much smaller pouch that feeds into your intestines. They also shorten your intestines to prevent food from absorbing into your body as quickly. Depending on the person, they can either do the surgery laproscopically or open. I believe the surgery takes a couple of hours. From what I understand, most of the weight lost after this surgery is in what they call the "window of opportunity"-18-24 months after surgery. People can expect to lose 50-70% of their excess weight.

A newer surgery is called Lap Band. Most of these are performed laproscopically. They place a band around the top portion of your stomach to make it smaller (called a pouch). It makes your stomach like an upside down funnel. You have the full sized stomach, but the opening is alot smaller, so you feel full faster because you have to wait for the food to go through the funnel into the larger part of your stomach. The FDA approved this method in 2001 for the US, but it has been performed before that in Europe. Weight loss with this approach is slower, but there is no "window of opportunity". After surgery, people can get "fills". The band around the stomach is filled with saline and can be filled up to be tighter or emptied to be looser, giving the person some freedom.

Here are my reasons for having the lap-band:

1. My stomach/intestines will not be cut/staped/rearranged. If I ever had to have it reversed, it is much easier to remove the band than to re-cut the stomach.

2. I do not have to worry about malabsorption of my food and nutrients. All my nutrients will be absorbed the same as they are pre-surgically. People with RNY really have to watch their Vitamins since their stomach and intestines don't absorb nearly as much. People with a lap-band have to watch their Vitamins too because they can't eat as much, but what they do take in vitamin-wise will all be absorbed.

3. Weightloss is slower. This helps with skin not to be as saggy after the weight loss. It also helps me establish lifestyle changes instead of using the "window of opportunity". People who lose weight very quickly often get gallstones and then need their gall bladder removed. I'd like to avoid that.

4. The band can be adjusted if needed. If the weight isn't coming off well, the fill can be increased. If the weight is coming off too quickly, the fill can be decreased. If I ever get pregnant :-) and need to eat more, I can get an unfill. This is true even 10 years down the road.

5. Lower mortality rate by far.

6. Less complications post-surgical, since there are less changes in your body and no cuts.

7. Shorter hospital stay. Most Lap Band patients are in and out in a day, if they have a fairly early surgery time and no complications with anesthesia.

Here is information on Lap-Band:






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Hello everyone,

My name is Tracy from Australia and I am a newbie here. I am booked into have my band done next week. I am in two minds as to which procedure to have? Has anyone had the gastric bypass?

Does the band stop you from craving for food?

Look forward to hearing your replies.


Hi Tracey, I just wanted to wish you all the best with your surgey.

And as for the Bypass, it depends on what state you are in. Some do not allow bypass to be performed due to the mortality rate.

I hope it all went well for you.

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My best friend had the gastric bypass...She was about 500 pounds. Her health was in serious trouble and she needed to do something YESTERDAY to help herself. She had a young child at the time, hes a big boy now.....and you know what they say, Despirate times call for despirate measures. In my opinion, I feel that the RNY is just that...a despirate measure. Do it if you are 300 + pounds over weight. Do it if your health can not hold out much longer. If you have 100 pounds to lose, it is TOTALLY "do-able" with only having the band....I say only like I take it lightly, but what I mean is that your intestines do not need to be rerouted....My girlfriend lost her weight quickly. She now has over 40 pounds of extra stuff, skin, cellulite to get surgically removed.......another surgery.....another risk. Granted, some of us get reconstructive surgery too..but there is a better chance at our skin reforming around our newly found muscles due to the slow weight loss! I am 32 years old. I am holding on to that hope for dear life! I dont want a Tummy Tuck, but if it comes to it, I will. I do however want a boob job!! That is my two cents on the subject. Good luck to you and please let us know which way you deside, and eventually how your surgery goes......

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My best friend had the gastric bypass...She was about 500 pounds. Her health was in serious trouble and she needed to do something YESTERDAY to help herself. Do it if you are 300 + pounds over weight. Do it if your health can not hold out much longer. If you have 100 pounds to lose, it is TOTALLY "do-able" with only having the band....I say only like I take it lightly, but what I mean is that your intestines do not need to be rerouted....My girlfriend lost her weight quickly. She now has over 40 pounds of extra stuff, skin, cellulite to get surgically removed.......another surgery.....another risk. Granted, some of us get reconstructive surgery too..but there is a better chance at our skin reforming around our newly found muscles due to the slow weight loss! I am 32 years old. I am holding on to that hope for dear life! I dont want a Tummy Tuck, but if it comes to it, I will. I do however want a boob job!! That is my two cents on the subject. Good luck to you and please let us know which way you deside, and eventually how your surgery goes......

I have to disagree here on a couple of points...no matter HOW you lose 100+ pounds, it is very unlikely that you can do so without saggy, baggy skin afterwards. Hell, many, many normal weight women need plastic surgery from stretched skin from a 40-60 pound gain during a particularly "fattening" pregnancy. Stretched skin does not "reform."

And I disagree with your position that bypass is the right surgery for the super obese and band for lightweights. I don't think the more experienced band surgeons would agree, either. Some superobese do great with the band..and some lighter weight MO's don't.

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I have already decided that I will definitely have some sort of gastric bypass IF my band is ever removed and IF I ever hit 300 pounds again. I won't do it in my 40s, but I will do it in my 50s. I hope my band stays with me, but I still haven't seen any long-term (10 years) people that still have healthy bands. Anyone else?

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My DH was 'super super obese" which is of course, the catagory after "super obese." He's lost just shy of 200 pounds, last weigh-in he'd lost 196 pounds. He was 600 pounds when he was banded.

If the band hadn't been available, he would probably be dead since he would have never gotten anything else.

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I dont feel and I dont think that I portrayed (or atleast ment to portray) my attitude as being the band is better for "lightweights than heavy weights".....I was just pointing out that the weight loss comes quicker for people who have RNY. As in my friends situation, she couldn't afford to wait months to meet goals....or a year.... Everyones situation is different..I understand there are people who are super obese that would do very well with it....but in my opinion, RNY is a very drastic measure to take for just having 100 pounds to lose. Vinesqueen...AWESOME JOB FOR YOU AND YOUR DH...You must be so proud...He is a case where the band did work for him...and that is awesome! He didn't have to cut up his body to get the results that he needed to get!

As for the skin issue...My surgeon and I talked about skin issues and I was advised that there is a chance that it would reshape around the muscles as I toned up. What about Richard Simmons?? Didn't he lose like 100 + pounds? Did he have plastic surgery? I dunno...I will have to find that out......anyway, I was advised it could bounce back.

All righty...I don't mean to sound like I am being defensive...My tone may be a little off because I just got done working with a bunch of high school students who really raked on my last good nerve today. I just didn't want my position to be misunderstood...


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Thanks guys for your info and support. I have done alot more research and have decided that i am going to go with the band, which is tomorrow. I have been on Optifast for 9 days and have lost around 3 kg's, the doc said that i have to go on the shakes to reduce the size of my liver for the operation... I am currently 113kg's I dont know what that reverts to in pounds?

I will let you know how it all went when i get out of hospital i will be in for around 2 days.

talk soon

tracy in oz

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As for the skin issue...My surgeon and I talked about skin issues and I was advised that there is a chance that it would reshape around the muscles as I toned up. What about Richard Simmons?? Didn't he lose like 100 + pounds? Did he have plastic surgery? I dunno...I will have to find that out......anyway, I was advised it could bounce back.

Richard Simmons had a ton of plastic surgery...he initially starved his weight off in about 2-3 months and then had huge skin issues that required quite a bit of surgery.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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