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New Jersey August Chat

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Hi Ladies, good to see you all.

Things are crazy, the dog I adopted a few weeks ago is pregnant, the vet see's 3 pups and she's due in about 10 days OY VEY!!! like I'm not busy enough LOL

Work's been crazy, I think my boss got a VP job (he'd still be my boss) and he hasn't told anyone yet, so things are uneasy there because we don't know who's gonna replace him. You know the saying, the devil you don't know is worse then the devil you do know.

No WL... still eating like a pig, no restriction and HATE the thought of getting a fill. I just don't want to give up eating the amount I can eat and its dangerous. The brain is not cooperating. Oh well. Struggle is my middle name.

Hi New Girls !!! I too am from NJ... bergen cty near ramsey. Welcome to LBT and congrats on almost or getting the band :lol:

Hope everyone is doing well :)


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Hey there folks :) How goes it?

Eileenie is gonna be a puppy grandma? Ohhh God bless ya. Dogs are enough work and puppies are so dang cute but, taking care of em....ooo I don't envy ya babes. So did you know she was pregnant when you adopted her? Will you be keepin the pups? You're contemplating a fill or not a fill and I'm contemplating taking some out or not. I don't know if once again, this is part of my reflux issue or not. I asked my doc for a flouro and he said no. Wants me to measure my food intake, keep a journal and I probably need a slight unfill. Man oh man...I can eat quite a bit but I do have to admit...while keeping my journal again I'm behaving more. It hasn't really stopped the reflux though nor have i lost weight.

Too boot TOM is here and I've been sick the past two days. Don't know if I caught something or TOM and the change is causing issues. These womenly things lol

Hey Pat...So whats the adventure this weekend. Anymore pool parties? The weather has been crazy around here again. Cold, warm, rainy, Water funnels in RI, flood warnings...crazy! Today is beautiful though. Is it warm there? Hmm Cold cucumber Soup. No can't say I've had any kind of cold Soup. Do you make it yourself? Might need that recipe if you will share it :) I hope we can meet too. DH is going on his long motorcycle trip so if finances are better next year...maybe I'll be taking a girls trip again :) Might have to go somewhere other than Disney :)

Betty - Geesh sounds like you've had tough weather too. Do you have an official date now for your surgery?

Diane - Have you been using your Wii fit? Mine has as much dust as my dreadmill now :thumbup: Will I ever learn? I just borrowed the 10 minute workout DVDs from my friend who does BeachBody. Man she looks great. I had tried Hip Hop Abs...OMG it was hysterical me trying to keep up with that and I felt like I was humping instead of working out lmao...it didn't look pretty let me tell ya. Then I tried Turbo Jam...yeap that was cool cept I kept feeling like I was gonna get punched by my DH who did the workout with me or I would punch myself. I'm so not coordinated enough for this Tae Bo type stuff lol. So lets see if 10 minutes is do-able I told her hahaha. Figured I'll try to commit to 10 min a day to see if I can get myself rolling. Of course she brought it over and the next day I got sick so haven't even started that yet haha.

Jetti - Hope you're yard sale is a hit today. I really should have one myself but, man they are so much work. I keep saying just do it but, then something else becomes more attractive to me like snoozing on the couch watching the Olympics lol. I hope you do well!

Bozz and Jaculin - Welcome to the group :) You'll really like it here and I wish you the best on your journeys!

DJ - the pickles came our great actually. Naturally I made more than we'd ever eat so I've given quite a few away. I think next time I may try to make them using Splenda instead so then the cals will really be low :) I'll let ya know how those taste if I make them. They are pretty easy to make if you want the recipe I'm willing to share it.

Kat - I think you're busier than me girlfriend! All sounds like so much fun though. We have a big fair here in Massachusetts in Springfield in September. Kind of a country fair but, has a bunch of other stuff too. The fairgrounds has a different building for each of the New England States and each state is celebrated on a different day. It goes on for 2 weeks has lots of musical shows, concerts, all kinds of vendors, food, rides, animals, growning contests, 4H stuff. It's fun. We usually go for an entire day leaving our house at 6am and getting back around 9. I try to take a day off during the week to go when its not so crowded :) Are you all healed up now from your TT? I bet you look awesome!

I have a splitting headache right now so I have to get going. TOM really wipes me out now a days :( I already made Pasta salad for a cookout we're suppose to go to. One of DH's motorcycle friends is having it. Not sure I'm going to make it a long time there though :( Hmmm might be better off sending him there himself but, we'll see. I need to take some Tylenol to see if I can get rid of this thing. Have a wonderful weekend my friends.

Anyone else make anything new this summer with veggies? Any new dinners or crockpot recipes? i'd love to hear about them. I LOVE my crockpot/slowcooker...that pulled pork is great in it and so tender even I can eat it lol.

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Hey everyone`

Sorry it has been so long, been crazy busy lately.

All from NJ! Hey!! How are ya? Jacqulin where in Monmouth Cty are you? I live in Howell.

Well, the countdown is upon me, 25 days till surgery!

next week I go see my hubby in Ft Bliss TX, than he flies out to the sandbox a few days after that.

Hope you Jersey girls and boys can meet Jetti and me for our meet next week!

love and hugs


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I don't know how, but I lost my whole damn post! I hope everyone is well... waiting to hear how Betty's test went. I'll write again tomorrow when I'm less aggravated!

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Hey Everyone. BEAUTIFUL weekend we've had this weekend. Today I road my motorcycle with the BIG BOYS hee hee. There were 6 of us all together and I rode over 120 miles all by myself :thumbup: I'm excited to say the least. My butt has been broken in from riding on the back of DH's bike but, today I rode my own and broke my own seat in hahaha. Beautiful ride and the others let me know I rode really well. Whew. I was so afraid I'd mess them up or screw up their usual formations etc. I still won't ride the highways but, someday I'll feel better about that too I'm sure. Right now my bike is just too small for that in my opinion although others ride 250s on the highway no problem. I'm just too nervous and I do still enjoy riding on the back of my DH's bike anyway :Banane34:

So what did everyone else do today? Anything fun...interesting...or just relaxing after these killer late nights watching the Olympics. Whew they make me tired but, man I get all caught up in Michael Phelps' swimming and the girls gymnastics. Think we have another week of this right? lol

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So what did everyone else do today? Anything fun...interesting...or just relaxing after these killer late nights watching the Olympics. Whew they make me tired but, man I get all caught up in Michael Phelps' swimming and the girls gymnastics. Think we have another week of this right? lol

I know what you mean....I have been up late every night watching!

Hey, I'd like to have your pickle recipe! Did you do the full canning process, or are they refrigerator pickles? A couple of years ago, I tried canning them with the whole Water bath process and they came out so salty. I want crispy, crunchy and garlicky!!!

How's everyone else doing? We've been just a little quiet here on our NJ Chat board lately, myself included. On my home front, things are looking much better and just getting back to normal. Work is really busy as I work for a college and we are gearing up for the start of a new year. I work in HR, but I just agreed to teach a class once a week on Fridays. (Thinking I need $ for Christmas!) Plus, since my Friday nights are unfortunately kind of boring (definitely no chance of a night of fun "reckless abandon" for this chickee! LOL...)

I'm envious of you other NJ girls getting together, but I am way down south here in no man's land bordering Delaware. Only every once in a while do I get a meeting or such that requires to travel northward.

Well, here's my shout out to everyone! Let's hear from you. :wink2:

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Good Afternoon Y'all!

Well, I know I haven't posted for a few days, I just didn't want to jinx myself until I got the final approval. lol

My surgery is Wednesday the 20th. Yes, it is the day after tomorrow! I will be in surgery at 9:00 a.m. so, if y'all will say a little prayer for me about that time it will be greatly appreciated! I am looking forward to this so much, but at the same time I am scared to death. I can't imagine how it will look, or feel after being so large for so long. I am ready to find out though. I will be staying at the hospital overnight, so I won't be able to get back to you until Thursday. I am glad in a way he is keeping me overnight, I would rather be safe than sorry. He has to move my nipples too, so that means more surgery and I won't have to go back the next morning either.

Breast reduction, here I come!

Now, if this jinxes me, I will never tell again! roflmao!!!!

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Betty good luck Wed and I'll definately have you in my prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!

Trish...I'll find that recipe for ya and post it later this week. The recipe I used you can either refrigerate them or can them. Canning these was too much for me. I don't like that type of canning :blink: They were good but, no garlic in mine. Some people add it though from what I read.

Hello everyone :biggrin: Hope you had a great day and peaceful evening. I'm just catching up on some house stuff...dishes, trash, laundry and now the Olympics lol

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Hey ladies!! I have not been on in a minute so I just wanted to swing by and say HI!!!! Had a great but busy weekend with the yard sale. the weather was PERFECT!!! sunday we didnt have that many customers so that was a downer but all in all it went good. and since the weather was good I got some more color - my vacation tan was fading and I was not a happy camper about that!!

YAY Betty - Congrats and good luck with your surgery. Can I have whatever the take from you? I am in serious need of some boobs. I have always been small and im getting smaller and smaller - pretty soon they will go in :-(

Trish - No distance is too far for me to travel if you would like to meet up one day. I enjoy driving so I would have no problem driving down your way or even meeting half way if youre interested.

Have a great day chicas!!!

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Hello wonderful women! I hope you are all doing well.

Betty, you are in my prayers and thoughts. You will do well and look terrific! We are all here to cheer you on!

I think I PB'd last night. I was at an all day pool party and decided to drink my calories. When I got home last night, my husband had made pork chops. Of course I was starving and started to eat one...I guess too fast! It got stuck. I ran to the bathroom thinking I would puke, but instead my mouth kept filling with saliva and it eventually went down. I guess I do have some restriction after all.

Only two more days until I return to work. I am hanging on every last minute of my summer. LOL It's all good.

Take care everyone.


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that is exactly what happened to me while on vacation but mine came out instead of passing but it was not that bad.

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Donna...Pork chops are one of those NO GOES for me unless I cook them in a crockpot all day long. Pork tends to be too tough and dry unless cooked that way for me. That was my very first PB...pork chops so you're not alone :thumbup:

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Betty----I will be thinking of you and sending my prayers and best wishes your way tomorrow. You will do fine, and look awesome, I just know it!!!!!!

We had a busy weekend----thanks for the birthday wishes by the way!! Was a working weekend, except for Sunday---and we played!!! We cut, and hauled, and stacked a couple cords of wood, and took out a tree in our yard, and transplanted a bunch of flowers. We are having a shop put in on Friday, so had to clear the area for it. Hopefully my flowers survive! I am thrilled he is getting this put in, he is seriously outgrowing the garage, and putting anything of mine out there is out of the question right now---so when he gets it up and the bikes out of the garage, I am moving all the exercise equipment out to the garage---attached, and heated----so I can still use them this winter. Then I might actually be able to make the grandkids play in the playroom, and my sewing machine might see the light of day again!!!

I am still spitting some stitches from my incision. My PS said that is not unusual, and he can pull them for me, or I can do it myself as they work their way out. It is kind of uncomfortable though, they like fester up, and then the fishing line stuff pops through the skin. Ideally they eventually absorb into the body, but there is just not enough moisture in the muscle area for them to dissolve so they are working their way out--thebody sees them as a foreign matter.

I am easily in a size 10, have a couple of 8's I wear without a problem----right after surgery, I could not get them on, and when I finally did, breathing was not optional, but now they are fine. I weighed this afternoon, fully clothed at 170 even. I wish I could just say I want to lose 10 more pounds and I want 4 of it off of my arms, and 5 of it off of my upper stomach, and the last pound that little pocket of fat on my inner thighs. Unfortunately, as i continue to drop a pound here and there, it seems it is coming from somewhere else, as those areas remain!!! And I do not need any more butt gone, I have none now as it is!!! So.....I have 5 pounds to go to my original goal, but unsure what or where I will really get to. I think this next pound I lose will actually drop my BMI into a normal range. Pretty amazing, I began this in the Morbidly Obese category!

So far I am still totally unfilled. Betty do you have to unfill for your surgery? Some require it, others do not. Mine did, but only because if I were to have a problem with nausea, my band Dr. is 6 hours away! So he felt better with it unfilled. I was super scared to unfill it too!!!

Welcome to all you new girls, give me some time to learn names, like I mentioned, I got old over the weekend, so my brain is in slow motion now!!!

I better go get dinner started. Going to take a ride tonight----Rick just doesn't know it yet!!!



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Hi Y'all!

Gosh, it's good to see more on here tonight.

Thanks for all the well wishes! I am glad y'all will be thinking about me in the morning. :)

Kat - Wow, you have done amazing! I'll send you some of my butt, I have a lot to spare. No, I don't have to have my fill out, thank goodness for that because my band doc moved quite a distance from me and I sure don't want to have to drive there too. I have never had a problem with the nausea after surgery before so hopefully I won't this time. I can't remember if I told you Happy Birthday or not so if I didn't I am sure withing it for you now. I have been so preoccupied with all this testing etc that I don't have a mind left. lol

Jessica - I can sure send you some boobs too! They are going to have to take a lot off mine! I can't imagine what they are going to look like after having them so big for so many years. What a relief my shoulders are going to get. By the way, the worst pb i ever had was while I was on vacation. I got stuck and I slimed for 45 minutes, and I was so miserable I thought I would die. Finally I stuck my finger down my throat and gagged my self and threw it up. Now I don't do it often but when I do it just comes up right away all by itself!

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I am going to post in sections, I keep hitting the wrong keys and I don't want to lose it all again.

Pat - Where are you missy? Out partying again???? lol

Trish - We have been watching the Olympics too! Then dragging ourselves out of bed in the morning. Now, maybe I can watch a few and not worry about it. I used to have a really good dill pickle recipe, I don't know if I can find it I lost a lot of them when I moved, but if I can find it I will post it for you. It does have garlic in it, lots of good old garlic, I don't think I could cook without garlic!

sherry - I am so proud of you with your riding! I just know you are a hot chick on that bike of yours! You must be a good cook, it always sounds like you are making something really good all the time.

Donna - I hope you enjoy your last couple of days off. I have two weeks off, but I don't know what I will be able to do yet.

Michaele - that time will be here before you know it. Keep reading everything you can and you will be well informed and know exactly what will happen when.

Eileen - Puppies?????? You need to give us some pictures. I miss you when you aren't here.

well, got to go and get this polish off my toes and nails, no polish allowed.

I have shaved my legs and arm pits and tomorrow I have to shower and wash my hair before I go. I do have to spend the night, so I won't be able to post till I get home.

See you all in a few days!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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