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New Jersey August Chat

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Trish - Good for you for planning a vacation without the kids! We all need that once in awhile. Make it a really fun one too!

LOL Actually that was wishful thinking, out loud, on my part. :)

I'm lonely for adult company when the boys are with me...I'm not sure I'd survive alone! After this last trip, one of the girls in my department at work said that she and a few others were going to make me go on a girls weekend. So, maybe it will happen after all. I can wish, right?

Right now I'm still dealing with issues at home. My Mom had her medical procedure on Monday and has been in intensive care since. Good news is maybe not cancer after all, bad news is that she's had major cardiac issues since the procedure and some significant internal bleeding. Trying to keep positive thoughts here though! :)

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Trish, Take good care of yourself. I'm sorry to hear about your poor mom going through the medical problems and pain. I'm sending you wishes and prayers for strength and endurance....you already have the kindness! as evidenced by "the girls" wanting to get you away for a girl's weekend.

Hi to all today! (sorry so short.................I was born that way! lol)

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Hello everyone! I had my first fill a few hours ago and it went really well. My doctor does all fills under fluro and it was so interesting seeing the port and watching the liquid go down. He said he put in a little over 3cc's. The liquid did go down more slowly when he got to that point, but I'll be surprised if I have any real restriction after the swelling goes down. It has given me renewed motivation though. :thumbup:

Trish, I hope your mother's health is improving. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

Have a happy Wednesday everybody.:wink_smile:


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Hey Donna! How's it goin' gal! so glad to hear things went well with your first fill. I too thought it was pretty cool to see everything under the flouroscope. One time, my DH actually came in with me to see it! I thought he'd be uncomfortable with seeing it, but instead, he found it very "enlightening". He'd said that after seeing where everything was and seeing it work, it was easier to wrap his head around the whole thing! LOL :w00t:

Hope all is well with everyone, have a good night folks!

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Hey everyone,

Sorry I have been mia, went and spent a couple of days with my Mom. Its funny, she only lives 4 miles from me, but we had some family coming from out of town and it was just easier for me to stay there.

I know Jessica (Jetti) said we were meeting on August 17, but it has been changed to the 23rd. So, if anyone else is still interested, I think it would be great to all meet!

Talk to you soon.


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Happy Birthday Eileenie, I hope it's a very special day!

You're such a sweetie :w00t: OK, I'm a few hours early.

Trish, hope your mom is better, let us know how she's doing.

Hugs to all

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Good Morning Y'all!

Happy Birthday Eileen! I hope you get everything you wish for and then some!

It has cooled down to 99 and what a difference a few degrees makes!

Trish - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. Keep us posted!

Donna - Glad the fill went good for you! Can you notice any difference?

Hello to all of the rest of you! got to run this morning, running out of time already!

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Happy Birthday Eileen!!

Ugh I am thinking about going for my first fill and I am so unsure! I really need a kick in the ass right now...I am doing fine with my meals but its the little snacking that is killing me right now and I dont think a fill will help with that. A piece of chocolate here and some Peanut Butter there and add in a few pretzels and spearmint leaves and I am killing my weight loss :-( I guess in reality I dont need a fill just a little more willpower to stay away from that stuff on a daily basis. sorry for the rant/babbling

have a great day ladies!

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Thank you all :thumbup: its not so bad turning 35 :thumbup:

I'll have to pop in and catch up with you all... things have been quite busy and it seems like its not going to end. One good thing is we are going to disney oct/nov. This will be the honeymoon we never had, 20th wedding anniversary and 20 years of vacations we never took all rolled up in one LOL ... first trip EVER with my DH and now my DD LOL so we are all excited. Other than that, sosdd... still gaining weight.. no control or no desire.. :) can't get a grip.. oh well.

You all have a wonderful day and thanks again. I'll try to get here this weekend to catch up.

Love you !! and Miss you !!!

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Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Birthday, Eileen!

Betty, I can actually tell a difference already. Since I am on liquids I don't know how far it will go or how long it will last, but I found out I can no longer gulp! I feel like a funnel. :thumbup:

Jessica- I'm so glad you girls are going to get together. I wish I could be there. My middle daughter, who lives in NJ, will be down here that long weekend.

Pat- have you been to the beach? You look so tan in your pic! We are going down this weekend with good friends of ours.

Diane- that was a good idea taking your DH. I may ask mine next time if he wants to go. Of course that means he will be there when I step on the scale.:)

Sherry- I sure hope you're feeling better.

Trish - hang in there. Sometimes things get worse before they get better. You have a lot of support here, so please take advantage of it.

Have a terrific Thursday everyone.


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY EILEENIE---we luvs ya, and hope you have a wonderful day!!!! :thumbup:

Hope this finds everyone else hanging in there, Trish hope Mom is improving,

Donna, hope the fill is working!

Betty---we have had enough heat here of our own---although we are now getting the remnants of Eduardo, and it is raining. It rained out our Series games last night, so they were postponed til noon today.

Jessica, I took DH and he was very respectful after he saw the size of the fill needle!! LOL

Sherry---I read a story about a woman with reflux----and they finally found that she had a weak spot, and the stomach would collapse when she laid down. So---when they did the flouro study during her fill, it dripped through without issue, but upon further study, they had her laid down for an upper GI----and nothing was moving at all! So whatever was in her pouch----stayed there, and built as she swallowed saliva through the night----til it had nowhere to go but back up. I thought of you when I read it. Might be worth discussing with your Dr. maybe they could test you both ways see if there is a difference in how things pass through.

Pat, I missed my PS appointment!!! I cannot believe I did it, I remembered it at about 5 PM on the 4th, and it was at 9 AM!! So I called early the next morning, she just laughed and rescheduled me for a cancellation she had just received for tomorrow morning. I will get my after pics done then---and he will put the B&A's together for me. I have 7 places now where stitches are working out---my incision is now uncomfortable again---it had been fine. I am anxious to find out if I can swim with them working out.

Well Kinsey is here, and I am having to stop every few minutes and change Barbies clothes--so I guess that means it is Barbie time,not computer time!!! Off to play!!!

Take care all!


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:cool2::eek::w00t: OMG JETTI, I can't believe you've lost all that weight without a fill!!!

Donna, I'm having a girl pool party Friday night, I wanted to invite you, when are you leaving for the beach? I'm supposed to go down Saturday and come back on Sunday, still not quite sure I'm going to go though.

Trish, I'm thinking about you!

Eileen, a honeymoon....WITH, DD, what are you thinking...:):mellow:.

Kat, missing PS appt is not like a MD appt, they're tickled to get you in for that selective surgery stuff. I missed my "after" appt 3 times, thought for sure they'd charge me, but they didn't.

Sherry, what are you up to?

Betty, still waiting on some good news from your PCP.

Later girlies!

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Hey there everyone...sorry I haven't really been around. Its been nuts! Umm what else is new with me hee hee. Right now DH and DS are at the opening pre-season Patriot's game. I managed t find tickets on Ebay that we could afford so my DS could attend his first Pat's game. I'm so excited I was able to do this for them. There is no way I can afford a regular season game because they get so much money up here for the sports events...Mass people are nuts over their Patriots & Red Sox that the tickets sell way over value. Anyway....this ebay person was selling $169 each seats for $159 for two. Yippee Skippy I jumped on them and guess what...the seats are on the 20 yard line 4 rows from the field!!!!! I'm so excited for them. Can ya tell making people happy makes me happy? lol Anywho I'm alone tonight and what do I do...balance my checkbook. HOW DEPRESSING lol

ok so this past weekend I had my in-laws here. DH's sister and BIL, nephew and MIL. I loved seeing the nephew, SIL and BIL. I like to see my MIL but she drove me nuts. See......to me the only reason she came down to see my husband was because he's a computer geek and her computer broke. She asked him on the phone for a computer, we had one here that a client gave my DH so he said ok I can send you one. Well it turned into a month and he hadn't sent it yet because quite frankly he works on computers all day the last thing he wants to do is work weekends or extra nights fixing them too and then have it cost him money to send it out. Anyway...knowing they were now coming down he told her to bring her computer so he could look at it. They got here Thursday night after I was in bed. Friday my MIL started in...are you going to fix my computer? John....hows my computer can ya fix it. Then dropped it a bit. Saturday morning she started again...John you're going to fix my computer right? SIL AND BIL had a wedding to go to so they did. MIL said she wanted to go to the ocean sooooooo I ran to the store for stuff for lunch, made sandwiches for 4 of us, packed towels..she asked if we had an beach umbrella (Ummm no I like the sun). Get to the beach...enjoy my time alone sitting on my chair while they went into the Water. Did my Reiki meditation on the sand yesssssssss....got hot jumped in myself. A few more worried complaints about the sun....then we went home. We get home...now DH is dead tired because he stayed up late Thurs until they go here to welcome them in, got up early Friday to make them Breakfast, took them out and to the beach that night...then up early Sat to get MIL to the beach sooooo it was 2pm when we got home. DH was on the couch fell asleep and while MIL was on his laptop (like she was the entire night before and morning before we left) she woke him up with...John...aren't you suppose to be working on my computer. OMG I wanted to scream from the kitchen (where IIIII was doing the dishes and cleaning after everyone's mess and unpacking the cooler). He wakes up from his snoring and goes into the office. Now mind you he's already worked on the damn computer part of the morning before we left and now again. He couldn't get hers working so starting working on the one we had here replacing the hard drive with hers so she'd have her data. The entire time she was on his laptop....and occassionally came into the office to look over his shoulder. She kept saying am I going to have a computer when I leave. When I heard that I snapped and said "well do you really think we'll let you go home without one after he said you'd have it?" When he wasn't sitting with the computer she came in and looked at it, complained she couldn't start it etc. OMG I had to bite my tongue. How freaking rude! She hadn't seen my husband since Christmas and she's doing this? Poor guy. Sooo while that went on all night too. Sunday....morning start again...SIL, BIL, DH, Nephew and I took the dogs (oh they brought their lab with them - 3 HUGE dogs in my house...now if that only tells ya how much fur I was picking up boooo hoooo. yesss I"m complaining!) to the beach so they could swim and fetch the ball in the Water. Stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get lunch meat for the gang, came home....mil didn't go instead she stayed on the laptop or went outside to read because to her the house was too cold. She complained Sat and Sun about that...well dang nabbit put on some sweatpants we're not cold! So after lunch...it starts again....hows my computer...dh goes in the office again. BIL/SIL decided to visit a cousin they hadn't seen in ages that live about an hour away from us...MIL didn't want to go because she said......how often do I get to see my son and DIL. Ummm hello? Can you see me through that freaking laptop cover? I think the whole time she was here her and I spoke maybe 500 words? if that! Thennnnnnn after HER computer is all set and it's Sunday night.....BIL was packing the car and put it in the car. She later asks DH if her computer is done, yes, where is it, in the car, then...ok get this.....She says "What else did you give me? Did you give me a monitor, mouse and keyboard?" OMGGGGGG grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I had it! Thankfully DH said NO, you don't know that yours aren't working so take the CPU home, plug everything in and if it doesn't work buy yourself a monitor, mouse and/or keyboard. Whew! .....soooo now we sit down, we're all having some ice cream...poor nephew came in with his bowl and in front of everyone out loud MIL says Geesh **** do you have enough? OMG what the F*&k difference does it make you can't take it with you back to NY it won't make it in the car grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I bit my lip because to me it was DIL, BIL or DH's job to say something! Then...MIL was watching TV and with HDTV you can see every single wrinkle, flaw on a person....she says outloud...Wow that woman is ugly! DH snapped and said how rude, the woman wasn't ugly and how could she say that. She insisted she was ugly....DH didn't hold back and told her well you're calling her ugly when you have a mustache. OMG zoiks! the rest of us couldn't believe he said what was being though by all lol. She just laughed. SOOOOOO I gladly went to work Monday morning and left DH to handle the departure hahaha. Soooo now you know why I wasn't around and why I haven't been. Took this long to get over it hahahah

Now that I've just hogged the freaking thread with all that blabber I'll say HELLO EVERYONE hee hee.

Trish...I cannot believe you've lost all that weight with no fil? OMG lucky you girlfriend. You've done soooo well, congratulations because you've done it right. If you're now starting to look at the chocolate and junk maybe a tweak will help ya with that :cool2: Man...I wish I had your will power. Wowza

Reflux...well I contacted my surgeon to ask if I could have a flouro to make sure my band is ok and it's not the issue of the reflux. He basically said no flouro.....measure what I eat and journal it all and we'll talk when I go in on the 20th. UGHHHH ok ok ok so haven't eaten the best I could. So I told him I'll go back to the bariatric plan starting with liquids and build it up until I see him making sure to write it all down. Day one of liquids...did good for breakfast.....then lunch...then afternoon STARVING! I can't freaking do liquids all day and night! I really do need a fill but, I know I can't if this reflux keeps going. So Kat...I know he won't do those tests. This doc believes it's all me I think....he can sometimes be kinda arrogant. I had to beg the nurses to make him listen to me when I first had the reflux so bad. Remember that! I was drowning so we did an almost complete unfill for 6 months and i put weight on UGHHH. So now I'm at the place where since New years I've put on about 20 pounds. I'm a freaking idiot! Crying because I did this to myself and I'm not strong enough to behave :) I really do get down on myself. I know I know I"ve lost 65 or so but still...I really thought I'd be in a better place at 2.5 years out :mellow: It's all my own fault...I think I need a band around my brain and my freaking mouth and one to hold my hands down. Ok now I"m depressed UGH Anyway...day two of liquids today...did ok with Breakfast, lunch, had a string cheese to hold me over...then supper....couldn't do another shake so had about a cup of seafood chowder. That wasn't too bad....until I ate the mac and cheese UGHHHHHHHHH. Someone slap me. I gotta go...now I'm really screwing with my own head UGH. Sorry.....

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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