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Lost 80 pounds in under 6 months. Loving my band!

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I would be more than happy to mentor anyone who needs it. There were so many need-a-mentor posts on here that I didn't know who to pick, so I'm putting my availability out there and you guys can let me know if we'd be a good match.

I'm a 36 year old mother of three. I live in rural Kansas, but hopefully not much longer.

I started my band journey at 303 pounds, having peaked at 311 before getting pregnant with my baby #3.

I had surgery in Denver, Colorado, on February 8th, 2008. I have had almost no complications and wake up every day almost giddy about the change this has made in my life.

I've lost 80 pounds as of yesterday and have 63 or so more to go. My approach to the band may be a little different than some, so here's where I'm coming from. I'm very afraid of getting overfilled. I believe that an overfill is the source of so many different problems, I just really want to avoid it. I have that luxury, since at my current restriction I'm still losing weight. I'm not what you'd consider tight. I've been able to eat everything I've tried, even a bagel, or bun. (though those aren't common choices for me.) I'm at 7 ccs in a 10 cc band. I've only had two fills to get me to that point.

I believe in being able to eat a reasonable portion of healthy foods and doing that has helped me be able to lose the weight I have lost so far. I can eat a fairly normal sized plate of food for a meal, so I try hard to make sure I'm making good choices about what that food is. I'm not plagued by constant cravings for junk food, though after my recent two-week vacation, I've had to employ some willpower to get out of the habit of eating less-than healthy foods.

If we sound like we'd be a good match, let me know and we can set up a buddy/mentor situation.

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Congratulations on your accomplishments so far. Are you exercising as well? You sound like you are doing an amazing job.

I too am very afraid of being overfilled. I was banded on the 14th and already have restriction without a fill. I have a fill appt on Aug. 20th and if I don't feel I need it, I will cancel. Even though I feel I "may" could eat more than I am right now (doc allowed soft foods since day 8), I am eating the amounts I should and I find that if I wait 10 min. I realize that it was enough. I haven't tried foods that I am not supposed to have. I think I am afraid I will tolerate them (and I don't want that to happen).

Well, keep up the amazing work. I hope I can do half as good as you have!

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Sounds like you're off to a great start!

I still struggle to get in my exercise. I'm going to, though. I know it's an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It just hasn't played a huge role yet. I mostly go for walks when I can. That is my main exercise. I have a dvd I want to do too. Hubby was asking today how he can help me get it done. I just need to do it. :eek:

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I would be more than happy to mentor anyone who needs it. There were so many need-a-mentor posts on here that I didn't know who to pick, so I'm putting my availability out there and you guys can let me know if we'd be a good match.

I'm a 36 year old mother of three. I live in rural Kansas, but hopefully not much longer.

I started my band journey at 303 pounds, having peaked at 311 before getting pregnant with my baby #3.

I had surgery in Denver, Colorado, on February 8th, 2008. I have had almost no complications and wake up every day almost giddy about the change this has made in my life.

I've lost 80 pounds as of yesterday and have 63 or so more to go. My approach to the band may be a little different than some, so here's where I'm coming from. I'm very afraid of getting overfilled. I believe that an overfill is the source of so many different problems, I just really want to avoid it. I have that luxury, since at my current restriction I'm still losing weight. I'm not what you'd consider tight. I've been able to eat everything I've tried, even a bagel, or bun. (though those aren't common choices for me.) I'm at 7 ccs in a 10 cc band. I've only had two fills to get me to that point.

I believe in being able to eat a reasonable portion of healthy foods and doing that has helped me be able to lose the weight I have lost so far. I can eat a fairly normal sized plate of food for a meal, so I try hard to make sure I'm making good choices about what that food is. I'm not plagued by constant cravings for junk food, though after my recent two-week vacation, I've had to employ some willpower to get out of the habit of eating less-than healthy foods.

If we sound like we'd be a good match, let me know and we can set up a buddy/mentor situation.

hello my name is susie and i have just been banded on the 21st july i am feeling great just a little sore where my port is but doing fine.

I havnt really eaten tried a little bit of Soup but got to full and stopp after a couple of sips.

my surgeon was telling me he did fill my band 10cc in surgery i dont know wht he does this but he did and maybe thats why i am feeling really full.

i have been a little bit worried about what i am going to eat whn the Fluid stage is over im looking forward to differant tastes.


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Hi Susie.

I hope you mistyped that he put in 10ccs in your band at surgery. That's full for the smaller band and even if you've got a 14 cc band that would be a lot to start off with.

I found out at my first fill that I had actually had a couple of ccs in already from surgery. I was surprised, but it didn't matter, just got me a little further along the road to getting restriction.

I hope you heal well and don't struggle too much on your post-op diet. My main problem was not knowing if I was doing it correctly. My surgeon's instructions weren't detailed enough for my taste.

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Hi Shiny and Susie -

Susie - I also was banded July 21st. 8 days out and doing good. Still on fluids till this weekend.

Shiny, Thanks for the mentoring offer. I know I need people to talk to so you may hear from me often (lol). I'm impressed and inspired by your story. I think your approach is great. I've been thinking a lot about it too. I think stopping before it's "too late" is probably the answer.

My biggest fear and challenge is not being able to drink with meals. It's something I just can't comprehend. Oh well, I guess it's part of the journey.

I'm still getting a little hungry during the day. Trying to get 70 g of Protein in and lots of Water. Any other suggestions?

- Kathy

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Hi! Nice name. My mother's name was Kathy, too.

Not being able to drink with meals: For me, this hasn't been a problem, but I know that some people struggle. I don't follow the rule of no drinking before I eat. I usually have my drink of Water right before my meal and then sit down to eat. I don't think it fills my pouch up prematurely which I think is the reason for the precaution. I'm able to eat plenty, so that's why I'm able to do that.

I just don't have a drink at the table. If I did that would be silly since I won't be drinking it. My family knows to not set out a cup for me. At a restaurant, I'll drink Water before the food comes, but I will move my glass far away once the food is there. Out of sight out of mind for me.

Which aspect of eating and drinking together are you concerned about? It is something you can learn to do.

Once or twice I have popped something in my mouth, like a bite of my child's waffle, chewed and swallowed it and then tried to take a drink, without thinking it through. I came very close to PBing, the water pretty much just came back out of my mouth. I think that would be the problem if I was drinking and eating at the same time. It does work out and I don't even miss it.

Before I give you any food suggestions, what phase of eating are you in?

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Hi Kathy, you seem to be doing so well. I think I am about ready to throw in the towel. I am hungry most of the time and do not have problems eating any types of foods. I had my surgery on 4/22 and have only lost 15# since surgery. Had a fill on 5/21 and then went back in on 6/23 for a fill and my doctor refused to give me a fill even though I told him it was like the band wasn't even there. I was up 3# since my last visit (TOM was visiting) and he said that I needed to lose those 3# plus more because I must be cheating before he would do a fill again. Well, that just sent me on a downward spiral. I gained another 10# (putting me at 383#) on top of that by grazing on junk foods and carbs. I am trying to get myself back on track. I am back down to 373# this morning (again, TOM is visiting) so hopefully in a few weeks I can be down more weight so I can call the doctor for a fill, but am scared that he won't do it. I am hungry most of the time and can't seem to get myself motivated to get started on some form of exercise. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry to sound so depressing, just don't know what to do.


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Gail -

I am sorry you are struggling. The band was a big decision for all of us and it's got to be disappointing for you.

I'm sure Shiny (melissa?) can give you better advice since she's been banded longer. Having said that, my doctor was very clear to me that this new lifestyle is 10% band and 90% individual. So, I record absolutely everything that goes in my mouth. And, I keep it around 1200 calories. That helps so much. Also, as hard as it is I only choose healthy food choices. Exercise is the pits, but it may also make you feel a little better. Can you just go out for a walk?

I've also read on other threads that people who are frustrated with their doctor try to find one they are more compatible with. I'm not sure if there are others in your area. You may want to go to the CT support thread and see.

Hope this helps.


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Shiny -

I am just about to start a two week mushie phase. Can't wait. I'm tired of liquids!

Thanks for your help.


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Shinyhappymommy, Great for you.. I'm a short timer with all the fears and excitement I can handle.. Sometimes I can't wait others I have my hand on the phone to cancell... Yesterday I had almost talked myself into calling to stop the surgery.. Then my husband came out of no where and said how happy for me he was.. I made him swear on his mother's grave he wasn't just trying to make me happy. He did. I hadn't said anything to him it made me think it would be o.k. I'm really looking forward to my new life.. But I know if you guys weren't here it would be a lot harder. Today we will shop for my supplies.. Anything I can't live without? Friday at 11:30 am I will have my surgery....... Thanks for being there....

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Big hugs! Sorry you're so down about things. You haven't been banded all that long yet. You still have plenty of time to get things working for you. Not that it's ever too late, but don't give up, you're just getting started.

First of all, I just have to say that I would change surgeons in a heartbeat if my surgeon treated me like you just described. Accusing you of lying to him about what you're eating would be the deal breaker for me. We have endured enough with being morbidly obese, we don't need to feel like we're being beat down by our surgeons. Of course it sent you on a downward spiral. This step of having surgery is one of empowerment. Let that continue into how you demand to be treated by your surgeon, even if it is just switching to a new one. It wouldn't hurt to call around and see what you can find out as far as other surgeon's policies, etc.

Also, are you possibly depressed? If so, you might look into getting that addressed. I've struggled with that over the years and it can sure be a motivation killer.

Once you get to a good spot with your restriction, the band will help you. But ultimately it is going to be up to you what you put into your body. You will be the driving force behind the healthy foods you eat.

For me, it really helps to control my environment. If there are homemade Cookies on the counter, I am going to eat them. If they are a problem for me, I either ask dh to take them to work, or hide them, or I give them away or have the kids eat them. So the stuff that you can't stop yourself from eating? Get it out of the house. Your family will survive.

For years I ate because I felt like I was entitled to having whatever and however much of it I wanted. I felt like I deserved this food and nobody, but nobody was going to tell me how to eat. Well, I have come to realize that I'm also entitled to living a good and healthy life and that just because I can eat junk, doesn't mean I should, and most of the time I don't.

You are worth it. You can do this. It's never too late to make better choices.

Much support,


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Mushies rock! It's so nice to have something semi-solid after liquids. You probably won't have as much trouble with your hunger once you're eating foods.

Some of my favorite mushies were: refried Beans with a little bit of cheese, light sour cream and guacamole; oatmeal, cream of wheat, cottage cheese, Soups (Campbell's Select are pretty yummy.) pureed chicken is nasty, I wouldn't bother. I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more ideas on this site. It's a great resource. Just remember to still stick with your surgeon's guidelines, no matter what everyone else is doing.

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Cathrine Ray,

Hang in there! It is scary coming into the unknown, but it has been so worth it for me.

I started this thread a while back to let people know that it isn't necessarily as scary as it feels. Now nobody can know ahead of time how your surgery will go, but those are my experiences. Read my thread and know it's only continued getting better and better. Maybe I should update the thread. :)

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Shinyhappymommy you really are an inspiration...thank you for staring this post.

I struggle on and off with what I eat.

Do you have any suggestion to what you may eat in a day? for some reason my brain has been programed over the years of being on WW and other diets to need a menu for the day....


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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