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opinions on weight loss rate....

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i'm being banded in one week....and i've read a few post that are quiet discouraging...just taking so long to find the "sweet spot" or people that are 3 months post op and have lost 6 lbs (ok not that bad) but then others 3 months out who are down 20+lbs....i know every one is different... and i'm not expecting super gastric bypass results...

but what do you think besides the typical "everyone is different" answer could be the reason...i have some ideas but i really want the opinions of those who have had a steady 1-2lbs/week loss...and those who are struggling a bit

ok i get it, some say you need probably 3+ fills to get to your sweet spot...

i wonder about exercise...are the people who are losing more slowly exercising...are the people who are losing more rapidly exercising?

do you think initial starting weight has anything to do with it, are higher bmi's losing more initially than those with lower bmi's (i guess lower being the 35-39 people)

i am a super power eater...some people power shop...i power eat, i can eat alot...EVERYDAY...6 hotdogs...be hungry 2 hours later, or looking for something sweet to eat...finish an entire pizza alone...and not stay full very long...etc...main point i consumed alot of calories before my pre-op diet, so do you think going from such a high calorie diet, now to the lap band that will help with Portion Control, would cause a more of a weight loss, than someone who didn't consume as many calories... (i.e. my sister and i weigh the same, i can out eat her any day of the week, so she eats less, but i'm a little more active, so we balance out that way, but do you think the calorie deficit caused by the band has anything to do with how many cals we had come from before and therefore affects the rate of the weight loss....does that make sense?

ok i'm taking all opinions!!!!

i know the lap band is just a tool to assist us, and its not going to work by itself, it takes a commitment from me as well.... but i just wanna know what keeps the weight coming off steadily, i'm honestly not looking at where i'll be in 3 months, i just wanna feel good about my decision for surgery next summer, like truly be happy with my results...i'll take 1 lbs a week...heck 52/lbs a year...i'll be sexy!


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Hi Diva21, I was alot like you, I loved big portions, I could eat a huge meal and be hungry an hour later. The band has curbed my appitite big time. I eat about a quarter of what I use to. I have had 2 fills since I was banded in Feb and am do for another in Aug. The secret of loosing steadily I think is 1) exercise, you must do it if you want to loose steadily, if I don't workout I only loose like 1/4 to 1/2lbs a week. If I do I loose 1-3 a week. 2)You should keep a food journal, this helps me be accountable for what I have eaten. 3) Don't drink and eat at the same time. This is tough for me, but it pushes the food right through and you feel hungry again right away. Hope this helps.


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weight loss varies person to person. It depends on a few factors:

Starting weight. The heavier you are, the faster it comes off - initially, then for some it starts to slow down a bit. (It did for me)

Commitment: I;m sure as you may have been told...the band or any weight loss surgery is not an over night fix. It a whole new lifestyle. You have to be willing to make the changes and work WITH your new tool and not expect it to do everything for you.

I started my journey at 342 pounds and I've lost 95 pounds since october 19th, 2007. (My Bandeversay) I've just come of of a 2 + month plateau. I started working out again and keeping a food journal and its been helping to get back on track. (I lost most of that weight before my 2nd fill)

I hate to say it, power eating is no longer an option with the band. You run werious risks if you try to do it. ( I know you know that though) One thing you are going to have to differentiate is physical hunger and head hunger. I know I had to do a 2 week preop liquid diet and thats when I learned what was really Hungry and what was boredom/emotional/etc. hungry.

The best suggestion I can give is Keep your eye on the prize. Go buy some jeans that are a few sizes down from where you are. Try them on from time to time. It helped me. Best of luck!:wub:


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Diva--I have lost 45 lbs since my surgery of May 13--217 to 172. I have stuck to what I need to do and yes, I am a frequent exercise--now! But I reaaaaaaalllllly want this to work. If YOU work it, it works!

Wishing you the best---I would do it again in a heartbeat!

(And I thought I was the diva!!)

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Hey, and you are right. Seems like results would be more consistant.

I am a classic textbook case of the lapband system. I followed all the guidelines in the owner's manual and it took a year. I didn't join a gym, didn't go health nut or anything.

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Well, I have lost a total of 19 pounds since I started my preop diet (6 lbs on preop) some would say that is good, some would say that it is slow, some average.......I say that is more than I lost on 7 months of weight watchers and I am not getting any bigger (I was going up up up)

I do think I have some restriction from the surgery itself (he doesn't fill at surgery) and are not due for my first fill till the 29th of this month but just knowing that I no longer can binge eat priceless.....my attitude towards food has changed....I am eating to live not living to eat....

I am eating what I want just way smaller portions and trying to stay around 1000 cal. a day..... I have to keep a food track just to make sure that I get enough cal. a day.

I was told the first 6 weeks are for healing.....so I have been real careful not to over do it when eating.

The only thing I haven't started up yet is working out to the extent I did prior to surgery..... I have always liked to work out and lift weights......

I am so glad that I got the band and want to do everything to keep it, I like eating what I want only a very small portion of it..... food also tastes better for some reason....maybe the chewing.

Good luck!!!!

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"I am so glad that I got the band and want to do everything to keep it, I like eating what I want only a very small portion of it..... food also tastes better for some reason....maybe the chewing. Good luck!!!!"

People look at me funny when I have dessert or an appetizer. They mostly don't realize, I dont have much of a physical restriction on what I can eat. (Except bread Pasta and rice) I have to remind them, "I am just more like you now...I can have a slice of pie, not the whole thing.":w00t:

I found that too, that food tastes better. I think I've grown a new appreciate for food. My husband said I've also become a better cook. Which is a bonus. I do a lot of food network watching now, and have started developing new recipes to make them more band friendly.

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My personal experience has been awesome with the band.

I didn't have a preop diet so I didn't lose weight before surgery. I actually ate at my favorite italian place the night before surgery :wub: I had surgery on 4/23. I lost about 20 pounds the first month then the weight loss stopped for 3 weeks. I then had 2.0 cc put into my 4.0 cc band and was instant heaven with restriction. I started losing about a pound a week. I went right back to the doc and told him to give me a tiny fill to get my sweet spot... He did and now I am at my sweet spot. I lose 2-3 pounds a week. If you look at my ticker that is my July goal and if all continues to go well I should exceed that goal :thumbup:

Right now I ride my bike to work a few days a week.. Thats about it for exercise. I do get out and about though since its summer and do activities without considering them exercise so that might be part of it. I do notice a slow down in weight loss when I am not riding my bike to work though.

I originally had a ticker with my entire weight loss goal and after seeing how far I had to go it was kind of hard to see it long term... so I have switched to a monthly one so that I can always feel like im close to a goal.

I wish you lots of luck with your band journey and a very speedy recovery.

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I found that before i started exercising, I would loose 0-1 pounds per week. With exercise it is 1-2.5. Exercise really helped me to kick in the loss and keep it in gear. I am also finding that after losing most of my excess weight, even though I have a little excess skin, I am toning up really well and have good definition in my arms and legs with only my belly looking a little worse for wear. Even with excess skin on my belly, some medium control undies and you can't see it when I am dressed.

I also found that if I do make Protein my focus, and keep vegetables second and fruits third, I lose more. I don't lose if I eat a lot of highly processed carbohydrates. I avoid crackers, chips, rice, potatoes. Potatoes in various forms were the hardest for me to give up because I reallllyyy love them and they were a dietary staple for me in the past.

I follow the guidelines and try to avoid straying (it happens but infrequently now). Also I can be satisfied now with .5 to 1 cookie instead of a box of them. Just a taste is OK.

I think as a power eater, you will definitely do well because you just can't eat like you used to. I was a power eater as well, and I just don't have the inclination to do it anymore. Plus, weight loss occurs primarily when calories burned are greater than calories consumed. A significant calorie reduction should contribute to a good rate of loss.

In my opinion the keys to success are to follow your doctors instructions, avoid high calorie liquids such as ice cream that flow easily through your pouch, avoid slider foods like chips and crackers that are easy to eat in quantity even after banding, and get plenty of exercise.

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Diva, I am one of those who has a very fickle band. The majority of my weight came off the first year. The second year I probably lose 15-20 lbs. I have had well over 20 fills and unfills to get to my sweet spot. I do know someone that has gotten there in 2 fills however. When I have good restriction I lose 1-2 lbs a week. I am approximately 16-18 lbs from goal. I have lost 70 lbs in 2 years, 100 lbs with preop. Each bandster is different. If you exercise you will lose faster. Don't be shy to get a fill either. It does help when you have good restriction. Good luck with your surgery.

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thank you guys for the replies, i appreciate them all...each of you in a way sounds like me...and you all seem to be doing great...6 days and counting till surgery...and now i'm feeling really good about it, i think the band will be awesome for me because i'm used to only staying full a short amount of time, even after having a giant meal

ahhh to eat one cookie instead of the whole box, sounds amazing and unbelievable!

i'll definitely want to get more clarity at my pre op about fills and how often i know they told me and at the time, i'm like yeah yeah yeah 3-4 a year.. i wasn't concerned i'm like surgery first fills later, now i see what a big impact fill have on weight loss...

slider foods....AVOID!!! gotcha!

TO be Free- i agree completely losing 19 is waaaay better than gaining...and i think i'll appreciate my band the same way, yeah 19 lbs, but where would i (you) have been with out the band!

i REALLY want my band to work, and i am going to give it my all, this is the last week of my summer program at my school...and i'm on my pre op low carb diet...oh the things i've had to turn down this week, icecream with my favorite CARAMEL topping, went to dinner last night, Chilies...ah chips and the skillet queso, didn't touch a chip...today end of the program Breakfast, honey Buns, Bagels, muffins...ahhh sipped my protien shake and enjoyed the presentations...

i'm pretty darn good with exercise...every "diet" i've ever done i've always done exercise with it

so thank you guys so much you've put my mind at ease!

i'm in a really good mood now...lol thanks! :thumbdown:

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Best wishes to you.

I think that a positive attitude helps too. My story is that I got so tired of being so heavy. I heard about the lap band and went to a seminar in my surgeon's office in March. I had a one-on-one appointment with him in April of 2007. On April 23rd, 2007 I started a modified weight watchers diet. By the time I had surgery on 7/26/07 I'd lost either 37 or 38 pounds. Now, a year later I've lost 140 pounds and I feel like a new person. It hasn't been easy, but it's been steady. I exercise 1 1/2 to 2 hours 6 days per week. Most of my exercise is walking, but I often ride my trikke too.

Keep your good attitude, keep up the exercise, and the weight will melt off. I was a very big eater too. The band will not allow that. It's my belly cop.

Good luck, and imagine how you'll look at 100 pounds less, because that's probably how you'll look a year from now.

Take care.


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First let me say good luck with your surgery and congrads on your decision to take control of your Eating.

Here is MY band story. I have always been heavy and was scared to death of getting diabetes. My parents and brother all have it and are on medication. Working in the health field, I see the results of the disease and what it can do to a person.

I was Banded on Jan 3rd of 08, and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. No more yoyo diets.. I am done. I was self pay and was determined to make this work, no matter what.

The positive attitude helps sooooo much.Since the beginning, I have had a consistant weight loss of between 8-10 lbs every 4 week appointment with the Dr. The first two months were very difficult, I did not have restriction yet. I was very hungry and COULD have eaten the same amount of food as before being banded. BUT...... I did NOT allow myself to overeat. This was going to work.. BY GOD..... I also followed all the banding rules of eating. Eating my Protein first, then my veggies and then fruit. Not drinking while eating or 45min after. No slider foods, or Pasta, rice, potatos. The band is my friend, and I do my best to help it work. I am STILL accountable for what goes in.

I finally got restriction on probably the 4th or 5th fill. Since then the hunger has been curbed. I can not believe I am not starving considering the amount of food I am eating. But My friend the band is doing his job. Getting restriction is a learning experiance, you really have to listen to your body for the signs of being full and eating to fast.

Weither it be good or bad, I have not been good at all on the exercising. I have gotten on the treadmill a few times. that is it. I will say my arms are starting to be batwings and my legs are not as toned as I would like. Would exercise have helped.... Probably.

Exercise is my next big step, I do want to get a program started.

In closing, Yesterday was the first time I have actually went cloths shopping. "for parents 50th wedding anniversary". I can not tell you how it felt to have to keep going back to the rack to get a different size. I had no clue what size I was. I wear scrubs to work and have gone from a tight 3x to now a XL. I was wearing a 24/26 and 3x cloths. I BOUGHT A 18W DRESS!!!!!!!. My point is.... After almost crying in the JCPENNY's fitting room, When my family went out last night for a birthday supper. I did not care if I ate one Chip with salsa. We went to a family favorite mexican place. Before, I would have gorged on the chips and salsa, then ate a full "huge order" plate. Last night I sat and watched the rest of the family eat the chips, and I REALLY

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oops,, it kicked me....

I really did not care wether I had chips or not. I got a to go container and will eat on the rest of my food today.

Keep the positive attitude and do what ever it takes. Yes, I could have had the chips and birthday cake. At this time.. I chose not to.

Tomorrow,,,, I might just have a piece of the cake and it will be ok.

Best of luck to you, and let us know how you are doing.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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