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calling on my tens/fellow bandsters for support. join me! i'm getting back on track

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ok, so..... i ate about 1500 calories yesterday and i'm not even going to report on my Protein becuase there was probably like 20 grams. then, i bet i lost half of my hair yesterday, so it's wake up time for me again. i'm not giving up, just because i've had a rough couple of weeks. i'm still maintaining at the 198 and i think i'm sabotaging myself because it is scary crossing over that mark..

but today....right now..i'm drinking a slim fast high Protein instead of mcd's sweet tea and iced coffee..lol. i'm going to have to have some coffee though, i couldn't sleep very well last night.

ok, here's the quote of the day:

"It is by acts and not by ideas that people live."

Anatole France

i can't wait to see how you guys are doing..... (i still have until tuesday to lose some weight)............

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i have kinda thought about the wii fit. but i cant justify to my husband me spending that much on yet another workout gizmo when i have a ton already that dont get used like they should. summer time isnt so much my problem with being active, i am outside lots with the kids and the animals. its winter time (which is quickly approaching). its too cold and too much snow to be outside after work. not to mention its dark by the time i get home. i think it might be good for winter time when i cant be outside. i was thinking maybe i would try to find one on ebay or something?

i dont have my calories or Protein to report for yesterday. dailyplate isnt working for some reason. but as soon as it is i will get everything in and report back. i know or sure my calories are gonna suck yet again. did some emotional and bored eating yesterday. i think the Protein will be really good again though. not that that is a good thing when it comes with so many calories.

i made this sandwich spread my grandma used to make with some left over roast beef. you basically just grind it up with some hardboiled eggs and some miracle whip and mustard. im going to try to put the recipe in on dailyplate and see what the calories and protein come up with. should be perty good i think. lots of protein in the eggs and roast. oh, and i add a little pickle relish. it ends up kinda like a tuna consistency. i eat it just plain like that but put it on rolls or bread for my kids. its yummy. if i would have stuck to just that i would have done great. but then i ate a few chips with it. and then later a cookie. and then later another cookie. yeah, basically pathetic on my part.

weird part is when i weighed myself i had lost 2 lbs! what is up with that? i thought there was no way, so i weighed again today and had still lost that 2 lbs. could have prolly called it 2.5 or 3 but i am sticking with 2. i wonder if its the difference in calorie consumption? lower for a day or two, then a little more? now i just have to get back to the lower calorie part!

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good job with the slimfast! way to make a good choice! i skipped the coffee this morning and am starting today with a big glass of ice Water with some lemon in it.

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ugh, i ate a snickers bar over the course of the day, but I did manage to avoid the soda. So far, thats been it, when I get home, it'll probably be vegetables with ground turkey (I'm trying only to eat solids, and not drink before or after the meal, you know the deal)

I really like my job, but Jesus Christ, why are they always passing out candy, and why do I always give into it?

My boyfriend and I had an arguement about this last night, he took the opprotunity to tell me that generally addicts are self involved people who have never been denied anything, and subsequently, they dont know how to deny anything to themselves.

Most of the time hes really a calm patient guy, but I guess hes on his little weight loss trip (at six foot, four inches, and 230 lbs, how much more weight is this dude going to lose?). Its frustrating because he thinks he knows everything about the band (he only knows what I have told him and what hes seen on big medicine) and then on top of it, hes called me jack the ripper before because I told him my intentions of getting a Tummy Tuck. =( Then, he goes on to tell me that he will pay the rent and the household bills for the next six months so I can save up any money I may need for my plastics.

Sometimes, I dont know what to think. He threw a fit because I asked him not to bring cokes into the house, and now hes all gung ho talking about how he read foodnetwork.com and hes got some really good looking low calorie recipies.

Oh hes weird, but I love him.

I'm going swimming when I get home for an hour, doing laps, I got these neat little weights that go on your ankle while you swim, so I will try them out today, they are only 7 lbs each.


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angelica, it sounds to me like he is sending mixed signals. maybe he just acts before he thinks, and then when he thinks about it, he decides something different.

i tend to do that a lot with my husband.

i did not work out yesterday, i had an open house at school. but that is still just an excuse.

we already have a wii, i'm just looking into a wii fit. we got the wii for x-mas. they are expensive.

my calories for yesterday were 1260 and my Protein was 31.

want...i do think that when you increase your calories after you have been restricted for a while, it sort of tricks your body and you lose weight. that is the whole premise of the diet where you eat 2 days, then don't eat a day..etc. i know it has happened to me. every time i'm getting to where i need a fill, i will lose at first on the higher calories, but then i stop and i need to decrease them again.

i'm so glad that we are all getting on here and doing this, it is helping me so much, and i hope that you all are being helped also. thank you so much!!!

i'm getting another fill in about an hour. i think i've had like 11 so far..lol.

quote for the day:

"Self-respect cannot be hunted. It cannot be purchased. It is never for sale. It cannot be fabricated out of public relations. It comes to us when we are alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places, when we suddenly realize that, knowing the good, we have done it; knowing the beautiful, we have served it; knowing the truth, we have spoken it."

Alfred Whitney Griswold

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Sorry I haven't logged on for a few days. I have really been crunched for time. It's the beginning of the school year; I work in special education and with our system's new teachers. Both are crazy at the first of the year. Yea...they are excuses but true! Ha! I have been doing pretty well, but not feeling well still...coughing really badly at night and feeling sorta heavy in my chest like bronchitis or something. I am making an appt. with the doctor Monday morning. I was doing only liquids for three days to give my esophagus time to "rest" in case the coughing was because it was irritated, but that hasn't seemed to help. So, maybe something has changed with my fill level or band...or maybe I am sick without really feeling it.

To update, my weight is about 182. I haven't started back exercising, but hope to this weekend. I am back to eating solids. I did eat school lunch two days this week, BUT I had a salad one day. The other I had fried chicken and squash casserole! :thumbup:

My goals for the coming week:

Post here once in the morning and once at night.

Stick to lean Proteins and vegetables

See the doctor about my cough.

Stay out of the school cafeteria!

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ugh, i ate a snickers bar over the course of the day, but I did manage to avoid the soda. So far, thats been it, when I get home, it'll probably be vegetables with ground turkey (I'm trying only to eat solids, and not drink before or after the meal, you know the deal)


that sounds exactly like me..if i avoid the soda then it seems that i have a candy bar or something else.

i go totally griped out at my doctor when i went for my fill. their scale said i had only lost 4 lbs in a month, whereas mine said more. the nurse that did my fill (who is the doctor's wife) asked if i was drinking liquid calories. and i did not lie. i told her i was a total dr pepper addict. at first she was making me say things like "i will not drink dr pepper anymore", but i wouldn't even say it because i know it is not true.

she then told me to write on the memo part of my check every month that i wil lnot drink dr pepper. lol.

she is right though, i'm totally sabotaging myself. i swear that when i hit the 200 lb mark i freaked out. i've got to get over it and stop drinking the calories. i told her i was down to about one a day. she told me to start mixing the diet with the regular, but i hate drinking artificial sweeteners.

i guess it's time to get over it..it's time to completely redo my diet, because on days that i eat healthy my blood sugar goes down to 60 or so and i almost pass out...that is why i always resort to sugar. i have it in my head that if i'm tired i need sugar, and that is just not the case.

my goal this week..to go at least 3 days without a drpepper :thumbup:.

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I have a tendency to sabotage myself as well. The good news is my band does a fairly good job of keeping me under control. I was a TOTAL diet coke addict before surgery. It was a joke around school how much I drank, along with coffee. As I was getting prepared to have the band surgery I made my self stop. I don't drink carbonation at all any more, but still miss it sometimes in the morning. My downfall is chocolate, and I haven't conquered it yet. It ouwld be okay if I just could eat a little once in a while, but I eat alot of it too often. And really you can eat as much of that as you want. It's definitely a problem...:crying:I do understand the sabotaging yourself thing...I really have tried to looked honestly at why I do it as well, but I haven't figured it out yet!

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ok ladies, were losing the thread. and this has been so helpful to me.

quick update. i got my fill on friday and i had some "fluid" on my shirt after the fill. i at first thought it was blood because i usually bleed out, but it wasn't it was clear Fluid. immediately after my fill i'm like starving (and i think i've had over 10 fills and that doesn't normally happen)...so i'm hungry and all weekend i can eat completely normal if not more than normal.

so i e-mail my doctor's office, and guess what it can leak after a fill!!!! the port is self-sealing, and sometime's it takes it a little longer to seal. i don't think it is common, but it can happen.

so, i've got another fill scheduled 9/6.

ok, i've broken the sweet drink habit. that's not to say that i will never have a sweet drink again, but it is not a daily occurance. now i've just got to do the exercise.

so here is my report since my fill:

Friday: 789 calories 17 grams of Protein

Sat: 1556 calories 63 grams of Protein (who knew fried catfish had so many calories!!)

Sun: 778 calories 21 grams of protein

Mon: 997 calories 23 grams of protein

Tues: 1060 caloreis and 31 grams of protein

Wed: 1127 calories and 37 grams of protein

my average calorie per day is 1051 and my protein is 42 grams. that is really not too bad, but i need to get down about 200 more calories (lower).

how i'm doing on my goal. i have logged food every day for the past week. i have cut out sweet drinks......and i have not exercised....

how are you guys doing? i'm feeling pretty good, but i have not weight myself and honestly i do not plan to for at least another week or so. i want to be surprised if i actually lose any weight.

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Sorrrrry! I have been sick this week and off work since Monday afternoon. I am back at work now, but not feeling much better. All of a sudden in my mid forties I have fairly severe asthma show up. Go figure...

I have been doing okay on my eating, but not great. I still have not gotten back to exercising as I should, but if I can breathe I will be out there today. Oh, one good thing to report...officially per my doctor appt. this week, my weight is no longer a risk factor for me and my blood pressure id perfectly normal without the medication that I have taken for 13 years!! So, even though my weight loss is at a plateau right now, my goals for the band and my health are certainly being realized. I was VERY excited!

I agree...keep active on the thread. It really helps kepp me focused! That sounds a little selfish, but ya'll do help me!:biggrin2:

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so i have been mia again! its been crazy busy at work. plus i have kind of been avoiding coming and checking in because i am highly ashamed and embarassed and just sick with myself.

i am still empty and have to remain that way until after my hystorectomy. so that isnt for another 3 weeks! and then i dont know how long i will after to stay empty. not long i don think. they are just worried about how i react to the drugs and would rather i be empty in case of vomitting and stuff. sometimes i am sensitive to it and other times not so much.

in total since my unfill i have gained 9 pounds. i had figured i would gain maybe about 4 or 5 due to the dehydration, well, being able to rehydrate i mean. i gained the rest of it and have now stayed at this weight.

i have been making poor choices when it comes to diet. i have eaten the things that i have wanted to but havent indulged in since surgery. i thinkmy saving grace is that i have been incredibly more active then before! no more sitting or hanging out in the house. i am outside with the kids and the horses and just busy. and i love every minute of it.

i know that if i make better food choices i would be losing. i am working on that, more so with my head issues then anything else. i think i could probably use some counseling, but that isnt gonna happen anytime soon.

i have this most embarassing deal with myself... sunday we are taking the kids to a waterpark and then going out to dinner. i am allowing myself dinner that night and then i am back on the wagon...empty and all. we live in a small rural town and are going to the big city to the Water park so we are going to dinner while we are there.

i hope this thread stays going!

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want, it will stay going, and please do not be embarrassed or ashamed. we have all been there and if we hadn't been we wouldn't have needed the band. just because you are unfilled and not being able to follow the rules exactly doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to come here for support. we are here for you. and if you ever just need to talk you can call me...i will pm you my phone number.

i know i have said it before, but try to avoid that nasty cycle of blaming yourself/or feeling guilty and then eating to cover it up.

i did horrible myself yesterday, and i'm swollen beyond belief to prove it (Water retention). i did lose another 3 lbs, i know i said i wasn't going to weigh..but i did. so now i am officially under 200 lbs, i am 197, with clothes on at night. although i'm sure the doctor's scale would say it was different. i had lays potato chips for dinner...and i had chocolate milk for Breakfast.

my pcp recommended for me to drink milk at least 3 times a week because i had developed a severe Vitamin deficiency when i was sick that put these sores on the outside of my mouth..it was gross...so i would rather drink milk a few times a week than have those. my doctor says no milk though.

so, i had a pleasant surprise today. since my miscarriage and d&c (which was a late d&c), my body has acted like i was having a period but never "produced". well all week i have been feeling like that, but i was in the middle of my pill cycle and i didn't want to be a whiner so i ignored it. i mean i had all the signs, i was out monday with a Migraine, i've been craving cheese like crazy, i've been a total bitch, and then ....this morning...it was there...i feel so much better now.

i can't wait to hear from you guys. i hope you get to feeling better wifemom...and want_so do not ever think that we are going to chastise or judge you. that is not what we are here for, this is a support thread, and i do not believe in beating up the discouraged in the first place.

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Hey Ladies =)

Okay, so today was supposed to be my offical countdown of walking at 100 miles before my one year anniversary.

Didnt happen. My best friend got busted for Shoplifting (what the hell was she thinking?!?) and instead I spent the entire day dealing with her kiddos and coming up with bail money (which my boyfriend gave me to save up for a car, so she had better return it)

I'm a little stressed out about the whole thing, and I didnt follow one rule today, ate around the band, and had all sorts of sodas and Cookies, and I know, I sabotaged myself because I couldnt deal with my emotions.

I seems like everyone is sick these days. I have had viral bronchitis for about a week now, and its not horrible, because its helped me quit smoking (again, its going to stick this time, I am trying to use Abrahams law and will it into existance here). So I hope everyone else is feeling better, because I am hoping to be over this by next Wednesday.

It was stressful to say the least.

I dont care who screws up their lives tomorrow, I dont care how needy my boyfriend is, I dont care who is pulling me in what direction. I am getting some walking in under my belt tomorrow if it KILLS me.


Edited by Angelica
I forgot something!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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