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calling on my tens/fellow bandsters for support. join me! i'm getting back on track

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Motivational Quote of the Day

"If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time - not tomorrow, nor next year, nor in some future life after we have died. The best preparation for a better life next year is a full, complete, harmonious, joyous life this year. Our beliefs in a rich future life are of little importance unless we coin them into a rich present life. Today should always be our most wonderful day."

Thomas Dreier

ok, there is the motivation quote of the day.

my report for yesterday:

still haven't exercised. it is that tom, and for anyone who has been following me around here will know that i just went through a miscarriage and some serious infections, and finally had surgery to fix it all 6 weeks ago. overall i missed 9 1/2 weeks of work. so i'm still very tired, and i think i'm pms'ing right now, i'm tired, achy, bloated, etc. and i had a Migraine yesterday. so i should have exercised the day before because i felt fine. (i have fibromyalgia too and it gets me)

i ate 825 calories yesterday and i had 23 grams of Protein. i had one fruit, that i barfed up, but no veggies. i couldn't fit it down yesterday. i ate those crackers and ham and cheese rolls, then for lunch i had lunch meat and cheese, and then i couldn't really eat a dinner. so i'm still doing better than i was before i started this whole thing.

want_so..., i'm anxious to see how you are doing.

coo, are you still with us?

lulac you have done so well, and even though i'm not where you are, i still appreciate your experiences.

...i haven't even begun to deal with why i self sabotage myself, well actually i take that back, i think it has to do with my man problem. it is hard and i studied psychologin in college, and i'm beginning to think that working on yourself may not be such a good idea..i need someone from the outside.

ok, so how did you guys finally break your habit of head hunger. mine is particularly bad at night after i take all my meds. i think it is because they relax my stomach. i started doing word puzzles at one point and i think i'm going to take that back up again.

my husband recently went back on evening shift 3-11 and i miss him, and i can't sleep. so i think i want to eat for comfort when normally we would be sitting around talking.

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i so dont want to post this, but since this thread is about being accountable, i must...

i had a bad night. i got off late from work. had to run an errand, get fuel. i was runnin behind and the guy was waiting at my house to weigh the boy's 4-h lambs. so then i was late picking up the baby from daycare. finally got home, had dinner. i did good here. had chicken breast and salad. didnt go for my walk/ride...got busy outside irrigating and watering my lawn. then had to give the baby a bath. i wasnt feeling well so i just kinda hung around with the kids. got the baby to sleep.

this is were i tanked it. i had some Cookies and milk! what the hey was i thinking? then a couple bites of popcorn. and as i was doing it i was mad at myself, but just did it anyways.

so my calories for yesterday were horrible! goodness this is embarassing... but here goes....1620. i just wanna cry seeing that!

but today is a new day and i am good again.

bandster--my husband works a week on, a week off. for his week on he works out of town. i totally understand the being lonely thing. i find myself eating at night when he is gone. like its a replacement for him or something. i have been really trying to stay busy to stop myself. i stay outside as much as i can. if i am not in the house i do better.

hope you are having a good day. and thanks for the quotes of the day... i like those!

my quote for the day..."just keep swimming, just keep swimming", by Dory the fish

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OH I LOVE DORY..she was truly my favorite character in nemo.

we must remember not to beat ourselves up. i don't want this to be a "i did bad so beat me up thread" that would not be cool.

instead we are going to encourage each other. don't fret, it is just one day. if you don't do it all the time, it's not going to hurt, and you have to allow yourself some freedom within your diet, just not too much. so Cookies and milk and popcorn is not a big deal. you did great the day before, and today is a new day.

i had milk this morning, totally threw off my calories for the day......i'll eat a good lunch. i think i'm going to try to find a good salad.

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ok, where is everyone at?

here is my report for yesterday: 1155 calories and 38 grams of Protein. no fruit, but three veggies.

had a rough night really, spent 3 hours in the salon, while i had a Migraine, sugar bottomed out (65) drank sweet tea, that set up a spiral for the rest of the night. then i couldn't sleep (that seems to be the norm) so i ate. i finally went to sleep at 2 and woke up at 6.

i'll not be on here this weekend, we are going to the Buffalo River to go on a canoe float. that will take care of my exercise :wub: ...i will not track my calories there, i know that i need too, but we make a lot of dutch oven meals, that have a lot of ingredients, that i honestly do not want to add up. :thumbup:

here is the quote of the day.

"Only by seeking challenges can we hope to find the best in ourselves."

Robert Rodriguez

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yesterday's total's:

1) 882 net calories, 44 Protein

2) rode bike pulling daughter approx. 40 minutes

ugh, am i having a morning! woke up late, had to rush rush myself and the kids to be ready . i ended up being 10 minutes late. i just feel like crap.

bandster- i am never online on the weekends. we dont have interent at home, so i will be mia on the weekends. good job yesterday. i pity you with the Migraine. i get them too and they lay me out, let me tell ya. the last one i had the relpax didnt even touch! i laid on the couch and my youngest son help me take care of the baby! thank goodness for him. sounds like a fun weekend for you!

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coo, are you still with us?

Hi Bandster 1007. Am I? In spirit, but can't seem to get back on track. I also wonder why my email notifcations are now going to spam :scared2:.

I am not counting calories, which is just as well, as I'm thinking it is self sabotage, and no just mid winter (here) that is doing it for me.

I am trying to count the good things........... like the weight lost, and the postives - I could be way worse and back where I started. I've also had a bit of extra stress and reverted to my old "comfort foods" which of course leave you feeling twice as bad later :wink2:.

Thanks for starting this thread :smile:

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coo, i completely understand about comfort foods. when i was going through my miscarriage i just gave in. i didn't have time to deal with it. and i tell you, i still have my days. i'm taking antidepressents and everything but some days this whole baby thing really gets to me.

if you want to talk about what is stressing you, i am here.

i want another baby really bad, at least i thought i did. my husband and i have a 7 year old (i was 18) and we didn't get "back" together until he was 2 1/2. we've been together now for 5 1/2 years and we just got married in march. the monday after my miscarriage we found out we lost the baby. we delayed out honey moon until memorial day weekend (i didn't have time off from work) and i was a little better before the honey moon and then we came back and i got severly sick. i developed mrsa in my uterus. i ended up missing 9 1/2 weeks of work. for a very small thing. i had been pregnant since january but the baby had died and 6 weeks, and i carried it until april. it could have been a lot worse and i realize that. the miscarriage only made my husband and i stronger, but i ended up having surgery and my doctor (switched because the first caused the problems above) told me that i have a 4 month window to try to have another. but you know what, now i don't want one...but i do. i cannot stand the thought of trying to have another baby right now. if i had to go through all that again, i just do not think i could take it. if i had a miscarriage and it was taken care of in a week it would be easier, but i was soooooooo sick. and my brother had a baby in the same hospital at the same time i was having surgeries, so i've been able to be around her...and i've determined that i'm too lazy to have another baby.......so, i think in my head i don't want another because we have $10,000 in wedding debt to pay and i'm lazy,.....but yet i cry when i type this.

it has really been getting to me, and joey (my husband) really doesn't know how to deal with my crazy emotions. he has them too, but he doesn't talk about them as much.

...i didn't care about food when i was going through all of that. but i did puke up everything that i ate and i developed a severe Vitamin deficiency that caused sores around my mouth (seems the Vitamin that my doctor prescribed to me was for people who eat healthily...not for band patients..so i thought i was taking a good one...and i wasn't.) stupid..doctor.

ok, so here is my exercise for the weekend:

Saturday morning 1 a.m.: set up camp

later that day, paddled a conoe for 6 hours and swam

i also swam across a 25 foot river and back ( i know 25 foot is not that big of a deal, but for someone who never ever ever exercises, i was schocked that i could do it...i love to swim though and i'm a pretty strong swimmer).

sunday: swam for 2 hours, broke down camp....exhausted

today..i'm exhausted and burned.....lol..

can't wait to hear from you guys......

ok, so here is the quote of the day

"A good plan today is better than a great plan tomorrow."

George S. Patton

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i had a relatively good weekend. just hung out at home and did some housework and laundry and played with the kids.

i went out for the first time in ages saturday night with my husbands brother and wife. their cousins came and some friends of ours. my husband works out of town so i was a loner. i am not a drinker by any means. a few times a year at the most. saturday night was one of those. omg, i have not been that intoxicated for a very long time! i had so much fun! we just played darts and hung out. closed down the bar and went for Breakfast. i spent most of that time in the bathroom, sick. and then asleep at the table! didnt even have to worry about eating.

so i didnt track my calories saturday. i am gonna check the calorie content of vodka and cranberry juice on dailyplate. i did do my stregth training though! as far as calories yesterday, this is just a guess, but i am betting no more then 500. i was so tight i could barely get Water and coffee down! i wonder if that is because of the alcohol? this was my first time drinking more then just one since being banded. i didnt workout either. i spent most the day just being lazy, recovering. did manage to do a few loads of laundry, think that counts for much? lol.


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and i lost a pound! could not believe it, but its great. i have been stuck for ages and finally.....

i am determined to keep it up. i dont want this to be some fluke and put it back on right away!

have a happy day!

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i get to weigh in tonight, so i will let you all know. my calories are horrid today. i had captain d's with sweet tea, and a dr. pepper today!!!!!! i let myself have sweet drinks over the weekend because it was so hot i could hardly eat. (i have low sugar A LOT)...i have it high too.....

WAY TO GO WANT!!! you sound like such a good mother. how many children do you have? do you work too? how old is your baby?

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i havent figured my calories from yesterday yet, but am going to and then i will post it. i also didnt do a conventional "workout" but i did chase the baby around at 4-H. wonder how many calories that burned? i am still really tight, maybe the fill just finally kicked in?

i have 3 kids. a 9 year old son, an 8 year old son, and the baby girl is 17 months old! the boys are 10 months to the day apart...so pretty much like having twins. just so noone thinks i am crazy, the older one is my stepson. we just dont make the distinction. we have full custody of him. so we have a his, a mine, and an ours. i guess my daughter really isnt much of a baby anymore, but she is my baby still! very spoiled! by everyone. she is the baby for everyone, aunts and uncles and grandparents. before her the last baby in the families was 7 years before. so yeah, EVERYONE spoils her! my older boy has some behavioral problems/emotional issues and is hard to deal with. his mom died 3 years ago come sept. and just when i think things are getting better he backslides like 10 steps. its very hard. there was a time i didnt think our marriage was gonna make it, but we are working on it and things are getting better. its a daily struggle. i have no doubt i am a good mom to my son and my daughter, but sometimes i doubt myself when it comes to him. and that makes me sad. he has made me into a person i never thought i could be, and i hate it. i struggle with it on a daily basis.

how did your weigh in go last night? cant wait to hear!

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so my calorie count for yesterday was...wait for it....557! and Protein was 10. yeah, not so great i know. i just wasnt hungry, and when i did eat it was a bite or two and i was stuffed.

i have been doing perty good about the cardio, but hit and miss with the strength training. i am going to make a better effort this week at doing that.

things at home are just super busy right now. we are getting ready for fair, so we have something going on almost every night for the next 2 weeks. getting the lamb ready (one of them died last sat, damn thing!). getting record books ready, preparing for judging, decorating pens, and it goes on and on. but its a good time too. the boys are excited.

kinda sucks though...fair means funnell cakes and curly fries and Peanut Butter balls. damn them all!

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so where is everyone?

well, my calories for yesterday were: 1107, and Protein was: 21.

i got a step counter thingie majig. according to it i walked a total of 6228 steps or 2.94 miles. that was just between 8 and 5. i wore it at work to see how much i get up and move around. so that is perty good. according to the little book that came with it a good daily goal is 10,000. i am almost positive i would have hit that. after work we had 4-H so that meant walking the lamb, chasing the baby, helping other kids w/ their lambs, etc.

i hope everyone is ok. bandster, did you weigh in the other night? i hope this thread doesnt die, it has really helped me! i dont want to be posting here by myself!:)

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no the thread is not going to die. it may just be me and you want, but this thing is working. i weighed in tuesday morning at 205.2 lbs!!!!! so i lost 2 pounds!!!!

ok, now my weight is up to 209 i'm carrying so much Fluid i can't close my hands and i'm sick. i have a sinus infection in both sinus cavities, i have an outer and inner ear infection in one ear and the other one has a lot of Fluid in it, so when i stand up i throw up. this is my 3rd day out from work sick. they are probably going to fire me. i'm not tracking calories because if i can eat it and it will stay down then i am, and that includes sweet drinks. so this week is a bust for me so far. as soon as i stop throwing up i will be tracking again.

i don't have my quote of the day today because i get those at work, so i will have to post that tomorrow.

CONGRATS ON THAT POUNT WANT.... way to go, it must feel good to bust through that plateau even if it is a pound. we are going to do this together.

i have found a new favorite snack, jack link's beef Jerky. i especially like the steak nuggets. low cal, and high Protein and very good.

...i need a fill though, i have one coming up in august.

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oh yeah, i think we should post nsv's. ok, so i went shopping last week with my 15 year old cousin. she is smaller than me, but she's not skinny. anyways, we can wear the same shirt!!! i decided i dress way to old and fat for my age, so i went and got some of those cute form fitting thin tee shirts...i love them. also, i found a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly that do not have W attached to them!!!! i can't tell you how long that has been. ok, so they are an 18, but they are a regular 18. plus i bought some shorts (never wear shorts but they were for camping) and they are a regular xl (16/18) and they are almost too big!!!

ok, so here is the big one, i just got a picture back of myself a couple of weeks ago at a family reunion and when i looked at it, i actually did not think that i looked fat!!! it was amazing.

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      1. stevieoriole

        Am feeling this right now. My surgery date is 4/1. Sign the consent tomorrow. I feel like I overloaded myself with too much info, too many opinions. Got to the point where I was wondering if I should do this. Then I thought of my reasons for taking this step and that settled my nerves. Still get moments of doubt but am striving forward. Am just going to follow my book from the surgeon. Joined this because I was told by my dietician that I should do this for support

    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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