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Delayed Restriction?

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I had my fourth fill last Thursday, July 3rd. I now have 6 cc's total in a 14 cc band. I had complained to my doctor that I didn't feel enough restriction, and my hunger was still not under control. My doc gave me another 1 cc fill, and I went home on full liquids (he requires 12 to 24 hours of liquids after a fill).

The next day, I went on soft foods and I could eat a lot, in my opinion, more than one cup at a time. After about 2 or 3 hours later, I was looking for more to eat. The following day, I went to my favorite Mexican Grille and I managed to eat nearly one whole vegetarian burrito bowl! I thought to myself, "Wow, this is a lot of food to be eating in one sitting." I was beginning to worry again.

My hunger has been really crazy since the fill, but last night while I was eating some baked fish, the food seemed to get stuck as I got closer to finishing it, and it was the only food I was eating. I really thought I was going to PB for the first time, so I just stopped eating, took a tiny sip of Water and let it go down. Thankfully, it did. Perhaps I was eating a little too fast. Now today, my restriction is much better, better than before. I ate a normal Breakfast this morning and felt satisfied. It is now about 3 hours later and I am NOT looking for something to eat. Great, I feel good! I think I am experiencing a "delayed restriction." Is this even possible? Has anyone ever experienced a delayed restriction after getting a fill?


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im still waitin g to se if im approved for lap band,but have a weird question,is there people whove only ever had to have 1- 2 fills ever?:biggrin: whats normal fills people get?

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Guest ZenGarden

Hey baby girl!

YES, the 'delayed restriction' is VERY common and there is an article somewhere here about it. It's a crazy cycle: you get a fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...get another fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...THEN, all of a sudden, out of the blue, about 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer) after your last fill, you finally get tight. I think this means we are FINALLY getting close to finding our sweet spots.

Hope you are having a great day..and hope to see you in chat later.

Lots of love from ATL!!


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I had my fourth fill last Thursday, July 3rd. I now have 6 cc's total in a 14 cc band. I had complained to my doctor that I didn't feel enough restriction, and my hunger was still not under control. My doc gave me another 1 cc fill, and I went home on full liquids (he requires 12 to 24 hours of liquids after a fill).

The next day, I went on soft foods and I could eat a lot, in my opinion, more than one cup at a time. After about 2 or 3 hours later, I was looking for more to eat. The following day, I went to my favorite Mexican Grille and I managed to eat nearly one whole vegetarian burrito bowl! I thought to myself, "Wow, this is a lot of food to be eating in one sitting." I was beginning to worry again.

My hunger has been really crazy since the fill, but last night while I was eating some baked fish, the food seemed to get stuck as I got closer to finishing it, and it was the only food I was eating. I really thought I was going to PB for the first time, so I just stopped eating, took a tiny sip of Water and let it go down. Thankfully, it did. Perhaps I was eating a little too fast. Now today, my restriction is much better, better than before. I ate a normal breakfast this morning and felt satisfied. It is now about 3 hours later and I am NOT looking for something to eat. Great, I feel good! I think I am experiencing a "delayed restriction." Is this even possible? Has anyone ever experienced a delayed restriction after getting a fill?


I am so glad you posted about this. I'm experiencing the same thing! I actually came here to see what I could find about delayed restriction. I was banded on May 13th and had my first fill June 26th. Before the fill the nurse withdrew the Fluid that I had in the band and found that I had 5cc's. I have a 14cc band. She put the 5cc's back in and gave me 2 1/4 more cc's.

I was on liquids for two days, mushies for two days and then regular food. On the mushies, good heavens. I could eat everything - no restriction! I didn't eat everything but definitely ate more than I should have. I still ate healthy, but ate more than 4-6 ounces at a time. More like a cup or two!

Since I went to regular food after mushies I've been so hungry and able to eat without incident - no PB or throwing up - nothing.

Oh well...hellooooo.....until Monday night. Good grief. I PB'd, threw up a little....I can't much at all!

I can chew and chew and chew and the food is like lodging in my chest and feels like it's going to come out my back.

And I'm not hungry. It's TIME to eat, but I'm not hungry. It's like my band is getting tighter and tighter. I'm not worried, but it's so weird.

Did my restriction just come on a delay?!

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This thread helped me! I had my 1st fill yesterday (3.5cc), and I was starving last night and today so I ate some mushies even though I am still supposed to be on liquids. I get full quickly, then hungry fast again. I of course called the nurse, and she said that I was a few fills away from the "real deal" in my 10cc band. She also said I probably would not stay full on three meals and would need to add some Protein Shakes or Snacks. I do wish they would tell you this at the time of the fill, but I guess they do not want to open the door to any extra eating. Reading this made me think maybe something will "kick in" this weekend and I will not be ravenous.

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Here is my concern. I was banded back in 05', had 1 fill in the first 3 years. I had lost almost 70lbs in the first 2 years, but over the last year I put almost 40lbs back on, and felt like crap. My only fill was 2cc in my 4cc band. You know being a food addict once I figured out that I could almost eat anything I wanted it was only a matter of time before the weight started to comeback. I felt like crap, embarassed, and felt like I should be able to control these poor habits. HELLO STUPID that is why you got banded because you couldn't stop eating poorly, and make bad choices.

Anyway to my point on this delayed restriction thread. After waiting almost a year to finally go in and face the fact that I was struggling, my experience went well my doctor wanted to take it slow so on June 3rd he added .25 to bring me up to 2.25cc.

Leaving the office I felt great about getting back in the swing of things, and felt like I was a little tighter. Well I soon found out that not much had changed .

Within a week I was basically back to where I was before. Not too worried I had a follow up appointment for this past Monday July 7th. Since my June fill I had gained 2lbs, and now I'm wanting to almost go overboard ,and get filled until I can eat no food. However my Dr. is a wise man ,and simply said lets add .25 more to bring you to 2.50cc.

So That is where I'm at right now, and you know what I feel like I might be able to eat more now than before. I can't figure this stupid thing out. How is it possible to get filled ,and feel no restriction at all? Is this common? will it change? Any help or advice would greatly be appreciated

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It is very possitble i had 4 fills that were 1 cc each before i felt anything. If i didn't feel the band tightening when they added the saline i would have sworn there was nothing in there.

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Hey baby girl!

YES, the 'delayed restriction' is VERY common and there is an article somewhere here about it. It's a crazy cycle: you get a fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...get another fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...THEN, all of a sudden, out of the blue, about 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer) after your last fill, you finally get tight. I think this means we are FINALLY getting close to finding our sweet spots.

Hope you are having a great day..and hope to see you in chat later.

Lots of love from ATL!!


Hey Zengirl,

Thanks for responding to my post (and everyone else, too). Now I feel better knowing that this delayed restriction is a fairly common thing. That delayed restriction, unfortunately, only lasted a couple of days. Very disappointing. I am almost back to where I started ... hungry 3 or less hours later. My doc doesn't want me to snack at all, so I believe I need to be filled tight enough so that I cannot feel hungry for 5 to 6 hours straight. I want to be like snapdragon, not feeling hungry when it really is time to eat! That's the kind of restriction I am after! It will ask for another fill when I see my doc next month.


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Thanks for posting this as I am franticly searching for info about fills. I just had my first fill today and have been hungry all day. I now have a total of 5.6cc in my band and I feel zero difference (yes I could feel it filling up during the fill). In fact I'm certain I could eat just like I did before surgery. I'm a bit disappointed but I really hope the delayed restriction comes and stays! Thanks again, this was very helpful.

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I have had the same experience. I had a fill on 6.12.08 of .5cc which took me to 7cc in a 10cc band. I really did not feel much different until about 2 weeks ago. In the morning when I drink my Protein Shake I can feel it go down. That keeps me full until lunch time. I have noticed that I have to chew even more now, as I feel tighter. However, just today I felt like I did not have as much restriction, but it has been a month since the last fill, so I am hoping to make an appt. to get another .5cc. Hopefully that will be the "sweet spot".

Good Luck!

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OK--I had fill #2 and do feel restriction. BUT, I went out to dinner and had a grilled chicken salad. I ate 4-5 bites and whoa! painful lump in my chest! I waited a few minutes, the pain went away and then, I was able to finish the entire salad.< /p>

What's up with that?

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YES, the 'delayed restriction' is VERY common and there is an article somewhere here about it. It's a crazy cycle: you get a fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...get another fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...THEN, all of a sudden, out of the blue, about 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer) after your last fill, you finally get tight. I think this means we are FINALLY getting close to finding our sweet spots.

Thanks for sharing this, Shannon. I was on a long plateau after my last fill (9.6 ml in a 14cc band) in mid-May. I was bouncing around the same 3-4 pounds. I thought it was because I had reached a weight I was stable at for about five years - I thought my body got comfy there and wanted to stay. I was happy I wasn't gaining, but wondering how much harder I'd have to work to get the progress going again.

Last week, almost 8 weeks later, I started to feel much more restriction and a definite decrease in appetite. Accordingly, I'm losing very fast again, just like I did at the beginning. Now this seems like a sweet spot - my eating behaviour is improved (no snacking), I'm getting good feedback about when I'm full so it's easy to stop, and I'm losing weight easily. Yea!

I've always had delayed restriction - about a week after a fill I'd suddenly feel more restricted. But this is certainly the longest it's taken!

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Hey JB,

How have you been? So you had your second adjustment! What you described is how I currently feel with my first adjustment. I feel a yucky pain in my chest, it goes away and then I am able to eat the rest of my meal. I am still stuck on the scale, just moving between the same 2-3 pounds which is aggravating. I go for my next adjustment on July 21st.

I have seen that may people start to get more of a restriction after the second one, so hopefully that will happen for us!

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OK--I had fill #2 and do feel restriction. BUT, I went out to dinner and had a grilled chicken salad. I ate 4-5 bites and whoa! painful lump in my chest! I waited a few minutes, the pain went away and then, I was able to finish the entire salad.

What's up with that?

that's exactly how I'm doing...my second fill was just the other day 7/10 and last nite and dinner and today at Breakfast, but after waiting I was able to eat ok...I'm thinking I hadn't chewed a bite well enough and had to wait for it to move down...weird, but still I can eat more that I thought I'd be able to. :confused2:

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I really needed to read the exchanges regarding this subject today and I'm so glad I did. It sounds like I am not alone. I had my band implanted on May 20. I had my first fill of 2 cc added to my 10 oz. band on June 27.

I don't feel hungry for meals or in-between meals, but I seem to have little to no restriction for eating things that I was hoping for. The thing that is very discouraging is that I have not lost any weight since my fill. I'm still at 261. I seem to be a plateau of some kind. I am grateful for this because I normally go UP and UP with my weight. I have lost 26 pounds so far but I'm anxious to lose more. I've been the same weight for 3 weeks. I have another fill in a few weeks and I hope that will give me more restriction. I want to be restricted because I eat so much less and it scares me. I don't return to the insanity of gaining/losing, etc.

Ths concept that the restriction "kicks in" is very interesting to me. My doctor said after my first fill to go on liquids for 24 hours (Soup, Protein drinks) which I did but after the 24 hours passed, I realized I could eat almost anything. I am still on track in many ways (eating good things and exercising) but I wonder if this restriction will kick in soon or I will have to have several fills before the restriction takes effect. I encourage others that are ahead of me to write in their experience regarding this subject of feeling restricted with foods and fills.

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