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Thank you for starting this thread - great topic :biggrin: I am in the early stages of prep work and my surgery is next month. I too have done tons of researh in hopes to be "prepared" as possible for anything, but like it's been said, we are all different and we will each have our own experience. I love this forum and it has thoroughly helped me understand all sorts of senarios and shown me a glimpse of what I can expect might happen for me. Looking forward to reading all the replies on this post.

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IDebbles, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Me? I was just happy that you asked these sort of questions. I have also been doing lots of reading, and I never seem to be able to ask the questions that you have. In fact I have started to keep a notebook of questions I can ask the surgeon next time I see him.

Keep asking! It helps the quiet ones like me understand this process a whole lot better.:biggrin:

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I was banded 12 days ago ago and told family and a few friends. I am a physician and did some research but not too much. Every procedure has risks and benefits and I did not want to over-focus on the risks. My current problem with obesity is probably more of a risk to me at this point. My sense is that even with tons of info, you learn as you go and forums such as this one are tremendous help. I love the fact that people report their experiences but encourage persons with problems to contact their surgeon for more individualized assessment. I have been reading the comments here on a daily basis so that I can compare my problems with those of the other posters.

My experience is quite similar: some post op pain, port site pain, very tight band in the am, and small wt loss since the procedure. I have not had any vomiting and can start some solid food. So far, I have no regrets.

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Dabble, this is who I was talking about, not you.

Anyone idiot who tells you they will be mad at you for weighing less than them is NO FRIEND AT ALL. Drop the garbage immediately. She only wants you there to make her look better and you just stood there and took it when she told you to your face. You will neevr succeed unless you start putting yourself first. You need to realise that you are far good for her and drop her now.

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Ahh, no worries. :)

Looks like you are getting banded a couple of days before me AND you have as much as me to lose.

We can do this!

I have to believe this, cause today I have had a bad day (must stop weighing self while on pre-surgery diet!!)

Good luck!

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I was banded Jan. 15th and while I don't think I'm long term, I definitely feel like I finally have a clue. I had hardly noticed I had a band up till the past 2 months probably. I have had 4 fills now and just notice restriction. So for a while after I was still seeking out food and wanting to eat often. Although I could not eat nearly as much as one time, I could still eat frequently.

I'm happy to say with my latest fill, I cannot eat frequently, nor do I feel the need to. I am satisfied after eating my one cup of food. I can easily go 4 hours without worrying about what I will eat next and when. This has been a HUGE relief for me. I have had several "sticks" the past couple days because of increased restriction related to "female" issues ") This has been a first. Finally I cannot tolerate breads, which is a blessing for me.

I have been very open about having surgery. At first I planned on telling no one besides my husband. Everyone knows now. I tell strangers at the grocery store. Because, looking around the world, obesity is an epidemic. I feel lap band is a great tool and am not afraid to share my experience. It is humbling to admit this weakness, but helps keep me honest.

I still enjoy wine and even soda on occasion. Certainly not as much or as often. I eat out and share meals with my husband, or just take some home. My life has changed for sure, for sure, for sure. But I can't say that any of it is bad. I would rather be a little embarrased that I can't finish a meal, than feel the remorse and shame of sneaking massive amounts of food.

Be content with the decision you make and the rest will work out. Good luck!



Banded 1/15/08

Dr. Felts, Dallas TX

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Hey Tx!

I read that you are having your surgery with S&W. I have started the process. What all does their program entail? My doc is Rodriguez. Well, that is who is on my referral from my PCM. Good Luck on your surgery!!:biggrin2:

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I breezed along for the first few months. I ate much less, but could eat about anything. Then I had my third fill. I couldn't eat anything without throwing up. I threw up everyday. Still do it alot, but making a conscious effort not to. I have to make a committment EVERYDAY to do what is right by my band (which makes it right by me). I think I was dehydrated constantly, so now I sip Water just like they told me to do. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and was able to eat 1 1/2 fried mushroom. Eating out is a total waste for me. My husband was banded in April and he, my one year old and I split a lunch portion the otherday. We still left 1/2 on the plate. I haven't lost the "fat" mentality. I want food, I love food, I crave food. But, it is just easier not to eat it than feel crappy and/or throw it up. You have to renew your committment everyday. Ice cream goes down great, but you aren't doing yourself any good. I did, however, have ice cream last night. But instead of a pint, I had a couple of spoonfulls. It was heaven!!!!!! I think I am finally on the right track. I just hope I haven't damaged my band with all of the throwing up I did over the last six weeks. I guess time will tell.

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I'll preface this post by saying that, in my decision to get banded, I've researched every last thing about it (it's my nature) but have yet to come across the kind of honest answers that only internet anonymity can provide.

What don't they tell you about living as a banded person and recovering fatty?

Such as, after eating, do you actually feel full, or does it feel like a hotdog is stuck in your esophagus?

What happens when your friends find out you can't eat out for a full meal, or even drink beer?

Were you ever shameful about telling somebody, or, in place of that, lying about eating healthy and exercise and all that jazz?

There have got to be a hundred things that you don't figure out until afterwards, but a heads up on anything would be excellent.


Okay here are my answers to your questions:

1) "They" never told me it would take a long time for people to start noticing my weight loss. I went from 235 to 190 before people started to notice. Now, at 175, people see me having gone from fat to 'skinny' or normal, and can't believe it. But, it took a long time for people to notice the true change...

2) After eating, I FEEL FULL and satisfied. I heard all of the stories about chew chew chew, and thought THAT WOULD BE MY LIFE, FOREVER. I still chew, but it is not the bane of my existence. It is natural to chew and not inhale, and I stop when I am satisfied. When you get your sweet spot, you stop when you're not hungry anymore. And you don't plan your next meal. You are satisfied and it 'fixed' my brain when it comes to the fixation on food.

3) I order a meal, and maybe only eat half and take the rest home. Or I eat a light appetizer and take some home. No one notices what I eat or really cares. I eat till I am satisfied and enjoy each bite...

4) I know a lot of bandsters have decided not to tell about their band. That is their decision. I, on the other hand, like to tell about the band so that they can see there are options out there for weight loss that WORK. And that fix the brain too...

Here are a couple things they didn't tell me... The band has changed my taste for food. I enjoy it MORE now. I enjoy every single bite and don't eat to fill up anymore. I eat organic because I WANT to be healthy. I ENJOY and can tell the difference in better cuts of meat. I enjoy textures and flavors differently now. I DO NOT crave fried foods or processed foods. I eat to live now, not live to eat.

Also, they did NOT tell me about Constipation. You HAVE TO drink your Water to keep things moving. I also eat a couple prunes and have some prune juice to keep things moving. Never had a problem with things backing up till I had the band, but it DOES change things, so keep that in mind...

I Would NEVER go back... I am so grateful to have a healthy life... and grateful that I now CRAVE activity... Water parks here I COME!!

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The band has changed my taste for food. I enjoy it MORE now. I enjoy every single bite and don't eat to fill up anymore.

TX you've gotten a lot of good responses here -- not a lot I can add, but this remark made me think of not one but TWO paradigm shifts I've had since being banded last August.

1) It DOES changed your "taste" for food. I came to realize that a WHOLE LOT of what we think is "really good" is only 'good' in the sense that we can slam down large quantities quickly. The truth of the matter after banding is -- a lot of that stuff which taken in small bites and really chewed well just doesn't taste good at all!! As in "Yuck, why have I eaten so much of this crap in my lifetime, it's garbage!??!!"

2) In my lifetime of dieting, my husband and I have shared Entrees for the last 7 or 8 years. Unless we simply could NOT agree on one thing or we were both starving, we would always share. I talked a big game before and immediately after surgery about how "If I can only eat 3 or 4 ounces, it's gonna be primo!!" So he would always defer to me in restuarant and entree selection. Well, that gets TIRESOME and after a few months I was sick of always having to come up with the choices. So I insisted HE choose. He tried to wiggle out of it and I said, "Look, it doesn't matter whether I'm eating filet mignon or CARDBOARD, I'm still gonna be FULL after a few bites!" And suddenly it hit me!! Too much of my relationship with food was built on pleasure/satisfaction/rewards, etc. And very little of it was about fueling my body-PERIOD.

Once I got that into my head, it really helped me with the BRAIN-hunger which can still be a problem. Like you are full. The band is doing it's job and your brain is freaking out telling you "You didn't eat enough to last you until the next meal, you're gonna be STARVING."

yeah.....that takes a while to work itself out.

But I wouldn't give up my band for all the tea in China!

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I was banded on june 23 and was sure that i would b hungry but so far i havent been. I havent had excessive gas or diarrhea. That was something i was dreading. Sorry i cant tell u more right now but i took a long time to make my decision and feel as though i made the right one. My problem was that i just didnt have the motivation to lose the weight anymore. Only you can make you happy. Best of luck to you in your decision.

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Tex, Read this book. Go to every weight loss meeting you can. Talk with by-pass people too! Remember your band is site specific (your clinic vs my clinic). I think 75%-90% of this weight loss is in my head. Go into surgery with the correct mindset. The only part of the band that is negative for me, is listening to people that give up. The band will give you many chances. I now like what I see in the mirror. The best thing in my fast changing life. Banded 1/15/08, Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Atkinson & Dr. Soong Pre-op #352 Super Obese, 4th of July, 55th birthday I weighed 237 pounds. 115 pounds lost. Get your head right before surgery. Losing Large in Vegas & Loving it! Hasta Pronto, George :(

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I just want to agree with kgloverii, the Constipation i was not expecting! Constantly I am struggling with this. I eat plenty of fresh veggies, but apparently not enough Water.

DRINK YOUR WATER! I already knew how important Water is, before i was banded any day that i did not have enough water my fingers would swell, i could tell right away. But now, it is hard for me to get enough water to keep myself regular. (probably TMI, sorry)

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I can't give you many answers either as I've only been banded a month and my doctor has me on a diet of liquids until today actually, but so far I've been sated. At first, I had zero appetite. Here, they keep you in the hospital almost a week to monitor you and make sure you're eating small amounts and not just ripping into everything. I could barely eat what they brought me, I'd have a spoonful of Soup and that was it.

After about 2 weeks suddenly I was ravenous, I could've very easily gone out and just eaten everything in sight, but I kept reminding myself of what I was willing to go through to change my habits and I soon realized that most of that was just psychological hunger. That's been the biggest thing I've noticed, with the band it's a lot easier to tell what's real hunger and what's just in your head.

It took me another couple of weeks to figure out how much food I needed to eat to keep the real hunger away. The one thing I liked was that my doctor kept stressing that the band isn't really weight loss surgery. He wants people to see it as a diet aid, that it will help you feel full and not overeat, but you still have to make the choice of what food to put in your mouth. And just like any weight loss attempt, everyone's body works differently, you have to find what works for you and stick to it.

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i am where you are right n0w i have lost 55 lbs and because of my size no one will think i'm seriouwe


I don't give a rats a$$ what people say to me or think about me. If I were a drug addict and they expressed their opinion, that would be acceptable. Trouble is, I'm a food addict and the difference is that we need food to live. We don't need illegal drugs to live. I'm going to be going to a family reunion in early August and I know I'm going to be faced with questions about why I'm not chowing down on Cookies, potato salad, sausage hoagies and downing a brew or 5. But, I'm ready for it. My health is my priority and I am the only person who can control it. The same people who talk smack are the same ones who will stand over your casket after you've suffered a fatal stroke and say, "I always thought she was too heavy". pff. Stay strong and good luck!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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