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Unfortunately if you have done damage it probably will not show up for a few months. The damage done in early stages shows up down the road in slippages, dilated pouches, etc. Then it's too late to 'start over.'

I blame doctors for not emphasising enough to patients that the dietary restrictions during these early weeks has nothing to do with losing weight - it has to do with allowing the surgery to heal, letting the band settle in to the stomach.....they dont explain how dangerous it is.

Since you have realized that you have a control problem, you might consider getting some help from a therapist that deals with eating disorders. Since you say your surgery cost you nothing, I'm assuming you may be on Medicaide?...if you are, it should pay for counseling also. Get some help to make this tool work for you and to change your life and your future. We can't all do this by ourselves....it takes a good support program to make it work.

I believe that doctors should make people aware of what they are getting into. That if you cheat this could happen. I will talk to my doc about it, and just see what he says. I remember that when I went for my check up, he told me to stick with the mushies, but, he also said he thinks that I could handle solids, but he would prefer me to stick with the stages, for healing, to be sure I heal properly. Well see what he says. Thanks for the information you sent, Im sure it will be useful.

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U know i was going to tell u off.... at first.. with the I've been cheating topic... but after reading i feel u. I really do. If u focus on being healthy for your daughter and not wanting to leave her behind u will be able to do anything u want to in regards to living a healither lifestyle. I am doing this for my son also. How selfish would it be for me to die of some fat persons disease when i could have just backed my big ass away from the plate. It is easier said than done, but we have to put what is more important to us before anything... WHO DO U LOVE MORE.... food OR YOUR DAUGHTER??? Well I guess u have made the decision.... Use food as your fuel just like gas is for your car and that's it... Find other things to do with your time and you wont think about food so much..... plz believe me I have been where u are so I am not just rambling and just saying crap to make u feel good or bad... but it starts within your head...... U have to change the way u feel and think about food... start to write down what triggers you to eat and put something else in its place....

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U know i was going to tell u off.... at first.. with the I've been cheating topic... but after reading i feel u. I really do. If u focus on being healthy for your daughter and not wanting to leave her behind u will be able to do anything u want to in regards to living a healither lifestyle. I am doing this for my son also. How selfish would it be for me to die of some fat persons disease when i could have just backed my big ass away from the plate. It is easier said than done, but we have to put what is more important to us before anything... WHO DO U LOVE MORE.... food OR YOUR DAUGHTER??? Well I guess u have made the decision.... Use food as your fuel just like gas is for your car and that's it... Find other things to do with your time and you wont think about food so much..... plz believe me I have been where u are so I am not just rambling and just saying crap to make u feel good or bad... but it starts within your head...... U have to change the way u feel and think about food... start to write down what triggers you to eat and put something else in its place....

Girl, someone needs to tell me off.. and I wouldnt blame you. Cause what I did was horrible, and I had no excuse to do it. Only trying to get into bad habits. My little girl is my world and my light. Shes always there to make me happy when Im upset. I have to live for her. For all she has done for me. I have to do this for myself, and her, so that I can live longer. Thanks for your response. Its good to know that there are people out there that can relate. Makes it easier sometimes, to understand that what I have been doing is wrong just by others advice. I thank you and everyone.

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I hope you get to feeling better. Make sure to talk to your doc on monday :tt2:

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I was just banded on June 27th. This liquid diet is tuff!! I am very hungry most of the time. I made it thru the 4th of July without too much cheating. I ate 3 pieces of popcorn chicken (3 little pieces and chewed them very well). My dietician said I could have cottage cheese, but to chew it well. She also said I can have mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really struggling with the liquid diet. I didn't realize you don't get a fill for the first 6 weeks. So far I have maybe lost a pound. I do not see me loosing any weight without a fill. I feel almost no restriction at all. I am craving Mexican food. I seriously considered getting chips and salsa and just letting the chips sit in the salsa and get mushy. At this point I even thought about just drinking some salsa. I go in the bedroom while others in my house eat but I can still smell it. I am really really struggling with this liquid diet.

I am getting desperate.

I am afraid I am not going to succeed; I haven't loss any weight yet.

My meals are cream of wheat, malt o' meal, Soup, soup, soup, Tomato juice, applesauce, ice cream (only a little), yogurt, cottage cheese, and mashed potatoes.

Any ideas how to make thru the first six weeks on a liquid diet with no band fill????

I am getting desperate! :):thumbup::frown:

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I was just banded on June 27th. This liquid diet is tuff!! I am very hungry most of the time. I made it thru the 4th of July without too much cheating. I ate 3 pieces of popcorn chicken (3 little pieces and chewed them very well). My dietician said I could have cottage cheese, but to chew it well. She also said I can have mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really struggling with the liquid diet. I didn't realize you don't get a fill for the first 6 weeks. So far I have maybe lost a pound. I do not see me loosing any weight without a fill. I feel almost no restriction at all. I am craving Mexican food. I seriously considered getting chips and salsa and just letting the chips sit in the salsa and get mushy. At this point I even thought about just drinking some salsa. I go in the bedroom while others in my house eat but I can still smell it. I am really really struggling with this liquid diet.

I am getting desperate.

I am afraid I am not going to succeed; I haven't loss any weight yet.

My meals are cream of wheat, malt o' meal, Soup, Soup, soup, Tomato juice, applesauce, ice cream (only a little), yogurt, cottage cheese, and mashed potatoes.

Any ideas how to make thru the first six weeks on a liquid diet with no band fill????

I am getting desperate! :):thumbup::frown:

I am sorry but pop corn chicken chewed well is a LONG WAY away from cottage cheese chewed well !!! You have GOT TO STOP and follow the rules ! This is SERIOUS stuff ya'll are messing w/ by not following orders.

The best way to get through the first 6 weeks ? You get through it .

Its 6 weeks ! you drink when your hungry you get CRAP out of your house. You eat when your hungry but you eat ONLY THE STUFF YOU ALLOWED TO EAT NOTHING ELSE !! Stop justifying that its ok cause you chewed it well . ITS NOT OK . Your docs do not want you EATING Soilds because they do nto want the acids in your stomach to develop and they dont want your stomach churning !

Im AM SORRY to be so harsh but This is how it is .

You get through it by getting through it .your not going to die of starvation at this time .

Seriously . Eat when your hungry , Drink when your hungry , But eat what your allowed !!!


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I was just banded on June 27th. This liquid diet is tuff!! I am very hungry most of the time. I made it thru the 4th of July without too much cheating. I ate 3 pieces of popcorn chicken (3 little pieces and chewed them very well). My dietician said I could have cottage cheese, but to chew it well. She also said I can have mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really struggling with the liquid diet. I didn't realize you don't get a fill for the first 6 weeks. So far I have maybe lost a pound. I do not see me loosing any weight without a fill. I feel almost no restriction at all. I am craving Mexican food. I seriously considered getting chips and salsa and just letting the chips sit in the salsa and get mushy. At this point I even thought about just drinking some salsa. I go in the bedroom while others in my house eat but I can still smell it. I am really really struggling with this liquid diet.

I am getting desperate.

I am afraid I am not going to succeed; I haven't loss any weight yet.

My meals are cream of wheat, malt o' meal, Soup, soup, soup, Tomato juice, applesauce, ice cream (only a little), yogurt, cottage cheese, and mashed potatoes.

Any ideas how to make thru the first six weeks on a liquid diet with no band fill????

I am getting desperate! :):thumbup::frown:

ALSO Forget about losing weight right now . the first 6 weeks is about healing from the surgery you just had NOT ABOUT WEIGHT LOSS.

Your weight loss WILL COME once you have restriction !

You have to heal first.


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I will say that it is hard to gather the fact that you have to go an entire 6WEEKS.... U have to take one day at a time... during this time I drank v-8 juice, cream of chicken, brocolli, rice, chicken noodle a friend of mine's mother made me some home made chicken and rice soup... there were little pieces of chicken in it from the chicken breast but hell i chewed that up into nothing...lol.. but u have to stay on top of eating and eat when your hungry so u wont get so hungry u are angry and want to eat everything.... I do understand it is always easy to tell someone hey just don't do it when u've already passed the 6-week point and u can eat as u wish just in smaller portions... but think about it like this. When u are born u have to start out with the baby foods not regular ones.. and u slowly migrate towards the regular stuff as u get older.. because your system has to get use to eating that kind of stuff.. so don't discouraged just take one day at a time and know that everything yr doing now will pay off sooner than u think....

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thats the beauty of these threads and this forum..it helps others and answers questions that others want to know as well,but who dont want to ask.

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Girl, someone needs to tell me off.. and I wouldnt blame you. Cause what I did was horrible, and I had no excuse to do it. Only trying to get into bad habits. My little girl is my world and my light. Shes always there to make me happy when Im upset. I have to live for her. For all she has done for me. I have to do this for myself, and her, so that I can live longer. Thanks for your response. Its good to know that there are people out there that can relate. Makes it easier sometimes, to understand that what I have been doing is wrong just by others advice. I thank you and everyone.

This post brought tears in my eyes. I know what its like to want to be healthy for my kids, to be here to raise them and to see my grandchildren grow up eventually. I was so scared of dyin staying on the path i was in gaining weight and not stopping. Very sad situation. However, the band as changed all that and I feel so much better and able to enjoy my kids more although i do have other health issues the weight loss hasnt helped. but im ok with that. My chances are much better now. I dont want to be without them even tho i know i will go to a better home when i die. I want to raise them and teach them right, thank you for your honestly and i wish u the best of luck and will keep u in my prayers.

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I really like it when people bring inactive threads like this back to being active. Its a great thread with some great responses.

I am newly banded and its so hard to stick with the allowed foods but I am trying as hard as I can. These posts give me the motivation to be able to follow my diet exactly as my Dr. says.

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Hi Leslie, you are definitely not alone. I was banded 1/20 and still have 4 more days of liquids, and just had to have something to crunch...but didn't want to hurt myself. I took a crouton (since I've had so much soup) and took a tiny bite of the edge...I know it's not allowed, but I crunched it so much and took about 4 bites to eat it...but still it's sticking in my mind. Most other cravings these past 2 weeks I've avoided, but today I gave in.

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I'm not going to be hard on you. If I said I haven't cheated, Lord knows I'd be lying. I have been known to have a few Cookies from time to time and I don't always choose the best of foods. Like one post said, this is a journey you have to take one day at a time. There are times that I get finished eating and I feel like I could still have another plate and there are days, I'd give my right arm and left leg to be able to eat like I use to. But after about 20 minutes of being finished with my plate, I start to get that fullness feeling.

Being hard on yourself, it will only make things harder on yourself and make it easier to fall off the wagon (so to say) and go back to your old eating habits.

I wish you the best of luck!

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I think that I posted this a while ago. And 69 lbs later, Im ok. Ive learned, what to do, and what not to do. Its a learning process, for everyone that has it done. I cant say I cheat, I eat what I want, and by now, I know that breads dont work, eggs dont work, rice, chicken, (well depends on how tough the chicken is cooked), sweets dont work, pretty much, fast food is out, no pizza, I can eat salads, and have learned to love them, and do unique things to them. Its just learning what your body can handle, as for measuring, theres no point. I measure out food, and still a percentage isnt eaten. So I just make my plate, and if I dont eat it then, I know someone in my family will have them, either my daughter, or my husband.

Just for all of you, who are newly banded. Youre scared, and wondering if you can ever eat the food you once eaten before, some may be able to. Or it may take that magic fill level, to help you along. The liquid phase passes before you know it. And soon you will be eating again. You will have your speed bumps. But dont be discouraged. There was 3 months, where I was plateaued in my weight, and I was about to throw in the towel, but, I didnt want to give up. I was seriously thinking about gastric. And I said to myself that I would never. But I didnt. I eat chips, but not fatty greasy ones, try sunchips, maybe higher in fat and cal content, but, you want a chip, those are nice. Baked chips are good. I eat them a lot. As for sweets, I do get cravings, and yes I dont hold back. I have a piece of chocolate, but not the whole bag, box or bar. My tummy wont tolerate it. Anyway, youll get used to what your body tells you. And please listen. Cause if you ignore, youre in for some problems.

I have experienced a lot of problems, with fills, either too tight, where hardly no liquid would pass, or too loose where I start gaining weight.

Sorry for being so winded, its just I saw that this thread was brought back and I had to have my say in it. All this journey process is, is a learning process. And youll get the hang of it. Good luck to you all!

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Thanks Leslie, your post puts us newbies minds at ease. It's a journey, we just are peeking through the door with one foot across the threshhold. Having hands from these forums reaching to us with help, makes all the difference.


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      Day 1 of pre-op liquid diet (3 weeks) and I'm having a hard time already. I feel hungry and just want to eat. I got the protein and supplements recommend by my program and having a hard time getting 1 down. My doctor / nutritionist has me on the following:
      1 protein shake (bariatric advantage chocolate) with 8 oz of fat free milk 1 snack = 1 unjury protein shake (root beer) 1 protein shake (bariatric advantage orange cream) 1 snack = 1 unjury protein bar 1 protein shake (bariatric advantace orange cream or chocolate) 1 snack = 1 unjury protein soup (chicken) 3 servings of sugar free jello and popsicles throughout the day. 64 oz of water (I have flavor packets). Hot tea and coffee with splenda has been approved as well. Does anyone recommend anything for the next 3 weeks?
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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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