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Bad bander, but curious question!! ha ha

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I'm sorry but at what point in her post did she ask any one for PERMISSION? What she asked for was input. Once again she wanted to know if anyone was going through what she was going through, that is it. There were some very appropriate response on the board (ie consult your physcian to get more gudiance). My guess is what she was looking for is more along the lines of "Hey none of us are perfect and we have all slipped but there are reasons for the restriction..." explain why the doc may have put those restrictions and offer advise. I don't think she posted so that so many of you could make her feel like she was the only one out there that has ever slipped. Again she did not ask anyone for permisson she asked for INPUT.

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I'm sorry but at what point in her post did she ask any one for PERMISSION? What she asked for was input. Once again she wanted to know if anyone was going through what she was going through, that is it. There were some very appropriate response on the board (ie consult your physcian to get more gudiance). My guess is what she was looking for is more along the lines of "Hey none of us are perfect and we have all slipped but there are reasons for the restriction..." explain why the doc may have put those restrictions and offer advise. I don't think she posted so that so many of you could make her feel like she was the only one out there that has ever slipped. Again she did not ask anyone for permisson she asked for INPUT.

She didn't ask for permission, but the undertones were asking for validation. You tell me what part of this opening statement shows she was looking for input?

Ok so ive talked to many people some people follow directions to a T, but thats usually not my style! lol bad i know, but hey this is me and if im gonna do it, im gonna do it my way!!

She has no intention of following her doctor's plans. None. She was looking for others that refuse to follow the doc's orders.

It isn't likely to happen from a vet, we all see on a daily basis the slips and such that happen when people do this.

The stuff about if we could do this we wouldn't have needed surgery is a line of crap, to be blunt. To do this means a lifestyle change and that happens the day of surgery.

Since US docs have been screwing with the post op diet slips have gone from 3.1% to over 7%. Hello? Do you see the same problem I do? Euro docs laugh at US citizens because their slips stats are better, they claim we are too soft and too spoiled, we want what we want and we want it now and that is why we have higher slip stats that other countries.

You can justify, explain, and validate all you wish. You are doing harm. That is yours to deal with, not mine.

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Ok here it is!!! I am a very kind person and have plenty of friends and no enimies!!! I have been on this Lapband journey for over a year now!! Was banded on June 12th!! Did liquids two weeks before, doc told me Clear Liquids two days post opp, liquids for two more weeks, and now on pureed untill about the end of July. Im sick of liquids and am haveing an extremely hard time!! I posted becasue somewhere out there i wanted someone to send me help, telling me it will all be ok and i can do this! I know i can, and i am!! I have lost weight, ad am proud of this!! I take things very personal, and am very emotional, i knew people would tell me im wrong, but never expected it to be so straight forward and harsh!! Thanks anyways and sorry for all the misunderstandings!! Elizabeth:ohmy:

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Bubble butt, by the way you do not know me at all! So stop judging me!! Stop assuming, and stop pretending your perfect!!

Thats all! Im done!!:thumbup:

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Ok so ive talked to many people some people follow directions to a T, but thats usually not my style! lol bad i know, but hey this is me and if im gonna do it, im gonna do it my way!!

That's an attitude that's set up for failure. Especially when you eat solids during your liquid stage.

Liquids and mushies are for helping your tummy heal so your stitches won't come undone and have a slip from your stomach trying to digest foods to soon after surgery.

In the long run I figure you might have some problems if you continue with these eating habits.:thumbup:

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But just wanted to get some other's input!! Thanks so much!!


That's were she asked for input. I must say I have to apologize to all the psychics on this board who are able to inturpret so much from one paragraph. To "know" she has no intentions to follow the doc's plan to "know" she wanted you guys to validate her (unsure why anyone would need that from a bunch of strangers) and to "know" she is going to fail. Wow you guys are awesome. I didn't know I had stumbled on to the Pcychic network.

I will continue to give support and not be judgmental of the people on this board when they come across a stumbling block big or small. If to you that means I am doing harm, good for you and all others who agree. Because to clarify I don't need validation or permission from any of you to do what I do. I do hope all of you stay on your perfect streak and do not come across a stumbling block where you are looking for advice and support and not ridicule and judgment.

FYI this will be my last reply to this thread because it's just silly. When younhave reached the point in your lives where you don't ever fall back on what you know is right and no longer make any mistakes in life let me know! Happy Holiday all.

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NO ONE Is JUDGING ANYONE. What we are ALL Trying to say is this ..

We HAVE ALL Been there. WE ALL KNOW How hard it is.

And if someone had told me " Its ok go ahead cheat you will be fine " what good would that do me ?

I would MUCH rather someone tell me what I need to hear rather than what I want to hear .

Is doing liquids Pre op hard YES . Its VERY HARD, Frankly its MUCH harder than to do it Post op .

IS there a "nicer" way to put the truth ? I suppose so .

But Do not get mad because you feel that we told you the truth and not what you wanted to hear. NO ONE is perfect and NONE Of us on here feel that we are because we are further down the rd than others.

I know for myself I Listened to the vets because they HAD BEEN THERE !!!

I dont understand getting mad because we were straight forward ?


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First, I always have to chuckle a bit when in a thread such as this and I see someone say, "that is it, I am done posting here, I won't be back." To me, that is saying, "I don't want to hear what you have to say because you are probably right and I refuse to admit I may be wrong and cause myself harm".

I believe very much that LBT is a support board. We are all here to give and gain the support we need through this journey. Losing weight is not easy, if it were, as others have said, we wouldn't need the band to begin with. Once we reach the point of WLS, we have been on more diets that we can begin to imagine, we have cried over our weight, we may have health problems and many other issues. For most of us, this lapband is our final chance at obtaining good health. It is our last hope. So, before one commits to getting the lapband, they have to make sure they are in the right place to be willing to commit to the rules and lifestyle changes that goes along with it. If you can't, then now is not the right time for you to get banded.

WasA, Coltonwade and the others were not trying to be un-supportive of the OP. They were trying to help. They were trying to explain why it is so important to follow the doctor's orders. Unfortunately, I don't think the OP was really looking for advice, as much as she was looking for validation to cheat and put her band at risk. And, she has found that validation in others who have cheated, others who are saying, "I did it and I am OK, so you can do it to." People like this do not want to hear how they may hurt their band down the road. They don't understand that there is a reason for the liquid diet and the mushy phase and that reason is not to torture them, but to give the band time to firmly heal into place. They don't understand that although they may not have a problem today, tomorrow or even next week that it doesn't mean they won't have a problem a year from now. They don't want to call their doctors because they know their doctors are probably not going to give them as much leeway as they would like. Instead, they want to find others who don't follow the rules and who will make them feel OK about what they are doing.

If you say to us, "I am having problems with this phase of the post-op diet, I cheated or am considering cheating, but I don't want to, please help", we are not going to berate you. Instead we will offer advice, food suggestions, moral support, whatever you need in a kind, caring and understanding manner. But, if you say, "I am not a rule follower, I never have been and quite frankly, I am going to do things my way", well, then you have opened yourself up to a lot of tough love from longterm and successful bandsters whose main reasons for still coming to LBT is because they have succeeded and want to see others have the same success as they have achieved.

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Well this thread has been an eye opener for me. I am due to be banded on the 16th July and although I have been given instructions to have just liquids for 4 weeks post op I didn't actually know why. But now I do know and thank you for the information here, it encourages me to be even more determined to try as hard as I possibly can to help myself. I really don't want any slippage now or in the future :thumbup:

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Well this thread has been an eye opener for me. I am due to be banded on the 16th July and although I have been given instructions to have just liquids for 4 weeks post op I didn't actually know why. But now I do know and thank you for the information here, it encourages me to be even more determined to try as hard as I possibly can to help myself. I really don't want any slippage now or in the future :thumbup:

The first 6 weeks post op is ALL about healing . from the liquid stage to the mushy stage . up until you get a fill. some of the best advice someone gave me ( Many people i think on the boards) was DO NOT worry about losing ANY weight the first 6 weeks because your ONLY Job is to HEAL . You have the rest of your life after you get a FILL to lose . And they were right.

Honestly the first week I did not even want to do anything but drink Water.

I wont lie , its not easy the better you feel . The better you feel the more your appetiite comes back . But what i had in teh back of my mind is my band ripping out of my stomach if i did ANYTHING my doc told me not to .

Sorry if that's nasty but tha'ts what i did and honestly still do .

The first fill since i have to do 3 days Clear Liquids 3 days liquids then 3 days mushies 3 days semi solids after EVERY FILL ( Yes EVERY FILL ) I got very sick from Migraines. I asked my doc, is it possible to do anything different because I need something in me to ward off migraines, he said " Sure thanks for asking first you can do full liquids all 6 days " so that's what i do now .

Anyway , you can do the liquids , it will be fine , you will be fine.

NOW I can do a month of liquids no problem. make sure you get LOTS OF Protein in , Protein in the key .



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Ok here it is!!! I am a very kind person and have plenty of friends and no enimies!!! I have been on this Lapband journey for over a year now!! Was banded on June 12th!! Did liquids two weeks before, doc told me clear liquids two days post opp, liquids for two more weeks, and now on pureed untill about the end of July. Im sick of liquids and am haveing an extremely hard time!! I posted becasue somewhere out there i wanted someone to send me help, telling me it will all be ok and i can do this! I know i can, and i am!! I have lost weight, ad am proud of this!! I take things very personal, and am very emotional, i knew people would tell me im wrong, but never expected it to be so straight forward and harsh!! Thanks anyways and sorry for all the misunderstandings!! Elizabeth:ohmy:

What input can anyone offer? What advice or suggestions can be offered to someone who flat out says that you do things your own way and that is how it is?

We told you the truth and that makes you angry. So be it, it just isn't going to change reality.

The sutures your doctor put in your band are not meant to hold it in place long term. That isn't going to cut it. What holds your band in place long term is the scarring or adhesions that form around your band on the outside of your stomach. If your stomach is churning and working to mix food with digestive acids it looks a bit like your stomach is in spasms. Each time you "do things your own way" you are breaking those newly forming adhesions.

The thing about scarring is that it does not form in the same place with the same quality the 2nd time around. This is why if you slip once, you are likely to slip again. The adhesions are not of the same quality when they grow in the same place a 2nd time.

When you blow off the post op diet you are breaking the fragile, newly growing adhesions. They are trying to do their job and you are fighting them and why? Because you are doing things your own way.

So it's a choice. If you want to keep your band then I'd suggest you follow your doc's post op diet. If you want to lose your band I'd suggest you keep on doing what you are doing.

Let's face it, this is a month out of your life. It isn't the end of the world. It's okay to feel discomfort every now and again, it isn't going to kill any of us. Most of it is head hunger so you might as well start dealing with it because that is the hardest part of this journey. It will get better but not until you start dealing with it. Stomach hunger... obese people do not die of starvation. We tend to have a back up system of fat. A little hunger is uncomfortable, we all have to deal with it. It's just the way it is.

Cut out ALL carbs. All of them. Carbs just screw with your blood sugar and make you have blood sugar spikes. Protein evens out your blood sugar and prevents the spikes, thus prevents hunger.

But it's your choice. Do as you will. I'm going to tell you something, revision surgery is MUCH harder to recover from than the original surgery. It hurts like f'ing hell. I know, I've done it. It carries more risk, more potential for problems, and it hurts like hell. I followed the rules and that is exactly why with all my barfing I never slipped. You are at MUCH greater risk for losing your band due to your own actions. It's bad enough when revision surgery is necessary, but revision surgery from not following your doc's instructions would likely not be fun on an emotional level.

Again, your choice.

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Bubble butt, by the way you do not know me at all! So stop judging me!! Stop assuming, and stop pretending your perfect!!

Thats all! Im done!!:thumbup:

Your redirection and attempts at manipulation aren't going to work.

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Ebeth... Please try and see honey, these people here are trying to HELP you XXXXXX I am going to take all the advice I can get. XXXXXXXX

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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