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Bad bander, but curious question!! ha ha

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Are you aware that I was also telling Ebeth that she should call her doctor?

Oh, its so not evil!!!

Why would I give my opinion telling someone to call their doctor but expect them not to listen or follow doctors orders. If you re-read what I wrote you would see that. I am all for listening to your doctor and following orders! I am not a rule breaker and have following my post-op diet to the letter!!! That's the only way to ensure success!!!

I think you just like to oppose and argue BubbleButt... I feel sorry for you actually... I would hate to go through life like that.

Hey, you brought this one on yourself. This is what you wrote:

I think it's so wonderful that we have not one, but two MD's on this thread... (You two know who you are) You're both skilled surgeons, so we are SO lucky and blessed to have them grace us with their words of wisdom!!! With all of their combined surgical experience under their belts, how can you not listen to them???

Ebeth, and everyone else: If you have true medical questions and you are concerned for your band, then you should be contacting your doctor as well. Posting on this site is great and can be helpful, but nobody on this post is an MD... please keep that in mind...

We also told the OP to follow her doctor's advice yet when we do it you become very sarcastic and nasty inferring we think we are doctors. And why? Because we suggested she do as he says. Yet when you suggest the SAME thing it is somehow different so you brought this one on yourself.

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Hey Ebeth

I was banded on May 5th and my diet from my doctor for the first week after surgery was pureed/mushy food. Then On May 12th went back to the doctor and they told me to eat regular foods with the no carbanation/no fluids after meals etc.... But that was it, it was important for me to eat the regular food and get use to the rest of my life. I had my first fill yesterday did clears for 24 hours as instructed and then regular food tonite as I was told, I picked mushy but was ok. I think you will be fine with your diet every doctor is different. And this is a tool for the rest of your life and you have to learn how to use it. Good Luck on your way it looks like you have got a great start.


I agree. There are so many different post op instructions. Some people, after a week, can have regular foods, some have to wait until 5 or 6 weeks. No one needs to tell her she's going to RUIN her band, because honestly they don't know that. She was not asking for a thrashing, just experiences.

I am still on mushy foods, and have tried to stick to it very well. I have had some things that I probably shouldn't have had, but I chewed well, and I'm sure I'll be fine. I have DAYS before I can eat real food, and I can't wait to be able to eat something I have to chew!

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It's all in the approach BubbleButt, it's all how you come at people...

My sarcasam may have been uncalled for, but let's call a spade, a spade BubbleButt... I've seen your sarcasam come out on more than one post, in more than one thread and that's fact!!! Come on...

I just feel when there are 3 or more 'veteran' bandsters all going after one newbie, it's really not fair... We are not doctors or surgeons and I felt that Ebeth was being treated a little unfairly, and not just by you, but two other 'veterans'...

I know that you are trying to help, that is what we ALL doing here...

I respect the fact that you take the time out to post and reply... that shows that you're a good person, and that you care, but when three or more 'veteran' bandsters start going at one person, it's a lot to take and I guess I was just looking it from the newbie's point of view, because I'm a newbie myself...

All advice is good advice from people that have the experience, but it's sometimes a bit much to take when you're first starting out, that's all I'm saying... I'm really not against anybody giving good advice, I not, I just also think that we need to listen to our doctors more and not come on this site for instruction that should be given by an MD...

No arguments on follwing procedure here, really and truly!!!

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Susie, it sounds like we are actually advocating the same point of view--listen to your doctor and follow the rules, because they are there for a reason. I read back over the first few pages of this thread, and the OP asked for input. She got good advice, and people started attacking those giving her good advice. The tone of the posts escalated from there.

No one is going to hit the right note for everyone else, but Wasa is respected for her advice and her knowledge by many on this forum. Most people would do well to consider what she says without getting overly defensive about her posts, blunt and to-the-point as they may be occasionally.


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It's all in the approach BubbleButt, it's all how you come at people...

My sarcasam may have been uncalled for, but let's call a spade, a spade BubbleButt... I've seen your sarcasam come out on more than one post, in more than one thread and that's fact!!! Come on...

I just feel when there are 3 or more 'veteran' bandsters all going after one newbie, it's really not fair... We are not doctors or surgeons and I felt that Ebeth was being treated a little unfairly, and not just by you, but two other 'veterans'...

I know that you are trying to help, that is what we ALL doing here...

I respect the fact that you take the time out to post and reply... that shows that you're a good person, and that you care, but when three or more 'veteran' bandsters start going at one person, it's a lot to take and I guess I was just looking it from the newbie's point of view, because I'm a newbie myself...

All advice is good advice from people that have the experience, but it's sometimes a bit much to take when you're first starting out, that's all I'm saying... I'm really not against anybody giving good advice, I not, I just also think that we need to listen to our doctors more and not come on this site for instruction that should be given by an MD...

No arguments on follwing procedure here, really and truly!!!

When did I claim not to be sarcastic? I am, it's me. But that doesn't change the fact that this one you brought on yourself. Don't blame me for your own behaviors.

We have been saying the same thing since before you came to this thread, it's critical to follow your doc's advice. We explained why the post op diet exists, we explained why cheating is potentially harmful, we explained the head issues. The reality is that we wrote what a few didn't want to read. We tend to have a fat mentality and many ways of justifying more food. The docs don't say eat solids and chew extra well during the soft stage, they don't say to follow their diet because they like to torture others. There is a reason for the diet. When someone finds ways to justify more food, the wrong food, extra food, they are continuing the very same behaviors that earned them a band to begin with.

If someone feels picked on because their behaviors are being pointed out to them, I don't care. If it takes that for someone to wake up and see what they are doing then great, they can be annoyed while they KEEP their band. I'd sure rather someone think I am a big bad skank than to be in a depression over losing their band.

Look, I've been through a revision surgery and I followed all the rules. I did it the right way. It's hard, very hard. Revision is a hard surgery physically and mentally. I think it would have been worse if I caused the problems myself and brought on my own issues from not following basic instructions.

You don't like my style? Kewl Beans. I don't like yours. But we don't have to like one another's styles, we just have to learn from one another because that is why we are all here.

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Susie, I don't think it is fair to say that the veterans are "going after" a newbie. That is not the case at all. She came on here and publicly posted what she had done. Many of us veterans are concerned about the amount of threads we are now seeing pop up here with the same basic theme. These people are looking for validation to cheat. And, they are getting it. Unfortunately, they are getting it from other newbies who are a month or so out and saying, "I did it, it didn't hurt me". Well, how do they know that? Do they have a crystal ball that they can see in to the future with? I doubt it. They think because they didn't have any immediate problems, there won't be any long term. I hope they are right, but they may be wrong.

We are simply trying are darnedest to stress to everyone the importance of following their doctor's orders. We are trying to get them to understand why the post-op diet is so important. Some of these "veterans" that you a bit sarcastically referred to as doctor wannabes are actually nurses, so they do understand the importance of following doctors orders. I am not a nurse or in the medical field, but I know it is just common sense to follow my doctor's orders.

The bottom line is, if you are having trouble following your diet and feel you need to eat something more substantial, then call your doctor. Don't come here looking for validation. We don't know you or your medical history. Your doctor does and you paid him/her a lot of money to take care of you. Let them do what they do best.

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Don't ask the questions that you dont want the answers to. If you want a ducks and bunnies answer make that clear in your original post. There are legitimate reasons to follow the rules but I suspect you will be facing some of those complications in the future, or, at the very least, not seeing the results you wish for.

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I got banded just 14 days ago.

What I learned when researching the lapband is that different doctors means different post surgery diets (also different pre surgery diets or non pre-surgery diets... which I think can be dangerous) In some countries the doctors allow their patients much earlier mushies or soft food. One of them for example is Dr. Robert W. Sewell from Australia who wrote the book "Weight-Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band". From day seven his patients have soft foods like baked potato, cottage cheese and canned pears (page 126) I know that in some European countries they start earlier, too.

I wonder if there are reliable studies about the correlation of the post-surgery-diet and slippage...

I was two weeks on full liquids after the surgery and started mushies today (called the nurse and she said it's okay to start one day earlier). I know, that a different doctor in the same clinic allows his patients to star mushies already one week after surgery.

I had a piece of chicken (because I wasn't thinking and it was hidden in my selfmade broth) and a few spoons of purreed peach before I was officially allowed to do so. Both went down excellent, I am happy about that and I have to admit I enjoyed chewing this piece of chicken like a crazy person, since I was on a three week Optifast pre-op diet already and didn't really have food in about a month.

But I am going to stick with the mushies for one more week like I was adviced. Just because it's going down well, doesn't mean I need it. So what the heck, I can wait...


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wow! What happened here! Just kidding I read the whole thing it was like the real world meets celebrity fit club. :) sorry this is a serious thread addressing a serious issue... But if it means anything to anyone, I am scared out of my panties to cheat or eat anything bad, because of this thread, and this forum I'm 2 weeks post op and my sister is like " your still drinking soup"... Ah cause she has a "friend" with the band and she ate whatever... We've all heard it... I woulda followed my docs orders reguardless, but he never gave enough detail into why, I mean you'll hurt ur band, and well that was good enough for me.. From you guys I get to hear the down and dirty, people needing another surgery to fix the damage etc...ok now I'm going back into lurker mode on this thread

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Diva, The "Scared out of my mind" attitude is to thsi day what keeps me from doing things wrong, keeps me accountable i guess ?

But I was SO worried to mess things up post op I followed everything to a T .

Being self pay made me MORE worried to screw things up .

In fact I had to be told to eat MORE because i was stopping myself before i should have from eating because i was worried i was going to tear, stretch screw something up .

So the worried, scared part IMHO is a good thing. I still have it to this day to a point.



PS Dont stay in lurker mode come on out girly !! :)

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wow! What happened here! Just kidding I read the whole thing it was like the real world meets celebrity fit club. :) sorry this is a serious thread addressing a serious issue... But if it means anything to anyone, I am scared out of my panties to cheat or eat anything bad, because of this thread, and this forum I'm 2 weeks post op and my sister is like " your still drinking soup"... Ah cause she has a "friend" with the band and she ate whatever... We've all heard it... I woulda followed my docs orders reguardless, but he never gave enough detail into why, I mean you'll hurt ur band, and well that was good enough for me.. From you guys I get to hear the down and dirty, people needing another surgery to fix the damage etc...ok now I'm going back into lurker mode on this thread

What's that prison program... scared straight? I kinda feel like a jailbird. ;o)

Seriously, I'm glad you are scared, scared people tend to do well.

You and Gray are great!

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I think the real key here is that we fat folks do tend to find just about any reason to justify food. By saying that cheating just a little bit is okay is like saying that when you don't form the right scarring around the band and slip just a little it's okay because it's just a little slip.

It's important to get out of the mindset of entitlement of food and justifying food. This is part of the head stuff that comes with WLS. It's no longer okay to cheat, justify food, come up with reasons why more food and the wrong foods are acceptable. Quite frankly, it's not acceptable. It is that very thinking that got us fat to begin with.

Amen to that!!

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Jut wanted to say, Ebeth....basically what everyone on here is trying to say...stick with your doctors advice and I agree with that, but after reading alot of posts in the last three weeks and especiialy the ones on this thread I can see how this would make you feel terrible, but please don't let it....some people think they know everything when they don't....when it boils down to it.....we all make mistakes, we are all human, except for a select few on here who just love to constantly attack one another like animals! Get yourself back on track and follow the rules of the professionals and you will do just fine. I have faith in you and I will be praying for you and your journey. I also want to say to anyone who reads this....lets all remember that our lives as overweight people have been difficult enough....lets all stay positive, give good advice and constructive criticism, but lets be frinedly about it. We need to be here to support each other and hopefully we make friends.....not enemies!

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Sorry, but scared people also do stupid stuff and tend to act unreasonable.

There was a study in Germany, that many bandsters actually slip in an eating disorder because the slimming down process is to slow for them and they are scared they don't loose all the weight. So they want a lot of restriction and and accept the vomiting and malnutrition. Prof. Dr. med. Martina de Zwaan (Prof. of Psychology, University of Erlangen) said in a symposium in June, it's about 12% of people with the band that vomit because the restriction is actually to tight. They want to loose their weight to fast, because they feel like they are on a time limit. And vomiting can cause slippages, that's a proofed fact. The vomit also causes damage to the lining of the esophagus and the teeth. The malnutrition causes damage, too. And doctors want patients with "good results" and the money more patients will bring.

So far I think patience, persistence and moderation is the key for me. I have to learn to listen what my body tells me.

Sometimes I wish individualism would be more appreciated.

Good luck to everybody!


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Sorry, but scared people also do stupid stuff and tend to act unreasonable.

There was a study in Germany, that many bandsters actually slip in an eating disorder because the slimming down process is to slow for them and they are scared they don't loose all the weight. So they want a lot of restriction and and accept the vomiting and malnutrition. Prof. Dr. med. Martina de Zwaan (Prof. of Psychology, University of Erlangen) said in a symposium in June, it's about 12% of people with the band that vomit because the restriction is actually to tight. They want to loose their weight to fast, because they feel like they are on a time limit. And vomiting can cause slippages, that's a proofed fact. The vomit also causes damage to the lining of the esophagus and the teeth. The malnutrition causes damage, too. And doctors want patients with "good results" and the money more patients will bring.

So far I think patience, persistence and moderation is the key for me. I have to learn to listen what my body tells me.

Sometimes I wish individualism would be more appreciated.

Good luck to everybody!


Apples and oranges. Scared of not losing weight vs. scared of screwing up your band by not following MD instructions are two very different things.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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