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Bad bander, but curious question!! ha ha

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i did or felt as you did. I ended up back in the hosp 3 days after surgery, due to PE (my third hosp), but also dehydrated. after a few days getting my blood thinned and iv Fluid, i felt better, i couldn't handle liquid for that long and i was craving big time cottage cheese and tuna! So slowly i ate those and tolerated well. i have lost 33 since 5/8. But i still have not done any trigger foods like sugar or brd. Everyone is different. glad to hear i wasn't the only one who "cheated" or didn't follow it to a T

Edited by tsoto1234

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I forgot to mention, the literature i recieved on discharge for the lap was soft foods, it was different that what the dietitian gave me, but i believe it was meant for both the gastric and lap pt, i think calling your doctor and letting him know how you are feeling, will help you through. Good luck.

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Excuse me was I directing that towards you, no. Every doctor is different and I had a fill with flouro yesterday and everything is still in place. I was not wishing ill will on anybody. And not trying to be rude. Sorry if that offened you.


Your excuses are accepted. Thank you.

With that said I was directing my comments to you. Since the US docs have been changing the post op diet (per Inamed) slips have more than doubled.

Slips from messing with the post op diet do not happen overnight, they can happen a year down the road.


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It's not the answer you want, so you attack the other posters? Sorry folks, but no one should feel they need to apologize for offending anyone.

HEAL FIRST, the message is simple. Successful bandsters are giving advice because you, ahem, posted and asked for it.

If you are going to post about cheating, breaking rules, and generally doing things your "own way," you have to expect someone to say something contrary to what you want to hear. Hell, the first post even says, "bad, I know."

If you already know it's bad, you know you shouldn't be doing it... yes? What are you expecting by posting? If you don't plan on doing it they way the doctor (or successful bandsters) describe, then don't post looking for commiseration.

Standing ovation! Hear hear!

Excellent post.

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I dont understand why people have so much difficulty with the puree diet, I dont think doctors and nutritionists are giving enough advice and guidance here and people are trying to live on fresh air.

The rules for liquids for me were as follows:

clears for 2 days

thin liquids for the next two days

then gradually begin thickening, going by how you feel as a guide, NEVER have something so thick that it brings on nausea, discomfort or over fullness, proceed very slowly and carefully with this.

After that, anything that goes up a straw if fair game, although I was advised to stay away from empty calories like Jello, ice cream, popsicles. This means you can puree decent, normal meals - if you add broth, canned tomatoes, Water, milk (depending what you're thinning) to make it the right consistency for you, but in this way you can eat fruit, vegetables, meat and carbs to give you satisfaction and energy.

Breakfast for me was often a fruit smoothie - milk, soft fruit (like berries) a weetbix (one of those biscuit type cereals) and an egg, blended. I'd have to halve that, have half for Breakfast, half a couple of hours later. lunch might have been a lentil/pasta/vegetable Soup blended up (like minestrone), I could have juice, Water, milk or V8 in between and dinner would have been a different type of Soup or even something like a family roast dinner blended down well with broth into a soup.

I began that when I was ready, probably day 4 or 5, before that I had to just sip sip sip to get anything in.

There is absolutely no need to try to survive on nothing but Protein shakes. Although I know that that's what many are told to do and here we are talking about rules, so if you've been told it, I guess you do it. But it is not "standard procedure" everywhere in the world and honestly, if you blend real foods, liquids is NOT hard at all. The post op diet is made so much harder than it needs to be by restricting variety of foods.

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I dont understand why people have so much difficulty with the puree diet, I dont think doctors and nutritionists are giving enough advice and guidance here and people are trying to live on fresh air.

The rules for liquids for me were as follows:

clears for 2 days

thin liquids for the next two days

then gradually begin thickening, going by how you feel as a guide, NEVER have something so thick that it brings on nausea, discomfort or over fullness, proceed very slowly and carefully with this.

After that, anything that goes up a straw if fair game, although I was advised to stay away from empty calories like Jello, ice cream, popsicles. This means you can puree decent, normal meals - if you add broth, canned tomatoes, Water, milk (depending what you're thinning) to make it the right consistency for you, but in this way you can eat fruit, vegetables, meat and carbs to give you satisfaction and energy.

Breakfast for me was often a fruit smoothie - milk, soft fruit (like berries) a weetbix (one of those biscuit type cereals) and an egg, blended. I'd have to halve that, have half for breakfast, half a couple of hours later. lunch might have been a lentil/pasta/vegetable Soup blended up (like minestrone), I could have juice, Water, milk or V8 in between and dinner would have been a different type of Soup or even something like a family roast dinner blended down well with broth into a soup.

I began that when I was ready, probably day 4 or 5, before that I had to just sip sip sip to get anything in.

There is absolutely no need to try to survive on nothing but Protein shakes. Although I know that that's what many are told to do and here we are talking about rules, so if you've been told it, I guess you do it. But it is not "standard procedure" everywhere in the world and honestly, if you blend real foods, liquids is NOT hard at all. The post op diet is made so much harder than it needs to be by restricting variety of foods.

I think that might be the problem is not enough direction on WHAT you can eat. pureed foods is quite a broad "statement" and with so many docs having so many different " interpretations " of that people come here looking for suggestions.

I had a very good list if i remember of what i could and could not have .

If people do not have that then I can see how it might be hard.

Good point Jachut


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I forgot to mention, the literature i recieved on discharge for the lap was soft foods, it was different that what the dietitian gave me, but i believe it was meant for both the gastric and lap pt, i think calling your doctor and letting him know how you are feeling, will help you through. Good luck.

I would have double checked that w/ the doc before ever going by that. What the hospital gives you and what the doc WANTS you to do are 2 different things . Hospitals give standard discharge orders for patients regardless of the docs orders in most cases.

So be careful following orders different than what the doc said even if it was from a hospital.

not saying that's what you did but its a good point and something that happens often and a reason for confusion


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I was on liquids for 4 weeks after surgery. I hated it after the first week. I wanted to eat something else so badly! BUT- I am so afraid of a slip years from now, I didn't dare. I paid a lot of money for this procedure.

I have lost a lot of weight. I know if I had to have my band removed because of problems, that it won't be because I wasn't able to drink liquids for four weeks. I won't be having to pay to have my band removed because of not following my doctor's instructions. Slips and erosions can still happen, but at least I would know it wasn't because of something I did.

4 weeks of liquids was a small price to pay to feel as good as I do, weighing so much less than I did without any problems what so ever.

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I followed all the rules exactly. I went through too much to get my band to risk it because I can't stick to the rules for a few weeks. Just because food goes down ok and we feel fine, doesn't mean we aren't risking the long term success of our band by breaking the rules.

I don't see that anybody here was bitchy. People on this forum do tell the truth -- what good would it do if they all just told you what you want to hear? Why bother, then? But so far it seems to me most people do it in a very caring and supportive way. And when you make a post on a message board you need to be prepared to hear all kinds of comments and opinions.

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I have been cheating, I dont like it and I wish that I could start over. Its horrible knowing that you could have done something to your band.

Edited by LeslieR041906

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My doc and nutritionist gave me very rough guidelines, but started with clear liquids/mushy food/solids that can be tolerated. They emphasized that whatever I eat, I need to watch portion size, chew, no drinking, and listen to your body. If something gives you gas, makies you nauseous, then you're probably not ready for it.

I can't imagine having to do a 4 week liquid diet. That seems insane to me. I know I'm going to be flamed for this, but if a person can have that much discipline, s/he probably would not have needed the band to begin with.

Two days post-op, I felt like crap, and had to seriously listen to my body, figure out what it needed, and give it. This included getting a Protein shake, taking some Multivitamins, and drinking lots of Water. Sure enough, I got my energy back. I have gradually moved to solid food, but still am crazy about chewing and portion size.

Behavior modification is a definite necessity. I don't think severe restriction so that a person is going nuts after the first week, and feeling like a failure for even daring to want anything else is all that necessary. A person needs encouragement at the initial stage, not a constant beating and guilt.

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The thing is that what ever you do in my opinion you have to run it by your doctor. If your on liquids and you are getting sick and feel you need more you HAVE to ask your doctor. My doc allowed me Protein shakes from day one IF I needed them because I get Migraines from lack of eating.

I did not need them BUT I knew they were there if i needed them .

To up your diet w/ out asking your doc I think is irresponsible.

As for lack of discipline ... I did not KNOW How much will power i Had until i had this surgery . If i a person does not have the discipline to listen to a doctor for 3 or 4 weeks to make sure their life or their band is safe then your right maybe they did not need the band !!! You can call it what you want . But if you had cancer and your doctor told you to go on chemo for 3 weeks to live would you go AMA against that ? Probably not. These orders our docs give us are just THAT Orders. The docs do give a little but ASK FIRST .

My doc requires 6 days liquids after each fill. The first time he told me this before surgery I thought he was INSANE . NOW I could do liquids w/ my hands tied behind my back for a VERY Long time . no joke.

The first weeks post op its NOT About sever RESTRICTION its about HEALING. Its about allowing your stomach to heal and the band to anchor so it does not slip . I do not know how much plainer to put that. Our docs are not trying to torcher us . They are trying to have us succeed.


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. A person needs encouragement at the initial stage, not a constant beating and guilt.

Where do you think the beating and guilt is coming from ? the doc or the boards ? Just curious ?

Yes they do need encouragement . However the OP did not come here for encouragement or advice. To be honest I cant find where she even asked for advice. She asked for validation and permission that what she did going against medical advice was "OK" . Veteran bandsters are NOT going to give her that ok . Or at least I wont . It does her or any other newbie NO GOOD.

Recently there seems to be an influx of newbies asking for this.

I wont sit back and say " OH there there honey you will be fine go ahead eat the steak " Because all it takes is ONE OTHER Person seeing that and they say " THERE YA GO I CAN DO IT " I WONT DO IT !! Its irresponsible.

If you come here and say " I screwed up my gosh im sorry " I will tell you your human move on tomorrow is a new day "

But the OP NEW She did and joked about it . I dont find it funny ! at all !

The OP as far as i could tell was not asking for either.

As for it coming from docs. Your right they need to do more of it. But honestly its not really their jobs. If you are lucky enough to have a doc that does that great. But most dont because its not what we pay them for.

Im not coming down on " you " Just in general answering the question .


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Ok let's see how many people will be upset by this....

This is a very serious step we have all taken and we have all made a commitment to make a serios change in our lives and the lives of our families. Me personally by coming to this board I was looking for people who could answer questions for me and let me know I am not alone when I have questions and concerns (hmm... support). The question of cheating has come up on a few boards and always the same reaction. How exactly do any of you feel that you are offering any kind of support by belittling someone for asking a question. I think if you were all more honest and not so self righteous you would be able to admit that everyone has had some sort of slip up big or small. How do I know this because no matter how much you are a rule follower if we were that perfect we would not be getting such a major surgery. My advice is.. still give support but give it in a way that the person will not walk away feeling like they never want to come back to the boards. Without support you can expect failure. If this is someones only menas of support you maybe setting them up to fail.

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Ok let's see how many people will be upset by this....

This is a very serious step we have all taken and we have all made a commitment to make a serios change in our lives and the lives of our families. Me personally by coming to this board I was looking for people who could answer questions for me and let me know I am not alone when I have questions and concerns (hmm... support). The question of cheating has come up on a few boards and always the same reaction. How exactly do any of you feel that you are offering any kind of support by belittling someone for asking a question. I think if you were all more honest and not so self righteous you would be able to admit that everyone has had some sort of slip up big or small. How do I know this because no matter how much you are a rule follower if we were that perfect we would not be getting such a major surgery. My advice is.. still give support but give it in a way that the person will not walk away feeling like they never want to come back to the boards. Without support you can expect failure. If this is someones only menas of support you maybe setting them up to fail.

You are right. We all slip up . We have all been in the same shoes.

Answering questions, Addressing concerns, ect I am all about , If you look at my other posts you will see that.

However I WILL NOT GIVE SOMEONE PERMISSION during the post op phase to cheat . I WONT DO IT . It does NO ONE ANY GOOD.

Those of us who are a little further a long might just see things a little differently ?

Did I go about things in a way I should not have ? Maybe ? However What would I should have I have said differently to the OP ?

I cant relate to cheating 20 days post op . Did I FEEL LIKE Sure . Did i NO WAY .

Do I eat crap i should not eat NOW a yr out SURE !

BUT im not going to endanger my band by doing that 11 months out .

So honestly , Please if you could tell me what , w/ out giving someone permisoin to go AMA or cheat i could have said differently please tell me , I am open to suggestions. I do sometimes say things wrong.


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