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my band has a LEAK and has to be replaced... anyone else??

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Hi all... I need some insight here...

I suddenly lost restriction (which was VERY GOOD prior), about a month and a half ago (going on two months now). I went to my fill guy, he thought maybe it was that I had lost more fat around my stomache. So I got a fill. Waited a week, no change. Got another fill. Waited another week, no change. Got another fill. No change, still. So we did some "pressure tests" which made my fill doc think I had good pressure, but he wanted me to get a fluro to see, and maybe an EGD.

Skip to this past Saturday... I went to my band doc for a fluro, and before I got it done, he was optimistic and said it's probably just something with the port. No luck, it's the band. A BIG LEAK in the band. I saw the Fluid slide right out of the band and into my body on the screen in front of me. It took me a second for this to register... I'm going to lose my band. The doc told me it could be a couple things: 1) overfilling the band (not possible, as i wasn't even past 3ccs), and he was pretty pissed about this, but I told him there's no way this was the case, 2) malfunction of the band. Clearly, this is the only situation... it's not like I dug in and poked a hole into my own band! :lol: My band doc is going to attempt to get the band people to replace it for free, but I'm not too sure how this might work. I'm scared and sad. I have lost up to 78 pounds, and have gained almost 10 back already in the last two months. I'm worried that if they won't replace the band, I'm back to square-one, and out about $10k to start all over. I know if they will I'll still be paying for the surgery part of things, but I'm just so pissed! I have had this band for almost three years, no real issues, just the usual ups-and-downs of learning to live with the band and how it works.

Any advice? Anyone have this happen to you? My doc says either way (if the band people will replace for free or not), I can definitely get this band taken out, and have a new one placed on the same day. I'm really pissed at my luck right now that the band is broken. Nothing "bad" will happen with it just sitting in there, without anything in it, but it's there... doing nothing.

If you have had any of these experiences, please help! Have you been successful in getting Allergan/Inamed to replace the band? What can/should I do to make this happen?

Thanks for listening and for your support and advice. -

Edited by clevergrrly
spelling errors...

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I'm so sorry you are going through this right now. I don't have any advise, but I wanted to bump this for other possible replies. Keep us updated. And your loss is awesome. I know it sucks to gain, but 149lbs is wonderful. Just remember, you will not be at square one. You will be 68lbs lighter and at a normal weight. Hope you can get some help from Inamed.

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Thank you for your support! It really does mean a lot to me, since I'm really on this island alone. I really need some help/advice on working with Inamed. I don't want to call or write them without some insight into how to get them to listen. I know I have to get this band out and replaced. I really want to do this ASAP.

Thanks again for your thoughts and concern. I do appreciate it, and will update you if I get anywhere with this...

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I am really sorry you are going through this. I don't have much advice to offer but I may in the same situation you are. I've expressed my concern for a while now to my fill doctor about not keeping restriction after fills. At the end of April, she withdrew my Fluid and .50 cc was missing. She didn't seem real concerned at the time because some will evaporate over time. Well, I've had several fills since then and still no restriction that lasts more than a week. The new fill lady there decided she would re-check the Fluid amount and there was .75cc missing in a 2 month span. She gave me another fill and we are going to check it again at the end of the month and go from there.

I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I hope things work out for you. Please keep us updated. God bless!

Edited by georgia girl

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Sorry this is happening, but I do have some good news about Allergan..

My doc said he couldn't get them to help out, my doc was unsure what happened with my band-- I was self pay-- and I had to pay an extra 2k to have revision surgery.. Ends up it was a flipped port, but..

Before we found all this out, I went to Allergan's website, and wrote a haughty e-mail. I was fuming that their product messed up and they wouldn't get back to my doctor, while I'm out about 20k.

So anyway, within the week, I got a phone call from a guy (I wish I kept this info so I could pass it on!!) who works there, very nice, he went through my complication with me, how the band is or isn't working, and said he would send out a kit that day priority overnight to my doctor, so they could send in the 'broken' piece and they would examine it and issue a refund on the 2nd band I'd have to buy.

Ends up during my surgery, it was a flipped port, no defect, but the Allergan guy gave me his personal office contact, e-mail, etc.. and he followed up with me afterward to find out how it went,etc. I was EXTREMELY Impressed, I had so many bad ideas in my head about how they probably don't care, I'm just a paycheck, but pleasantly I was very mistaken.

Try calling their # if it's on the website, otherwise write them an e-mail from the website and make sure to leave your info.

Edit to add, their website may be under Inamed. I remember when I looked for it, all I found was a generic medical website that sold a lot of products, and I don't think I even saw the band on there, or it was an afterthought. I just went to their contact info.

Edited by FairyFacade

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sorry your having such a bitch of a time! Well I was at a support group meeting in May. The one guy there had a 10 cc banc put on almost a year ago. In April he had to have it replaced due to a leak. Not sure if it was the band or line. BUT the Dr. took him in and put a newer band on. I heard them say that some of the FIRST bands used had a few problems with leaks. SOOOO yes most def go to the company that made the band... They should have to cover all your $$$ due to their band defect. This man was one of the first people in this area to be banded. Altoona, Pa. Dr. Newlen said the new bands are better. Don't know if this helps but thought I would give you a shout! hang in there and just try and stick to your diet.... You don't want your liver to get large eating fatty foods.... you going to have to go back to surgery and a small liver gives the doctor more room to work!

take care!

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Thank you to everyone who has shared their encouragement or advice. I'm going to try emailing them, and see what happens. I've been doing ok so far this week, but today, now that the long weekend is here, I am falling apart. :thumbup: So... Here's hoping for a positive response. Please send me good vibes and prayers, that I can get this replaced soon. If anyone has any other advice, or contacts for Inamed, that would be helpfu.

Thank you all, so much!

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Sorry this is happening, but I do have some good news about Allergan..

My doc said he couldn't get them to help out, my doc was unsure what happened with my band-- I was self pay-- and I had to pay an extra 2k to have revision surgery.. Ends up it was a flipped port, but..

Before we found all this out, I went to Allergan's website, and wrote a haughty e-mail. I was fuming that their product messed up and they wouldn't get back to my doctor, while I'm out about 20k.

So anyway, within the week, I got a phone call from a guy (I wish I kept this info so I could pass it on!!) who works there, very nice, he went through my complication with me, how the band is or isn't working, and said he would send out a kit that day priority overnight to my doctor, so they could send in the 'broken' piece and they would examine it and issue a refund on the 2nd band I'd have to buy.

Ends up during my surgery, it was a flipped port, no defect, but the Allergan guy gave me his personal office contact, e-mail, etc.. and he followed up with me afterward to find out how it went,etc. I was EXTREMELY Impressed, I had so many bad ideas in my head about how they probably don't care, I'm just a paycheck, but pleasantly I was very mistaken.

Try calling their # if it's on the website, otherwise write them an e-mail from the website and make sure to leave your info.

Edit to add, their website may be under Inamed. I remember when I looked for it, all I found was a generic medical website that sold a lot of products, and I don't think I even saw the band on there, or it was an afterthought. I just went to their contact info.

Hi there!

I have not heard ONE single response from ANYONE at Inamed. I did the email thing you suggested, and NOTHING. I don't know what to do. I know from looking at other threads, there used to be a guy named Don Mills who took care of these issues over there, but his email bounced right back to me as a dead address.

My doctor "says" that he spoke to someone at Inamed and they will "replace the band" but nothing else... so he tells me it will be $5000 to have the band removed and new one placed. I have a suspicious feeling he might not have actually talked to someone there, and he is charging me so much, as he is including the band in this price. Is this possible? I went to Mexico, and my intial surgery with EVERYTHING, surgery, all tests, etc, one night in the hospital, 2nights in a hotel, transport to and from the airport, fluroscopy, etc, and it was only $7500. Seems a little odd.

Anyways, any thoughts or input you, or anyone else has, would be very helpful. I'm pretty upset right now, as I'm sure you can imagine. I will get this band replaced, that's not the issue, but I think I might be getting railroaded on the price, etc.

Thanks to all for any advice you might give. -- a

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I know you posted this awhile ago, but I was wondering how you're doing and if you had your band replaced and how it's going?

I also had a leak in my band. Still not sure where the leak/problem is yet. I had my band removed and new one put in this past week. The band is being sent back to Allergan to find out where it is defective. Before removing my band, my doc injected blue dye to try and see where the leak was, but couldn't find it. After he removed it, he injected the blue dye and couldn't find the leak. Hoping to find out from Allergan what the issue was.

I was self-pay the first time around. Half to the dr. half to the hospital. In terms of payment this time, the way it worked for me is that the hospital provides my dr. with the bands so it's their fault for providing the faulty band so getting a new one was not a problem (the band itself probably does not cost much to produce). My anesthesia and hospital stay were covered by insurance. I did have to pay my surgeon's fee for performing the actual surgery which was around $4000. I didn't ever have to deal with Allergan/Inamed at all. What happened with your payment in the end?

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Hi there. Update: Not a good situation. I still have the broken, leaking/empty band. This is becoming VERY complicated and maddening. I'll get to the most recent/worst part thus far... I went to a new doc on Friday, the only one my insurance would let me see for a consult (which, even with insurance, I had to pay $300 for ONE 15 minute office visit, but anyways)... I was told by this doctor that I can have my current band removed, no problem, however, it is unlikely that my insurance will pay ANYTHING to replace the band, because I am no longer "fat" as he put it. He told me he has run into this one other time recently, and that he is still battling for that person, but it's not likely the insurance will budge. This is soooooooo maddening, and insane! Almost six months now with this broken band, and counting. Up 17 pounds (which I'm surprised isn't more). Just hanging on by a thread everyday, my mental health (stress/anxiety) is really not good. So... I would be happy to share the rest (there's more to this), but would rather not share it all here. Feel free to PM me or email me, and I'll give you the full scoop. (There a side of this that has to do with Allergan as well.)

I am SO glad to hear that you were able to get this solved! Congrats! Cross your fingers and toes for me! I need a miracle. :biggrin:

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Sorry clever, I never saw your response.. and sorry you're still not getting anywhere :thumbup:

I will go through my old emails at work tomorrow and see if I still have the email from the guy I was talking to at Allergan.

I am selfpay so I had to pay for my revision surgery, it was approx. $2,000... but this included a replacement band, which I did not end up needing, so they refunded $1,200..the rest went to the hospital/anesthesia.. since my doctor felt bad of my self paying, he actually did not charge for his service.

Call around and see if you can get quotes from other reputable doctors in the area.. since you may have to pay for yourself. That way if insurance stands firm (let your current doctor keep trying to fight it), you have a back up plan.

And it's reading posts like this, that make me all the more happy with my doctor.. heh.

Edited by FairyFacade

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OMG, I am so sorry to hear about your problems. I fear I might be in the same boat. I had problems a month ago and ended up having emergency surgery, I had a kink in my tubing. Two weeks after that surgery(which was a week ago today) I went in and received a fill (they emptied me when they did the surgery) my doctor put 5cc in my 10cc band. Prior to my kink I had good restriction with 5cc, but sometimes liked 5.5 or 6 cc for even quicker weight loss. A week since my fill, I have absolutely NO restriction what so ever. I am going back in tomorrow, but after talking to his nurse I am afraid that I too, might have a leak. I will just die if I do, I am so sorry you are dealing with this! It has to be heart wrenching. I have lost 70 lbs since my initial surgery Jan 28, 2008 and already have gained back 10 lbs since this has been going on.

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I PMed you Clevergrrly.

Laura, what a nice dr. you had that he didn't make you pay for your revision surgery. As nice as my dr. is, business is business. Your hospital/anesthesia only costed $800? That's extremely cheap. If you had your port replaced, it had to come from another band, so didn't you have to pay for it? Who did you pay for the replacement?

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I did have to pay for the new band (upfront) it was $1,200 for the replacement.. which they refunded. I had to pay it to the hospital, they purchased them.

If they did have to replace it, Allergan was going to investigate covering the cost.

Hospital/anesthesia was a lot cheaper than my first time around, but this 2nd time I was only in the hospital for a couple of hours and not overnight.

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clevergrrly - IF your insurance covers lap band surgery, I would try getting in touch with the lawyers at obesitylaw.com. I know they specialize in WLS and insurance but I don't know if this is something they can help you with. I have heard they will not charge you if they cannot help. It's worth a try. They may also be able to help you even if your insurance does not cover WLS.

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