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July Butterflies Master Thread

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Banded July 16 and I feel great. I went to work on Monday and today- no problems. I have lost 10 pounds in 6 days which is outstanding for me.

Today was the first day I experienced hunger. I was afraid of the feeling and thought oh no what will I do with this! I had my usual liquid dinner and was fine. I know alot of this right now is physical healing and psychological strength, but I am doing it!

I too look forward to mushie food, but no complainting - I am happy I did this and will experience every new step with wonder and excitment.

Good luck to all who are about to be banded. And if you are still in the researching mode- Just do it!:ihih::seeya::thumbup:

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I really liked your introduction paragraphs. I just wanted to introduce myself to you: I'm Sarah and I just got banded on July 18th. I'm interested in all of the things you are interested in (books, politics, travel, movies, music) but probably a bit more neurotic! I live in Boulder, CO which is a very skinny, liberal, health concious town. It tries to be a calming environment but I still manage to work myself into to a tizzy!

Since the banding on Friday in Mexico (that's another story), I've been pretty anxious, hungry, and obsessively reading blogs, posts, and trying to decifer through all of the mixed advice. I know though, that ultimately, it's so individual and my body will do what it's going to do. But, I can't seem to get completely excited about this journey until I know that by body is healed from the surgery and everythign is okay. Do you feel that way. I want to be excited--- I really do, but the 'realist inside of me' keeps being skeptical and protective.

Anyway, I'd love to be email buddies if you have room for more!

Thanks and best of luck with your band!


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Well, it's less than a week to my surgery and I am started to be real stressed. It didn't even feel real for a while, but I did my pre op bloods yest and my chest xray this morning and my ekg and surgical clearance exam tommorow. OMG it's really happening!

the hosp called to preregister me "for your appt 7/28", and the coordinator @ the surgeons is making sure all is in order. I feel in really good hands.

My 18 year old daughter has to hace an excisional biopsy o a breast fibroadenoma on thursday so I'm very focused on that also.

I'm really spinning

No pre op diet except for the day before, but i'm doing 2 shakes a day and a meal at night for the last week.

Well good luck to all who've gone before and all going throughthis journey.

I can't wait for this new life to begin - after 50 lbs lost I'm going to the caribbean since scheduling this surgery in july has cut into my swimming time here in NY.

I really appreciate everyone on this site being open and sharing all the stories they help me so much

thanks again


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I had my final meal tonight, I ate way more than I should have but ate what sounded good. My mindset is that once my pre-op diet hits tomorrow, my whole mindset on eating is starting anew even though my surgeon says after the post-op diet, nothing is banned.

Two days of full liquids and then surgery on Friday. It was supposed to be today and I wish it was over already...LOL!

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I really liked your introduction paragraphs. I just wanted to introduce myself to you: I'm Sarah and I just got banded on July 18th. I'm interested in all of the things you are interested in (books, politics, travel, movies, music) but probably a bit more neurotic! I live in Boulder, CO which is a very skinny, liberal, health concious town. It tries to be a calming environment but I still manage to work myself into to a tizzy!

Since the banding on Friday in Mexico (that's another story), I've been pretty anxious, hungry, and obsessively reading blogs, posts, and trying to decifer through all of the mixed advice. I know though, that ultimately, it's so individual and my body will do what it's going to do. But, I can't seem to get completely excited about this journey until I know that by body is healed from the surgery and everythign is okay. Do you feel that way. I want to be excited--- I really do, but the 'realist inside of me' keeps being skeptical and protective.

Anyway, I'd love to be email buddies if you have room for more!

Thanks and best of luck with your band!


Hi Songstress, nice to "meet" you and welcome to the Butterflies :thumbup: I am just one day post op so we're kind of in the same boat. I did all of my reading and obsessing well before the surgery. The doctors and nurses were (and still are) amazed about the details I've read and remembered, mostly thanks to this site. I too, want to just concentrate on healing and then get excited for the next phase. I AM looking forward to it, but the most immediate issue I'm facing is getting all healed up so that's all I'm dealing with for now :thumbdown: And yep, it would be fun to be email buddies in addition to Butterflies together--just send me a private message and we can do it that way :cursing:

I'm going to post about my surgery day in a bit so keep an eye out for that!

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Thanks all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I wound up taking a Xanex that night (with permission)....which is something I never do but the doctors gave them to me for a reason so I suppose I should take advantage of them when I can't manage anxiety on my own.

Anyway, here's my story:

I got up at 7am on Modany and my mom and I drove to the hospital where they put us in a pre-op room and I changed into a hospital gown (very large sized which is better than too small but too big has it's own problems lol!). As they were taking my vital signs I started to get very anxious again and did start crying. Not the crazy, anxiety sobbing/hyperventalating (something I haven't done in years) but just some tears. This continued, however during both attempts at inserting the IV. It's my bad luck that both times we just happened to go in at a point where the vein branches off which is apparently a problem. The second one was in "enough" for them to put me under but they established a 3rd while I was asleep.

Anyway, I met a ton of new people, they kept coming in to say hi etc, and it was obvious that I had been recently/was about/was currently crying and they were all very understanding and kind. I saw my surgeon, who I've met sevreal times, met his assistant and head OR nurse, the anesthesiologist and her assistant and some other people. Before I knew it the people were there to take me to the OR.

We got there and man, I have never seen the inside of an operating room before, and wish that I had. That place is terrifying (to me). It was bright and cold and there were so many machines around and a ton of people in gowns, gloves, hats and masks (I knew to expect this in an OR but still it was scary). It seriously looked like an alien autopsey room or something! Everyone was moving so quickly, transfering me from the gurney to the table and strapping me in and futzing with my IV that I got overwhelmed and started crying again. There had been one male nurse talking to me asking questions like what I do for a living (student), what do I study etc but once I started crying a VERY kind and gentle female nurse about my mom's age or maybe a little older came and held my hand and got very close in asking what was wrong (I wanted to know what they were doing to my legs--strapping them in) and just that this whole thing and everyone moving so fast was making me feel like I was really really sick or something. She assured me that all was fine and that I'd be just fine and she was really just great. Oh, also at some point I had an oxygen mask which I hate. I don't like the feeling of stuff restricting my face. All of this, with the exception of the look of the OR, I was well prepared for--the program coordinator went over all of it in detail, it's just a different animal when you're going through it.

I was still crying a bit when the anesthesiologist told me to think of my favorite vacation place and to go there right....now. Have a good trip :thumbup: I said "I feel dizzy", and the next thing I knew I was coughing and was awake in the recovery room. I was, of course, crying again (have I mentioned I'm a high strung individual) which was really more just because I HAD been very upset only, to me, about 2 seconds ago so it took some time to adjust. I was in and out for a while but I know my recovery nurse was attentive and kind (a bit confused about the crying), my surgeon came to see me and told me that everything had gone perfectly. We had some trouble with my breathing, coughing and oxygen levels (not serious, just not ideal) because of a recent bronchial infection (I was cleared for surgery, but apparently those things can affect you 6 full weeks after!).

After about an hour in recovery I was taken up to my room where my mom was waiting and I was much calmer. We spent the afternoon talking, watching some tv, got a visit from the surgeon again, and the program coordinator.

I got blood thinner injections, and kept IV fluids into which they put some anti-reflux drugs and pain killers, but not narcotic (I never needed them), just the anti-inflammatory ones. I went for several walks on the ward, and took myself to the bathroom several times during the night. I only needed to call the nurse to help me out of the inflatable bootie things (to prevent blood clots) and to unplug my IV. I had and still have only discomfort--probably just the gas, and the slightest bit of actual pain from the port incision. I'm still coughing every now and again which isn't pleasant but isn't terrible either. I was able to sleep on my non-port side the first night.

Today I got up, got the barium swallow study, everything was perfect. They had me eat some Jello and broth and waited to see if I had any nausea (nope) and after another vist from the surgeon and program coordinator with post-op instructions, I was released!

My mom and I went to the video store and to the pharmacy and also popped into a nearby antique store to browse a bit! I really am feeling that "fine". I am loving my full liquid diet (anything is better than clear liquids), and still feel gas pressure, like I have to burp but can't but it's nothing major. It's hard distinguishing among "full", "gassy", and "hungry" but as long as it's not "pain" or "nauseated" then that's fine my me :thumbdown:


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I am another July Butterfly joining the thread. I will be banded on July 31st.

I was slender and active until I started college. At that time I gained 10 pounds in my first year and continued to gain. I tried several times to lose weight in my thirties with WW, Atkins, Jenny C. Finally, found out I had PCOS and was insulin resistant. My weight stabilized finally at 308lbs and I could not budge it for 5 years. I became apathetic and depressed. I was on blood pressure medication and developing diabetes. A friend urged me to join a gym with her and I started on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I began to enjoy my time in the gym, did not lose any weight, but worked up from 1 minute on the Elliptical to 45 minutes until disaster struck. I began having missteps on the Elliptical where I could not put weight on my knees. I went to the orthopaedic surgeon and he told me that at my current weight I was facing knee surgery in less than 10 years on both knees. I needed to lose weight immediately if I wanted to stave that off. He recommended gastric bypass. I began to research and decided ultimately that the Lap Band was the best choice for me.

I am somewhat shy and slightly paranoid and I have only told my immediate family and three friends about my upcoming surgery. Of those three friends, two have had WLS (Band and Roux NY) and the other is considering it.

Nice to meet everyone. :thumbup:

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Well todays the BIG day and I'm sooo excited. I was really nervous last night and could hardly get to sleep and of course woke up much earlier than I needed to. Wish me luck!!!:thumbdown::thumbup:

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Welcome Jen! and Congrats on your upcoming surgery. As you can see we have something in common.....Houston. You and I have similar weights and goals. I think you will find LBT will be a valuable tool of support. Your mom may have contributed to stress eating as raising five teenagers at one time was for me. Had I known eating would have led me to such poor health, I might have changed my ways when I was young. Bottom line, the lap-band gives us a second chance at a healthy future. I wish you a successful surgery and speedy recovery!:thumbup:

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I've been on Optifast for a week now. I haven't had a nibble of anything I shouldn't. I'm drinking plenty of Water and other SF fluids.

I lost some weight initially, and now for the past few days I have been GAINING! How can this be? I'm going through all this for nothing??? They said it is rapid weight loss that shrinks the liver -- and I'm not losing rapidly if at all.

I have my preop appointment tomorrow and I just might go off or burst into tears if they give me flack over this. I've tried so hard, and this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I am completely demoralized right now.

Thanks for listening.


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First - Melmel... Thank you! I've had those discussions with mom as well... its hard. The language and cultural barrier are difficult... but I just try to accept her the way she is and keep going. I'm sorry you've had to go through the same experience... I'd give you a hug if I could. I wish that kind of mental and emotional turmoil on no one.

Charlene - HI! I'm glad to know there is someone else in the area going through the same kind of thing (I know there are hundreds... but at least I have someone to bounce ideas off of!)

Orea... I'm sure you are frustrated! If your body is going into starvation mode (which it certainly will on this kind of pre-op diet) then it can and will hold onto every bit of liquid/ sustenance it can. Are you feeling bloated? holding Water? Don't stress yet. Talk to your dr today. I'm sure they will understand and may have some suggestions for you. How much water are you getting etc?

Huge Hugs everyone! I'm glad to know that people from earlier in the month are doing so well. I'm trying to stay focused on this leg of my jouney and think about the rest... but that can be difficult. the Saggy skin scares the tar out of me. I already have a large apron... so I know going in that PS is going to be necessary later... and the thought of more surgery (and rehibilitating my voice AGAIN) is daunting.



huge hugs

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I'm drinking plenty! I always do. But you are right, my fingers and face seem puffy. And it isn't TOM, because I don't do that any more!


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I've been on Optifast for a week now. I haven't had a nibble of anything I shouldn't. I'm drinking plenty of Water and other SF fluids.

I lost some weight initially, and now for the past few days I have been GAINING! How can this be? I'm going through all this for nothing??? They said it is rapid weight loss that shrinks the liver -- and I'm not losing rapidly if at all.

I have my preop appointment tomorrow and I just might go off or burst into tears if they give me flack over this. I've tried so hard, and this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I am completely demoralized right now.

Thanks for listening.

Orea, don't worry about the weight gain.....I did that and the last day I dropped 4lbs before surgery. I lost a total of 10 and then after surgery....with all the fluids...I gained 6. It has been one week since my surgery and I have now lost the 6plus 1. They won't give you flack. Hey, I even ate one meal a day a few times.....boiled eggs, tuna, and salad with chicken. Girl, you are giving them alot of money for this and following their orders....BE PROUD! It's ALL GOOD!:thumbup::thumbup::smile:

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You know last night my sister called who lives 5 hours from me and I see a couple of times a year. She called me when I arrived at the airport to go get banded and I didn't tell her what I was doing then (banded July 4th). Last night I told her and now I feel regret. Usually I tell every one every thing and with this I don't want to. I am beating myself up for telling her. She has an overweight friend (friend of 30 years) and I thought maybe the band could help her too if she knows some one that had it but now i just regret it. I have told 3 close friends (my husband and kids) and I just wish I hadn't told her and another friend. Why is this? Why don't I want to tell? I especially don't want to tell my mom who when I was first going to get banded she said why don't I just tape my mouth shut. She has always said stuff about fat people and about me gaining weight when I weighed 122 lbs. at 5'7"! So then I go down to 110! My niece always when she sees me says stuff about her wieght and she is 109! Last time I saw her I said why do you keep mentioning your weight when you are thin and you know that i have a difficult problem with food? I have asked her several times to stop talking about it and doesn't get a clue? Why are they like this? I hate the holiday get to gethers because mention of her working out or losing weight comes up. My mother told me to stop eating when I had hardly anything and that upset the rest of my family and they said something. I was 162 lbs. then. My husband's mother had bariatric surgery 20-25 years ago and I don't want to tell them. Afraid of what they will think because I owe them money and I spent money on getting help for myself. (We owe them money because I have a sick son with lots of health issues since he was born and he is 12)

How do you get rid of guilt when you can't eat FOOD anymore?

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Joiful wrote:

"I don't want to tell them. Afraid of what they will think because I owe them money and I spent money on getting help for myself. (We owe them money because I have a sick son with lots of health issues since he was born and he is 12)

How do you get rid of guilt when you can't eat food anymore?"

There´s your reason, you are feeling guilty for looking after yourself and not paying them back. Do they expect you to pay them back?

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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