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I know that I am either at my sweet spot or super close to it.. the reason I wanted a fill was because I can only eat a couple of bites at a time but then about 2 hours later need another couple of bites. My doc was concerned that if he gave me a fill that I would be to tight and need an unfill. So he said since I had lost the 6 pounds that the fill I had was working and why take the chance of being to tight and having reflux. I hope he is right since there wasn't another available appointment until may 11. I have never not lost between fill appointments and I can guarantee that the week before if I haven't lost I will work my butt off at the gym.. lol

I am glad you are still losing Long. I have been trying to stay away from my scale due to me being obsessive about it.. I hadn't gotten on it in almost 2 weeks, I was pretty proud of myself!


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I know that I am either at my sweet spot or super close to it.. the reason I wanted a fill was because I can only eat a couple of bites at a time but then about 2 hours later need another couple of bites. My doc was concerned that if he gave me a fill that I would be to tight and need an unfill. So he said since I had lost the 6 pounds that the fill I had was working and why take the chance of being to tight and having reflux. I hope he is right since there wasn't another available appointment until may 11. I have never not lost between fill appointments and I can guarantee that the week before if I haven't lost I will work my butt off at the gym.. lol

I am glad you are still losing Long. I have been trying to stay away from my scale due to me being obsessive about it.. I hadn't gotten on it in almost 2 weeks, I was pretty proud of myself!

Hey Allie...you actually described how I feel every day and I truly feel that I am at my sweet spot. I get hungry every couple of hours but am satisfied when I eat. Nothing wrong with feeding that hunger if you make healthy food choices for your Snacks.

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Allie, when did you ticker change to 122 lbs lost?? Congrats!! Last I noticed I thought it was 117 or 118 or something so you had a big drop. After getting my last fill and having reflux it's probably smart of your doc to hold off a bit. I probably shouldn't have gotten my last one.

My doc gives us a form to fill out too for fills. It asks things such as how many hours between meals, how big of portions, what percentage is Protein, etc. Then we discuss whether or not to get a fill. I had to do the form for my unfill too. They don't charge for unfills, just fills. But luckily I don't have to pay for those either as a benefit of my volunteering.

Looks like a gorgeous spring day here. The weather has been so spoaradic here, nice one day, cold and yuck the next. one of these days it's gonna have to just stay nice, don't ya think??

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Good Morning!

Just popping in real quick to say hi and respond to the most recent posts. Just returning from a long Holdiay weekend. Husband and I went to the lake to open up our cottage for the season. Now if Spring temperatures would just get here.

Allie ~ I agree with Apples that it does sound like you are at your sweet spot. That is how I feel right now with hunger every couple of hours. I know I pushed it last month and ended up having to get a little unfilled because of the reflux and heartburn issues. My dr. also suggests eating every 2-3 hours hungry or not, just to avoid getting hungry. I find that hard to do some times when I'm just not hungry. My docotor bases fills on how much lost between fills, hunger and how much you can eat at a time. He states 1/2 cup is too little and that is what I was at before I got the unfill. If you average a pound or more per week, no fill. So yes they all have some type of method to the madness.

Well I have to run to a meeting. Have a good day.

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Mornin' girls! Allie...you are soooo close to goal also. You and Long and almost neck in neck. How about a good ole' race? Just kidding. Everyone is different and wouldn't want anyone ending up disappointed.

Crazy around here with hauling corn to town and getting equipment ready for spring. I have said this b/4 but think it really does happen. I think DH stand out by mailbox (we live on an extremely busy tar road) and waves people in and yells "She's cooking today and there's room at the table!". I have two homemade chicken pot pies in the oven, three loaves of yeast cheese bread, a strawberry, banana, fresh pineapple and yogurt salad made and a two warm Dutch apple pies sitting on the counter. Then I go to town and volunteer at the hospital till 6pm. But, busy makes me happy.

Tomorrow I am heading to Fargo to look at my new tanning bed. This is something I promised myself I would buy when I got to goal. Got to goal in Oct, 2008 but just haven't gotten the task done. Need to have an electrician come in b/4 the bed is delivered to put in a new outlet for it. I'm EXCITED! I never overdo in a tanning bed but a couple of times a week makes me feel and look better.

VZ...we are going up to our lake place on Sat to open up and stay over night. Can't wait.

Gotta hit the shower b/4 the "herd" pulls in for lunch.

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Hey Junies..

I think I did better when I only ate 3 times a day.. I ate a little more but stayed full longer. Maybe I need a slight unfill.. next month if I am still having to eat every couple of hours I will think about it.

My goal weight has changed.. I realized I wanted to get closer to 160 than 170. I did lose 6 pounds and that's why my ticker changed. It's so funny how that I am only 13 pounds from my original goal, and I thought I would never get even close to it. I know that before I have my plastic surgery I want to be as thin as possible so I get the best results. So therefore my goal keeps changing.. :)

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stupid computer. It flashed and posted my post before it was finished so ended up with one complete post and one incomplete so just deleted, disregard if you've read this far. LOL

Edited by Great2BThin

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VZ & Apples your talk about opening your cottages/cabin for the summer is bringing back so many memories for me. My sweetest childhood memories are of going 'up north' to my grandparents (both sets had one) cottages in northern Wisconsin. I think it was those times that I was truly the happiest growing up. It probably had a lot more to do with the doting and unconditional love given to me by my grandparents but I associate it with the cottage. Oh the lake, the woods, yep even the pump and the outhouse Iloved it all. I'm sure the cottages all have indoor plumbing and no outhouses or pumps anymore but it added to the charm as a child.

As for racing Allie to goal, I secretly am. LOL She's always been a few pounds ahead of me in the losses but I do my best when I am pursuing someone in front of me. I'll take 2nd or 3rd behind her and is it Teach & Strike that are right there too? I know just what you are talking about, Allie, about changing your goal. My doc had said anything under 180 so at first I was going to get to 179.9 because I just knew that was impossible. And now I am 7.1 lbs away from that. I've now changed it to 169 for the normal BMI, but have thoughts of 160 too. What amazes me is the sizes I am able to get into now. Originally I was going to be happy with a 14 as it meant I was solidly in 'normal sizes', but a 12 would be the ultimate. Now I am buying 10's. If I do lose 17 more to get to 169, could I be an 8? That doesn't seem possible. But I remember as a young 20 bride I wanted so bad to be able to wear a 9 (isn't that the same as a 10 in misses) and I couldn't and I was in the 130s. I'm convinced sizes run bigger these days. At 18 I had dieted on a liquid Protein (aka Valerie Harper of Rhoda & Mary Tyler more fame diet) and my goal was to get to 120, I got to 125 and still could not wear my sisters 'perfect size 9's' (per my mother) and had to get 11's.

And now wouldn't you know it, I find a fit of jeans I love at the Gap called Essential jeans. I have them down to a size 10L and now they are discontinuing them. I want to stock up but just don't know what size to stock up on. do I get more 10L's or do I chance it and get 8's? I hate to waste the money if I guess wrong.

Allie, I am happiest on 3 meals a day too. Last I saw my doc I promised to shoot for 5, it's hard, I don't like it but am trying.

Now let's see if this posts. My screen just did a weird flashy thing, brought me back to my post and said I had to wait 20 seconds to post????

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Interesting discussion on the target weight. When I started all this a goal of weighing 150 pounds was just a good dream number. I never really focused on what my range weight really was. I actually just looked it up and the high end of my weight range is 163, so if I take that into consideration I am much closer to goal too. Long mentioned about her weight as a young bride. Well 25 years ago when I got married I was 135 pounds and I thought I was sooo fat. I was a perfect size 10, did not even need the wedding gown altered one bit. I some how though have lost almost an inch in height over the years, ugh.

I know it's nice to have a goal to shoot for, but in the end it all comes down to how you feel and that you get to a healthy weight/BMI range and to not get so hung up on the number on the scale or the number on the clothes tag. Don't set your goals unrealisticly to where you will beat yourself up for not achieving them.

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Hey everyone! Well I saw my doctor today and I'd lost 7 pounds in the last 5 weeks. He was shocked since I don't have any Fluid in my band. He said 95% of people without Fluid gain and was so proud of me. It really made me feel good!! I'm going to start talking at seminars as well. Wish I got perks like free fills, but I don't think I do. I can't believe my year is almost up (fills and office visits covered for the first year). Gotta get where I need to be before June 17th :)

I then went to my regular doctor and his nurse thought I was my sister. I hadn't been there since September and they were all amazed at how much I'd lost. My doctor told me I was his lap-band success story as I'm his only patient who has ever lost more than 50 pounds.

Then I went to my nutritionist (yes it was a very busy morning :lol:) and we talked about my goal weight. My surgeon said I could weight 137 (I'm 5'6 1/2) and she feels like that is way too low. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I told her I'd like to be 148 (just want to be under 150). It's crazy to me that that is less than 50 pounds away! You girls are definitely going to beat me to goal, but I hopefully won't be more than a few months behind. I'd love to be at goal by Christmas (and I hope that that is giving me extra time). At 148 I would have lost 164 pounds...wow, that's just crazy!

I have a fill on Friday to start building fluid back in my band. I hate fills, but am cautiously optimistic that it will go ok. Have a great evening!



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Hey there Junies..

Woo Hoo Jennifer!! Congrats girl!

I decided to do a weight assesment to see where I should be and it says I should weigh 128-168 uggh. I also had my hubby measure me since he thinks I am shrinking and girls I am shrinking!! I am only 5'8" I was 5'10 just a couple of years ago! Why am I shrinking I am only 39!! Oh well, so I think I am going to go for a goal of 160. Which I think is a pretty realistic goal.

So you have to check out this lady who is 49, never had a boyfriend, never been kissed sing her guts out on britain's got talent. go to youtube.com and search susan boyle. It is amazing!!! I have watched it like 10 times today. She has the voice of an angel. How she is not famous already I have no idea but she will be now that is for sure.

I am off to go watch American Idol before my hubby steals the remote to watch ufc fighting ugghh. gosh I hate that violent show.

sweet dreams!

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Allie, you are too young to be shrinking...sure the tape measure wasn't missing a couple if inches :) I heard that lady sing on ET tonight, Oh. My. Gosh. She is amazing!! Watching Idol now then off to bed after my busy day. Night Junies :lol:

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Hi all,

Yes Teach and I have about the same amount left to lose but shes lots twice as much as me already.Way to go, Teach! I also never thought I would wear size 12 jeans and now they are getting baggy. I am not sure how far this will go and I am also not real set on what my goal should be anymore. I think I am getting too comfortable being a size 12. See my new pic?? not too bad lol but I think I still look heavy. I am 5'3" and not sure what my goal weight should be anymore but I know I am not done. Any one else close to my height? What do you think is a good weight for 5'3"? When I was married waaaaaaaay long time ago I was about 100 lbs and wore a size 7 wedding dress.

Allie, I would post a pic album but I havent figured out how to do that yet. I am off friday so I might have time to sit down and concentrate on that.

Hey great news gang! I was just offered a new job today. The pay is almost twice as much as I am doing now and I am soooo excited! Y'all know I have been thru the wringer in the last year and took a big hit with losing a good job and my house. I cant wait to start this job. Its with the state and I will be taking crisis calls for elderly abuse. Its more an information gathering type job and then I send the info to others who investigate abuse charges. No on-call, no clients freaking out in the middle of the night, no weekends (well maybe an occasional holiday but thats ok). 9:30 - 6 and then I go home. I just cant wait to start.

I give my notice tomorrow and my boss is gonna have a cow. Theres 6 counselors there, one got fired for being off sick (probably not calling in) for 3 weeks, one is leaving friday, one at the end of the month and now me! Shes gonna go ballistic! Should be an interesting staff meeting tomorrow!

OK I gotta quit babbling. Take care Junies!

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Hi all,

Yes Teach and I have about the same amount left to lose but shes lots twice as much as me already.Way to go, Teach! I also never thought I would wear size 12 jeans and now they are getting baggy. I am not sure how far this will go and I am also not real set on what my goal should be anymore. I think I am getting too comfortable being a size 12. See my new pic?? not too bad lol but I think I still look heavy. I am 5'3" and not sure what my goal weight should be anymore but I know I am not done. Any one else close to my height? What do you think is a good weight for 5'3"? When I was married waaaaaaaay long time ago I was about 100 lbs and wore a size 7 wedding dress.

Allie, I would post a pic album but I havent figured out how to do that yet. I am off friday so I might have time to sit down and concentrate on that.

Hey great news gang! I was just offered a new job today. The pay is almost twice as much as I am doing now and I am soooo excited! Y'all know I have been thru the wringer in the last year and took a big hit with losing a good job and my house. I cant wait to start this job. Its with the state and I will be taking crisis calls for elderly abuse. Its more an information gathering type job and then I send the info to others who investigate abuse charges. No on-call, no clients freaking out in the middle of the night, no weekends (well maybe an occasional holiday but thats ok). 9:30 - 6 and then I go home. I just cant wait to start.

I give my notice tomorrow and my boss is gonna have a cow. Theres 6 counselors there, one got fired for being off sick (probably not calling in) for 3 weeks, one is leaving friday, one at the end of the month and now me! Shes gonna go ballistic! Should be an interesting staff meeting tomorrow!

OK I gotta quit babbling. Take care Junies!

congrats strike! That is so exciting! What a great job too. You can search online for a weight assesment tool. I did it last night and found what I "should" weigh.

Have a great day junies!

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Hello June-Bugs!

I bet you think I went AWOL! I have been reading an I am so very proud of everyone! I am doing well and loosing, slow but sure!

Where have I been! Well, I got another 'wild-hair" and completely gutted my kitchen, knocked out two walls and after 8 weeks of dust and stress I have a new kitchen! I love it! If you remember I have also redone the living room, two bedrooms and a bath since I had surgery! A new me and a new house!

I did have some trouble with my band, stress and an overfill caused me a great deal of reflux:scared2: and I had to have 2 cc removed from my band! That was on Good Friday and I can sure tell! However, I could have never survived the way I was. I couldn't swallow my own spit! It was a night mare! I called the doctor's office and they took me right in. Ihad immediate relief. Now I have to wait until May 13 to begin getting fills again. :eek:

I haven't lost near as much as many of you, but I am very happy with my loss so far! I am down to a size 12 petite (only 5'2") and a Medium top! My shoes flop off my feet and my watch and rings are too big! That is so wonderful!!!!! My closet is on the last round of old clothes! After the 12s and a few 10s I will have to shop!:lol:

Apples: I appreciate you asking about me! No, didn't run off with the old boy-friend, but we did go to the Bristol races! What a hoot! He lives in Alabama now and comes to Tennessee about every other month! I am now seeing an old friend from College too, he lives about 3 hours away and a guy from Kentucky! LOL How fun! I feel like a school girl again! :wub:

Long and Allie: you are both so skinny! I love the pics! :smile:

Strike! You look like a youngster! Beautiful! I am so happy you have a new job! I know this has been a very hard year for you! :tt2:

vzghj, teach, and addy! Your looking good! So supportive of each other! I love it!:wub:

Hunzi! I am so glad you back in band-land again! I hope you continue to do well!:wub:

I will try to stay vocal again! I sometimes just get quiet! LOL I am on Facebook and have pics of myself and the kitchen if you ask to be my friend! :eek:

OH: Apples! email me pics. The email is cathychatts@yahoo.com

Love you all! Cathy

I will update my ticker....if I can remember how! :wub:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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