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Vz- thanks for the coupon!!!!

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oh and also, I was talking to my doc yesterday and he asked if I could eat Pasta and rice and I told him sometimes i have a little bit and he said.. do not eat pasta and rice!! He said that it is one of the main causes of band slippage! He said that once it is in your pouch it swells and causes your pouch to dilate which then causes your band to slip. I was so glad he told me this because just here lately I have been eating a little bit of pasta.. NOT ANYMORE.. jeez.

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Allie, I hope your job stays secure. Good luck with your latest fill. Mine has done the trick for me, I am now as of today at 111!!! My workouts have been lacking lately due to all the commotion in my home and also have some chest congestion going on. Thanks for the heads up on rice and Pasta, I had heard that about bread but not pasta I'm not a pasta fan but have had some lately. No more. I knew it wasn't ideal band food anyway, but didn't know about it being risky for slippage.

Got up to snow today. BRRRR I miss the almost 80 we had last week!

My sisters have pitched in some. They are taking them all tonight for dinner. DH & I are going out with friends now. Also they are taking them tomorrow night. Mom has been a little better the past few days in her negative comments, maybe she got them all out! LOL

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Allie...I wouldn't want to go part time either. You'd most likely be trying to fit your entire job into half the time. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that things remain as they are with your job. I had not heard the Pasta thing either. It is something that my doc says to stay away from but he said because of all the carbs in bread, white potatoes, white rice and Pasta.

Long....have fun on your break from the family...enjoy!!!!!

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Allie: Tell your daughter congrats for me and I am glad you said no, I'd rather collect unemployment.

Long: Have a great time tonight and I do hope mom has gotten rid of all the negative comments

Teach: I am happy that you don't seem to have a slipped band.

O no! I eat rice and Pasta all the time but no more!!

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Hi Junies! I haven't been writing much but have been reading and am so glad you are all doing so well. I went to see my fill doc today and for the first time, I didn't get one. She says since my last visit about 6 weeks ago, I lost 7 lbs so I am losing at an acceptable rate and dont need a fill!! I guess I lost track of how many its been because I am always chasing one more, one more....and forget to count.

I took my measurements and since June I have lost 1" from neck, a whopping 5" from my boobs (sob), 5.75 from waist, 4.5 from hips and 2 from thighs. The realize web site I post these on doesnt ask for calf measurements but for all you calf fanatics, mne is now 16!

A few weeks ago my 7 sibs and I got together to surprise our mom and they took pics. Gotta admit I look good, till you look closer and see the belly hanging over my sexy little blue jeans. I think that belly is gonna be the last to go. I have been going to Wilson's a few times a week and really working on the crunches but I think I will need to do a million of them to get rid of my gut. Nice NSV tho recently, I was sitting on some wood steps outside for a while and realized hey, I dont have any padding on my booty anymore! Aint life grand???

Love ya Junies!

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Strike...hang in there..you're doing great. The last thing to go on me was my belly. I was an "apple" shape and didn't think it was ever going away. Now I don't have a belly at all. Who would have thought??????

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Good morning. Got a few moments so wanted to check in. It was so nice to get away for a bit last night. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant with friends last night. It as $2 burrito night. I indulged in a few too many chips and salsa but was still down again today. I too took my measurements yesterday. My calves went from 17 1/2 to 16 3/4!!! They started at 21 so am pleased, that was in the past month. Also this past month my thighs went down 1 1/2 inches. My legs are still big and I think that is the last to go on me. Let's see, I've lost since June: 7 1/2" from my bust, 10" from my waist, and 11" from my hips, I even lost 4 3/4" from my biceps. Cool!! I always just looked at what I lost from last month, not since June and when I look that way, it's impressive!!

Strike, congrats to you!! Isn't it nice to lose our butt padding??

Well better get to work!! I also see a knee dr today about my options on my sore knee.

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good morning junies..

Strike.. woo hoo on your nsv. You rock sister friend!

Long.. good luck with your knee today! Congrats on getting out of your plateau!

I go and weigh in on Friday and I am hoping all this hard work at the gym is going to pay off!

The award dinner went great and we met alot of really nice people. We didnt' get home until 10 ugh and I am usually in bed by 9!

My boss asked if I would if he needed me to train a girl to take my place since I won't go part time. I told him I would (i know Im a sucker) but told him to remember the last 4 girls we had do this job in the past 5 years and how messed up it was! I started in inside sales and there was 12 people working here. In 5 years we are down to 5 people and I do the job of inside sales, purchasing, a/r, a/p, office manager and a smidge of outside sales. He has no idea how this office is run or even how to do any of it! Sure I will train a girl for a week or two and see what happens! LOL.. I am sure I will be back working in no time.

I have just put all this stress in God's hands. I just gave it up to him and realized he has only ever opened doors for me not closed them. Every time something bad has happened I have been soo devastated only to have something better happen because of it. So I am holding on for the ride! Have a great day Junies!

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Allie, I find when I let go and Let God, things go much better and I have a much better outlook on things. I admire your positive outlook.

The knee appt went good but not so good news. My knee is pretty much shot. Only thing they can do for it is total knee replacement (partial won't work). He said the xrays more than qualified me for the surgery, however, my 'young' age of 50 was against me in that it may not last a lifetime for me and I'd need it redone. And also I was a little hurt or insulted as he said I still had a 'significant' amount of weight to lose. I really didn't think I did (about 24 lbs) I guess that is significant if you look at a pound being 100 lbs of pressure on the knees though. He said only I could say if I was ready for surgery, how much was my knee pain affecting my quality of life etc. I'm still functioning, it hurts a lot sometimes but hasn't stopped me too much from doing things. So I am going to wait and see. If I don't do it within the next year, he wants to see me again in a year for new xrays.

My grandma's furniture arrived today so I left the house at 5am for work, then downtown to the hospital for my knee appt. and to volunteer about an hour, then to Grandma's and unpacked boxes all afternoon and now tonight about 20 people are coming to my house for a small group we host for our church. I am soooooooo tired I feel drained. To top it off I have a chestcold/cough. I need some rest! none coming tomorrow either. On a positive note, my month long plateau has really busted!! I have lost 6 lbs in 6 days! WOO HOO!!!! That latest fill has really done a good job! No PBing or anything but have super restriction.

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Oh long...sorry to hear about the knee. My mom had to have both of her's redone compeletly. She was so much better after the surgery. But, to be honest the recovery can be pretty hard. But by having lost the weight and going into it as a fitter person, your recovery should be eaiser than what her's was.

Hey....Good job on the lost inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome.

Hey Strike...I can't remember what all you said, but way to go on the 7 pound loss!

Allie, you did the right thing by laying it down for God. He know what is best for us and what we need. I'm sorry for your stress, I will keep you in my prayers. And yes, tell your DD congrats!!!!

Hey Addy, where are you?

Apples, I too have and apple shape and my tummy has always been my largest area. I will be so glad when it's gone.

Well girls tommorow is my birthday, I'll be 37. Birthday's are still hard without my mom. She always had me a cake, and something nice. So it is really hard.

Tommorow is also my weigh in day, wish me luck.


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Allie...I think I missed a post of yours or something. I do remember your post where your boss asked you to go part time. Are you getting laid off because you will not go part time? I admire your attitude about this situation and wish you luck.

Lucy...so sorry you are missing your mom. And,





Long....I might have smacked that dr. A significant amount of weight??????????????? 25lbs?????????? WTH?????????????????

You might notice though with the next 20lbs that you lose, the pain will ease. I didn't think anything would ever help my right knee. But with weight loss came relief. Now I feel nothing. I know xrays show it's shot but there are miracles!

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Good Morning Junies..


I am sorry you are missing your mom, I hope you have a great day!

Long, that sucks about your knee! That doctor is a jackass. (sorry for the language but it was the appropriate word). Congrats on your weight dropping.. that is so awesome! Isn't it funny how sometimes without excercizing it just drops right off but when you are excercizing it stagnates. I think sometimes you need a couple days off to let your body do what it has to. Listen to me, I have been going every day to the gym but I weigh tomorrow so we will see. If it hasn't moved I am not going sat or sun.

Alright so yesterday was quite the stressful day for me. First off my boss said that we needed to come up with a plan. He said he couldn't have me leave (no duh) so we needed to let someone else go or have them go part time. This is where it gets tricky.. the other two options are both not in a position to do either. They are the only bread winners for their families and they would lose their insurance. I just couldn't do that to them. Even without my job we make good money..hubby is retired from the military and has another job as well. So anyway's I told my boss that I would be willing to drop from 40 hours to 32 hours. But I get to pick the day off (friday of course) so as of April 1st I will be working a 4 day work week. I don't use their insurance so it doesn't affect me, I lose money but I let my maid go and with a little belt tightening we can do it. So I guess it worked out. The other crazy thing that happened was my youngest daughter who is 16 we found out is dating a 21 year old! Not only that but last night she told us she was out with a girlfriend and then found out from her sister that she was with this guy and he got arrested last night for having a "bowl" in his car. Our daughter drove his car to the police station and waited for him to be released. Her phone died and she didn't get home until 12:30 last night! These girls WILL be the death of me. This morning I told her she had to stop dating him and she said "Mom I don't want to lie to you but if you say I have to stop dating him, I will just sneak around to see him" uggh.. I appreciate her honesty so where do I go from here. So today we will be having a nice chat with her. I do know I can't forbid her to see him because that will just drive her deeper into his arms. Next year she goes to college and I feel like how much control do I really have of her at this age. I remember my parents couldn't control me.. the more they pushed the harder I fought. Pray for me! :thumbup:

Sorry for the long winded post.. I hope everyone has a great day!

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About to leave to finish unpacking Grandma in her new place. Things have got to calm down soon. Ineed some rest!! I think I am just feeling it so much more with this cold/chest thing going on. As for my knee dr. other than the weight comment, I loved the guy so will stick with him. He's one of the top rated knee surgeons in the area as well. I got to thinking, they say 1 lb of weight is like 4 lbs of pressure on the knees so if I am 25 lbs overweight that is still significant pressure on the knees so I am giving him that benefit of the doubt. Good thing he didn't see me 112 lbs ago!!

Allie, I can so relate to the daughter issues. Our's is 27 and still giving us issues. In fact our issue right now is she's also dating a 21 yr old. We thnk that's just to great of a difference at her age, she wants to settle down and have kids and is a 21 yr old ready to do that?? But he seems like a nice guy so again, am giving him the benefit of the doubt. She has made much worse dating decisions over the years! We forbid our daughter from seeing someone too, or I should say didn't approve, we couldn't forbid as she was 21 but she did exactly as you say, she lied and snuck around. Come to find out they were engaged and all the while we thought she was 'just friends' with him. Really hurt that she did that but on the other hand, I didn't want to condone the relationship either. It's so hard finding that balance. I didn't want to lose my daughter over it and give her an ultimatitum either. Good luck on the scale tomorrow.

Lucy, happy early birthday. Sorry you are missing your mom.

Apples, I am praying for that miracle in my knee!! I believe God can cure it and continue to pray for that. I dont' want another surgery in the near future!

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Hey girls thanks for the birthday wishes.

Well, I just totally feel apart at school today. It actually started last night when I went to bed. The tears started flowing and has not stopped. One of the other teachers actually came and took my class for me and that gave me time to pull it together. It is turning out to be such a hard day.

But, really thank you for the kind words.

On a good note...I lost 2 pounds this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Down to 192!!!


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