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Good beautiful morning Junies.

Ok so I have to tell you girls that you guys really help me! I love how I can come on here and you always make me laugh and brighten up my day.

Katie- congrats!! 90lbs lost woohoo

Long- I hear ya girl.. shopping in a regular store is so exhilerating! I love grabbing clothes and trying them on and they fit! LOVE IT!!

Lucy- I hope you hit onderland today! Take a pic of you in your outfit! I want to see! :eek: I thought it was so funny you wanted your hubby to measure your calves. I know I never even thought about my calves lol.. I have been focusing on my gut! :lol: I wish I had measured before so I could compare but I didn't want to know at the time LOL I just know that I might have needed two measuring tapes lol.

Vz- ok so when I read your post about normal calves being 16-17-1/2 I was drinking coffee at my desk and literally had coffee shoot out my nose I was giggling so hard! That's it! I really think since you, long and I are all really tall we need some strong calves to hold us up or we would tipple over! So woo hoo for my 17" calves. I would hate to always be face down in the ground. I will say it. I am happy I have 17" calves LOLLLL

Army- You rock sister! Basketball! That is amazing! I am super proud of you for joining!

that got me thinking.. I used to love playing softball. Maybe this year I will join a rec league. HMM.. that might be alot of fun!

Alright so I was going to a wls support group every tuesday and was getting squat from it. I was as they called me the super bandster and they were always asking me for advice and so on. Which is great but I needed support not to always be the one giving support. I ended up not going for awhile and just really kept coming here for all my support. Which has been awesome. I did find a new wls support group that meets once a month and I went last night for the first time and it was great! It was a mix of bypass and banders and although I had lost the most as a band patient there were a couple bypass patients that had lost way more than me and they were awesome for advice and support. It's nice to have someone to look to.

On another note. Yesterday was a terrible food day for me. I was craving something bad and made frito lay casserole and flan. I didn't eat alot but still! Oh well.. off to be productive at work. Have a great day Junies! xoxxo

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Good Morning all

Katies ~ Congratulations on hitting 90 pounds! I some how missed you posting that yesterday.

Army ~ good for you joining basketball.

I just yesterday signed up for two fitness classes through our school district. In a few weeks I will start Zumba and a cardio-yoga class. I had never heard of Zumba but they claim you can burn 600-1,000 calories per class working out to Latin music. We'll have to see about that. Then my husband actually wants to take dancing classes. You know that scene in the Steve Martin movie "The Jerk" where he is a poor black child with no rhythm, well that's about how well my husband dances! He is always the big joke at weddings, etc. So we'll see if I am up for the emarassment and I for sure will have to get some steel toed shoes..LOL! Oh well got to give him credit for wanting to actually take dancing lessons. Don't think there are many men out there that would actually want to do so. Any way looking forward to the classes and getting out of the house. I have cabin fever!

Well off to do some job searching. Today is the day I will find a job!

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Mornin' Girls...Everyone having a good day?

Allie...you are also a great support system on this thread....heck...you all are. Everyone here has such a great attitude. Yes, we all have our struggles and post when we have a bad day, etc. But, over all...this group has a very positive way of thinking. There has been great success with our Junies. Just wish there was more participation from some that started off with us from the beginning. Would be fun to talk to some "blasts from the past"!

I really don't have a lot to share at this point as far as what I am eating, etc. I can share my experience during the weight loss process though. Maintenance can be a challenge and hoping that we can all stay in contact for years to come, give each other tips and support. I think the most successful banders are the ones that remember they have that band in their tummy (and yes it helps with hunger at times) but jump in and know that they have work to do. I see it so often with you guys...you take things as they come and work so hard at the same time. Pound after pound after pound. Not even a lot of whining when the plateaus hit. Most of you just state that you know you will eventually break that plateau and you will meet your goal soon. That's the positive outlooks that make you girls so special.....my way of telling you that I love ya!

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Good Morning all

Katies ~ Congratulations on hitting 90 pounds! I some how missed you posting that yesterday.

Army ~ good for you joining basketball.

I just yesterday signed up for two fitness classes through our school district. In a few weeks I will start Zumba and a cardio-yoga class. I had never heard of Zumba but they claim you can burn 600-1,000 calories per class working out to Latin music. We'll have to see about that. Then my husband actually wants to take dancing classes. You know that scene in the Steve Martin movie "The Jerk" where he is a poor black child with no rhythm, well that's about how well my husband dances! He is always the big joke at weddings, etc. So we'll see if I am up for the emarassment and I for sure will have to get some steel toed shoes..LOL! Oh well got to give him credit for wanting to actually take dancing lessons. Don't think there are many men out there that would actually want to do so. Any way looking forward to the classes and getting out of the house. I have cabin fever!

Well off to do some job searching. Today is the day I will find a job!

V...good luck finding that job..have my fingers crossed.

LOL>....my DH is the ORIGINAL "White men can't dance" guy. Love him to death but that would be one thing I would change about him. I love to dance and he will only do it if he has had 12 beers at a wedding dance and it is a "belly rubbing" song. After all those beers he is usually drooling on my shoulder by that time. I caught him paying the Johnson Brothers (5 of them) $5 a dance so they would dance with me at one of those wedding dances. Little did he know...the Johnson Brothers think I am cute. He wouldn't have had to pay them at all. I turned around and collected the $5 back from each of those boys each time I danced with them.

On my own today. DH and DS when on an equipment shopping run to Mason City, IA. Just me and the dog...bonding time.

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Well, today was my weigh in day and I can say that I am firm in the onehundreds. I weighed 197. Last week was 199.5 so I lost 2.5 pounds this past week!!!!!! So now my focus is on the seven pounds and to hit 190!!

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LUCY CONGRATS!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::tt2::thumbup::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::tt2::thumbup:;)

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OK Girls..................time to accept NO MATTER WHAT size calves that you have. You are all complaining and all worried about 17-17.5 inch calves...........I walk around all embarrassed about my 13" chicken leg calves. Are us women EVER satisfied?...I think not. Let's give ourselves some credit and love the bodies we are in. Ever see a Dove commercial? Let's love our bodies like those women do.

Don't get me wrong...I know where everyone is coming from on "imperfections" thing. This is just as much a lecture to myself as it is to all of you. I love my flat ass, my chicken legs, my short waistline, my big boobs and everything else that I will no longer see as an imperfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else willing to jump on my bandwagon and love the body you now have????????

Is obvious that normal is 16-17 1/2...LOL!

All joking aside, Apples is right...Normal is what God gifted us with. And the few of us that measured, we are all lurking around the same weight and close in calve size. So it appears that for our current weight our calve measurements are indeed NORMAL!

This is why I love this place. I come here with serious 'calve issues' and you guys make me feel better and even laugh at myself. Thank you so much. I love that they are normal, and also appreciate them for all the weight they have had to carry for so many years and for hanging in there with me. I heard a WW lecture once upon a time talking about when you get closer to goal and it gets tougher to lose, because until now you've been losing fluff, now all you have left is the 'hard lard'. That would be my calves! They are super hard. And I think another reason I was so senstive about them is because, DH has shared many times that my legs were the first thing he noticed about me many moons ago, so I want those smokin' hot legs back. I know the boobs ain't going back unless they get some surgical lift, but maybe my legs! LOL

Lucy, congrats on Onederland. I am so close I can taste it, yet the scale isn't budging. I've been stuck for almost 2 weeks so any day now!! Also, if I were honest with myself the past couple days my food choices could've been much better.

VZ, good luck on the job search! I recently took a few Zumba classes at my gym. They were fun, I couldn't wiggle and jiggle my butt like that but it was fun trying. I stopped going however as they charged so much for the Zumba classes. All the other aerobic classes were $3, but Zumba was $6 and if I wanted to take more than one a week it added up. Then my friend got this Power90 DVD and we've been doing that as our workout. But it was fun. You'd think they'd give me an employee discount since I worked there, but didn't because Zumba is a licensed product/class and the instructor was contracted and paid according to the number in her class.

Army, congrats on signing up for the bball. What an awesome workout you are going to get and have fun doing it.

Allie, my support group is kindda like that too. It's gotten to the point now that it's not as supportive and I'm almost afraid to say what I've lost. There's some comments made and what not. This is a group of band and bypass and deep down the part I get the biggest chuckle out of is when I've lost more than some bypass. See when I started this group 2 days before my surgery, the bypass folks all bashed the band, saying how bypass was better, they'd never get the band as you lose too slow etc. and now I've surpassed a couple of those same folks! I know that's mean spirited in me, but they almost had me convinced to cancel my surgery. I'm so glad I didn't listen to those old gals though. And one of them is now our leader, which makes it tougher to go.

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Long.. that is the same thing that keeps happening to me. I was almost embaressed to say how much I had lost because some people would like glare at me! I had lost the most in my support group and was a relative newbie so they aren't the happiest with me. But then I hear them bitching because they aren't losing weight but keep talking about how they can eat a 12" sub! It's like what the heck, you want to know why you aren't losing start tracking what your eating. It's crazy they think the bypass or the band will make them magically thin!

Ok enough of my rant. LOL. It just really made me so frustrated to pay to go to a support group and that is the kind of crap I listened to every Tuesday night!

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Exactly, Allie!! I think sometimes it's easier to bring down another than it is to examine oneself to see how to improve. One of the things we talked about this week was eating out. When I said I ate out a lot and worked it out, one just rolled her eyes as she was saying how you can't eat out after WLS. My husband came to that meeting with me and was funny, he said I wish I could keep her home. Now that she's lost weight she is so much more outgoing and wants to go out all the time. Hubby is a real homebody most of the time, but is a trooper. But for many of their negative "I can't" comments I said how I was and they didn't like it. I was more vocal at this last one as one gal there was new and pre op and I was so afraid they were scaring her away like they almost did me. And, yes, I have talked to the person in charge of support groups and vented my grievances.

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I too eat out probably 3 times a week. I love going out now. I just eat either a little off of hubby's plate or get an app.

I talked the the facilitator and she was very helpful but it just wasn't getting better so I just found a new group. I am hoping this one is better, if last night was any indication it is going to be a huge improvement!

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Darned friends anyway! Just got home and on the go again. A friend needs to get away...MIL died last week and needs a break from it all. Heading to a casino a couple of hours away from here and will be staying over night in the hotel there. Hey.........I'm always good to go on a girl's trip. Bye Bye till we talk again! Everyone have a great evening!!!!!

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Well good thing I set a positive attitude today about finding a job, I actually got 2 calls today for interviews. I tell ya it get's so discouraging when you get no calls for several days...it's kind of like when you hit that weight loss plateau. Any way you really start to feel worthless that all these years of working and the career that I had meant nothing. So any way, it was a real morale booster to get those calls today, even if I don't end up getting the jobs. Celebrating with a splash of Kahlua in my afternoon coffee!

Have fun at the casino Apples!

Allie & Long ~ I agree it makes all the difference to find a good support group.

Long ~ I'll have to check out that power90 dvd. My Zumba classes end up only being about $3.50 per class...so not too bad.

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Way to go V!!!!!!!!!! Way to get the call backs!!

Long and Allie...I can hardly bring myself to go to support meetings. I get the stares...etc. I can't help if some of them are buying gallons of ice cream and eating all slider foods. Banded two years ago and they still gripe that the band is not working for them. Such a downer sometimes. Just because I am at goal,that does not mean that I don't need support also. Reminds me of when I was 15# overweight about 25 years ago and went to WW. Me and my friend basically got booed out of the room. Not heavy enough. Oh well, sometimes you just have to do what works for YOU and not worry about snide comments, the looks, etc. That's why I like you girls. We all know what the other is going through and support each other. I can only encourage everyone..not tear them down.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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