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I know what you guys mean. I hovered at 203-205 for like 4 wks. It was driving me crazy. I actually started about 2 weeks ago doing a dance class and I've really been trying to work with my diet. What I've noticed is, I have a tendency not to eat enough food. Once I bump it up, I start to lose weight again. So, this past week, I went all out to get in my Protein so I could convince my body that I was indeed not STARVING so it could let go of the extra fat.

I am pulling for you guys. Keep me posted on Onederland

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Hey you gorgeous thin Junies! Well, I am back to my old self.. actually close to my old self.. lol. Except for the piece of lemon meringue pie I had for lunch I am doing much better :( .

Apples, gosh I wish I was going with you! Have a safe and fun trip. It is 3 degrees and snowing here. ;(

VZ- I have been praying for you and I really hope you find a great job soon. I believe everything happens for a reason and my last job I got laid off from brought me to a much better job. I hope that happens for you as well.

Long, girl I am so glad you are losing, I unfortunately am not. It is so cold all I want to do is hibernate. Excercize is like a naughty word to me right now and not the kind of naughty that inspires me ;) I also get that question, your done losing right? lol.. it's because we are tall, it makes us look thinner even though like you I still view myself as huge. It sucks that I will never wear a size 8 since my bones aren't even a size 8 I think I might be able to be a 10 but I doubt it.

Addy, keep up the good work!!!

Where the heck is Strike I miss her???

Living 4 Jesus, I am so close to onderland but it seems so far away since I have slowed to a crawl. Great Job!

Have a great day!!

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Oh and Lucy, grey hair is beautiful.. I have no idea what color my hair is now since I have been dying it blonde since I was 16. In my mind I have NO grey hair but in reality I betcha I do. ;)

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I've wrestled with the thought of going grey myself. I have very dark brown hair so it is very noticeable and have dyed it for 20 yrs almost. I think it is the pretty grey I like but am so afraid of it aging me especially now that I hav a few wrinkles in my face and neck from the weight loss. I say now when I become Grandma I will.

Allie, I am not losing now. I seem to lose a couple pounds a month now and they usually all disappear in a weekend, then am stuck the rest of the month. I thought when I set a goal of reaching 100 lbs lost by Valentines day I was giving myself plenty of time, considering where I was but now have my druthers whether I really will. I have a month to lose 5 lbs.

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I've wrestled with the thought of going grey myself. I have very dark brown hair so it is very noticeable and have dyed it for 20 yrs almost. I think it is the pretty grey I like but am so afraid of it aging me especially now that I hav a few wrinkles in my face and neck from the weight loss. I say now when I become Grandma I will.

Allie, I am not losing now. I seem to lose a couple pounds a month now and they usually all disappear in a weekend, then am stuck the rest of the month. I thought when I set a goal of reaching 100 lbs lost by Valentines day I was giving myself plenty of time, considering where I was but now have my druthers whether I really will. I have a month to lose 5 lbs.

Good Evening my fellow Junies.

Long...I have dyed my hair for 28 years. I grew up with almost black hair and after a botched gallbladder surgery (over a month in hospital) I came out of it with turning white almost over night. I have talked about letting it go. I would if I could be guaranteed that it would be a nice pretty white. As far as the facial wrinkles...I am now noticing that things have tightened up in that dept. Will never be 100% but much better.

Long trip for us....long story but only got less than 2 hours sleep the night b/4 flying. Slept good last night though. Cold here but enjoying our time at the cabin. Ventured out to a couple of surrounding towns today. We are goers so will most likely do something each day. Cold should move out of here by weekend. 30 degrees here this morning and expected again over night....60 today. Better than MN though!

We do get wireless from our cabin. Will try to check in with my June friends once a day. I have caught up on the posts but now cannot remember what I was going to say to each of you...

Allie...so happy you are feeling better. You got quite the kick in the pants. Shows that you are a strong person that you have turned it all around in a short period of time. They can't take that away from you! Hang in there, girl.

Well, this old lady is going to bed. Will catch up with you tomorrow. Take care.

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Hey ladies,

Apples, so glad you had a safe trip, something about flying just wears one out. Glad your having fun!! Hey, did you notice if flying affected the tightness of your band? I have seen other post about that.

Addy, hope you get to color your hair soon. BTW, I never had any Hair loss. I hope I don't. I do get in plenty of protien so I hope that helps.

My mom had really pretty silver hair. So I feel like I will be able to pull of the silver hair. But ladies, I'm not ready yet...I'm only 36 and my girls are 4 and 2...so no I'm not ready to committ!

Hey Allie, so sorry your bones won't allow you to be a size 8, that was funny!! I had a friend who was just a big girl. She lost about 100 pounds, but she was still a very big girl. Tall, big boned, and big feet. But still beautiful, just like you.

Susan, congrats on making it to onederland, I bet that feel awesome.

Okay ladies, I am also sooooo close to onederland. I am 5 pounds away. I mean really, I can see it. We need to just buckle down and do this. Knock out the 200's and never look back!!!!!!

I have been working out with my trainer and I feel so good. I came home and cleaned my house without even making myself. I love it when my house is clean because that makes me so happy and you know the saying, if momma aint happy...

God Bless and have a good night.



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Hey guys! We'll it's 12:45 and I can't sleep...it's completely ridiculous, but I have a fill tomorrow and I'm anxious about it. I didn't know what to do, so I cut the computer on and came here. I've had two fills since June and have almost passed out at both of them. I'm not sure what it is that's the issue, needles really don't normally bother me. It hurts though. I have a doctor doing it tomorrow. I've had the nurse practitioner do it the last two times. I need one so bad. I'm the most hungry I've been in 6 months and the scales aren't moving. I've been stuck at 92 pounds since 4 days after Christmas...this is crazy! I've even been exercising!! Ok, I might go take something to help me sleep. I'm sure I sound like a big baby, but I just wish it was this time tomorrow :wink: Thanks for listening! Have a good Friday everyone!!

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Good morning Junies.. It is -12 degrees here in Connecticut and I am freezing!

Apples, I am glad you made it safe and sound! I was thinking about you when I heard about the plane landing in the Hudson River. I hope you have fun!

Long, Sorry sweets I thought I saw your ticker move. We both have that same goal for 100 by Valentines. I am getting a fill on the 26th so I am hoping that does it! My doc requires us to do 2 full days of liquids then 2 days of mushies after every fill and that is where I lose the bulk of my weight.

Lucy, You are such a sweetie! I am tall, big boned and have size 10 feet (used to be 11) but lost weight in my feet. (tragedy having to buy new shoes :crying: )

I teach, I hope your fill goes well today. I wonder why you have such problems with it? Do that have to stick you mulitple times? That is what happens every time to me. My port is a little turned. They even pull out the port finder when they miss it 2 or 3 times :wink: but it is worth it to lose the weight.

Have a wonderful Friday and I am going to TRY and stay away from the wine this weekend. :yikes:

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Ok, so it really wasn't bad at all. My doctor was actually the one who did it and he didn't have to dig at all to find my port like they usually do. He will be the only one who does my fills from now on! All that worrying for nothing :yikes: Now at least I know why people don't mind them!! Have a great weekend everyone!

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Allie, I can so relate to the big boned body. I don't think my skeleton could ever be smaller than a possible 10. Though I am getting hopeful with my new size 12 jeans but I am convinced they were mismarked or ran big as I have another size 12 that I can't even pull over my butt. My feet were 11's too and have shrunk a little but not enough. I also have 'cankles' so don't know how dainty my feet will ever look.

Teach, so glad the fill went well. Mine have always been a breeze, so guess I am lucky. I've not had one since early Dec. and don't think I am in need of one for awhile yet. Of course, now that they are free, I don't need one. They will give me free fills for all my volunteering at the hospital in the bariatric program.

I am sitting here enjoying the spring like temperatures. We had 63 today and they expect 60's through about Wed. next week, even heard 'record warmth' mentioned on the news. Gotta love it after the deep chill we had. Of course, all this does is give me spring fever and I know I have a long ways to go. march, historically is our snowiest month.

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Hello from the beautiful Ocala National Forest. All I can say is that we are having a WONDERFUL vacation. Just a lot of driving around...not touristy things...doing museums, etc. Stopped at this rustic cute bar...Cactus Jacks on our way home from museum today. Had one and visited with the locals.

Lucy...you asked about flying and the effect on the band. I tighten up when I fly. Actually pretty extreme. I have never felt my band except for when I fly. It takes two to three days for me to feel normal again. Last time I flew I dropped 12lbs in a week. I was very careful this time and ate high calorie soft foods two days b/4 flying and the last couple of days. (I'm a little below goal so don't have to worry about the calories right now). It's OK but just don't want to ruin our vacation by feeling spent. Hard to believe we still have a month of vacation remaining at this beautiful place.

Iteach....Do never try to explain yourself when you are worried about something like a fill. I almost made myself sick worrying over my first one. I have no fear of needles but I was convinced that I would be the ONE where the doc would not find my port. Each of us has different experiences when it comes to fills. Mine actually (have only had two) have been easy experiences. But, I have heard of situations like yours where a person almost passed out. I truly believe it's not your fault but how the doc/nurse goes about it. Happy to hear it's over with and it went OK. Hoping this fill does the trick for you.

Allie....so cute you worried about me when it came to the Hudson accident. I was in a panic cuz didn't hear right away where the plane originated from and thought of my son who is a commerical pilot and is an independent contractor and flys out of a lot of different airports. Yep...we are safe, thank you very much. Love ya for thinking of me though!

Long...size of your bones don't matter. It's about the body you have on those bones. I feel inadequate because I am small boned. Go figure. Wish I had some hips and a badonkeedonk butt. But, God gave me a long lanky build and I promised myself that I would be happy with what I have...

Well, DH is snoring on the couch...I drove him home from after his two beers. One does it for me after the band.

Time to make some popcorn and wake him up. You all take care. Will check in tomorrow. Life is good

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Hi all!,

I just love getting on here, I cannot believe I am fixing to admit this, but ladies, those 9lbs (to the hair dye:thumbup:) are to onederland. I am sooooo close, and it is just hanging there. I want to see the one's so bad!!! I haven't told anyone :) I just say 9lbs to a new goal.

apples, trip sounds great, so glad it is going good.

Susan - wooo hooo! Congrats

I am like all the rest of you "big" girls. I look alot smaller than I actually am. I have had several people say "how did you get surgery??" If they only knew what my BMI was :(. I also wear a size 10 shoe, grew up with a 9 narrow, but I don't see that ever happening again.

I went out walking this morning 29Degrees:scared2:, I had two coats on, scarf, and gloves. I could only walk for 30 min. I wanted to walk for an hour, but the wind chill was bad, yes I admit I am a weinie when it comes to cold. I am going to try and bike for 30 min. in a little while. I am trying to clean this office up, ahhhhhh!!! to much paper.

I hope you all have a great weekend, try to stay warm, like apples :)



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Okay, that's it..I'm booking a flight in the morning. Oh, just kidding!!! Apples, I'm glad you and DH is having a good time. God Bless you.

Well Long, I agree with Addy it is coooold here in Arkansas. Down in the 20's and that is hard on us Southern gals. I had an SIL move to AR from CO a few years ago. Well we are known for our humidity and if you are not used to it, it can make your life miserable. Anyway, she could not breathe and could not go outside all summer. I for one enjoy the heat and don't mind the humidity...I like to think it keeps my skin soft and subtle :( My skin gets dry in the winter, but never in the summer.

So yes, I agree 60's sound wonderful!!

Hey Addy, glad your so close. My husband and I just agreed to a race to see who could get to below 200 first. He is 215, I really want to beat him!!!

Well lets see, bone structure. I guess I would medium. I have never considered myself small. I am 5'4 and wore a size 7 shoe most of my life. When I got pregnant and gained a lot of weight my shoe size went up to an 8.

Hey teach, glad your fill went well. They are never pleasant but bearable.

Allie, are you still doing the bartending? How is that going, that could be a lot of fun. And yes, stay away from the wine, we don't want to start talking behind your back about your little "problem" Just kidding, just kidding. But since you mentioned it, I may have to have a small glass in just a minute. My kids have taken my last nerve and jumped up and down, up and down all over it.

Hope everyone has a great and Blessed weekend.


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hello everyone! i've been lurking but haven't said too much because i've been discouraged. haven't lost anything since about october. haven't gained either. been working out like crazy. eating was iffy but not really bad over the holidays and better now.

the fill i got in october triggered acid reflux (which i have had but was under control for a very long time) so i had an 'unfill' (just what they put in that time -they took it out). have had only 1 fill since and that one had to be taken back out too. had an upper GI test this week. acid reflux for sure but i'm not sure of an ulcer. will find out. either way, i'm on medicine for it and the worst of it feels much better.

my husband and i are doing our own exercise challenged (like the nike+ sort of). 365 miles each - 1 mile a day minimum for the whole year! i'm keeping track. sometimes we do 2 or 3 miles so we can be ahead sometimes then behind sometimes but it must add up to 365 miles each or more when we are done. it's a good motivator to move every day!

sounds like many of us are hovering around a few lbs on the scale. i seem to stay in the same 4 lb range. i did go down .5 below my lowest but it's back up a little. i don't count the ups unless they go > 5 and that hasn't happened! i just count it when it goes down.. which has been a while!

since i'm on the new dose of medicine, i feel full all the time. it's weird. good i think but also strange. i was snacking all day because of the acid feeling and i know that wasn't good.

anyway, don't mean to be discouraging - just saying hello!

for those of you in the cold - like me! - keep WARM! we are planning where to go for vacation this year - can't wait!

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Grey - hang in there. Hopefully you will be able to get the acid reflux under control and then the weight may come off again.

I lose in the week after a fill and that is about it but I am doing well enough to suitme so far though I have been thinking of gearing up to lose this 12 pounds I have to go until onederland.

I have had good and bad fills depending on who does it.

I am also big boned and 5'7" with size 10W feet. Maybe I will lose the wide part, that would be nice as it is harder to find shoes in wide sizes.

I am going out for a nice dinner tonight to Celebrate my birthday early. I figure we can afford the nicer restaurants now since we can share one meal. I am looking forward to it.

You guys take care-

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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