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hi everyone!

allie, i went thru some counseling for trust issues (to handle betrayal by a few friends over the years). finally, it was that AND my dog that pulled me out of it mostly. but i still find myself hanging back with women friends. takes time i guess. my best friend who was killed would definately still be my best girl friend now if she were alive. we were best friends for 12 years. i still have her with me in spirit and her young daughter and i talk sometimes (she lives in another state). it makes me feel better knowing her daughter is here on this earth - part of her. sorry about your betrayals - it's hard to take isn't it?

welcome katies! sounds like we've all had something to break our trust in our lives to get thru.

strike, hope you have a good shopping day tomorrow! i too can't wait to get into the VS store. i don't know if i'm ready yet size-wise. but i haven't looked there in years!

hi apples! and where is cathychatts?

ok, i did mostly well today with the thanksgiving feast of goodies BUT i did get stuck on turkey tonight. thankfully on a small bit of leftovers and not earlier at my sister's house where i thought i made smart choices and paced myself! not sure why a small bit got me but it was white meat and must have been too dry. i slimed and it really hurt. i put applesauce on it but that didn't matter. oh well. we did go to the gym this morning and i'm proud of that! wouldn't have done that last year that's for sure.

threw out a pie we had here after my husband and i agreed we didn't want more tomorrow. hate to waste the food but had to get it out of here.

hope you all had an 'uneventful' day with your bands! i am thankful that i am well past surgery now when last year at this time i was uncomfortable and upset not knowing when or if i'd have surgery. i feel stronger, smaller, healthier and NORMAL for a change. anyone else feel that - just plain 'normal'? i feel good moving around - just walking - feeling my muscles move and all. i feel like a normal person now - not an invisible one. not slim/trim yet but at least normal. weird observation i guess - but true.

take care!

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful day! It amazes me how many of us have been through similiar situations.. I didn't realize how much I missed having support from women until now. Thank you everyone for helping to fill the void I had. I used to fill it with food but now I come on here and chat with you..lol.. so you guys are my indulgence :blush: I had a great Thanksgiving.. I ate a little bit of everything and really chewed and ate super slow. It was fantastic. I lost another pound and I really think I wasn't eating enough calories and my body was in starvation mode. I ate more calories and lost! So weird. Katie welcome to the club! LOL..

I am also going shopping in the morning and plan on hitting victoria's secret early! They usually give a free (really nice) bag with perfume and makeup for free with like a 60 dollar purchase.. I go there every black friday just because I love the free bags.. but this year I get to buy stuff for me!!! :)

Strike, Apples and Grey.. thanks for always being on here!! I love seeing what you guys are up to and really look forward to your posts....

Gobble Gobble~

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Hi guys,

I think I did ok with Thanksgiving dinner. Ate small portions and my girls were supportive...didn't think it was wierd that I was using a small plate. They haven't said it but I think they are proud of me.

Today we went to Victoria's Secret and I learned my oldest who I think is skinny wears the same size undies as I do..large! lol My younger daughter is in medium and I indulged all of us by buying a bunch of cute new undies. I wanted to try on their new bio bra (not sure of the name but its new there) but there was lots of people in the store and no sales girl ready to get me the right size so I thought I would wait till I go back when they arent so busy (and maybe when I can get a smaller size...). We had lunch together (subway mini roast beef for me and I threw out half the bread and the tomatoes that were more pink than red, eww. Did more shopping and I think I got the girls all they are getting this year. It was a good day. Not gonna weigh now till monday.

Tomorrow we go to the storage unit to pull out all the Christmas boxes and start decorating the house. I went to Hobby Lobby gawd I love that place! and got some xmas stockings for a few people and an ornament for each family member and some gift bags. Guess I am getting in the Christmas mood. Hope all is well with you all. I kinda like this Junies support group we have!

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Hey strike!! I am so glad you had a nice visit with your girls! I also was at Vickie's and purhcased some cute panties size (L) soo happy!!! I love christmas and we are putting our lights up tomorrow. Once I dig out those christmas boxes watch out.. my girls call me a christmas nazi because I am a freak about getting it all out and making sure it looks good. What the heck is a Hobby Lobby?? I have never heard of that. I have eaten more than I should have.. we got up at 3:30 a.m. shopped till about 10 came home, had a salad plate of leftovers woke up at around 2 and had a mini slice of pie and some green bean casserole then around 7 had another plate of leftovers.. went to the casino (mohegan sun) now I am home and it is 10 and i could either have another plate or a piece of pie.. Gosh I love love love thanksgiving food. eekk... I am going for the pie.. pumpkin no crust but with homemade whipped cream.. I hope everyone has a great night..

Strike I too enjoy our junie support group!!!! xoxo

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Hi all you skinny June bugs!

I haven't been too good about posting lately, seems when I start to post the site blinks or a student needs help. and some days I am Just lazy! :sad:

I do read the post and keep up with all of the June bugs! :)

Wow, I am impressed with all the weight loss!

Strike, Apples, Grey, Allie, Katies and Long Thanks for keeping the home fires going on the June threads!! I will be better! I know that Santa is watching! I wonder if he has ever considered a band? :wub:

I am doing great. I had transobturator taping surgery 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to exercise. (in case you are wondering that is the sling they put under your uretha to stop urine leakage.) I can now sneeze and laugh and cough without having to change my pants. :blush:

I decided it was worth it and the doc said the weight loss had done its share of correction, that it wouldn't get much better so I decided to go ahead with the TOT surgery. Glad it is behind me and happy to say it is working!:wink2:

I am getting ready to decorate my house for Christmas. I have worked hard this fall painting every room and re-decorating! It looks great! It makes me feel so good to have the house all pretty and to have myself back on the healthy road! :wink:

I go back to the doc on the 5th and not sure if I need another fill or not. I can eat most things, but avoid starch. Oh, I do PB with rice :) and I love Thai food. Oh well!

I am going to get moving today and spread the Christmas cheer around my house!

It is so good to hear from all of you and I will be sure to post more! I promise!:)

Keep up the good work! :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome to the club! I'm still angry and hurt, however, I will not let it derail me from my goal. Six months ago it would have sent me running to Ben & Jerry's for some NY Fudge Brownie Ice Cream. Not any more!! It has only made me more determined to get to my goal weight and live the best life possible. I'm glad people are still here posting after all this time. I did not post much but I do read them daily. It is so helpful to have others going through the same process at the same time as you. Does anyone attend outside support groups? I still go to mine every month, they also have them weekly but I just do the monthly meeting, they are an hour away and it makes for a really long workday. I wish Snuffy was still here, I really liked seeing that spreadsheet change. I often wonder how the other Jazzy Junes are doing that don't seem to post any more. I hope everyone is having much success!

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Katie, I hear you on the running to ben and jerry's mine would have been dairy queen though..lol.. I attend a weekly support group.. It has been helpful although most people in my group are struggling to lose weight, all have been banded in either jan, march or april and the most anyone has lost is 30 pounds. I feel bad and they ask me every week how much I have lost. On one hand it pushes me to lose weight and on the other it makes me feel bad because I know they are upset they are not losing as fast. They call me the super bandster. I don't feel super especially since I can't stay away from the leftovers.. :thumbup:

Cathy it's good to see you back.. I am glad your surgery went well and that you can sneeze, laugh and cough freely.. :wink2:

I am going to get back on track tomorrow.. My sister and nephew are visiting from florida and we are going out to dinner tonight so instead of trying to get back on track today and failing I am just doing it tomorrow. Have a great Saturday!!!!

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Allie, Hobby Lobby is a huge craft store. Its got everything from sewing to any other craft you can imagine and a ton of home decor. I love that place.

Today we have been unpacking all the Christmas boxes and putting up the tree. And watching the Kansas Missouri game..Mizzou just scored a TD so now finally we are ahead. Hope we win.

Glad to see you back, Cathy. We sure have missed you. Hope you are recovering ok from your surgery. Was it as bad as banding (pain and recovering)?

I think I made a mistake getting some plug in cinnamon scented room deodorizers. Thought it would be helping to get in the christmas mood but its making me sooooo hungry! I made a bunch of Cookies for the girls and whats still left, I have been munching all afternoon! Anyone ever PB on a cookie??? I doubt thats possible, lol but I gotta stop that.

Its really hard to stay on track during the holidays. Lets not beat ourselves up over it, all we can do is try for moderation. I feel like I have been cheating the last few days, and maybe I do need another fill, but I have not gained, just staying the same. I am gonna try not to stress over it till after christmas and if I am not losing by then, I will go get another fill.

Hang in there ladies, we can do this! Gotta get back to the game, it sounds like a frenzy in there so I hope its good for my team!

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It's been a while....but I'm still here!!!

I've never PB'd on a cookie but I nearly have on a muffin!!

I flew over to Boston a couple of weekends ago to visit friends. Whilst out shopping we stopped for a coffee. I decided to treat myself to a pumpkin muffin. Well it took me about 4 hours to eat half of it!!! I wasn't going to give up on it though lol

It was on my friends kitchen table and I kept having a nibble. But onlt til my friends husband came home from work , saw it was a nearly finished muffin in a dunkin donuts bag....and threw it in the bin!!!

I was mortified lol

But good really cos it would probably have taken me another 3 hours to finish it!!!


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Strike.. hobby lobby sounds fun. I love love crafts. I hate when I wait to eat and I end up starving and I eat to quickly. I hate that stuck feeling so much. My sister and nephew left this morning (we had to leave the house at 3:30 a.m.) and hubby and I came back home at 5:30 am and went back to bed till 9 am woke up to our first dusting of snow! I am so glad he put up the christmas lights yesterday. We went to the movies and saw four christmas's it was really funny!

Aj what a chilly time to go to boston! I live about an hour and a half away and I love boston! But I only go in the spring and summer because I love walking around. We are also a hour and a half away from new york as well so I get the best of both worlds. My hubby is a huge Yankee fan so we hit the games quite a few times.

I am going to go through all the christmas stuff I bought to be sure i bought equal stuff for my girls.. I way overdid it this year. I have a few friends who were laid off so I am taking over the role of santa for their kids. So I don't feel so bad overdoing it. Have a great day!

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Aj what a chilly time to go to boston! I live about an hour and a half away and I love boston! But I only go in the spring and summer because I love walking around. We are also a hour and a half away from new york as well so I get the best of both worlds. My hubby is a huge Yankee fan so we hit the games quite a few times.

It was warmer than here lol

It wasn't actually Boston....My friends live in Hope Valley, Rhode Island. But we were close enough to check out Boston. They used to live near NY.....so visited there a good few times too

Amanda :cursing:

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Hey Cathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About time you showed yourself around here again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having a hard time remembering WHO started this thread. Oh yeah...YOU! LOL

Sounds like you have had your share of keeping busy. I, too, am getting the house ready for Christmas. I am OC when it comes to decorating for the holidays. Love, love, love it.

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Cathy...by the way...now not driving to FL. Going to fly. Main reason being is that we will only spend a little over a month there instead of two. My son moved from FL to Atlanta last week. We are just going to rent a car for a month and drive the 8 hours a couple of times to go see him. (We didn't want to spend our entire 2 months on the road!) So, will not be traveling thru TN. Maybe next year. Gotta see where we pick our vacation spot for next year. Not sure if it will be FL.

Long will be down visiting her folks the same time we are there. Going to try really hard to be able to meet up with her. I was looking forward to meeting you. Darn!!!!

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Wow the June bugs were busy over the holiday weekend! I just got back from our trip to S dakota. It was a long drive today, the wind was fierce on I-80 through NE. I did great food wise. Had a few 'cheats' but not much . Everyone really noticed my weight loss so that was great. I walked lots of fields and last year couldn't do that at all.

A few notes to catch up on my reading:


Friends - been hurt badly as well and have a hard time trusting and reaching out. Tend not to reach out so i can't be rejected.

SuperBandster - been called that too. It sometimes makes me feel guilty or like I am bragging when I give my loss etc. but heck I deserve to be happy and excited about it too!

Haven't weighed yet so have no idea if I gained or lost. Isure hope I lost!!

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Hey everyone! It's so great to get on here and read everyone's successes! Thanksgiving was great. I hit 85 pounds lost on Friday morning (can I just say that I have NEVER lost weight after Thanksgiving in my life!!!!). I just love my band! I enjoyed myself but ate small portions. I even had a small piece of dessert. I can't believe December 1st is tomorrow. It's been almost 6 months since I made the best decision ever...wow, how time flies! I hope everyone has a great week!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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