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I hit 80 lbs on Friday!! WOO HOO!!! And Saturday I left for a quick jaunt to Vermont. I am on a Quest to get to all 50 states so we flew to Vermont for the night and had dinner. I wanted to do 50 by 50 (yrs old) but refused to fly (I fly free) because of panicking about seatbelts fitting, middle seats (I go standby and many times it's a middle) at my highest weight. So now my goal is to do 50 during 50! I want to finish them by May and I have 4 states left. It was so freeing to me to find out on this trip that I have no worries about seat belts anymore they all had big tabs left over, the armrest stays down, my butt doesn't squish under it and push it up. I didn't get the look of dread when I sat next to someone, etc. etc. I am starting to feel 'normal'. I am not a normal BMI, far from it yet but am in 'normal' size clothes, and can sit in 'normal' seats w/o a problem.

Allie, Enjoy that mountain. I live in CO and this summer we took a drive over Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mtn Nat'l Park at the summit is this staircase up to the top of the mountain (it's about 13,000 feet). My goal is next summer to climb that staircase.

Strike, I really don't track my calories much anymore so can't give an answer on calories, but when I did it was about 700-900 a day. I try to focus more on 'the rules' eating 4 oz of Protein, don't eat for 2 to 3 hours, etc.

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Hi Junies,

Hope all are doing well. Today I lost another pound and decided to measure everything. I have lost 14 inches overall since june! Just when I sort of give up on my plateau and pig out one day somehow I lose a pound the next day! I can't figure it out. Someone wrote in here somewhere that they stop losing if their calories drop below 1000, or 1500 or something. I have kept mine between 700 - 1000 and I am a slow loser. When I go over 1000, i am usually cheating. So tell me, what works for you guys? I hate to bring the calories up regularly because in my mind, that means I am eating too much and I will gain. Its frustrating trying to train your mind and your body! I dug out the elliptical from storage now that its colder and its dark when I get home. Going to add in exercise in the evening and see what that does.

Come in and post, Junies. I miss y'all. How do you all like the new format? It took me a while to locate my subscrbed threads again but I did. If you haven't figured it out, its under links on the main page. Keep on losing!

Hi Strike, Good to see you back and posting. I usually don't count my calories but check once in awhile just to make sure I am getting what I should. My doc insists on 600 cal a day but that's not going to work for me. I made goal about a month ago and I am 5# below goal and want to get back to where I should be. I know I need at least 1000 cals (I'm very active) so defied doc's orders and throw in a couple of healthy Snacks so that I can maintain the weight I want to be at. Nuts and soynuts help me to add the needed cals besides the 3 1/2 cup meals per day.

How are all the rest of the June Bandsters? Was MIA over the weekend. Went to a casino with a bunch of girlfriends and stayed the night. Was a great time. My husband is so understanding and actually encourages me to go on trips with friends. I obey him and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't have to say it twice.:eek:

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long!!! Congrats on the 80 pounds lost!!! I love your goal of 50 by 50.. I think I will do that as well.. I have only been to probably 10 so I have my work cut out for me.. but i have twelve years to do it! The climb was challenging.. I loved it.. i ate a couple of bites of Cereal before we went up and that was a mistake.. I spit the whole way up the mountain..lol.. but I made it!

Apples.. what casino did you go to? I live in gales ferry smack in between foxwoods and mohegan sun. I keep meaning to ask you.. did you lose all your weight since surgery or had you lost some before? I am impressed! I was hoping to lose 100 by christmas but at the plateaus I keep hitting doesn't seem likely.. but I am still going to try..

I hope everyone has a great day and keep up the great work! xoxo

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long!!! Congrats on the 80 pounds lost!!! I love your goal of 50 by 50.. I think I will do that as well.. I have only been to probably 10 so I have my work cut out for me.. but i have twelve years to do it! The climb was challenging.. I loved it.. i ate a couple of bites of Cereal before we went up and that was a mistake.. I spit the whole way up the mountain..lol.. but I made it!

Apples.. what casino did you go to? I live in gales ferry smack in between foxwoods and mohegan sun. I keep meaning to ask you.. did you lose all your weight since surgery or had you lost some before? I am impressed! I was hoping to lose 100 by christmas but at the plateaus I keep hitting doesn't seem likely.. but I am still going to try..

I hope everyone has a great day and keep up the great work! xoxo

Allie...I lost over 50# b/4 band and the rest after. I started last Nov when I was on my 6 mo med supervised diet. I am happy I did it that way. I think I had an easier time adjusting after surgery.

I live in MN and went to a casino on the Western side of the state. I am heading to Las Vegas the end of March for a 50th birthday trip for one of my friend. I have been going to Vegas every year for 16 years (except last yr) with a bunch of friends. Always a fun time. This next March will be a new group of friends.

We had an exciting evening. We farm and are in the middle of corn harvest. We have dryer bins that take the moisture out of the corn. I was just heading to bed about 10pm and decided to have a cup of tea first. Good thing I did. Looked out the window and one of the dryer bins was flaming. Called 911. We live 15 miles from the closest fire station. DH flew out of his recliner, ran out to bins, turned off gas. We lost a dryer but could have lost so much more. Happy 29th Anniversary to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Allie, Congrats on making it up that mountain!! I wanted to hit 100 by Christmas too but think it will be more like by Valentines. I have 20 to go in just over a month, don't think so but will keep vigilant and see what happens. As for casinos we have some in Blackhawk which is in the mountains about about a 90 min beautiful drive it's fun to go to sometimes.

Apples, Whew, glad you caught that fire. My husband's family is from the farm in SD and think he is getting in some corn now too but he also likes to leave some for pheasant hunting. he has lots of hunters that pay to come hunt every fall. We are going back there for Thanksgiving the whole extended family. This year I will be in much better shape if I want to trek around the corn fields with them. I am so not into hunting but love to watch the dogs. I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the whole group there will be 26-29 of us. YIKES! That's family and about 6 hunters that pay to be there for the hunt. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! We've been married 29 yrs too, 30 in April.

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Apples.. sorry about the fire.. thank god you caught it!

apples and long.. Congrats on 29 years woo hoo.. I will be married 18 years next month.

Long.. I am thinking valentines now as well.. it is getting sooo hard lately.. I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds.. bahhh.. I hate hate hate plateaus.. I hate hate hate having to work harder to lose weight..lol.. I wish I had excercized harder at the beginning when it was flying off.. i am happy with my weight loss so far.. just bitching like always..lol.. It's funny how I think I will wake up one morning and the fat will all be gone.. I know it will eventually happen I just want it to happen tomorrow! I definetly have no patience for this. We are going to virginia to see my hubbys parents for xmas and my mother in law is very judgemental... at our last visit last year she said to me.. "my aren't you getting heavy.. don't you think you should lose weight" (by the way she is heavy herself) .. I thought i looked decent guess not.. I am hoping she notices the change but I am sure knowing her she won't say anything.. alright enough of my moaning..

have a great terrific day Junies

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Allie, I think your MIL is my mother! LOL SHe just visited and had no idea before she came about my surgery. She isn't the most supportive but she wasn't negative either so that was a plus. I think it is going to be really hard to hit that 100 during the holidays so I am shooting for 90 by the end of the year. That gives me about 6 weeks to lose 10 lbs. I have slowed alot lately too. I got so spoiled losing so fast that I get impatient now. I probably need to stop weighing myself every day but for so long it was so fun as it was down all the time. I do need to up the exercise, I've been working out sporadically and if I added some consistency and intensity, I am sure that would help.

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Hi everyone

I haven't been on since the end of August and finally sat down today to catch up. I don't work during the summer so I was on all the time and then school started and I was planning my wedding and ever got around to logging on. Now that the wedding is over :-( I have tons of free time on my hands :-)

So I wanted to tell you all how happy I am that I got the band. When I went shopping for my wedding dress I came home and told my now husband that we aren't having a wedding because I am too fat and ugly to get a dress. I did find a dress in Feb and vowed to lose weight. A month later I hadn't lost a pound but signed up for the seminar for the lapband. My husband had been a year early and had to lose 40lbs to be eligible for the band cause his BMI was so high. Anyways I got my band the end of June and my dress came in August. When I put it on, it fell off me and the lady had to stand behind me, fold it twice and it still was too big. I waited till Oct. to go to the streamstress because there was no point in starting when I knew I was going to keep dropping.

So the day of my wedding I had my hair done and was ready for makeup but put my dress on first. I caught a glimsp of myself in the mirror and started crying. I couldn't believe how beautiful the person in the mirror was and I realized it was me!

I haven't been this small since college, I still have about 50 some pounds to go but I waited way to long to do this and get my life on the right track and after trying so many diets this is it!!!!!

Oh yea...I forgot to add that the alterations cost almost as much as the dress and worth every penny


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Congratulations Kiki on the dress, on the wedding, on the weight loss, and on seeing that beautiful person in the mirror. You sound so happy and excited. Glad to hear you will be back posting more.

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aww long.. I wish your visit had gone the way you had hoped.. maybe one day she will come around..

KIKI!!! You look gorgeous in your wedding dress! Congrats on your wedding and your weight loss. You have done a great job.

I'm off to wii fit and ddr 100 calories off.

Just a neat hint I found.. There is this website called hungry-girl.com and they have a cookbook and a daily email which is awesome.. anyways i tried one of the recipes tonight and it was delicious.. I took a carrot cake mix and a can of pumpkin (just pumpkin) mixed the cake mix and the pumpkin nothing else and baked.. it was really yummy.. the batter is thick but the muffins come out moist and light. The pumpkin adds Protein and you use no oil or eggs.. it was fantastic! :):thumbup: there is another recipe where you mix a cake mix with a diet coke.. it's supposed to be good as well..

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How are all the Junies doing?

Everyone has been sooo quiet lately. Maybe we should change the name to weekly news..lol.. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I am off to do outside sales today in 20 degree weather FUN!! xoxo

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Good morning, Alli and all the rest of the June people...cold here in MN. I'm off to my volunteer job at the hospital this morning. I am wearing a wool turtle neck under my boiled wool cardigan. A year ago I would have died...been too warm.

This thread has been pretty quite lately. Hope everyone is doing well. We need to find a way to revive it a little bit and get it out there as a reminder. It would be fun if everyone would post to say how they are doing. Please?

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Great idea Apples.. come on everyone where are you and what have you been up to????

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I'm here. It's cold here today too, supposed to be a high of 36 after highs in the 70's the past several days. BRRRR I am going to the hospital to have blood drawn for the lab work my dr. ordered for my 6 mos post op visit the first week of Dec. if I get them drawn now they can go over all the results with me at the appt. so I will make the extra drive to do that. I couldn't get them the other day when I was down there as I had eaten and it is a fasting one. Then it's to the knee dr. for my 3rd and final knee injection. They do seem to be helping this time so I am thrilled about that. I am holding steady at 84 lbs. I want that 85 real bad and the scale keeps teasing me. I am in a Biggest Loser competition at my rec center and guess who is in first place? I hope I can hold on to it for 3 more weeks as that is when it ends. The grand prize $700!!!!!!!! I have about a 1% lead is all.

Can you believe we are coming up on our 6 month bandiversaries??

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I'm here too! I guess the lack of posting probably has to do with we are almost to the 6 month mark and we've all adjusted very well to our new band life. In the beginning we all had so many questions and issues to share. But it is always fun to hear what you are all up to. I hit the 50 pound mark earlier this week, yipee! I had my 7th fill on Novemeber 5th and I think I am finally at my sweet spot. I have a 10CC band and have about 6.5-7cc's, dr. is always vague how much he is adding. In the end, I guess the number really doesn't matter, I think it becomes more of a mental thing. So now that I hit the 50 pound mark, my next goal is to get to 199 by the end of the year. Which is only13 pounds, so hopefully it is doable. Other than that it is unseasonably cold and snowy here in Michigan and besides working, I am busy painting and getting the house ready for husband's 50th Birthday Party on Dec 6th and for the Holidays. Hope all is well with everyone.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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