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Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

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hey checking in with the C25K hotties here!

Your all doing great. Keep it going. Awesome pictures and i love the Wii fit stuff!

I been busy at it to. All kinds of crazy exercise this week.

Here my big news. I broke my 5k record time.

Its now 28:02. I will be looking to go below 28 mins next time but i was FLAT out to get that. 7.0mph on the treadmill and once i hit 7.4mph.

WARNING: dont try 7mph yet! took me a long time to get there. Keep at it!!!

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Whosya that is awesome! ((I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy)). You rock!

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O your way worthy!!!

Here is something else cool!

MY 8 yr old daughter wants to do one of my Triathlons! There is a kids sections. She is already fine swiming 4 laps and the bikeing is fine (she biked 7 miles with me last week!) So last night i helped her with running. We ran just around our block and she loved it. Didnt complain. She has to run 1k for the kids triathlon. Is that awesome or what! I actually inspired her.

She has seen me run in a 5k race and was just SOO PROUD.

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Georgia... how's the ankle?

My ankle is still a bit sore, so I am going to opt out for today, as much as I hate to. Hopefully I will be able to run tomorrow.

What cute kiddos ya'll have! Just adorable....all of them!

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Whosya~ That is soooo awesome about your daughter! Wow....8 years old and inspired by YOU to do something so beneficial for her health. I bet you are so proud of her, just as she is proud of you. Talk about inspiring....

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I am glad to see you are setting such a good example for your daughter. My husband and I are kind of in a disagreement right now. He was terribly upset that the wii fit said that my son was obese and now my son keeps saying it and now he is obsessed with working out. The kid has AWAYS been active...very active. Yesterday he worked out on the wii fit and did the ddr for 2 hours! He was happy today when he got on the wii fit and it said he had lost 2 pounds but was still obese. While I do agree that I was not happy that the Fit called him obese, I do think he needs to be aware that he needs to be healthy and needs to be aware of what he eats and how much exercise he gets. If he is already obese at 7, we need to get it under control or it will only get worse. I was upset with my husband last night when after dinner (and after 2 hours of Anthony working out) he gave Anthony a box of crackers and let him sit on the couch with it. I don't want to be food and exercise police but I just said "Anthony if you are hungry for crackers, I will put some in a bowl for you" and I got out a tiny little bowl that only held 6 crackers and a slice of cheese that I tore up for him. If I wouldn't have stepped in, he would have had tons of crackers!!! I am not strict with my son, because I don't want to have issues with his self confidence. He is so proud of how "healthy and strong" he is because he had the high score rank in almost every catagory on the wii fit.

Also, whosya---great job on your record breaking time!!! woo hoo!

Ohhh while doing week 3, day 3 today I was wiped out, I was breathing a lot harder. i don't know if I should repeat the week or just chalk it up to just having a bad day.

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Guest Leslie2Lose

Bonnie, I completely agree with you on the Portion Control. The bowl is a great idea. I try to do that with my girls. They don't have a weight issue right now, but neither did I at their age. Regardless of size it's good to instill good eating habits while they are young. I don't want them to grow up and have a weight problem like me. I didn't do portion control - I'd eat a whole bag of Doritos in one sitting. I was very active and would burn it off. When I stopped moving - I got fat. Good for you! Hopefully DH will get to an understanding.

I also think it is wonderful that your son is enjoying the WII and DDR. We have DDR for the PS2 - which is in my DD's room. She loves doing it. If he can find something he loves that will help him stay active he'll stick with it.

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Guest Leslie2Lose

I originally posted this on the Rants/Raves Thread, but decided I've vent to you guys as well...

I've been so upset since last night. Earlier this week I was talking to someone that I work with that actually participates in 5ks and marathons. He asked what 5k I'm going to do. I just looked at him. He told me I needed an actual goal - an actual 5k to race in. I thought about it and decided he was right. What's the point in training for something I'm never going to do. He had a flyer about a 5k in November that is put on by the YMCA. Perfect!

I talked it over with my workout partner (also banded) and even e-mailed another bandster-friend (Hi Georgia!) that are also doing the C25K to see if they wanted to participate. They thought it was a good idea too. So last night I mentioned the YMCA's 5k to DH and told him I was entering. He laughed at me! :thumbup: Laughed! He told me I couldn't do that. There's no way I could finish.

I lost it! How dare he think I can't do it!! I've had his support - or thought I did up until this point. No - I couldn't jog a 5k today. I'd pass out or hurt myself trying. In four months I think it's doable. It really hurt me, not having his support. The laughter pissed me off most of all.

I may sound childish saying this, but I'm going to show him! The best way to motivate me is to tell me I can't do something. I love him, I really do - but he can be such an a$$ when he's not thinking!!

Thanks for listening to me. I've already PM'd GA, but Oooohh it got under my skin so bad I had to vent a little more.

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Hey Les! I posted this on the other thread but I'll post it here too.

((HUGS)) Les!

I know I've already talked to you about this a little through PM, but he obviously didn't think before speaking (or laughing in this case). I told my DH about us doing the 5k and he didn't say anything negative......BUT, a couple of weeks ago when I told him I was going to start the couch to 5k, he had the most puzzled look on his face. I could tell he was shocked.

I think what helped the most was the fact that he has seen me jogging and he has seen the progress I have made in just 2 weeks. He probably thought I would give up on it but I think we are both shocked at the fact that actually love running (or jogging rather).

Believe me, my DH says stupid stuff all the time....and not just to me! Sometimes I just cringe when he is talking to people, lol. He doesn't make a point to think things through first, lol.

Hey, something good did come out of it.....you are more motivated now than ever!! He can eat your dust when we are running that 5k, lol!!

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Leslie, There is just no way around it, DH are jsut boneheads sometimes (sorry Whosya). I don't think most intend to be, but they are just clueless at times. ia m with you Georgia, it scares me sometimes when DH opens his mouth in public. You just never know what is going to come out!! He is the most awesome man though, and very supportive. After he say that I was really putting effort into this running thing, he went and bought me a treadmill so I wouldn't have to get all the kids out to go to the gym. That really meant a lot.

Having said that, I cartainly understand why you are pissed. I would be too. You have every right to feel the way you do!! I can't wait until you and Georgia cross the finish line at that 5k!! I wish I could be there to watch. Ask your DH if he will take a picture of yall crossing the finishline for me!! :thumbup:

BTW, I have only run 1 5k and I was only a couple of weeks into the couch to 5k (this was in May). I didn't run the whole thing. I walked and ran, but, let me tell you, I can't put into words the sense of accomplishment that I felt when I deliriously crossed the finishilne. I have started but not finished so many things in my life (especially related to health and obesity), but not this time!! So....even if you walk part of it (and I don't think you will) run the 5k! DH was standing at the finishline when I got there. He was all smiles, and your DH will be too!!

Hang in there!!

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I just finished day 4, week 4. It was still very hard. I don't know if I'm going to move on to week 5 on Monday. I may need to repeat week 4. I really don't want to, but week for was everybit as hard today as it was the first day. That second 5 minute running interval is SO hard. I don't know, I guess I have the weekend to decide.

I do like running earlier in the day much better than trying to run at bedtime!!

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Georgia, Hope your ankle is feeling better real soon. I'm really glad you are listening to your body and not pushing yourself to a more serious injury.

Whosya, That is awesome about your daughter. You must feel very good about the changes you have made and how they have affected your family. You GO!!!

Bonnie, I completely agree with you about your son. I was a very thin kid. I ate and ate and ate, but I was very active. My weight gain started at the end of high school when I was no longer in sports, etc. I slowed down and the trouble began. I want to teach my kids good eating habits so the same thing soesn't happen to them. My son is very thin, and gets frustrated at times because I make him eat "healhty" food. He will say "But mom, I am healthy, so I can drink a coke".. Well, healthy is not a weight, it's a lifestyle. I don't believe little kids should "diet", but I do think America as a whole is do a poor job of educating our children on health and nutrition. Ok, soapbox over. Bonnie, I thnk you are right on!!

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Wow... where to start!!!

Bonnie... I applaud you! I was the fat, active kid. I could do all the sports, and do a really good job at them, but was always overweight. Even when I won city champ at swimming, I was about 30 lbs overweight. Genetically I took after my Dad, and I idolized him as a kid. He had no willpower or portion control... so neither did I. Teach them young how to control their portions. I will let my kids have some sweets or junk each day, but only a small amount. Reason and explain it to your husband, and if he still doesn't get it... too bad... take control!!!

Leslie... ditto what everyone else said. My DH loves me so much, and supports me in whatever I want to do. But he has never been an ounce overweight in his entire life. He doesn't understand the mental impact comments can make. So he says things without thinking. Just like you, I get really mad. But in the end, I realize he didn't mean to hurt my feelings. Nevertheless, tell him how you feel, and be justified in your feelings.

I know you can do the 5k, just like I know I can and everyone else here can. By Oct/Nov we can all do it... even if we have to run/walk the route... it still counts.

Renewed... way to go on the run. When you're ready to move ahead, go for it.

Whosya... my sappy mom heart is beaming for your proud moment! Take pictures of her first triathalon and share... please!

Georgia... heal up buddy!

Ok, I did Day 2, Week 2 and it went SOOOO MUCH BETTER than day 1. Like you, Renewed, I think running earlier in the day agrees with me more. I still sucked wind big time, but my recovery time was a lot better. I was actually starting to relax into the run intervals, kind of getting a stide going... rather than just simply trying to survive them. If felt so good.

I'm really enjoying this. I never thought I would. I bet that's the most common thought amoungst us!! I look forward to my run days, the feeling of actually accomplishing it. While I'm running, mostly I'm thinking about having it finish, but I still enjoy doing it.

Anyone else notice the last run interval on week 2 is 2 minutes long instead of 90 seconds? I thought I'd screwed up on my first day, but today I timed it and realized it was. I couldn't make the 2 minutes either day. Today I did 1:45 before walking. I just couldn't catch my breath.

I figure that I'll stay on week 2 until I can do the full 2 minutes on that last interval. That will probably be until Tue or Thur next week. I'd rather wait to progress until I think I can actually do the next level. Right now I know I can't run 3 minutes. So if it means each week is actual 1.5 to 2 weeks, that's ok!

Ok, I just noticed my cool down today happened quicker than in the past. I'm usually pooched for about an hour or so afterwards. It's been 30 min. and I'm feeling ok now. Must be working!

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hey all~~

i responded on page 2 i think of this thread an HOLY COW it's now up to page 28 or something. i have read some, and think this is one GREAT support system in all aspects. i felt the same way when i started this back in jan w/whosya - who i see is also a cheerleader for you all here. it's all fantastic, how strong we get when the challenges get tougher.

anyway popping back out - will popp back in...want to congratulate you all!!!

PS - not to scare...but wk 5 i repeated more than twice:rolleyes:

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So, do you push ahead until you reachone you can't complete and then work at it until you can, or do I stay on week 4 which I can complete, but it feels like it is as hard as I can go.

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