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Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for the encouragement and the tips. I bought a new pair of running shoes, wider than my first pair and with more cushion and they seem to be doing well for me.

I had a very disappointing run Sat. DH and I went to a school to run on the track (I prefer outside and thought the crushed stone track would be softer on my foot than pavement). After a few laps, he was soaking wet with sweat and I hadn't broke a sweat. I thought that was cool at first, but then by the time we reached 2 miles, I was still dry and my head was pounding and I felt nauseous. DH said my face was red. It was hot out and I was beginnig to feel like something wasn't right, so we decided to walk the last mile. I felt so let down.

This Sat I'm going back to DD's neighborhood so I can run her block (1.2 mile per lap). Mentally, I find it way easier, but the pavement is really hard on my foot.

I felt like I was breezing through the C25K and then felt like I hit a wall when I started doing straight running.

I've resigned myself that I will likely end up walking part of the race on the 9th. I'm hoping maybe the excitment will pull me through, but who knows.

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I love your username... I love to scuba dive too... just never get the chance! Wow, you are very very active! What you've outlined leads me to believe you may be needing a bit of a rest. I think your main concern is trying to build your run endourance, so you can run farther. You didn't say how frequently you run, so I'll just assume since you're on week 8, that you run every other day. If you're running more frequently than that, I'd suggest backing off a bit.

I'd suggest you alternate your cardio days (running) with strength training days and not do too much of both on the same days.

Your nutrition sounds great. Lots of balance. Just make sure you're getting enough Water before your run, and I like to have a bit of real Protein, not powder, before too.

Don't worry about your weight loss, you're doing all the right things, and are probably losing lots of fat. good luck!

I do love diving, i havent done a lot the past year but hope to change that this summer.

Thanks for the suggestions. I thought about the water yesterday while i was running. The other thing i thought about was that our weather last week went from temps below freezing to temps in the 60's literally overnight, with some pretty high humidity too.

I will give your suggestions a try, and alternate strenth training and running and not do too much. I'll also give the solid protein a try.

You girls are certainly an inspiration to keep going, i love reading this thread.

hugs, Pat

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I haven't posted to this thread before but have been reading here for a while. I've been doing the C25K and just finished wk 8. I was banded 2/16/09, was doing C24k before banding and after i went back a couple of weeks and have been building up. I've signed up to run a 5K on 5/16/09. Here's my problem -I'm running the time but no where near the distance and last week i really felt i hit a wall about half way thru the run and had to walk some of it.

So i'm wondering if i'm overtraining, not eating the right stuff before i run? I get up at 4:45, and have a cup of chia latte mix that i make. The mix has nonfat dry milk, Protein Powder, some Equal and spices. I heat it with 8 oz skim milk. I drink that and try to be at the park by 6:00 to start my run. After my run i come home and do a workout video, lately has been the biggest loser power sculpt. On the days i don't run, i walk between 2 & 3 miles and come home and do the biggest loser cardio max video. So i've been doing about an hour to an 1.5 hours of exercise a day. Sundays is a rest day, tho as a family we try to something together, geocaching, a walk or something, but nothing real intense.

Do i need to eat something more before i work out? If so, Protein or healthy carb (oatmeal?)? Am i over training?

My weight loss has kind of stalled at right around the 200 mark. I'm scheduled for a fill this Wednesday, my 2nd. I'm averaging between 65 and 80 gms of protein a day, and between 1000 & 1200 calories. I eat healthy carbs, fruits and veggies. My whole grains consist of steel cut oatmeal for Breakfast and maybe whole grain crackers for lunch. No potatoes, rice, Pasta or bread.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat

Welcome! I think all of Kathy's suggestions are great, but also wondered are you at 1000-1200 calories before or after subtracting exercise calories? You might not be getting enough.

I know with myself, I can't get any less than 1200 calories net (after exercise), keep up with my running and lose. Anything lower and my weight stalls and energy plummets. It took me a bit of experimenting to figure that out.

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thanks Kathy and Mac! Feels good to know i have such strong role models! (Whosya too) now i need to think about running tonite. not sure i may rest 1 additional day, cuz im still a bit sore. Guess it'll depend on how i feel later when i get home from work. It's funny telling some of my co-workers aboout the run the other day, i actually FEEL like a runner now and cant wait till the next one. Still a bit nervous about moving up to a new level again, but i'm gonna follow your advice again Kathy. Whether its today or tomorrow, i'm going to bite the bullet and move on to w6. you havent steered me wrong yet, Kathy - my unwitting mentor...lol

tc, all


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Woo Hoo! I found a 5K that sounds like it'll be perfect for me. It's even an evening run! Since i'm so not a morning person, and usually run at nite, this sounds perfect. It's in july which is far enough away that i should be able to get fully trained by then, and close enough that i'll be able to use what I'm learning sooner rather than later. I was thinking id have to wait till fall. here's the link.

5th Annual Dreher Park Dash|West Palm Beach, Florida 33405|Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 7:00 PM

even with it being at nite i hope its not too hot.

tc again,


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Welcome Luv2scuba!

Carol...that's great! I think you'll be ready in plenty of time. I'm sure you will do great!

I had another great run tonight! I did a 20 minute straight run and then did high(er) speed intervals the rest of the time. I am feeling soooo much better than I did a week ago.

Keep up the great work guys!

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Evening races are the best. I'm going to do one next year called "Showdown at Sundown". It starts at 2:30pm instead of the usual 7am!

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Thanks GA, for your confidence that i'll be ready. Its really nice to see you back in the game. sounds like youre having fun and getting creative in mixing it up!

Kathy, W6D1 sufficiently kicked my butt. I managed to get thorugh it but barely. i have that really good sore thing going. So, once again u were right.

Mac, i really like the idea of the evening run, but would a 2:30 pm race really be considered evening??? lol. i'm excited for this and i already told DH im doing it. May even bring the kids to this one. DH asked if he could do the kids run........ omg i told him he needs to get out there with me, but oh well guess not.

I also learned another good lesson. for the more challenging runs like the 20 min from last week, i think i need to recover an extra day. i'm gonna wait till Friday for W6D2 instead of tomorrow, unless i feel remarkably better and more energetic. I might do an old fashioned walk tomorrow though for my "me time" maybe i'll even sprint a bit...kinda like the "old days" lol

thanks all, TC


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Hey all, just thought I would check in and say hi. Running has really been hit or miss this, life is nuts. Now, my Nike+ sensor is dead, so I can't even count the few miles on the challenges till the new one comes in...LOL!

I hit 9 months post-op Saturday and posted new pics if anyone is interested. Life With A Lap Band | this life of mine (down at the bottom)

My Nike+ sensor being dead though, did give me the opp to try out the RunKeeper app I downloaded for my iPhone a while back...pretty neat and I may use it for outside runs.

RunKeeper Running Activity

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Mac, i really like the idea of the evening run, but would a 2:30 pm race really be considered evening???

I think for a triathlete, yes. Some of them get up at 4am to get to their events!

I also learned another good lesson. for the more challenging runs like the 20 min from last week, i think i need to recover an extra day.

I never run two days in a row. It's just too hard on the body IME.

My Nike+ sensor being dead though, did give me the opp to try out the RunKeeper app I downloaded for my iPhone a while back...pretty neat and I may use it for outside runs.

RunKeeper Running Activity

I've only used it for biking and found the GPS tracking to be a bit spotty. I bet it's fine for runs though as they are slower.

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OK everyone, i need support from you all! I hurt myself about 2 weeks ago (advice: NEVER do 150 deep squats when you havent done them in 20 yrs! :thumbup:) so i havent run since. I'm going to start my C25K over with week 1 starting this weekend. I see Dr tomorrow morning to get cleared. So, i need a swift kick of tough love to get me back on track!

Everyone's doing great by the way!!!! And I want to catch up!


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I love this thread!!! I miss a few days and when I come back, there's so much activity and inspiration goin' on!

Carol... I knew you could do it... tough, but worth it. Now, don't talk yourself into too much rest. 1 day off then back at it girl, otherwise, you run the risk of losing what endourance you gained... of course, I don't always follow the wonderful advice I give! LOL!!! The race sounds great. I'll be cheering for you.

DEGirl... love the new photo, and your progress pics... you've done so well!

Georgia... great run. I'm so glad you're back at it.

Suzanne... hope the new shoes work for you.

Ok, I have a bit of a revelation lately that's kind of freaking me out, but in a good way... I'm not fat! That's been my identity all of my life... there has never been a time in my life that I wasn't fat. I was the fat little girl, the fat teen, the fat adult. That's not me anymore. If I had kept my old job, I wouldn't have experienced this feeling, but I have a new job with people who don't know me as the fat Kathy, they have only seen the last 20lbs (and boy do they see it!). I use to worry about this, cause I thought I would always feel like the fat girl, but now I know, I can leave it behind. I really do see how non-fat people treat those of us who are obese. Its so obvious, and wrong, and now I'm not treated that way. Ok, enough rambling... but wanted to share this. Its an amazing head game, but one I'm enjoying.

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I've only used it for biking and found the GPS tracking to be a bit spotty. I bet it's fine for runs though as they are slower.

It was spot on for the run, even showing where I moved from side to side of the street to stay on the sidewalks (my neighborhood is a little nuts).

DEgirl...Wow! You look great! You are so small now!

Thank you!

DEGirl... love the new photo, and your progress pics... you've done so well!

Ok, I have a bit of a revelation lately that's kind of freaking me out, but in a good way... I'm not fat! That's been my identity all of my life... there has never been a time in my life that I wasn't fat. I was the fat little girl, the fat teen, the fat adult. That's not me anymore. If I had kept my old job, I wouldn't have experienced this feeling, but I have a new job with people who don't know me as the fat Kathy, they have only seen the last 20lbs (and boy do they see it!). I use to worry about this, cause I thought I would always feel like the fat girl, but now I know, I can leave it behind. I really do see how non-fat people treat those of us who are obese. Its so obvious, and wrong, and now I'm not treated that way. Ok, enough rambling... but wanted to share this. Its an amazing head game, but one I'm enjoying.


Isn't that revelation wonderful!! YAY Kathy!!!

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Kathy, WOW. I bet it feels great having this whole new identity. I love how u won not being fat anymore. its wonderful how the metamorphosis just kicks in and we think of ourselves as fit healthy and thinner (not fat). Im convinced that we are all works in progress and we have this wonderful opportunity to become exactly who we want to be. Im very happy for u Kathy, and for all of us bandsters.

I did take the extra day to rest

this is the first time that life didnt just happen and a 2 day space between runs was planned. I cant wait to get home tonite and see how it helped. or maybe it didnt help...we'll see. of course i'll let yall know how i do!



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